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仁爱七年级上册 Unit 2 Topic 2 Section A 学习目标 1 学习表示颜色的单词 black blue pink red purple brown white gray green 2 继续学习谈论人的外貌特征 学习重难点 1 颜色的应用及表达 2 What color is it 这一句型 3 怎样描述一件物品 自学指导 1 学习新单词 color black blond blue brown pink red white gray purple green yellow 2 让学生用英语提问与回答物体的颜色 3 完成下面的练习 英汉互译 颜色 粉红色的 黑色的 蓝色的 棕色的 黄色的 What color is it It s red 4 通过阅读 1a 回答下列问题 1 Where is Yukio from 2 What color is Yukio s hair 3 What color are Kangkang s and Yukio s eyes 合作探究 1 But you look the same 译 We don t look the same but we are good friends 译 look the same 中的 look 是动词 意思是 看起来 而 look 还可以用作名词 常用复数 意思是外表 外貌 样子 因此 look the same 的意为 看起来很像 也 可以表达为 have the same looks 意为 有相似的外貌 链接 look at 看 look like 看起来像 如 请看着我 他看起来像他的父亲 拓展 look the same 的反义词组是 而 have the same looks 的 反义词组为 2 A What color is it B It s pink 译 点拨 问 某物的颜色 的句型为 What color be 主语 回答用 主语 be 表 示颜色的词 也可以用 What s the color of 主语 回答用 It s 表示颜色的词 练习 1 他的头发是什么颜色的 是棕色的 2 他们的眼睛是什么颜色的 是黑色的 当堂检测 根据首写字母或汉语提示补全单词 1 What c is it It s purple 2 We are Chinese We have y skin 皮肤 and b eyes 3 Jim has brown hair and Tan Chen has black hair They don t look the s 4 Alice is my 好朋友 5 An orange is o and an apple is usually 通常 r 单项选择 1 are you in Class Five A What class B What grade C What color D What number 2 are the boxes They re red A What s color B What colors C Which color D What color 3 Who s the girl over there Which one under the tree A This B That C The one D Ones 4 Japanese and Chinese look A like B the same C at D black 5 what color is the shirt A Sorry B I m sorry C Excuse me D That s right 6 What color is it A It s an orange B It s orange C It s a orange orange D An orange 7 What color his pants A has B does C is D are 8 Tim and Tom are twins 双胞胎 But they don t have A look the same B look at C look the same D look like 根据提示完成下列句子 每空一词 1 his hair It s blond 2 these desk They are yellow 3 她来自哪里 她来自加拿大 4 A Excuse me their English teacher B Mr Wang A Thank you 5 she long black hair Yes she does 6 我们长的不一样 7 The orange is orange 对划线部分提问 IV 根据短文内容 完成下面的对话 A is Li Ming from B He s China A Who is Yukio B He is Li Ming s good A is he B He is thirteen A is his skin B It s yellow A Is he from Japan B Yes that s right They come from countries Unit 2 Topic 2 Section B 学习目标 1 能用表示颜色的形容词描写人物的头发 相貌 2 掌握 What does he she look like Please give sth to sb 这两个重点句 型 学习重难点 1 能用 What does he she look like 来描写人物的外貌 自学指导 1 学习 1a 找出重点短语 give sth to sb look like long hair 2 阅读 1a 翻译下列句子 1 请把这封信给 Maria 2 对不起 我不认识她 3 她长什么样子 4 她很高 有短的棕发 5 我明白了 合作探究 1 Please give this letter to Maria 译 点拨 give sth to sb give sb sth 把某物给某人 如 请把那本书给杰克 Jack 注 当 某物 用代词替代时 代词必须紧跟在动词的后面 如 请把它 们 给我 2 What does she look like 译 点拨 What do does sb 主语 look like 某人长的怎么样 练习 1 你的父亲长的怎么样 2 那个女孩长的怎么样 3 你长的怎么样 3 She is tall and she has short brown hair 译 点拨 多个形容词修饰名词的语序为 数量 大小 长短 颜色 名词 如 一张红色的小桌子 三个绿色的大苹果 金黄色的短发 一双黑色的大眼睛 当堂检测 根据首写字母或汉语提示补全单词 1 Please 给 the ruler to her 2 Please give this book to Li Mei I m s I don t know her 3 What do they look 像 They have long hair 4 Our teacher is very old but his hair is b 5 What c is your bike It s black 6 Hi Jane Your 信 Thanks 7 My mom is 年级大 but my English teacher is 年级轻 单项选择 1 Please give the letter Peter OK I will A to B in C of D on 2 What color is this apple It s A a green B a green apple C green D green apple 3 What does Lisa look like She has nose A a red big B a big red C red big D big red 4 What s white and black It s A gray B pink C blue D green 5 My teacher has long blond hair But his teacher have A don t B doesn t C isn t D aren t 6 What color is the pen It s orange A a B C an D the 7 What color the books red A is It s B are It s C is They re D are They re 8 She red hair and short legs A don t have B doesn t have C don t has D doesn t has 9 This T shirt is Maria s Please A give it to her B give her to it C give to her it D give to it her 10 Do you know that boy Sorry I A not know B know not C am not know D don t know 11 What does the boy He has brown hair and gray eyes A like B look C look like D look the same 12 This is my brother He has eyes A two blue small B blue small two C two small blue D small blue two Unit 2 Topic 2 Section C 学习目标 1 学习有关衣服的单词及短语 2 学会运用 What color is this skirt What color are these shoes 以及它的回答 学习重难点 学会描述人物的着装 自学指导 1 翻译下列句子 1 看这张照片 2 穿黄色衣服的女孩子是 Maria 3 Michael 很强壮 他戴着黑色的帽子 穿着蓝色的鞋子 4 他们看起来不同 但他们是好朋友 2 完成课本 39 页 1c 部分 3 用横线标出表示衣服的词 用圆圈把表示颜色的词圈出来 4 阅读 2a 完成下面的表格 Name Maria Michael Jane Kangkang Hair short brown black Clothes a white T shirt and blue pants 合作探究 1 What color are these shoes They are green 译 点拨 shoes 通常以复数的形式出现 以复数出现的衣服还有 pants 裤子 socks 袜子 gloves 手套 shorts 短裤 等 注 如果有量词 则以量词的单复数为 准 如 What color is that pair of shoes 2 The girl in yellow is Maria 译 点拨 介词 in 颜色 或 in a an 颜色 衣服 意为 穿 服装 戴 帽 子 眼镜等 如 1 你知道穿红色衣服的那个女孩么 Do you know the girl 2 简是穿着一件紫色的 T 恤衫和一条粉色的短裙 3 穿着一件白色 T 恤衫的男孩是康康 当堂检测 根据句意及所给词的正确形式填空 1 Look this photo please 2 I want buy a T shirt 3 What color be these pants 4 where be Tom from 5 What do Jane look like 6 Lily have an English book 7 I will give the letter to she 单项选择 1 What color those shoes They are A is green B are green C are green D is greens 2 The girl red is my sister A on B in C under D to 3 The boy brown is Bill and the boy white coat is Peter A in a in a B in a in C in in D in in a 4 Tim is in blue shirt and black pants A a B a a C D a 5 The dress nice A look B looks C looks like D look like 翻译下列句子 1 我想买一件裙子 2 你的衬衫是什么颜色的 白色的 3 Yukio 来自哪里 他来自日本 4 Yukio 长得什么样 他黑色长发 小嘴巴 5 请把这封信给 Tom 6 他个子很高 头发是白色的 7 我和小张看起来很像 8 我们看起来不像 但我们是好朋友 9 穿白色短裤的那个男孩是李四 10 刘波穿着一件黑色的 T 恤 11 让我看看你的绿鞋 12 他们看起来很高兴 Unit 2 Topic 2 Section D 学习目标 1 复习重点句子 2 复习有关衣服和颜色的单词 3 复习描述人物相貌和穿着 学习重难点 复习描述人物相貌和穿着 自学指导 1 完成 41 页的 Grammar 和 Functions 中缺失的部分 2 阅读 2 完成下列表格 Name pants cap Kangkang Michael 3 根据 2 中内容 假设你是迈克 完成下列的自我介绍 My name is Michael I from America Look at me I have eyes and a mouth My is blond and my nose is My is yellow and my pants are My is orange and my are green Am I cool 合作探究 1 特殊疑问词 what 的用法 What color 对颜色进行提问 其句型为 What color be is are 主语 询问人物的外貌 其句型为 What do does 主语 look like 2 动词 have has 的用法 have 用于第一 第二人称或者是复数 而 has 用于第三人称单数 如 I You We They have an orange He She has a pen 3 形容词性物主代词的用法 1 形容词性物主代词相当于形容词 在句中只能用作定语 后面必须跟名词 如 his book your bike their classroom 2 如果名词前用了形容词性物主代词 就不能再用冠词 a an the 指示代词 this th at these those 等修饰词了 例如 这是他的书桌 This is his desk 当堂检测 句型转换 1 My T shirt is yellow 对画线部分提问 is your T shirt 2 He is tall with blond hair 对画线部分提问 does he 3 Xiaoming s pants are gray 对画线部分提问 What color Xiaoming s 4 They look different 同义句 They don t 5 He has a gray cap 否定句 He a gray cap 单项选择 1 The traffic lights 交通灯 have three colors They are A blue red and pink B red yellow and green C red yellow and black D white green and yellow 2 A banana is yellow is A Orange orange B An orange an orange C An orange orange D Orange an orange 3 Please give this pen to Wang Tian Sorry What does she look like A I know her B I don t know her C I see her D I m not know her 4 Lucy do you your sister Lily No we have different looks A look B look at C look the same D look like 5 This T shirt is Maria s Please A give it to her B give her to it C give to her it D give to it her 6 What does the boy He has brown hair and gray eyes A like B look C look like D look the same 7 Is that girl your friend Sorry I don t know the girl red A in a B in C is D has 8 Her black and long and her legs are long too A hairs is B hair is C hair are D Hairs are 9 The boy in blue shirt and white pants is Peter A a B a C a a 完形填空 This girl is my friend She is thirteen 1 old She is not tall and not 2 She 3 have a long face but she has a 4 face like an apple She has two big black eyes and a small nose 5 mouth is wide but her ears are 6 She has short black hair She likes red She is 7 red clothes But now she is in a yellow skirt and brown 8 She is a nice girl She and I 9 good friends 10 is she She is Ma Hong 1 A a year B year C years D years 2 A long B short C big D white 3 A does B doesn t C do D white 4 A round B small C big D wide 5 A She B He C Her D His 6 A long B short C big D small 7 A has B have C in D with 8 A shoe B shoes C shirt D shirts 9 A is B are C has D have 10 A Who B What C Where D What color


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