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1 Unit 4 Fish in a Different Pond I Teaching Objectives 1 Get to know the culture shock the causes of culture shock and the solutions to it 2 Grasp the key words phrases and sentence structure 3 Master the skills of writing and reading in this unit 1 Learning to construct a paragraph using description 2 Learning to construct a paragraph using comparison and contrast 2 Learning to recognize the main points by scanning II Teaching Content 1 Lead in activities 2 Text Organization 3 Language points key words phrases and difficult sentences 4 Grammar Focus subjunctive mood with if only clause and even if It is still 6 Guided Practice exercises oral practice and group work III Teaching Process 1 Warm up Activity 1 Video watching and video based task Task 1 Blank Filling Task 2 Discussion A What s American or English education like in your mind B What problems will you face if you are studying abroad Why 2 Questions about Text A What are the differences between the girl and her roommate B What did the American students think of the girl C What difficulty did the girl have to face besides language Give an example 2 Text Organization Part I Para 1 7 I heard some gossip about a freshman girl from China Part II Para 8 20 I met the girl and gradually got familiar with her Part III Para 21 23 The girl brought me into thoughts Part IV para 24 I believe the girl can adapt to the new surroundings 3 Skill learning in writing and reading 1 Skill learning in writing A To make people vivid the author uses description B Compare and contrast To make features clear the author uses compare and contrast 2 Skill learning in reading Skimming is a reading technique to be used when you want to find main idea quickly In skimming you have to grasp the general idea and you read a passage only to find the major points or arguments with the help of the logical generalization How to scan 2 a Read through the titles and sub titles b Finding the topic sentences in each paragraph The key sentence may be in the beginning ending or middle of a specific paragraph c Summarizing the main idea 4 Language Points 1 rebel n sb who opposes or fights against people in authority Examples She was a rebel at school The woman was a rebel against feudal ethics 2 nip v to hurt or damage part of one s body or a plant with cold weather or wind Examples The day was cold with a nipping wind down the northward running streets He felt nipping ache while opening an eye 3 be armed with to be provided with all the information skills or equipment you need to do sth Examples She thought that if she armed herself with all the knowledge she could gather she could handle anything Armed only with a BBC microphone I travelled across South Africa meeting writers 4 fluffy a very light and soft to touch Examples The white fluffy snow that started out as a novelty in December has become crunchy and dirty A smartly dressed woman passed through walking a fluffy dog 5 be equipped for v to eat and drink a lot to celebrate sth Examples Women will thus be better equipped for the new jobs of the 21st century in which brains count a lot more than brawn Those students are not equipped for the challenges of college 6 scorn n the feeling that sb sth is stupid or does not deserve respect Examples Researchers greeted the proposal with scorn Franklin shared the family s scorn for his wife s new friends v to show that you think that sth is stupid unreasonable or not worth accepting Examples Several leading officers have quite openly scorned the peace talks People scorn me as a single parent 7 mutter v to speak in a low voice especially because you are annoyed about sth or you do not want people to hear you Examples He heard muttering from the front of the crowd God knows what s happening in that madman s mind she muttered 8 curse n 1 swear word or words that you say because you are very angry Examples The old man ripped out with a curse 3 He shot her an angry look and a curse 9 turn out to happen in a particular way or to have a particular result especially one that you did not expect Examples To my surprise it turned out that I was wrong As it turned out he passed the exam quite easily 10 And of course there were already stories about this new student Paraphrase And of course rumours about this new freshman girl were already spread across the campus 11 She was a little dull slightly unpleasant and just kind of well foreign Paraphrase She was not responsive a little bit disagreeable and just different kind of to some small degree Examples She wasn t beautiful But she was kind of cute It kind of gives us an idea of what s happening 12 I wanted to meet this new girl this puzzle that suddenly fell into our hands Paraphrase I wanted to see this new girl who was a mystery and suddenly came into our life 13 Just when I was about to die of heat exhaustion and book burns the Assistant Dean called me over Paraphrase Just when I was going to get heat exhaustion and was out of breath under the weight of books in my backpack the Assistant Dean asked me to get there 14 But sometimes proper English doesn t go a long way in this century when the tongue is wagging in short hand script Paraphrase In modern times abbreviations and acronyms are popular in conversational English Therefore proper English can t help much in understanding 15 go a long way to help a lot to sth Examples The new standards adopted will go a long way towards protecting human health The administration believes that these measures will go a long way to ensure the stability of the financial system 16 Even if the community is strong and sympathetic it is still not the same as home Paraphrase Although the Chinese people s community can provide considerate and all around help it still can t make us feel the same as we do at home 5 Grammar Focus If only I had Even if it is still 6 Guided Practice 1 Language focus C and reading in depth 2 Skimming and do the relative exercises 7 Summary Ask several students to list the kinds of stress in modern life and methods in dealing with it 8 After class Assignments 1 IV Translation 2 Read Text B


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