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上海版2020届九年级下学期英语第一次模拟考试试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分) We will go to visit _ Miss Fang tomorrow. A . anB . theC . aD . /2. (2分) Maybe the disaster can destroy our homes, but _can destroy the love in our people.A . somethingB . everythingC . anythingD . nothing3. (2分) (2017黄冈模拟) Which teachers will you miss the most after junior high school, Clara?Ms. Lee. She helped me to work out the answers myself no matter _ difficult they were.A . howB . whenC . whereD . what4. (2分) Im sure she will regret you. A . hurtB . hurtsC . to hurtD . hurting5. (2分) (2018七下苏州期末) You mustnt swim here. Look at the sign. It No Swimming.Oh, I notice it. Thanks for telling me.A . says; dontB . writes; dontC . says; didntD . writes; didnt6. (2分) What I am most _ in is historical stories. A . interestB . interestingC . interestedD . interests7. (2分) Why not help each other and learn from each other!A . How aboutB . What aboutC . Why dont you8. (2分) (2016九上西安期中) Its cold today. Take your _ with you when you go out. A . knifeB . coatC . brushD . key9. (2分) Its necessary and important for them students at school to join the Clean Plate Campaign. Its good for them to form good habits. Sure. We should try to _ all the food that weve ordered.A . give upB . eat upC . turn upD . show up10. (2分) What do you think of our new school? _A . Its very well.B . Its very good.C . No. I dont like it at all.D . The same to you.11. (2分) _ apples do we need to make fruit salad? Let me think. We need three apples.A . How longB . How oftenC . How muchD . How many12. (2分) (2017八上徐州期中) The Art Festival _ in our school next month. A . will happenB . will take placeC . heldD . was13. (2分) Jack is a hard-working boy.Yes. All of us want to recommend him the Best Student Award.A . asB . forC . toD . from14. (2分) My grandpa always sleeps his eyes open. A . whenB . withC . butD . and15. (2分) That actor often joins in different activities in Beijing. Do you know _?For 5 years.A . how soon he will come backB . how long he has stayed thereC . how long has he stayed thereD . how often does he go there二、 完型填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分) (2016八下安定月考) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Joe Brown had a shop where he 1meat. One day a woman 2into the shop at five to one. “I m sorry. I m late,” she said. “I 3some more meat for my dinner tonight.” Joe had only one 4of meat in his shop. He took it 5the fridge and said, “This is $6.50.”“That piece is too 6, ”the woman said. “Havent you got anything bigger?” Joe 7into the room behind his shop, put the meat into the fridge, took it out again and closed the door 8a lot of noise. Then he brought the piece of meat to the woman and said, “This piece of meat is bigger and 9expensive. It s $8.75.”“Good,” the woman said with a smile.“Give me 10of them, please.”(1)A . sell B . buy C . bought D . sold (2)A . came B . stood C . went D . put (3)A . wanted B . need C . wants D . needs (4)A . bowl B . is C . piece D . pound (5)A . in B . out of C . into D . out (6)A . big B . bigger C . small D . smaller (7)A . went B . goes C . go D . runs (8)A . in B . of C . with D . by (9)A . most B . much C . many D . more (10)A . all B . every C . both D . each 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共24分)17. (6分) (2017九下无锡期中) 阅读理解GONE WITH THE WINDWriter: Margaret Mitchell¥25 (in bookstores) ¥18 (online)Gone With the Wind is a best-seller, which tells a story that happened in the American Civil War(美国内战). Scarlett OHara is a woman in the story who is full of energy. She is strong and saves her family but is very selfish at the same time.A LITTLE PRINCESSWriter: Frances Hodgson Burnett¥18.3 (online)Motherless Sara Crewe was sent home from India to school at Miss Minchins. Her father was very rich and she lived a rich and comfortable life. Then her father died and Sara lost everything. She had to learn to do with her changed life. Her strong character made her able to fight successfully against her poverty(贫穷) and the scorn(嘲笑) of her buddies. Its an excellent book with 4 CDs for children.PETER PANWriter: J.M Barrie¥15 (in bookstores) ¥12 (online)It is a childrens story full of imagination and adventures(冒险), which is about Wendy, John, and Michael Darlings adventures in Never-Never Land with Peter Pan, the boy who would not grow up. The children are happy and lovely. (with 2 CDs)UNCLE TOMS CABINWriter: Harriet Beecher Stowe¥20 (in bookstores)The most famous novel in American history, Uncle Toms Cabin talked about the struggle between free states and slave(奴隶) states during the American Civil War and is as powerful today as when it first came out 150 years ago.THE SECRET GARDENWriter: Frances Hodgson Burnett¥35 (in bookstores) ¥30 (online)Mary Lennox, a sickly orphan(孤儿), finds herself in her uncles dark house. Why are so many rooms locked? Why is one of the gardens locked? And what is that crying she hears at night? Through the power of hope, friendship, and the magic of nature, the brave girl brings the house and a long-lost garden back to life.(1) We can know from the passage that _. A . there are only three books with CDsB . we can buy 5 kinds of the above books in bookstoresC . two of the books are written by Frances Hodgson BurnettD . THE SECRET GARDEN is ¥5 cheaper in bookstores than online(2) The following books have children as their main characters except _. A . PETER PANB . GONE WITH THE WINDC . A LITTLE PRINCESSD . THE SECRET GARDEN(3) This text is most probably taken from a _. A . newspaperB . science magazineC . storybookD . book guide18. (10分) Three friends, Tom, David and John, came to New York for their holiday. They stayed in a very large hotel. Their room was on the 45th floor. In the evening, the three men went to the cinema and came back to the hotel very late.“Im very sorry,” said the man of the hotel, “but our lifts(电梯) do not work tonight. If you dot want to walk up to your room, Ill make beds for you in the hall(大厅). ”“No, thanks,” said Tom, “we dont want to sleep in the hall. We will walk up to the 45th floor. But I know how to make it easier. On the way to our room, Ill tell you some jokes. Then you, David, will sing us some songs. Then you, John, will tell us some stories, all right?”So they began to walk upstairs. Tom told them many jokes. David sang them some songs. At last they came to the 34th floor. They were tired and had a rest.“Well,” said Tom. “Now its your turn, John. After all these jokes and songs, tell us a long and interesting story with a sad ending. ”“OK, Ill tell a sad story,” said John, “Its not long but very sad. I forgot to bring the key to our room with me. Its still in the hall. ” (1) The three friends came to New York to .A . sing songsB . tell jokesC . spend their holidayD . find work(2) They had to walk up to their room because .A . there was something wrong with the liftsB . the man of the hotel wanted them to do thatC . they wanted to take exerciseD . they came back very late(3) said he knew how to make it easier for them to walk up to their room.A . The man of the hotelB . TomC . DavidD . John(4) They felt very sad at last because .A . they were tiredB . they lost their key in the cinemaC . the man didnt make beds for themD . they didnt have the key to the room with them(5) The best title (标题) for this passage is “”.A . A sad storyB . A long journeyC . A large hotelD . A bad lift19. (8分) 阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Every kid wishes to be an adult. Do you remember playing houses as a child and pretending to be a grown-up like your parents? Did you imagine you were a doctor, a soldier or a teacher? At that time, anything seemed more exciting than being young.But now as grown-ups, some adults find they cannot leave childhood behind. They become kidults (kid+adult). Being a kidult has become a lifestyle choice among young people across Asia. Some kidults collect toys they once played with. Hello Kitty, Garfield, and Snoopy have many adult fans around the world. It is usual to see a 20-something woman with a big, Garfield-shaped cushion on her sofa or a Hello Kitty mobile phone accessory (饰物). Other kidults still enjoy childrens stories and fairy tales. For example, even an edition of the Harry Potter novels with an adult cover came out in Britain. That way, no one else on the subway will know that an adult is actually reading a childrens book!Kidults Can be like vitamins to society. Adults who value their childhood and hold on to pure, childlike emotion (情感) may be needed in such a rough and dry society, said a professor in a Korean university. He added that kidult culture might fill the generation gap between adults and kids. It could give children and their parents books, movies, and cartoon shows to enjoy together.Tim Greenhalgh, a professor in London explained that some kidults just refuse to grow up. They cling to (舍不得放弃) childhood because life in a busy and stressful city frightens them. Kidults would like to forget their age and openly show their fear of society and adulthood.So, they look for an escape (逃离) from the increasingly complex and stressful lives that are hard to deal with, Greenhalgh said.(1) We can learn from the passage that kidults are _. A . children who cant wait to grow upB . grown-ups who hold on to childlike emotionC . people who enjoy playing sportsD . children who like collecting toys(2) According to the passage, kidults would like to do the following EXCEPT _. A . buy Hello Kitty mobile phone accessoriesB . read a childrens book on the subwayC . work in a busy and stressful cityD . collect toys they once played with(3) In the opinion of the professor in a Korean university, kidults are _. A . immature (不成熟的) and weakB . necessary to our societyC . looked down uponD . becoming more experienced(4) What does the underlined word complex in the last paragraph mean in Chinese? A . 单纯的B . 有趣的C . 丰富的D . 复杂的四、 根据首字母、中文提示填空(每空限填一词) (共5题;共14分)20. (1分) We should make our own d_. We shouldnt depend on others. 21. (1分) My parents dont a_ me to hang out with my friends at night. 22. (1分) We should sleep at l_eight hours every night. 23. (10分) (2017广东模拟) 单词翻译。 _adv.曾经;在任何时候_adv.一次;曾经 _adv.两倍;两次 _n. 节目;程序_adj.满的;充满的 _n. 摇摆;秋千v.摇摆 _adv.或许;也许;可能_adj.最小的;最少的 _n. 健康 _n. 结果;后果24. (1分) (2018宿迁) Although she is in her_(八十), Tu Youyou still keeps on doing research on medicine. 五、 用所给单词的正确形式填空(每空不限词数) (共5题;共5分)25. (1分) Jim is from the USA. He is an _ (exchange) student in Beijing now. 26. (1分) (2018八上邹城期末) If the rain_(stop) tonight, we will go to the park. 27. (1分) Its snowing. It is _(real)cold today. 28. (1分) (2018滨湖模拟) Its reported that the case the police devoted themselves to _(solve) yesterday. 29. (1分) (2017九上龙口期中) There is no need for the children_(buy)so many clothes. 六、 单词填空 (共1题;共10分)30. (10分) (2018武汉) 先阅读短文, 再在其后空白处写出各単词的正确形式,单词的第一个字母己给出When youre very, very afraid of something, that fear can affect (影响) you and how you live your life. When I was younger, I saw my cousin f_onto an ants nest. The ants attacked (攻击) him, and he was c_in terrible bites(咬). After that I became very scared of ants. I wouldnt eat outside, and I didnt even like to play outside. I c_my bed for ants every night. But when I t_thirteen, I decided I couldnt let my fear get to me. I had to learn to control my fear of ants.First I read a lot about different ants. I didnt focus on bites, but instead I read about how helpful ants are to the p_. Ants are really cool! Theyre hard-working, social, and organized. They help bring a_and nutrients(营养)to the earth. They help plants grow, clean up decaying(腐烂的)m_and help control other insects.Next I began to w_ants from a safe distance. I started to look at a family of ants in real time on the Internet in order to learn how they live. Little by little, I felt more c_about ants. Finally I went outside one day and let an ant move onto my hand and t_it gently. It was okay! Now that I know about all the good things ants do, Im not so afraid of them anymore.七、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共30分)31. (30分) (2018黄浦模拟) Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答下列问题):You have saved my horse, Queen Olivia told the young boy standing before her .”Now you shall have a reward. Peter nervously ran his fingers through his brown hair. The frightened horse had run past him as he worked in the field that morning. He would have helped it whether it belonged to the queen or not .But he had to admit that getting a reward was nice.Two of the queens men appeared. One carried a mirror. Red jewels shone on top of the minors silver frame. The other carried wooden care with a chicken inside it.Only one reward can be yours, the queen said Choose wisely Thats easy.” Peter said.” I will take the chicken.” Some of the queens men laughed. It was clear that they thought he had made a foolish choice.“And why did you choose the chicken? The queen asked.” Well, I dont know much about jewels, Peter answered.” But I do know about chickens. The chicken will provide eggs for my family for a long while.”Queen Olivia smiled.” Then you did make a wise choice. she said.“ That mirror may look fancy. But the jewels you see are only colored glass, and the frame is painted silver. The chicken is much more valuable. Peter took the chicken and bowed. Thank you, your majesty“You are a smart child, ”the queen added. “I could use a smart boy to help take care of my horses. Would you like to take the job?” Peter smiled. “Thank you very much!” he said excitedly. A job at the castle paid well. Now his family would eat well for the rest of their lives-all because !(1) What was Peter doing when a lightened horse ran past him? (2) Who did the frightened horse belong to? (3) Why did Peter choose the chicken instead of the mirror? (4) Did Peter make a wise choice or a foolish one? (5) What else did Queen Olivia offer Peter? (6) What can be filled in the blank at the end of the passage? 八、 阅读表达。 (共1题;共5分)32. (5分) (2016七上萧山竞赛) 阅读下列材料, 从所给的六个选项(A、B、C、D、E 和 F)中, 选出符合各小题要求的最佳选项。选项中有一项是多余选项。My birthday is on May 14. I dont have many friends. I am good at math and science. It is really good to have a science class every Tuesday and Friday. _I love July because my birthday is in July. I am happy to help others. But I always lose something. Last week I lost my watch. Judy found it and put it in the Found box. _September is my favorite month. They say I am a tidy girl. I put my books in the bookcase and my other school items in the school bag. I want to be beautiful and smart. _April is a busy month for me. I have the birthday party and the school trip this month. I love sports and I also like watching movies. I have many friends. They all like me. _November is a great month for me. My birthday is in this month. I like eating ice-cream. My mother always says it is not healthy. I love music. And TFBOYS is my favorite. _A. She can learn things quickly. She is good at art.B. His friends like to be with him because he is very helpful, but he always loses his things.C. He doesnt have many friends. He likes math.D. She always plays tennis with the friends after class. She can make her classmates happy.E. She likes November. She likes music. She likes a musical group.F. She can make her room very clean. She likes to be tidy.九、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)33. (5分) (2018七上台州月考) 请认真阅读下面的表格,假设这是你的一张学生证,请根据表格的内容至少写 5 句话 来介绍一下自己的情况。 First name: CindyLast name: GreenSex(性别): girlTelephone number: 0573-7680673第 19 页 共 19 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1、答案:略2、答案:略3、答案:略4、答案:略5、答案:略6、答案:略7、答案:略8、答案:略9、答案:略10、答案:略11、答案:略12、答案:略13、答案:略14、答案:略15、答案:略二、 完型填空 (共1题;共10分)16、答案:略三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共24分)17、答案:略18、答案:略19、答案:略四、 根据首字母、中文提示填空(每空限填一词) (共5题;共14分)20、答案:略21、答案:略22、答案:略23、答案:略24、答案:略五、 用所给单词的正确形式填空(每空不限词数) (共5题;共5分)25、答案:略26、答案:略27、答案:略28、答案:略29、答案:略六、 单词填空 (共1题;共10分)30、答案:略七、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共30分)31、答案:略八、 阅读表达。 (共1题;共5分)32、答案:略九、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)33、答案:略


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