牛津译林版七年级英语下册Unit 2单元测试题

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牛津译林版七年级英语下册Unit 2单元测试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . I _sure youll be a good football player in the future.AwillBdoCamDam going to be2 . How about your basketball match last week?Oh,we _.We were all happy.Adid badlyBdid a good jobCdid goodDdid a good work3 . We are not sure when the rain _. When the rain _, we will go on working.Awill stop, stopsBstops, will stopCwill stop, will stopDstops, stops4 . Mr. Green told us_ too much time_ reading novels.Adont take; onBnot to take; inCnot to spend; inDdont to spend; on5 . -Why are you in such a hurry, John?- There _ a basketball match between Class2 and our class in 10 minutes.Ais going to haveBwill holdCwill haveDis going to be6 . Do you have time tomorrow?_. Im busy with my design for my new home.AYes, of courseBIm afraid notCIm afraid soDCertainly7 . (题文)In AD 2020, what_the world be like?AisBwillCwasDare8 . _ man over there is _ active member in our community.AThe, aBA, anCThe, anDA, the9 . Finish your homework first, and then youll _surf the Internet for half an hour.AcanBbe able toCmay10 . I dont know if Jack _ . If he _ , call me, please.Acomes;comeBwill come;will comeCwill come;comesDcome; comes11 . Lucembourg(卢森堡)_ the first country in the world to make all its public transport free in 2020.AbecomeBbecameChas becomeDis going to become12 . -How will you go to Beijing this summer? -_.ABy the trainBTake trainCBy a trainDBy train13 . Can you _ the story in English?Sorry, I cant _ English.Aspeak; speakBtell; speakCtell; say14 . John_ to London to watch the Olympic Games next week.AfliesBflewCwill flyDhas flown15 . Tom is sitting under the tree and English .AreadBreadsCreadingDto read二、完型填空Lisa and Mike were celebrating their anniversary (周年纪念日).The couple used to be sweet. But now_had changed since they got married. The once lovely couple had turned bitter(痛苦).They fought over every little thing_of them hated the way things had changed.Lisa was_for Mike to come home. She hoped that Mike would remember their anniversary. She_imagined that her husband would bring her flowers. In this_, they could remember the old happiness again and forget all the_But her imagination was cut short(打断)when the phone in the bedroom_Lisa answered to the sound of a man. Hello madam, Im calling from the police station.Is this Mr. Mike Greens_?”“Yes, it is!”“Im sorry madam but there was a traffic accident and a man has_We got this number from his wallet(钱夹 ). We need you to come and identify (辨认 ) his body.Lisa was shocked (震惊)!_could this happen! Shed have died for another chance to mend every little fight! She lay and cried_the floor in pain. She lost her chance. Forever!_, there was a noise at the doorway. The door opened and Mike came in. My dear, its a_day today. My wallet was stolen.Thats the best_Ive ever heard, Lisa said with a smile as her eyes were_16 . AinterestsBthingsChabitsDfriendship17 . AAllBOneCNoneDBoth18 . AsearchingBSingingCwaitingDstarting19 . AevenBalwaysChardlyDsometimes20 . AtimeBdayCwayDfact21 . AfightingBfeelingCdecisionDlove22 . AsoundedBrangCknockedDmade23 . AofficeBaddressCspeakingDnumber24 . AlostBleftCdiedDhurt25 . AHowBWhenCWhereDWhat26 . AaboveBonCbesideDto27 . ALuckilyBSlowlyCQuietlyDSuddenly28 . AniceBbadCcoolDwarm29 . ANewsBadviceClieDinformation30 . AlookingBPuttingCwateringDturning三、阅读单选Passage AYuan Longping was born in Beijing in 1930. He developed his new kind of rice in 1974, which helped many countries grow more rice than ever before. So he is called the Father of Rice.Passage BDear Diana,Last week, we had a history exam but I didnt study for it. I was really worried. In the exam, Tom sat next to me and I copied his answers. Will the teacher give me zero marks if I tell her the truth? Should I tell her?Yours,MaggyPassage CAn Italian marathon runner, Dorando Pietri, entered the stadium and took a wrong turn during the race. He fell down. He was treated by a doctor and he was helped across the finishing line.Passage DSometimes a birthday party can be a surprise party. It is planned by friends but it is a secret. One friend of the birthday boy/girl invites him/her to do something at their house. All their friends arrive early and hide until he/she arrives, and then jump out and shout Surprise!Passage EWays of travellingCostTimeNew YorkLos Angelescoach$2010 hoursplane$802 hourstrain$603 hourscar$2308 hoursChoose the right answer according to the passage.31 . According to Passage A, which sentence is right?AYuan Longping is the Grandfather of Rice.BYuan Longping was born in 1932.CYuan Longping helped only one country grow more rice.DA new kind of rice of developed by Yuan Longping.32 . If you want to write a true event about the Olympics, you can read _ for information.A.Passage A.B.Passage B.C.Passage C.D.Passage D.33 . The best title of Passage D is _.AA Birthday Boy/GirlBA Birthday PartyCA SecretDAn Invitation34 . What is the second cheapest way to travel from New Yok to Los Angeles?ABy coach.BBy planeCBy trainDBy car.35 . What is Maggy?AA student.BA teacher.CA doctor.DA policemanOne afternoon I toured an art museum while waiting for my husband to finish a business meeting.I was looking forward to a quiet view of the art works.A young couple viewing the paintings ahead of me chatted nonstop between themselves.I watched them a moment and decided the wife was doing all the talk.I admired the husbands patience for putting up with her continuous talk.Distracted by their noise,I moved on.I met with them several times as I moved through the different rooms of art.Each time I heard her constant burst of words,I moved away quickly.I was standing at the counter of the museum gift shop making a purchase when the couple came near to the exit.Before they left,the man reached into his pocket and pulled out a white object.He extended it into a long stick and then tapped his way into the coatroom to get his wifes jacket.“Hes a brave man.”The clerk at the counter said,”Most of us would give up if wewere blinded at such a young age.During his recovery he made a promise that his life wouldnt change.So ,as before,he and his wife come in whenever theres a new art show.”“But what dose he get out of the art?”I asked,“He cant see.”“Cant see?Youre wrong.He sees a lot.More than you or I do.”The clerk said,“His wife describes each painting so he can see it in his head.”I learned something about patience,courage and love that day.I saw the patience of a young wife describing paintings to a person without sight and the courage of a husband who would not allow blindness to change his life.And I saw the love shared by two people as I watched this couple walk away hand in hand.36 . The young couple were at an art museum _.Ato show their loveBto appreciate artCto discuss paintingsDto describe paintings37 . “I moved away quickly.”in Paragraph 3 shows that the writer _.Awas in the hope of visiting more roomsBwas in a hurry to buy some giftsCwas tired of the nonstop talkingDwas not interested in the art show38 . We can infer from the passage that the husband _.Awas not born blindBcouldnt stand his wifeCknew nothing about artDcompletely depended on his wife39 . After hearing what the clerk had said about the couple,the writer was _.AencouragedBexcitedCtouchedDannoyed40 . The passage is mainly about _.Athe importance of artBgood manners in publicCpatience of a husbandDlove between a coupleTaking part in charity is not just for adult people. Kids can do it too! Melvin Sheppard, 14, an American student, has done charity work for 8 years. He has also encouraged his classmates to join him.Melvin studies at William Allen Middle School in Philadelphia. Recently, he collected $ 1,500 by himself and $487 from his classmates to donate to Cooper University Hospital.Melvin was born nine weeks premature (早产的) in Cooper University Hospital, weighing 2.6kg. His father told him how Cooper saved his life, so he feels thankful to the hospital.Melvins classmates joined him once they found out about his kind behavior. Their teacher, Michael Bemer, also held a class with them about helping others. It wasnt really about the money, Bemer said. It was about the fact that they were doing something good.It feels great, helping someone that I know. said Jordan, Melvin s classmate. Melvins neighbors also helped out.Since Melvin was 6, he and his parents have given money to Cooper University Hospital every year. This year, Gray E. Stahl, the head of Coopers division of neonatology(新生儿科学部门), went to Melvins school to accept the money.The money goes to a part of the hospital that helps about 500 young patients every year.When they leave, we call them graduates, Stahl said, my co - workers and I are pleased when our graduates and their families do well, like Melvin and his family.41 . When did Melvin start to do charity work?AWhen he was 14 years old.BWhen he was 8 years old.CWhen he was 6 years old.DWhen he was born.42 . Why did Melvin donate to Cooper University Hospital?AHe was a doctor in Cooper University Hospital.BHis father worked in Cooper University Hospital.CHe was thankful to Cooper University Hospital.DHe used to volunteer in Cooper University Hospital.43 . Where did Gray E. Stahl accept the money?AAt Melvins school.BAt Melvins house.CAt Cooper University Hospital.DAt Coopers division of neonatology.44 . Which of the following is TRUE?AMany college graduates accept the money every year.BThe money helps about 500 0ld patients every year.CMelvin does the charity work alone for many years.DMelvins teacher thinks it is a great thing to learn to help others.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空词汇检测45 . People often grow rice in the _(南方) part of China.46 . Its said that the best way to improve your spoken English is to study _ (国外).47 . Finally he _ (意识到) that he failed in the exam.48 . Whose are the key rings?They are one of my _(亲戚).49 . His last public concert will be on in Shanghai in _ (几个, 一些) months50 . Most students like _(交流)with each other by QQ or Wechat.51 . The weather in South Africa is the _ (相反的) of ours.52 . You like visiting the places of _ (自然的) beauty here in spring.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空53 . What does Peter hope _ when he graduates from the university?(do)54 . Have you received the _to the party?(invite)55 . _ a business degree,I work hard every day.(get)56 . Luke wants to be a _of his family business in the future.(manage)57 . My friend is very happy _my present.(accept)六、汉译英:整句58 . 你想知道Peter对才艺秀的看法,你可以这样问:_,Peter?59 . 你想表达你比妹妹更努力,你可以这样说:_.60 . 你想知道最好的超市是哪个,你可以这样问:_?61 . 你想了解朋友Tom多久上一次网,可以这样问他:_.62 . 你旅游回来什么也没买,因为每样东西都太贵了,你可以这样说:_.七、话题作文63 . 初中三年,你的生活中有很多人帮助过你.你最想感谢的人是谁?他/她是个什么样的人?你为什么要感谢他/她?你有什么想对他/她说的吗?请你以此为题,写一篇文章.提示:1.Who is he/she?2.What is he/she like?3.Why do you want to thank him/her?4.What do you want to say?要求:1.参考提示内容可适当发挥;2.语句通顺,意思连贯,书写工整;3.文中不得出现任何真实信息;4.词数:不少于70词(开头已给出,但不计入总词数).During my junior high school life,the most memorable person is 第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、汉译英:整句1、七、话题作文1、

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