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2020年春外研版英语八年级下册课后习题:第二模块检测姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . I spent my summer holiday in Hong Kong. It was really a experience.AcolourfulBbeautifulCmeaningfulDuseful2 . Though she often makes her little brother_, she was made_ by him this morning.Acry; to cryBto cry; cryCcry; cryDto cry; to cry3 . Can you let me know what you are writing about? Sorry, Im afraid not. Its _.AdifficultBnecessaryCpersonalDvaluable4 . His father often tells him _ in that river because its dangerous.Anot to swimBnot swimCswimDto swim5 . Mr. Green will have _ holiday very soon.Atwo monthsBtwo monthCa two-monthDa two-months6 . Whats your favourite colour?_. Because I like eating oranges very much.AWhiteBBlackCVioletDOrange7 . Its cold outside.Remember_ your coatAput onBto put onCto put up8 . What are you going to be when you grow up?My is to become a scientist like Tu Youyou.AproblemBdreamChobbyDadvice9 . A: I went to Tokyo last summer vacation.B: How long_you_there?A: For three weeks.Ahave, stayedBwould, stayChad, stayedDdid, stay10 . Jack, could you help mewhen the plane will take off on the Internet?Im sorry, my computer doesnt work.Aget outBlook outCtake outDfind out二、完型填空阅读下列短文,从文后各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。When I was in primary school, I had a big argument with a boy in my class. I cant _ what it was about, but I have never forgotten the _ I learned that day.I was sure that I was right and he was wrong. _ , he strongly believed that I was wrong and he was right. The teacher decided to teach us a lesson. She _ a good idea. She brought both of us to the front of the class and placed him on one side of her grey desk and me on _. In the middle of the desk was a large, round object. It was _ for me to see that it was black. She asked the boy what color the object was. “_” he answered in a loud voice.I couldnt _ that the object was white, considering that it was certainly black! One more argument started between the boy and me, this time _ the color of the object.The teacher told me to go stand where the boy was standing and told him to come stand where I had been. We changed _, and then she asked me what the color of the object was. I _ answer, “White.” It was then that I knew what was wrong. It was an object with two _ colored sides, and from his side it was white. _ from my side was it black.My teacher taught me a very improtant lesson that day: You must _ in other persons position (位置)and look at the _ through their eyes in order to truly understand their ideas.11 . AunderstandBrememberCexplainDknow12 . AclassBsubjectClessonDbook13 . AThereforeBAlsoCHoweverDBut14 . AthoughtBwent on withCgo along withDcame up with15 . AanotherBotherCthe otherDthe others16 . AhardBcleanCluckyDclear17 . ABlackBWhiteCGreyDBrown18 . ArealizeBdescribeCbelieveDam sure19 . AlikeBagainstCaboutDaround20 . AplacesBobjectsCopinionsDseats21 . AcouldBshouldChad toDmust22 . AsimilarlyBdifferentlyCbrightlyDtruly23 . AButBstillConlyDjust24 . AappearBstandChideDsit25 . AsituationBdiscussionCsolutionDway三、阅读单选Jaylin Fleming is only 5 feet tall, but theres nothing little about his game. Many people in the basketball world think Jaylin Fleming as the country s best 10-year-old player.This is a kid who is talented(有才能的) in playing basketball, said Ken Konecki, a basketball coach who has worked with college and NBA players. Jaylin plays point guard(控球后卫) in his team. He is the youngest player on his team of 11-and 12 year-old, They defeated all the basketball teams in Chicago and won the first of the city last week.Jaylin stayed humble(谦逊的) by staying in the gym and working hard every time he stepped on the floor. He said, I work very hard because I know that if I work hard, I will achieve my goal. I think I can play basketball all my life and be an excellent player.All the doctors and his father found that he had very large hands, a pair of basketball hands.Many people think him as the best basketball player of his age and he may be a good future NBA player. “Knicks, the head coach said.Hes the best player of his age that Ive ever seen, said Refiloe Lethunya, a coach of NBA.As soon as the game was over, many college and high school coaches invited him to games and practiced with them.26 . Jaylin is only 5 feet tall but he_.Astudies very hardBplays basketball very wellCruns very fast27 . All the players on Jaylins team are _than him.AolderByoungerCbetterDshorter28 . The underlined word ”defeated” in the passage means _.A参加B研究C战胜D观看29 . From the passage we know Jaylins goal was_.Ato go to collegeBto be an excellent basketball playerCto grow much higherDto be a coach of NBA30 . Which of the following is TRUE?AAfter the game, Jaylin stopped playing.BJaylin played well because of his big hands.CMany NBA coaches wanted to teach him after the game.DJaylin is very talented in playing basketball.When his son was ill, Mr.Wei took him to a clinic(诊所).They were the first of the day and didnt have to wait.The nurse took the boy into the doctors room and Mr.Wei waited outside.After a few minutes,the doctor came out of his room.“Do we have a screwdriver(螺丝刀)?”the doctor asked the nurse.The nurse looked for it and found one in a drawer.She gave it to the doctor and he went back into his room.Several minutes later he came out again,“I need a saw(锯),”he said to the nurse.Again the nurse found a saw and gave it to the doctor.He went back into his room.After a while the doctor came out of his room for the third time,”I need a hammer ,”he said.This time,Mr.Wei couldnt keep quiet,“Excuse me,”he said,“but whats wrong with my son?And what are you doing to him?”“I havent examined him yet,”the doctor said,”“Im still trying to get my box open,”根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。31 . Mr.Weis son was _ .Awaiting in a lineBangry about his waitingCUnwilling to see the doctorDthe first patient(病人)on that day32 . The doctor came out to _ .Ashout at the nurseBask for some tools(工具)Ctell something to Mr.WeiDlook for something in the drawer33 . How many times did the doctor come out?AOnce.BTwice.CThree times.DFour times.34 . At last Mr.Wei _ .Awanted to leaveBfound the hammerCworried about his sonDhelped the doctor get his box open35 . What is the best title for the passage?AThe Doctors JobBMr.Wei and His SonCThe Right Tools for the BoxDA New Way to Treat Patients四、填写适当的单词补全句子单词拼写36 . My brother and I live in the same bedroom.I hope to have my _ one to live in one day.37 . After a few months,the _ duck turned into a beautiful swan(天鹅).38 . Xu Beihong is one of the most famous _.He is famous for drawing horses.39 . Do you know who _ the light bulb?Edison(爱迪生).40 . Dont put your books everywhere.Put them in your _ after you finish your homework.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给单词的适当形式填空。41 . _ (this) rulers are white.42 . Mary and Helen are good _ (friend)43 . Those are their _ (photo)44 . Who _ (be) those girls?45 . Look at the photo. They are my _ (parent)46 . Is Jane _ (she) friend?47 . _ (that) are my jackets.48 . Is _ (these) your sister, Ann?49 . Hi, Mike. They are _ (I) parents.50 . Mary is _(he)sister.51 . She is my friend._(she)name is Lily.52 . _(his)is a Chinese boy.53 . The jackets _(be)green.54 . Whats _(you)family name?55 . How are you? Fine,_(thank)六、完成句子56 . Emma每天都练习弹吉他。可是昨天他没有练习。Emma _ the guitar every day. But he _ yesterday.57 . 他什么时候出生的?1980年。-When _ he _? -_ 1980.58 . 他在打扫教室的时候,发现地上有块表。When he _ the classroom, he _ a watch on the ground.59 . 为什么你昨晚没有看电视?Why _ you _ TV last night?60 . 我去年冬天和Sarah去滑雪.Sarah and I_last winter.七、单词填空根据短文内容及首字母提示写出所缺的单词,使短文内容完整、意思连贯。A boy left his home to find Bird of Happiness.He wanted the bird to b61 . peace,flowers and trees to his village.On his way,he met a monster(怪物) w62 . a black beard.The monster said,“Ill tell you where Bird of Happiness is,but you must kill someone for me.If you wont,Ill take all your food and drink.” The boy.r63 . the monster.Several days later,the boy was.h64 . and thirsty.Then he met a monster with a white beard.The monster said,“Ill tell you where Bird of Happiness is, b65 . you must blind someone for me.If you wont,Ill blind you.” The boy refused,and the monster blinded him.At last,the boy f66 . Bird of Happiness.He lay before the bird and he was dead.The bird touched the boy and he was alive.His e67 . could see again.As soon as the bird landed in the boys v68 . ,it suddenly turned green.Flowers and other plants grew and everyone l69 . in peace.It was all b70 . the brave boy brought Bird of Happiness home to them.八、回答问题Sam hated doing chores. And he had many chores. For example, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, he took out the rubbish. And on weekends he always washed his fathers car. He also cleaned his own room once a week. What a chores that was! Sometimes he even had to look after his little sister and brother.Sam had a foreign friend at school. His name was Kumar. Doing chores in Kumars family was very different. In the house only the girl did chores. His sisters made all the beds and cleaned all the room too, even his bedroom. His mother always cooked the meals, and his sisters helped her to go shopping, and prepare(准备) the food. They worked hard at home, doing all the chores with their mother. So when Kumar talked to his friend Sam about chores, he felt very lucky. One day, Sam had an idea. He asked Kumar, “Could I borrow your sisters?” he wanted them to help him clean his room, but they said “no”. Instead(相反), they asked Sam to teach their brother how to do chores, so he could make his own bed.Sam and Kumar are very good at science. They are going to be scientists after university. They want to make a robot to do the chores. Then everyonemothers and fathers, sons and daughterswill be happy!71 . When did Sam take out the trash?_72 . How often did he clean his room?_73 . What did Kumars sisters do in the house?_74 . Why did Sam want to borrow Kumars sisters?_75 . What are Sam and Kumar going to do to help with the chores?_九、话题作文76 . 旅行可以使人放松,开阔眼界。诸多旅行中,你最难忘的是哪次呢?请以“The trip I will never forget”为题,用英语写一篇短文。1.要点:(1)哪次旅行让你难忘;(2)该旅行的经历(3)该旅行的感受。2.要求:(1)文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称;(2)词数80左右The trip I will never forget_第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、填写适当的单词补全句子1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、完成句子1、七、单词填空1、八、回答问题1、九、话题作文1、


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