2019-2020年度教科版(广州)英语四年级上册Module 6 Occupations Unit 12 What's your father's job_练习卷C卷

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2019-2020年度教科版(广州)英语四年级上册Module 6 Occupations Unit 12 What's your father's job_练习卷C卷_第1页
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2019-2020年度教科版(广州)英语四年级上册Module 6 Occupations Unit 12 What's your father's job_练习卷C卷_第2页
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2019-2020年度教科版(广州)英语四年级上册Module 6 Occupations Unit 12 What's your father's job_练习卷C卷_第3页
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2019-2020年度教科版(广州)英语四年级上册Module 6 Occupations Unit 12 Whats your fathers job_练习卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . She is good _ English. ( )AatBaCof2 . Look at that man. Whats _ job? ( )AherBhisCyour3 . What about _ brother? ( )AIByouCyour4 . Whats your job? ( )AauntBuncleCfathers5 . _is your sister?( )Shes ten_old.AHow old; yearBHow old; yearsCHow about; year6 . The reporter can get news _ people. ( )AtoBwithCfor7 . did you have for dinner last Sunday?I had fish.AWhatBWhoCHow二、填空题8 . 根据中文意思,完成下列句子或对话。1. “你们星期一有什么课?”“我们有语文、数学和科学课”。-_ do you have _ _?- We have _, _ and science .2. “今天星期二吗?”“不是”-_it _today?-No, it _.3. 谁是你们的音乐老师?_ is your _ teacher ?4. 我们今天有两节语文课。We have two _ _ today .5. 你们的美术老师风趣吗?_ your art teacher _?9 . 看图片,填写家谱图。三、任务型阅读看家谱图,选择问题的正确答案,把所选答案的大写字母编号写在括号内。10 . How many people are there in Zhang Lins family? ( )A5.B6.C7.11 . What can Zhang Lins grandpa do? ( )AHelp sick people.BBuild houses.CGrow food.12 . Whats Zhang Lins mothers job? ( )AA teacher.BA purse.CA farmer.13 . What does Zhang Lins uncle do? ( )AA builder.BA policeman.CA teacher.14 . Who is a policeman? ( )AZhang Lins uncle.BZhang Lins father.CZhang Lins grandpa.四、填内容补全对话15 . 根据所给的提示,认真阅读答句写问句。1. A: The cinema is far. _?B: You can go by car.2. A: _?B: My sister is going to the zoo tomorrow. 3. A: _?B: John likes playing sports. 4. A: _?B: Yes, there is a park far from here.5.A:_? B:John lives in Canberra.第 6 页 共 6 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、二、填空题1、2、三、任务型阅读1、四、填内容补全对话1、


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