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沪教版英语八年级下学期Units46教材梳理A卷 一、 熟悉课文重点词汇和短语。 (共10题;共36分)1. (1分)Lingling likes wearing her white T-shirt and blue_(短裤)2. (4分)将看到的中文写成英文 (1)_n行星 (2)_adv还,尚(表示某事尚未发生,但未来也许可能发生) (3)_adv刚才;刚刚 (4)_n模型 3. (1分)It can get into the h_body and cause disease. 4. (9分)单词翻译。 使失望_ 背包_ 睡过头_错过_ 出乎意料的_ 街区_着火,燃烧_ 有生气的_ 西部的_5. (5分)After the min stopped,the sun began to (照耀) 6. (7分)将看到的中文翻译成英文(1)_adj(表示面积单位)平方的(2)_n千米;公里(3)_n外形;形状(4)_n人(5)_v唤醒;醒来(6)_pron某人;有人(7)_n小路7. (3分)根据汉语写出下列短语。(1)_被作为使用(2)_四分之一(3)_把传播到 8. (3分)我煮饭的时候你可以帮我照顾我的弟弟吗?Could you _ _ _ my younger brother when I am cooking?9. (2分)Jerry 正在听音乐。Jerry _ _ to music.10. (1分)对许多中国人来说,春节期间和家人团聚是传统。(thousand)For _Chinese people, it is a tradition to get together with their families during the Spring Festival.二、 语法巩固。 (共9题;共45分)11. (1分)Good students never go to school late. (改为同义句) Good students are never _school.12. (8分)阅读下列各小题,根据汉语及句末括号内的动词提示,用相关的动词短语完成句子(每空最多不超过四个词)。1.你认为我们青少年应该远离网络吗?Do you think we teenagers should _the Internet? (keep )2.你和你的家人相处得怎样?How are you _your family? (get)3.一收到妈妈的来信,她就立刻启程回家。She will set off for home at once as soon as she _her mother.(hear)4.习近平同志要求我们每个党员都要严格要求自己。Mr. Xi asks each of us Party members_ourselves.(be)5.谢谢你用小汽车搭载了我一程。Thank you for _in your car.(give)6.上周参观了博物馆后,我为中国的发明感到自豪。I _Chinese inventions after visiting the museum last week. (take)7.他已经想出了许多解决这些问题的方法。He _many different ideas to solve these problems already. (come)8.通往北京的火车票半小时前就卖光了。Train tickets to Beijing _half an hour ago. (sell)13. (5分)将下列短语译成英语。取得进步_填写_经验丰富的_同时_在的开始_14. (5分)根据中文意思完成句子。(1)同学们,到该做眼保健操的时间了。_do eye exercises, class.(2)业余爱好会对青少年的成长有好处。Hobbies will_ teenagers development.(31)你要么跟朋友们去滑冰要么爬山。You can_ climb mountains with your friends.(4)一些鸟飞走了,另外一些继续留在这里过冬。Some birds fly away, and_through winter.(5)只要你尽最大努力,你迟早会取得进步的。You will_ 15. (2分)_live in the house ?难道没有人住在房子里吗?16. (5分)根据汉语写出相应的英文句子。上午好!_谢谢你!_见到你我也很高兴。_欢迎到中国来 。_你是迈克尔吗?_17. (2分)李丽,你在房间里找什么呢?Li Li ,what are you_in the room?18. (9分)完成句子糟糕的污染使我想要组织一次清洁运动。Terrible pollution _ _ _ to organize a clean-up campaign.有一句古谚语:行动胜于言辞。There is _ _ _: Actions speak louder than words.你对动物园有什么看法?(feel about)_? 一位德国艺术家花了两年时间盖了一座用垃圾建造成的旅馆。A German artist _rubbish.安全可靠的校车不仅能够免去父母对孩子安全的担忧,而且能够缓解高峰时段的道路交通拥堵。Riding the school bus safely _but also makes the traffic better during the rush hour.19. (8分)英汉互译。列清单_为付款_最好做某事_顺便说一下_what else _ask for help _more expensive _something important _三、 单项选择。 (共20题;共40分)20. (2分)Jenny finally got the job because she _ speak English well.( )A . mightB . must C . could21. (2分)Li Wei is young that he cant go with us. A . suchB . soC . too22. (2分)The new policy will help _ more markets in this regionIt will be more convenient to usA . put outB . set sailC . open up23. (2分) _ your father _ game shows? He cant stand them.A . What do; think aboutB . How do; likeC . What does; think ofD . How does; think of24. (2分)Who? Brian?Right. He often gives me a _ when Im in trouble.A . replyB . giftC . handD . reason25. (2分)I _to the shop with Danny. We bought some gifts . A . goB . wentC . goesD . going26. (2分) I didnt see you at the meeting yesterday. Why? I _ for an important telephone call at that moment.A . waitB . waitedC . am waitingD . was waiting27. (2分)Ann likes milk _ her mother also likes it.A . butB . soC . andD . or28. (2分) _ your parents strict _ you _ your study? Of courseA . Do; with; withB . Are; with; inC . Do; of; inD . Are; of; with29. (2分)The children were in trouble. A . having good luckB . in difficultyC . in a traffic jam30. (2分)He has never _ such a strange thing. A . hearB . heardC . hear ofD . heard of31. (2分)They offered help they learned of the accidentThey are really warm-hearted A . as soon asB . as long asC . althoughD . since32. (2分)The song sounds _. It sounds _ Avrils song. A . nicely, asB . great, asC . great, likeD . nicely, like33. (2分)How much the sweater? fifty yuan.A . is; ItsB . are, TheyreC . is, Theyre34. (2分)She likes _ days because she can make a snowman. A . snowyB . sunnyC . windyD . cloudy35. (2分)Sauce(酱油), sugar and _ are all very important for cooking.A . drinkB . vegetablesC . saltD . fruits36. (2分)Many people enjoy _ in the park. A . playB . playingC . to playD . plays37. (2分)Being a professional singer is very difficult, but Ill never_ my dream. A . put upB . give upC . use upD . think up38. (2分)In the past, most children couldnt go to school poor economy(经济). A . becauseB . because ofC . sinceD . for39. (2分)Its time to go to bed, but hes _ doing his homework.A . stillB . evenC . againD . only四、 完形填空。 (共1题;共15分)40. (15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。The United States is full of automobiles (机动车). There are still many families without cars. But some Families have two or1 more cars. However, cars are used for more than pleasure. They are a2 part of life.Cars are used for3. They are driven to offices and factories by workers who have no other way to4 their jobs. When salesmen are sent to5 parts of the city, they have to drive in order to6 their products. Farmers have to drive into the city in order to shop for necessities.Sometimes, small children must be driven to7. In some cities, school buses are used only when children8 more than a mile from the school. When the children are too 9 to walk that far, their parents take10 driving them to school. One11drives on Mondays, taking her children and the neighbors children as well. Another mother drives on Tuesdays, another on Wednesdays and so on. This is12 forming a car pool (拼车). Working people also form car pools, with three or four people taking turns driving to the place 13 they work. More car pools should be formed in order to put 14 cars on the road and to use less oil.15 is a great problem, and so is the traffic in and around cities. Too many cars are being driven. Something should be done about the use of cars.(1)A . even B . much C . little D . such (2)A . great B . necessary C . proper D . possible (3)A . families B . business C . education D . Farms (4)A . get to B . look for C . find out D . use up (5)A . same B . different C . every D . each (6)A . catch B . create C . cover D . carry (7)A . cities B . schools C . parks D . gardens (8)A . move B . study C . live D . Work (9)A . small B . big C . young D . old (10)A . money B . time C . pride D . turns (11)A . parent B . child C . way D . car (12)A . call B . calling C . to call D . called (13)A . where B . that C . which D . when (14)A . more B . fewer C . many D . less (15)A . Driving B . Running C . Parking D . Forming 五、 阅读理解。 (共1题;共6分)41. (6分) Many companies use guards and expensive alarm systems to protect their property (财产). Soon a new kind of protection will be usedrobots. Engineers have been working on the first mobile robots for businesses. The robots will guard factories, warehouses (仓库) and museums at night.The mobile robots will move around slowly on wheels. They will be able to detect (察觉,发现) people through walls and pick up sounds, such as breaking glass. They can be fixed with loud sirens to frighten thieves, or radios to signal police or guards.To protect a building, a robot will have to move around without knocking into the walls. Information about the building will have to be stored in the robots small, built-in computer. A floor map could be programmed into the computers memory, for example. A mobile robot will not be able to do everything. Unlike human guards, it will not be able to climb stairs, open doors, or move along rough ground. It wont be able to tell the difference between friends and enemies. Because of that, people will have to be prevented from entering the area it moves.One kind of mobile robot will be able to “sense” whether a chair or a box has been moved and go around it. This robot will also judge size well enough so that it wont send an alarm if a cat crosses the room. And if someone tries to steal this robot, it will sound a loud, painful siren. The three-foot-tall robot is hard to be stolen anyway. It weighs about 200 pounds.U.S. companies pay almost $10 billion a year to protect their property with alarm systems and human guards. Mobile robots may be cheaper. (296)(1)Why is the new kind of robots called mobile robots? Because they can _.A . guard factories, warehouses and museumsB . send loud, painful sirens when it is stolenC . sense moving objects and signal policeD . move around and do the programmed work(2)How will a robot get directions for moving around a building?A . From a human guard.B . From a built-in computer.C . From another robotD . From radio signals.(3)What can be the best title of this passage?A . New Guards.B . Science and TechnologyC . Alarm Systems.D . Engineers and Robots.第 20 页 共 20 页参考答案一、 熟悉课文重点词汇和短语。 (共10题;共36分)1-1、2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、6-2、6-3、6-4、6-5、6-6、6-7、7-1、7-2、7-3、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 语法巩固。 (共9题;共45分)11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、三、 单项选择。 (共20题;共40分)20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、38-1、39-1、四、 完形填空。 (共1题;共15分)40-1、五、 阅读理解。 (共1题;共6分)41-1、41-2、41-3、


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