三年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Is it in your schoolbag- 教科版

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Unit 4 Is it in your schoolbag?,Module 2 Positions,Where is the dog? Its _ the ball. Where is the ball? Its _ the desk. Where is the desk? Its _ the chair. Where is the chair? Its _ the room.,让学生观察图片,填写介词,复习U3学习的三个介词on, in, under, near,然后全班分成两部分,一问一答该绕口令。,on,under,near,in,Guessing Game,让学生用“Is it +介词短语”猜物品在哪里,在猜的过程中引入新名词English book, TV, schoolbag 和新介词beside, behind, in front of的学习。,Where is the _? Is it the bed ?,pencil-box,The pencil-box is beside the bed.,学生观察图片,填写介词,复习U3学习的三个介词on, in, under, near,然后全班分成两部分,一问一答该绕口令。,Where is the _? Is it the chair?,schoolbag,The schoolbag is beside the chair.,学生观察图片,填写介词,复习U3学习的三个介词on, in, under, near,然后全班分成两部分,一问一答该绕口令。,Where is the _? Is it the schoolbag?,English book,The English book is behind the schoolbag.,学生观察图片,填写介词,复习U3学习的三个介词on, in, under, near,然后全班分成两部分,一问一答该绕口令。,Where is the _? Is it the bed?,doll,The doll is behind the bed.,学生观察图片,填写介词,复习U3学习的三个介词on, in, under, near,然后全班分成两部分,一问一答该绕口令。,Where is the _? Is it the desk?,TV,The TV is on the desk.,学生观察图片,填写介词,复习U3学习的三个介词on, in, under, near,然后全班分成两部分,一问一答该绕口令。,Where is the _? Is it the TV?,robot,The robot is in front of the TV.,Find the robot.,玩亮眼睛的游戏,学生看到每一幅图片要快速每个单词,直到看到要求找的robot,要立即站起来说“hello, robot”,Find the schoolbag.,玩亮眼睛的游戏,学生看到每一幅图片要快速每个单词,直到看到要求找的书包,要立即站起来说“hello, school bag”,Find the English book.,玩亮眼睛的游戏,学生看到每一幅图片要快速每个单词,直到看到要求找的英语书,要立即站起来说“hello, English book”,Wheres Bens English book?,Its in Bens schoolbag.,学习U4 对话。看完对话动画后,出示问题的答案。,Mum, Where is my _? Is it _? No, it isnt. Is it _? No, it isnt. Is it _? Oh, yes.,English book,通过复述课文,再次巩固课文对话和介词和介词短语。,Is it in your schoolbag?,in front of the TV,behind your bed,in your school bag,Wheres the cat? Its the box.,通过图片整体整体复习7个方位介词。,on,in,near,behind,under,beside,in front of,1、听、读U4对话4次,并读给家长或同学听2遍, 请他们根据读书流利情况在读书本上打分并签名。 2、用自然拼读的方法抄写U4 单词各两遍, 如be-side, be-side.,Unit 4 Is it in your schoolbag?,【重点考点一】对地点/位置提问的两个问句 1、Where is.? 在哪里? (特殊疑问句) 这个句子只能对单数 / 不可数名词进行提问。,例: Where is my book? Where is your pen? Where is it? Where is my water?,回答:Its + (on, in, under, behind, near等) 某地,2、对复数物品的提问:Where are.? 例: Where are your pens? Where are the birds? 回答:They are + (on, in, under, behind, near等) 某地。,【重点考点二】 Is it .? 它在吗? (一般疑问句) 例:,Is it under the desk? Is it in front of the TV?,答语:Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.,课 后 练 习,一.选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项 ( )1Aon Bcar Cboat ( )2Achair Bdesk Cunder ( )3Aboy Bgirl Cstudent ( )4Afamily Bfather Cmother ( )5Ashort Bgirl Clong,二、请观察图片,并根据图片内容在括号内选择正确的单词填空。 1 The dog is _ (under / on) the bed. 2 The toy rabbit is on the _ (chair / desk). 3 The ball is _ (in / under) the chair. 4 The book is on the _ (table / bed). 5 The_ (ruler / book) is on the table. 6 The toy car is _ (on / under) the chair. 7 The table is _ (near / on) the bed. 8 The book is near the _ (dog / bed).,三、请阅读下面的问题,找出它们相应的答句。 1. What colour is the hat? ( ) 2. Lets play a game. ( ) 3. Do you have a red ruler? ( ) 4. Is the robot near the table? ( ) 5. Where is the blue doll? ( ) 6. Whos Wang Jie zhen? ( ),A. Good idea. B. Its yellow and purple. C. No, it isnt. D. Yes, I do. E. Its under the desk. F. Hes my grandpa,答案,二、1. on 2. desk 3. under 4. bed 5. ruler 6. under 7. near 8. dog,三、1. B 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. E 6. F,一、ACCAB,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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