牛津上海版英语九年级(9A) Unit 6 自测练习 4

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牛津上海版英语九年级(9A) Unit 6 自测练习 4姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、阅读单选On New Years Eve, people all over the planet celebrate the New Year with fireworks(烟花). Samoa and parts of Kiribati were the first places to welcome 2019 because they are closest to the International Date Line(IDL). The IDL divides(划分) each new day from the day before. As January 1st moved around the world, fireworks next bloomed in New Zealand to welcome the New Year. Next up were parts of Russian and Australian. Australians held a large fireworks show over the Sydney Harbor Bridge and the Sydney Opera House. When the clock struck midnight on December 31st across Asia, Singapore, Hong Kong and other cities hosted fantastic fireworks shows. Then, it was Londons turn to fill the skies with bright colors. More than 15 hours after 2019 arrived in Samoa, party-goers in New York City watched the famous crystal(水晶) ball drop in Times Square. Not to be outdone, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, held one of the worlds largest celebrations on Copacabana Beach on New Years Eve. Its truly the capital of carnivals(狂欢节).Happy New Year to you, wherever you happen to be!1 . Which place welcomes New Year first?ARio de Janeiro.BSydney.CSamoa .DLondon.2 . The writer organizes Paragraph 2 by .Agiving examplesBusing numbersClisting reasonsDtelling a story3 . The underlined phrase “Not to be outdone” in Paragraph 3 probably means .ANot getting into troubleBNot letting others do betterCNot having outdoor activitiesDNot wanting to join in the party4 . The passage mainly talks about .Apeoples wishes for the New YearBdifferent traditions to celebrate the New YearCall kinds of fireworks shows on New Years EveDthe time order of places to welcome the New Year二、话题作文5 . Write an introduction of your favourite character in at least60 words. (选择你最喜欢的一个故事人物,写一篇不少于60字的人物介绍)第 3 页 共 3 页参考答案一、阅读单选1、二、话题作文1、


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