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鲁教版备战2020年中考英语专题复习短语辨析(真题)(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共50题;共100分)1. (2分)The naughty boy is always in his roomHis mother is very angry A . tidy upB . cleaning upC . make a messD . making a mess2. (2分)Bill is very fat. When he walks past my desk, he often_ my books _ the floor.A . knocks; forB . knocks; offC . knocks; overD . knocks; onto3. (2分)Lin Tao is younger than _ boy in his class. A . any othersB . any otherC . the otherD . the others4. (2分) My cousin is good at all his subjects at school, but he never _. What a _ boy! We should learn from him.A . gets off; thoughtfulB . takes off; energeticC . shows off; modestD . puts off; curious5. (2分) Jack always has good manners. Yes, he is always _ to wait for a long time without getting angry.A . too patientB . patient enoughC . enough patientD . very patient6. (2分)I have all my papers but I still cant find my notes. A . looked throughB . looked forC . looked afterD . looked out7. (2分)Dont be worried. You should always look on the bright side of things.A . be patientB . be interestedC . be positive8. (2分)Most British high school children _uniforms at school. A . wearB . dressC . put onD . dress up9. (2分)If you want to know more information about the coming party, please _ the notice on the blackboard. A . set upB . look throughC . pick outD . turn off10. (2分)The weather here is so pleasant that _visitors will come here for their holidays in winter. A . the number ofB . a great number ofC . the great number of 11. (2分)My work is interesting but _ dangerous.A . a kindB . kinds ofC . kind ofD . kind12. (2分)What a hard-working doctor! He hardly has time to play with his son. Thats true. Even on weekends he is _ his work.A . tired ofB . busy withC . strict with13. (2分)A father in the UK has a wonderful idea to send his kids to school on time. He takes his sons to school in a white tank(坦克).A . looked up toB . made upC . come up withD . shown up14. (2分) Do you need my help to wash the dishes?No, thank you. I can do it on my own.A . with your helpB . by myselfC . on time15. (2分)I really dont like him because he likes to _ my conversation with others. A . push inB . drop inC . cut in onD . bump into16. (2分)If you see any litter on the school playground, youd better _.A . give it awayB . pick it upC . turn it offD . put it on17. (2分)The candle was blown _ by the wind. A . offB . outC . inD . at18. (2分) Why are you in such a hurry?I am dying to see my brother. He is coming back home tonight.A . cant wait toB . remember toC . allow myself to19. (2分)Thanks _ your help, Jane. A . toB . forC . withD . of20. (2分)I like these photos and they can _ me _ the life living in the countryside.A . think; ofB . remind; ofC . let; downD . wake; up21. (2分)Your age shouldnt make any difference to whether you get the job or not. A . keep in touch withB . have any effect onC . take responsibility for22. (2分)Learning to love is like learning to walk.Yes, we step out bravely, well find its not so difficult.A . as ifB . even thoughC . as long asD . as far as23. (2分) Dont sleep _, or you wont fall asleep at night. Tonight I will take part in a party and well play until tomorrow morning.A . in the futureB . at noonC . in the daytime24. (2分)The radio is too loud.Sorry, Ill _.A . turn it onB . turn it downC . turn it over25. (2分)They must _ to get there, because its so far. A . by busB . take the busC . by trainD . walk26. (2分)I wanted to help my parents with housework, but they _. A . turned me upB . turned me onC . turned me down27. (2分)Meimei usually goes to school _,but on rainy days she_A . on foot, by busB . walks, by busC . walks, takes the busD . on foot, takes the bus28. (2分) Swimming is difficult for me. Dont _. Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it.A . give upB . go onC . pick upD . put on29. (2分) Does Lu Han enjoy reading in his free time ?No. He _ read a lot at his young age but now he prefers watching TV more. A . used toB . turned toC . added to30. (2分)The talent show is _ the game show. I like both. A . as interesting asB . not so bored asC . as boring asD . not so interested as31. (2分)The only suspect had to _ more details when the police began to question his explanation. A . make outB . make upC . make ofD . make into32. (2分)The writer will let me have a copy of his new book as soon as it .A . comes inB . comes outC . comes upD . comes about33. (2分)Scrooge _ mean, but now he treats everyone with kindness.A . is used to beB . used to beC . is used to beingD . is used for being34. (2分)All of us want to do the best but I think anyone can .A . play a roleB . make a mistakeC . hang outD . dress up35. (2分)To cut the long story short, I was elected to be the monitor.Congratulations!A . To be honestB . In briefC . To be out of place36. (2分)Mrs Zhang always asks us to _ conversations in the English classes. A . make upB . turn upC . end upD . look up37. (2分)Jack is very sad because his grandmother_ last week. A . passed awayB . passed byC . passed to38. (2分) What would you like to drink? Id like drinks _ tea and soda.A . such asB . for exampleC . likesD . look like39. (2分)We should learn to listenListening is important speaking A . too;toB . enough;toC . as;asD . so;as40. (2分)This kind of desk is wood, and it is made Hunan.A . made of; fromB . made from; inC . made of; inD . made from; from41. (2分)My clothes are _my brothers. A . sameB . same asC . the same asD . look like42. (2分)一How can I get to the nearest bank?一Take the No11 bus and at the third stopA . turn offB . get offC . get upD . turn up43. (2分)I have _ things to do today. A . too manyB . too muchC . much tooD . very much44. (2分)Jim tried his best to raise his spirits though he failed the exam. A . cheer himself upB . make himself calmC . keep himself down45. (2分)The Internet _ us _ information. A . provides, forB . offers, toC . offers, fromD . provides, with46. (2分)Harriet is lost and her parents are really _ her.A . interested inB . afraid ofC . busy withD . worried about47. (2分)He failed to break the world record for high jump again.But I think he will never _ his dream.A . give upB . turn downC . put away48. (2分)He used to very late, but now he is used to early.A . getting up; get upB . get up; get upC . get up; getting upD . getting up; getting up49. (2分)- Im so tired after the long journey that I want to go to bed at once.- Youd better _ first and then have a rest.A . take a walkB . take a messageC . take a breakD . take a shower50. (2分)I want to be a scientist like Tu Youyou when I in the future.A . grow upB . wake upC . stay up第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共50题;共100分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、38-1、39-1、40-1、41-1、42-1、43-1、44-1、45-1、46-1、47-1、48-1、49-1、50-1、


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