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Uuit1 What is Geomatics? (什么是测绘学)Geomatics Defined(测绘学定义)Where does the word Geomatics come from?(Geomatics测绘或地球空间信息学,这个名词是怎么来的呢?)GEODESY+GEOINFORMATICS=GEOMATICS or GEO- for earth and MATICS for mathematical or GEO- for Geoscience and -MATICS for informatics. (大地测量学地理信息学GEOMATICS 测绘学 或者 geo 代表地球,matics 代表数学,或者 geo 代表地球科学,matics 代表信息学)It has been said that geomatics is many things to many people.(据说测绘学这个词对不同的人有不同的理解)The term geomatics emerged first in Canada and as an academic discipline; it has been introduced worldwide in a number of institutes of higher education during the past few years, mostly by renaming what was previously called “geodesy” or “surveying”, and by adding a number of computer sciences and/or GIS-oriented courses.(这个术语【term 术语】作为一个学科【academic discipline 学科】第一次形成【emerge】于加拿大;在过去的几年里被全世界的许多高等教育研究机构所熟知,通常是以前的“大地测量学”或“测量学”在引入了许多计算机科学和 GIS 方向【或“基于 GIS”】的课程后重新命名的。)Now the term includes the traditional surveying definition along with surveying steadily increased importance with the development of new technologies and the growing demand for a variety of spatially related types of information, particularly in measuring and monitoring our environment.(随着新技术的发展和不断增长的对空间关系的信息类型的需求,尤其是在测量和监测我们的环境方面【环境监测】,现在,传统测量学定义连同【along with】日益【steadily 稳定的】增长的测量的重要性一起包含在这个术语里了。【逗号后面的句子修饰 demand】)Increasingly critical are areas of expanding populations, appreciating land values, dwindling naturalresources, and the continuing stressing of the quality of our land, water and air from human activities.(日益增长的危机来自人口扩张,地价上涨,资源紧缩【紧张】,还有由于人类活动引起的土地、水、空气质量的持续的压力【由人类活动带来的土地、水、空气质量的恶化】)As such, geomatics bridges wide arcs from the geosciences through various engineering sciences and computer sciences to spatial planning, land development and the environmental sciences.(这样,测绘学在地球科学,各种工程学【engineering sciences 工程学】,计算机科学,空间规划,土地开发和环境科学相互之间架起了广泛的桥梁。)Now the word geomatics has been adopted by several international bodies including the International Standards Organization(ISO),so it is here to stay.(现在 geomatics 这个词已经被包括 ISO【国际标准化组织】在内的数个国际机构【international bodies】所采用,因此它就这样被普遍接受【be here to stay 习惯用语“被普遍接受”】)The term “surveyor” is traditionally used to collectively describe those engaged in the above activities. (surveyor 这个词按惯例用来总指(这换成“总称”较好)【collectively 全体的】那些从事上述活动的人。)More explicit job descriptions such as Land Surveyor, Engineering Surveyor or Hydrographic Surveyor for example, are commonly used by practitioners to more clearly describe and market their specialized expertise.(更具体的【explicit 清楚的、直接的】工作如土地测量员、工程测量员和水道测量员,一般【commonly一般地】被业内人士【practitioners 从业者】用来更准确的描述他们的专门技术。【直译为:更清楚的工作描述就如如土地测量员、工程测量员和水道测量员,一般被从业者用来更准确的描述他们的专门技术。】)The term geomatics is a recent creation to convey the true collective and scientific nature of these related activities and has the flexibility to allow for the incorporation of future technological developments in these fields.(geomatics 这个术语是个新词,表达【convey 传达】了实体集合和它们相关联【related】的活动的自然科学,并使这些领域的未来技术发展的结合【incorporation 结合】成为可能。【flexibility 弹性、机动性】)Adoption of the term also allows a coherent marketing of the profession to industry and schools on a worldwide basis. (这个术语的采用同时也在全世界范围里为行业【industry】里和学校建立了【allow 允许了】一个一致的【coherent】专业市场)As a result, both course and award titles in the traditional Land Surveying sector at many of the worlds leading universities are being changed to “Degree in Geomatics”. (结果,世界上许多一流大学的传统的测量专业【部门】的无论是课程还是授予资【授予学位名称】格都改为“测绘学位”【Degree in Geomatics】的了)This does not suggest the demise of the term “surveyor” and graduates will still practice as land surveyors or photogammertrists, etc. as appropriate to their specialization.(这并不意味着“surveyor”这个词的消亡,测绘毕业生还将从事适合他们专业的【as appropriate to their specialization】土地测量员、摄影测量员及其他【ect.】的工作)In the last decade, there has been dramatic development and growth in the use of hardware and software solutions to both measure and process geo-spatial data.(在过去的十年中,在应用硬件和软件的方法【solution 解决方法】来测量和处理地球空间数据工作时 有着戏剧性的发展和增长)in the use of 在使用时This has created and will continue to create new areas of application, with associated job opportunities for suitably qualified graduates. (创造并将继续创造新的应用【application】领域,并为合适的、合格【qualified 有资格的】的毕业生提供相关的【associated】工作。)As a result, the role of the “surveyor” is expanding beyond traditional areas of practice, as describedabove, into new areas of opportunity.(结果是,“surveyor”的角色大大超越传统实践领域如前面所述的领域,进入到新的【opportunity 机会、时机】的领域。)In addition, recent advances in the technology of data collection and processing have blurred the boundaries of practice and activity between what were previously regarded as related but separate areas.(另外,最近的数据采集和处理技术的发展模糊了以前被认为有联系却分离的领域的【实践的活动的 practice and activity】界限)Such developments are forecast to continue and will create new career paths for graduates whose education and training is broadly based and of a high academic standard.(可以预见【forecast】,这种发展继续并将为涉猎广泛、学识一流的【broadly based and of a high academic standard】毕业生创造新的事业。)To enable graduates to take full advantage of these developments, significant changes in education and training are required.(为了使毕业生能充分利用【take full advantage of】这些发展,教育和训练的重大改革【significant changes】成为必需的)Academic and professional institutions are also responding, in part, by adopting the term geomatics both as a course and as an award title. (学院的和专业的机构也作出反应,部分地,采用术语“geomatics”作为一门课程和一项授予资格【授予学位名称】。)A working definition of geomatics, which reflects current thinking and predicted change, is:(测绘学的一个现在使用的反映了当前的思想和对未来的预期的定义是:)The science and technology of acquiring, storing, processing, managing, analyzing and presenting geographically referenced information(geo-spatial data ).(获取、处理、存储,分析和上呈【presenting呈现】地理参考信息(地理空间信息)的科学和技术。)This broad term applies both to science and technology, and mapping, geodesy, satellite positioning, photogrammetry, remote sensing, geographic information systems(GIS), land management ,computer systems, environmental visualization and computer graphics.(这个广泛的术语应用于科学和技术,以及制图、大地测量学、卫星定位、摄影测量学、遥感、地理信息系统、土地管理、计算机系统、环境可视化和计算机制图等领域)Several terms such as “geomatics” ,“geomatic engineering,” and “geoinformatics” are now in common use pertaining to activities generally concerned with geographic information.(现在一些术语如“测绘学”,“测绘工程”和“地学信息学”共同应用于某些活动中专属于【pertain to】通常【generally】涉及【concern with】地理信息的活动。)These terms have been adopted primarily to represent the general approach that geographic information is collected, managed, and applied. (这些术语起初被采用用来表示地理信息的采集、管理和应用的总体的方法。)Along with land surveying, photogrammetry, remote sensing, and cartography, GIS is an important component of geomatics. (连同土地测量学,摄影测量学,遥感和制图学一起,GIS 也是测绘学中重要的一个组成部分。)Branches of Geomatics(测绘学分支)Data acquisition techniques include field surveying, global positioning system(GPS), satellite positioning, and remotely sensed imagery obtained through aerial photography and satellite imagery.(数据获取技术包括普通野外测量,GPS 测量,卫星定位和遥感图像获取,通过航空摄影和卫星成像)It also includes the acquisition of database material scanned from older maps and plans and data collected by related agencies.(它还包括数据库资料的获取通过扫描就有地图和设计图,还有有关机构收集的数据。)Data management and process are handled through the use of computer programs for engineering design,digital photogrammetry, image analysis, relational data base management, and geographic information systems (GIS). (通过计算机程序,数据管理和处理 应用于工程设计,数字摄影测量【digital photogrammetry】,图像分析,相关资料库的管理和 GIS。)Data plotting(presentation) is handled through the use of mapping and other illustrative computer programs; the presentations are displayed on computer screens(where interactive editing can occur)and are output on paper from digital plotting devices.(数据成图【数字成图】是通过制图和其他直观的计算机程序【illustrative 直观的、说明性的】进行的;其表达显示在计算机屏幕上(交互式编辑处理),也可以通过数字绘图仪输出到纸上。【handle 操作、处理】)Once the positions and attributes of geographic entities have been digitized and stored in computer memory, they are available for use by a wide variety of users.(一旦地理实体的位置和属性被数字化并被存储进计算机存储器,就可以有效的【available 有效的、可用的】为广泛的各种的使用者所用)Through the use of modern information technology(IT), geomatics brings together professionals in the following disciplines: surveying, mapping, remote sensing, land registration, civil and marine engineering, forestry, agriculture, planning and development, geology, geographical sciences, infrastructure management, navigation, environmental and natural resources monitoring, and computer science.(通过现代【估计 moderm 应该是 modern】信息技术,测绘学将以下学科的专业人员整合到一起:测量学、制图学、遥感、国土注册、土木【civil 民用的】工程和海洋工程,林业,农业,决策与发展,地质学,地理科学,基础设施【infrastructure】管理,导航,环境与自然资源监测和计算机科学。)Other Definitions of Geomatics(测绘学的其他定义)As defined by the Canadian Institute of Geomatics in their quarterly journal “Geomatica”:Geomatics is a field of activities which, using a systemic approach, integrates all the means used to acquire and manage spatial data required as part of scientific, administrative, legal and technical operations【业务】 involved in the process of the production and management of spatial information.(加拿大测量学会【Canadian Institute of Geomatics】在他们的季刊“地球空间信息学”中这样定义:测绘学是利用系统的方法,为生产和处理【management】科学的,行政的,法律的【legal】和技术的业务【operations】所需的空间信息,将所有获取和管理空间信息的方法【means】整合在一起的活动领域。)【as part of 作为的一部分,这里不翻译出来】The definition of Geomatics is evolving. A working definition might be “the art, science and technologies related to the management of geographically-referenced information.” Geomatics includes a wide range of activities, from the acquisition and analysis of site-specific spatial data in engineering and development surveys to the application of GIS and remote sensing technologies in environmental management. It includes cadastral surveying, hydrographic surveying, and ocean mapping, and it plays an important role in land administration and land use management .(测绘学定义在发展。现行的一个定义是“涉及工艺、科学和技术的地理信息的处理”。测绘学或地球空间信息学包括一个广泛的生产活动从工程学和发展了的测量学领域中特殊点的空间数据的获取和分析 到 GIS 和遥感技术在环境管理中的应用。它包括地籍测量、水道测量和海图测量,在土地管理和土地使用中扮演重要的角色。)Geomatics is the modern scientific term referring to the integrated approach of measurement, analysis, management, storage and display of the descriptions and location of Earthbased data, often termed spatial data. These data come from many sources, including earth orbiting satellites, air and sea-borne sensors and ground based instruments. It is processed and manipulated with state-of-the-art information technology using computer software and hardware. It has applications in all disciplines which depend on spatial data, including environmental studies, planning, engineering, navigation, geology and geophysics, oceanography, land development and land ownership and tourism. It is thus fundamental to all the geoscience disciplines which use spatially related data .(测绘学是一个现代科学术语,用以表示测量、分析、管理,存储和显示基于地球信息,经常被称为空间数据【often termed spatial data】数据的描述和位置的集成方法。这些数据来自各种数据源,包括地球轨道卫星,空载和舰载传感器及地面仪器。利用计算机软件和硬件,借助现代【state-of-the-art】信息技术。它的应用覆盖所有依赖空间数据的学科,包括环境研究,规划,工程学,导航,地质和地球物理学,海洋学,土地开发,土地经营和旅游学。它因而成为所有使用空间数据地球科学学科的基础。)from the School of Geomatic Engineering, Univ. of New South Wales(摘自新南威尔士大学测绘【或地球空间信息学】工程学院)Geomatics is concerned with the measurement, representation, analysis, management, retrieval and display of spatial data concerning both the Earths physical features and the built environment. The principal disciplines embraced by Geomatics include the mapping sciences, land management, geographic information systems, environmental visualization, geodesy, photogrammetry, remote sensing and surveying.(测绘学是测量、表示,分析,处理,重获和显示关于地球物理特征和环境的空间数据的科学。其包括的主要学科有制图学,土地管理,GIS,环境可视化,大地测量学,摄影测量学,遥感和测量学。)from the Dept. of Geomatics at Univ. of Melbourne(摘自墨尔本大学测绘学系【或者地球空间信息学系】)Geomatics comprises the science, engineering, and art involved in collecting and managing geographically-referenced information. Geographical information plays an important role in activities such as environmental monitoring, management of land and marine resources, and real estate transactions.(测绘学包括自然科学,工程学和工艺或【技术】学;对地理信息的收集与管理。地理信息在环境监测,陆地和海洋资源管理,以及房地产交易【real estate 房地产,transaction 交易】中扮演重要角色。from the Dept. of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering at UNB(摘自加拿大纽布朗斯 维克大学 测量与大地测量学系)The science of Geomatics is concerned with the measurement, representation, analysis, management, retrieval and display of spatial information describing both the Earths physical features and the built environment. Geomatics includes disciplines such as :Surveying, Geodesy, Remote Sensing & Photogrammetry, Cartography, Geographic Information Systems, Global Positioning Systems.(测绘学测量,表示,分析,管理,重获和显示空间信息,用来描述地球物理特征和环境。测绘学包括的学科有:测量学,大地测量学,遥感和摄影测量学,制图学,GIS,GPS )from the Dept. of Sruveying and Spatial Information Science at the Univ. Of Tasmania(摘自塔斯马尼亚大学,测量与空间信息科学系)Unit 2 Geodetic Surveying and Plane Surveying(大地测量与平面测量)Surveyinghasbeentraditionallydefinedastheartandscienceofdeterminingthepositionof naturalandartificialfeatureson,aboveorbelowtheearthssurface;andrepresentingthisinformationinanalogformasacontouredmap,paperplanorchart,orasfiguresinreporttables,orindigitalformasathreedimensionalmathematical model stored in the computer.(测量传统定义为确定地表、地下和地上的自然与人工地貌特征;并使之按比例测绘成地形图、平面图或图表,或形成报告图表,或以数字形式形成三维立体数学模型存储进计算机)As such, the surveyor/geodesist dealt with the physical and mathematical aspect of measurement.(同样的,测量员/大地测量学家处理的就是测量出的物理的和数学的特征)The accurate determination and monumentation of points on the surface of the Earth is therefore seen as the major task.(因此精确确定并标定地表点位便成为测量的主要任务)Though these surveys are for various purposes, still the basic operations are the same-they involve measurements and computations or, basically, fieldwork and office work.(虽然测量工作有不同目的,基本的操作却都一样他们包括测量和计算,或更基本地称之为,外业工作和内业工作)There are many different types of surveys such as land surveys, route surveys, city surveys, construction surveys, hydrographic surveys, etc., but generally speaking, surveying is divided into two major categories: geodetic and plane surveying.(测量分为许多不同的类型,如土地测量,路线测量,城市测量,建筑测量,水道测量等等,但是总的来说,测量分为两个主要的种类:大地测量和平面测量)Surveys will either take into account the true shape of the Earth(Geodetic surveys) or treat the earth as a flat surface(Plane surveys). (是考虑地球真实形状的大地测量还是将地球当成一个平面的平面测量)Additionally, surveys are conducted for the purpose of positioning features on the ground(Horizontal surveys), determining the elevation or heights of features(Vertical surveys) or a combination of both.(另外,测量还分为确定平面位置的水平测量和确定海拔的高程测量或两者的综合。)Geodetic Surveying(大地测量)The type of surveying that takes into account the true shape of the earth is called geodetic surveying. (考虑地球真实形状的测量工作称为大地测量)This type of survey is suited for large areas and long lines and is used to find the precise location of basic points needed for establishing control for other surveys. (这种测量适用于大范围和长距离的测量工作,用来确立基本点的精确位置,用以建立其他测量工作所需的控制网。)In geodetic surveys, the stations are normally long distances apart, and more precise instruments and surveying methods are required for this type of surveying than for plane surveying.(在大地测量中,站点经常是互相距离很远,那么这种测量就比平面测量需要更精确的仪器和测量方法。)Widely spaced, permanent monuments serve as the basis for computing lengths and distances between relative positions. (广泛间隔开的永久标石就作为计算点位之间距离的基础)These basic points with permanent monuments are called geodetic control survey points, whichsupport the production of consistent and compatible data for surveying and mapping projects.(这种永久标石点被称为大地控制点,为测量和绘图工作提供可靠和一致的数据)In the past,ground-based theodolites, tapes , and electronic devices were the primary geodetic field measurements used. (过去,大地经纬仪、卷尺和电子设备是大地测量的野外工作初时的工具。)Today, the technological expansion of GPS has made it possible to perform extremely accurate geodetic surveys at a fraction of the cost.(现在,技术的发展 GPS使大地测量工作花费非常小的代价就能获得极为精确的结果成为可能。)A thorough knowledge of the principles of geodesy is an absolute prerequisite for the proper planning and execution of geodetic surveys.(大地测量工作计划的编制和实施,绝对需要对大地测量学知识有全面的掌握。)In Geodetic Surveys, the shape of the earth is thought of as a spheroid, although in a technical sense, it is not really a spheroid.(在大地测量中,地球的形状被看成一个椭球体,虽然在技术角度来看,它不是真正的椭球。【或附近测量距离并不是沿着直线或平面进行,而是在一个曲面上。】) Hence, in the 在大地测量距离的计算中,参考椭球的长轴与短轴所带来的误差就显示出来。)The position of each geodetic station is related to this spheroid.(每个大地站点的位置都与这个椭球有关)The positions are expressed as latitudes(angles north or south of the Equator) and longitudes(angles east or west of a prime meridian) or as northings and eastings on a rectangular grid.(这个位置是用纬度【与赤道面所成的角】和经度【与初子午线所成的角】或用在直角坐标系中的北距和东距来表示。)A geodetic survey establishes the A geodetic survey establishes the fundamentals for the determination of the surface and gravity field of a country.(大地测量为建立国家范围内的重力场和确定地表架构提供基础) This is realized by coordinates and gravity values of a sufficiently large number of control points, arranged in geodetic and gravimetric networks.(这将由测定布设在大地网和重力网中数量十分巨大的控制点,所得到的坐标和重力值来实现) In this fundamental work, curvature and the gravity field of the earth must be considered.(在这项基础工作中,地球的曲率和重力场都应被考虑。)Plane Surveying(平面测量)The type of surveying in which the mean surface of the earth is considered a plane, or in whichthe curvature of the earth can be disregarded without significant error,generally is called plane surveying.(这种类型的测量把地球平均的表面视作平面,或认为地球曲率带来的误差可以忽略不计,这样的测量工作称为平面测量) The term is used to designate survey work in which the distances or areas involved are of limited extent.(这个术语曾指涉及的距离及范围非常有限的测量工作) With regard torections, a level line is considered mathematically straight, the direction of theplumb line is considered to be the same at all points within the limits of the survey, and all angles are considered to be plane angles.(由于被当成了水平距离和方向,水平线被当成直线,在这个有限范围内所有点上的铅垂线方向被认为是相同的,所有的角被认为都是平面角。)To make computations in plane surveying, you will use formulas of plane trigonometry, algebra, and analytical geometry. (在平面测量的计算中,你可以使用平面三角、代数、计算中,你可以使用平面三角、代数、和平面解析几何的公式) For small areas, precise results may be obtained with planesurveying methods, but the accuracy and precision of such results will decrease as the area surveyed increases in size. (小范围内,平面测量方法可以获得精确的结果,但是随着范围的扩大,精度和准确度将随之下降)Forexample,thelengthofanarc18.5kmlonglyingintheearthssurfaceisonly7mmgreaterthanthesubtendedchordand,further,thedifferencebetweenthesumoftheanglesinaplanetriangleandthesumofthoseinasphericaltriangleis2only0.51secondforatriangleat earthssurfacehavinganareaof100km.(例如,地球表面一条18.5km长的弧只比其所对的弦长7mm,另外,在一个面积为100平方公里的平面三角形中的内角和与对应球面三角形中的内角和与对应球面三角形中的内角和之差只有 0.51 秒) It will be appreciated that the curvature of the earth must be taken into consideration only in precise surveys of large areas.(只有在大面积的精密测量工作中地球曲率才必需被考虑)。A great number of surveys are of the plane surveying type.(多数的测量工作都是属于平面测量类型) Surveys for the location and (多数的测量工作都是属于平面测量类型) Surveys for the location and construction of highways, railroads, canals, and in general, the surveys necessary for the works of human beingsare plane surveys, as are the surveys made to establish boundaries, except state and national.(区域测量、公路建设、铁路、沟渠等,总的来说与人们工作密切相关的测量工作都是平面测量,不包括州界和国界测量在内的边界测量也同属平面测量) However, with the increasing size and sophistication of engineering and other scientific projects, surveyors who restrict their practice to plane surveying are severely limited in the types of surveys in which they can be engaged.(然而,随着工程和其他科学项目越来越大越来越复杂,在限定于学项目越来越大越来越复杂,在限定于从事平面测量工作的测量员在他们可以从事的测量类型上受到严格限制。)The operation of determining elevation usually is considered a division of plane surveying. (我们通常把高程的测量与平面测量分开来。) Elevations are referred to the geoid.(高程参考的是大地水准面。) The geoid is theoretical only.(大地水准面只是在理论上存在) It is the natural extension of the mean sea level surface under the landmass. (它是平均海平面在大陆下的自然延伸。【它是平均海平面蔓延穿过大陆而成的】)We could illustrate this idea by digging an imaginary trench across the country linking the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.(我们可以通过挖掘一个的想象中的连通大西洋和太平洋沟渠来阐明这个概念。) If we allowed the trench to fill with seawater, the surface of the water in the trench would represent he geoid. (如果我们允许这条沟渠注满海水,沟渠里的水面就代表大地水准面。) So for all intents and purposes, the geoid is the same as m


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