牛津上海版(深圳用)2019-2020学年小学英语五年级上册期末专题复习:完形填空(II )卷

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牛津上海版(深圳用)2019-2020学年小学英语五年级上册期末专题复习:完形填空(II )卷_第1页
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牛津上海版(深圳用)2019-2020学年小学英语五年级上册期末专题复习:完形填空(II )卷_第2页
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牛津上海版(深圳用)2019-2020学年小学英语五年级上册期末专题复习:完形填空(II )卷_第3页
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第 1 页 共 9 页 牛津上海版 深圳用 2019 2020 学年小学英语五年级上册期末专题复习 完形 填空 II 卷 姓名 班级 成绩 小 朋 友 带 上 你 一 段 时 间 的 学 习 成 果 一 起 来 做 个 自 我 检 测 吧 相 信 你 一 定 是 最 棒 的 一 完形填空 共 5 题 共 25 分 1 5 分 从短文后每小题的三个选项中选出最佳选项 A dog has a piece of meat in his mouth As he is1on a small bridge he looks down and2 himself in water He thinks it is another dog That dog also has a piece of meat in his mouth He says to3 I want to get his meat Then I call have two pieces of meat He opens his mouth to bark and his 4 goes down into the water At last he has nothing He is5 1 A walk B walking C walked 2 A sees B saw C see 3 A himself B myself 第 2 页 共 9 页 C yourself 4 A mouth B meat C feet 5 A happy B powerful C unhappy 2 5 分 2014 广州 完形填空 The world s first underground railway London Underground was1 in 1985 but2history dates back to 1863 3 the 4first underground railway opened in London Today London Underground is5Major business 6three million passenger journeys made a7 serving over 408 km 253 miles 8railway In 2004 2005 London Underground trains ran a 9of 69 4 10kilometers in passenger service 1 A from B formed C forming D forms 2 第 3 页 共 9 页 A it s B it C its D its 3 A what B where C when D who 4 A world B worlds C worlds D world s 5 A the B that C a D an 6 A with 第 4 页 共 9 页 B Of C by D in 7 A week B day C month D season 8 A of B by C with D in 9 A sum B group C total D team 10 A millions B thousand 第 5 页 共 9 页 C million D Thousands 3 5 分 完型填空 I am Nancy Black I1 a brother Mike My father is a doctor and my mother is a bus driver They don t 2 on Saturdays and Sundays They sweep the floor3Saturday morning But Mike and I like4some magazines Sometimes we watch TV but my father doesn t he5reading a newspaper with my mother 1 A am B have C has 2 A sleep B work C like 3 A in B under C on 4 A reading B looking 第 6 页 共 9 页 C seeing 5 A is B like C likes 4 5 分 完型填空 Tom Sam Jim and Jack live in a building1four floors They live on different 2 They have different jobs an engineer a worker a teacher and a doctor Tom 3 above Sam but below Jim Jack lives on the 4 floor The doctor lives above the teacher but below the worker The engineer lives on the ground floor What are their jobs Which floor does each of them live5 1 A to B at C of 2 A floor B floors C 3 A lives B live 第 7 页 共 9 页 C living 4 A two B three C third 5 A on B in C at 5 5 分 完型填空 This is my room Near the window there1a desk I often do my homework at it You can 2 some books a ruler a pen and some flowers 3 the vase 花瓶 On the wall near the desk there is a picture 4a cat There is a clock on my bed I can put my football 5my bed There is a chair near the desk I sit 坐 there and I can see the trees and the flowers outside 外面 1 A is B are C am 2 A look B see 第 8 页 共 9 页 C watch 3 A on B at C in 4 A of B to C on 5 A on B under C in 第 9 页 共 9 页 参考答案 一 完形填空 共 5 题 共 25 分 1 答案 略 2 答案 略 3 答案 略 4 答案 略 5 答案 略


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