人教PEP版英语五年级下册 Unit 2 My favourite season单元测试卷

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人教PEP版英语五年级下册 Unit 2 My favourite season单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题选出每组中不同类的一项。1 . AswimBleafCpick2 . AautumnBvacationCwinter3 . AspringBsummerCseason4 . ApaintBbestCdraw5 . AwindyBsnowCrain6 . I always _ class at 8 oclock. ( )AgetBstartCdo7 . Whatyou like? ( )AwouldBaboutCam8 . This is the map _Beijing. ( )AofBatCon9 . _ is the garden? ( )Its near the music room.AWhoBHowCWhere10 . 给下列短语选择正确的译文。( ) 1. read a bookA. 写作业B. 读书( ) 2. watch TVA. 看电视 B. 玩电脑( ) 3. make my bedA. 整理床铺 B. 做床( ) 4. brush my hairA. 刷牙B. 梳头发( ) 5. fly kitesA. 放风筝 B. 玩玩具二、阅读回答问题11 . 阅读短文,完成文后问题Man: HelloJohn: Hello, can I speak to Chen Jie, please?Man: Sure. Hold on, please. Shes doing homework.Chen: Hello!John: Hi, this is John.Chen: Hi, John, what are you doing?John: My family is having a field trip.Chen: Really? Thats fun. What is your father doing?John: Guess!Chen: Is he taking pictures?John: Yes, he is.Chen: Is your mother listening to music?John: No, she isnt, shes playing chess.Chen: What is your brother doing?John: Hes having a picnic.Chen: Have fun.John: Thank you. Talk to you laterChen: Bye.回答下列问题【小题1】What is Chen Jie doing?_【小题2】Is Johns father taking pictures?_【小题3】Is Johns mother listening to the music?_【小题4】Is Johns brother having a picnic?_【小题5】Is John at home?_三、英汉混合12 . Translate.英汉互译。1. speak English and Chinese _2.一位新的美术老师。_3.又年轻又滑稽。_-4.一个乐于助人的女孩_5.very hard-working _6.一个有礼貌的学生_四、判断题13 . 判断下列句子与图片是(T)否(F)一致:Today is my mothers birthday. (_)五、匹配题14 . 选出所给句子的答句,将其字母代号填在括号内。What time do you go home?_ AThank you.Where is Miss Li?_BAt four.Do you like puppets?_ CYes, I do.Whose jeans are they?_ DTheyre my fathers.Heres a kite for you._EShs in the classroom.六、连线题15 . 连线找出相对应的答句。1.Whats the matter? a.Yes.it could.2.Was there a clock here before? b.Its in autumn.3.When is Halloween? c.At eight oclock.4.Could it find the people? d.Nothing.Im thinking.5.What time does your school start? e.No, there wasnt.第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、二、阅读回答问题1、三、英汉混合1、四、判断题1、五、匹配题1、六、连线题1、


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