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人教版英语八年级下学期期末测试C卷一、 单项选择。从下列每题所给的选项中,选择一个最佳答案。 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分) (2017七上大竹期中) She has_ aunt and uncle. A . a; aB . a; anC . an; aD . an; an2. (2分) Im learning to surf. Could you tell me something about it? _A . No problem.B . Have a good time.C . Thanks a lot.D . My pleasure.3. (2分) Scientists usually do lots of _. Because they are the judge of scientific (科学的) truth.A . talksB . experimentsC . sports4. (2分) Where is Jack? I havent seen him for a long time.He _ HK with his family. I think he is having a wonderful time there.A . went toB . was inC . has gone toD . has been to5. (2分) I ride a bike, but I drive a car.A . can; canB . cant; cantC . can; cantD . am; am not6. (2分) My English teacher is a young lady _ curly hair.A . haveB . hasC . inD . with7. (2分) In recent years more and more inventions in many fields.A . come trueB . come upC . come aboutD . come on8. (2分) (2016黄石) I dont think students should use mobile phones at school. . They really have a bad influence on our study.A . I agree with youB . Not at allC . No problemD . Its my pleasure9. (2分) When youre learning English, just use it, _ youll lose it. A . soB . butC . andD . or10. (2分) Wed better check the conditions of the car before starting our journey.OK, _.A . Better to be safe than sorryB . Many hands make light workC . Dont put all your eggs in one basketD . Too many cooks spoil the broth11. (2分) Basketball is so exciting that people play it for fun. A . millionB . two millionsC . millions of12. (2分) - Look! The boys are talking about the movie _. - They always have so many fun things to share.A . sadlyB . angrilyC . nervouslyD . happily13. (2分) (2018宜昌) The best _ to come to Yichang is spring.I think so. The green water and green mountains are unforgettable.A . environmentB . journeyC . temperatureD . season14. (2分) How about _ in the river with us?Sorry, I cant. My parents often tell me _ that.A . swim; dont doB . swim; to doC . swimming; not doD . swimming; not to do15. (2分) (2015七上上城期中) Your sports watch is so beautiful! _A . You are right.B . You are welcome.C . Thank you.D . Not at all.16. (2分) (2016九上深圳月考) The children were in trouble. A . having good luckB . in difficultyC . in a traffic jam17. (2分) She _ her hometown since she was 18 years old. She told me she would return soon. A . has leftB . has been away fromC . leftD . went away18. (2分) A: Jim had nothing for breakfast this morning, ?B: . He got up too late.A . had he; YesB . hadnt he; YesC . did he; NoD . didnt he; Yes19. (2分) (2017九上遂宁期末) The park is so beautiful. It _ last May.A . builtB . was builtC . is builtD . will build20. (2分) Good morning, Peter. How are you?_A . Good morningB . Good evening.C . Nice to meet youD . Fine, thank you.二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共15分)21. (15分) (2015郎溪模拟) 完形填空World Book Day falls on April 23 every year. It was set up by UNESCO (联合国教科文组织) in 1955 to encourage people, especially teenagers, to discover the pleasure of 1.Many countries celebrate World Book Day. On that day in the UK, millions of students can buy 2 of special price, much lower than usual in any bookstore. It has been done every year3 1998. World Book Day is also celebrated in China. Premier Wen Jiabao does lots of reading4hes very busy. On World Book Day 2009, he 5people to do more reading. He suggested that young people should spend more time reading. Books cant change the world, but people can change the world by changing 6 through reading, he said.Reading can benefit (有益于) people 7. Reading helps us become more knowledgeable and more intelligent. Reading helps us to follow the 8 developments of science and technology. Reading 9 us with information about other culture and places of the world. When we read, we may find many things 10 are unfamiliar to us. We would have to useour brain11 about them or do more reading to find out the answers. The more we read, the more we know. The more we know, the 12 we become. Reading is also one of the most important ways to learn a foreign language 13 English. We all know that we 14learn everything at school, for example, the ways English people are speaking and writing today.Reading makes a full man. Books, magazines, newspapers and other kinds of reading materials can help to know more about the outside world and perfect us.15, it is necessary for us to form the habit of reading every day.(1)A . listening B . speaking C . reading D . writing (2)A . clothes B . dictionaries C . computers D . books (3)A . since B . in C . from D . by (4)A . because B . though C . through D . when (5)A . allowed B . ordered C . called on D . introduced (6)A . ourselves B . yourselves C . themselves D . itself (7)A . in many ways B . by the way C . in any way D . in the way (8)A . earlier B . later C . latest D . last (9)A . shares B . gets C . opens D . provides (10)A . those B . that C . where D . how (11)A . think B . to think C . talk D . to talk (12)A . outstanding B . prettier C . smarter D . outgoing (13)A . like B . at C . about D . towards (14)A . can B . cant C . might D . have to (15)A . So B . However C . Now that D . Therefore 三、 阅读理解。阅读下列短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案。 (共3题;共22分)22. (6分) (2019七上江都期中) 阅读理解 Girls Volleyball MatchTeam: No.1 Middle School vs No. 2 Middle SchoolTime: 3:30 p.m.5:30 p.m., August 1stPlace: Yangzhou Sports Centre Come for our school team. We have twenty tickets (票) for every class.Go to your PE teacher for the tickets before Friday. Please wear your school clothes at the sports centre.The Volleyball ClubThe school volleyball club wants new members! We have good players from the school team. They can help you enjoy the game. We practice for an hour every afternoon from Tuesday to Thursday.Go to your PE teacher and buy sports shoes if you want to be with us.(1) What time does the volleyball match start? A . At 3:30 in the afternoon.B . At 2:30 in the afternoon.C . At 4:30 in the afternoon.D . At 5:30 in the afternoon.(2) What must you buy if you want to join the Volleyball Club ? A . B . C . D . (3) Members of the Volleyball Club practise _ a week. A . onceB . twiceC . three timesD . four times23. (6分) (2017九上德阳期中) 阅读理解BAs a rule, we have a test about some usual things in our life every two months. During my second month of nursing school, our teacher gave us a pop test as usual.I was a serious, hard-working and careful student, so I passed the questions easily until I read the last one, What is the first name of the woman who cleans the school?I thought this was sure some kind of joke. I saw the cleaning woman several times. She was tall, dark hair and in her 50s, but how would I know her name? I handed in my paper, leaving the last question blank.Before the class ended, one student named Nancy asked our teacher if the last question would count toward our test grade. This was also all the students question. We all wondered why he gave this question in the test, because we all felt it meaningless.Certainly, said our teacher. In your life you will meet many people. All of them are important. They should get your attention and care, even if all you do is smile or just say an easy hello . We all kept silent after hearing this.Ive never forgotten that special lesson. I also learned her name was Dorothy.(1) What will the writer be when she graduates according to the passage? A . A teacher.B . A cleaner.C . A nurse.D . A soldier.(2) What can we learn from the third paragraph? A . The cleaning woman is the writers aunt.B . The cleaning woman is tall and fat.C . The cleaning woman is more than fifty.D . The writer didnt want to tell others the womans name.(3) Why did the writer leave the last question blank? A . Because she didnt know the cleaners name.B . Because she didnt like the cleaner.C . Because she wanted to doubt her teacher.D . Because she wanted to know the teachers answer.24. (10分) (2015八上萧山期中) 阅读理解A young man went to a car shop. He was wearing rubber boots(橡胶靴子) and a dirty jacket. He needed a haircut(理发) very much. The young man looked at an expensive car carefully and then asked the shop owner(店主), “How much is this car?” “Nine thousand two hundred and eighteen,” the owner answered. “I want sixteen of them,” the young man said. The shop owner smiled coldly. He showed the door to the young man.In another shop on the other side of the street the business was done(生意做成了). The young man took money out of his pocket and paid for the cars. He said the cars were for himself and his friends were. Each of them wanted to get one. He said that he and his friends were working on a fishing-boat. “We have got much money this season,” the young man said, “and we want to buy cars. ”(1) The shop owner showed the young man the door means _. A . to ask him to go awayB . to ask him to look at the door of the carC . to tell him where the door of the shop wasD . to let him enjoy the beautiful door of the car(2) How many cars did the young man want to buy for his friends? A . 18.B . 17.C . 16.D . 15.(3) How much is one of the cars? A . 9218.B . 92180.C . 147488.D . 138270.(4) What was the man?He was a _.A . bank clerkB . school teacherC . shop ownerD . fisherman(5) The story tries to tell us _. A . we cant tell if a man is rich by his clothesB . cars are expensiveC . people wearing rubber boots are richD . we cant show the door to others四、 任务型阅读。阅读短文,完成表格,每空一词。 (共1题;共5分)25. (5分) (2018八上衢州月考) 阅读下面的材料,在表格中填入恰当的内容完成文章摘要,每空限填一词。 Hi, David,Guess what? Im writing to you from Beijing! Its my first summer holiday abroad, and here Im in China! Im going to learn Chinese for two weeks at a summer camp. Then my parents are going to join me here. I plan to spend another two weeks here and go on a tour around the country with them. Its going to be very exciting! Were going to visit the Great Wall and the Palace Museum in Beijing. Then were going to be in Xian from July 24th to 27th. My dad says hes going to take lots of photos of the Terracotta Warriors. After that, were going to Jiuzhaigou. Its famous for its beautiful mountains and clear lakes. Our last stop on the trip is Sanya. My mums going to spend lots of time on the beach, but Im going to swim in the sea every day.OK, I have to go. Im going to meet my Chinese penfriend, Daming. Hes going to take me to the Birds Nest tonight. Theres going to be a rock concert there. I cant wait!Yours,DavidTims Plan for Summer HolidayTo learn Chinese for _weeks at a summer camp.To visit the Great Wall and the Palace Museum with his_.To stay in Xian from July 24th to_.To _in the sea of Sanya.To enjoy the concert in the Birds Nest with his pen friend,_.五、 词汇运用。 (共1题;共1分)26. (1分) There are five stars in our national _(旗). 六、 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 (共10题;共28分)27. (1分) (2016八下靖江期末) You can ask your parents how much money _ (take) with you.28. (5分) 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词Mr Green has some ping-pong balls and s_ tennis balls.If you have a c_ to go to college, just catch it!What about r_ some money for the children in poor areas?Sounds like a good idea. Hes c_ he will be in Brazil for the 2014 FIFA World Cup.The f_ in my car is my pen pal from Canada, and his name is Bruce Hill.29. (1分) You should keep much _ (health) if you take more exercise.30. (1分) (2015八上扬州期中) My father _(出席) an important meeting in Nanjing yesterday.31. (1分) (2016八下吴江期末) Hi, Wilson. This is the second time you_(forget) to bring your book. Sorry, I wont do that again, Mr. Green.32. (2分) Look! The man has a long _ and a wide _.33. (5分) 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词(1)Going to bed and getting up e_ is good for health.(2)Different people have different i_ and hobbies.(3)Were having a school party the day after t_.(4)What do you think of your decision to be a volunteer? Im s_ about it and Ill try my best to do it well.(5)Which p_ of the town do you live in?34. (10分) 用括号中词的适当形式填空Linda loves her dog Davy. They went to New York City last Saturday. While Linda_(buy) a newspaper at the train station, the dog got out of his box and run away. The station was_(crowd) and Linda couldnt see Davy_(everywhere).When Linda_(shout) his name, some people looked at her but Davy didnt come. Then she called the police. While she was talking on the phone, Davy_(meet) another dog outside the station. She didnt think about_(look) outside the station._(final), a little boy said to her,” Did you look outside? I saw a black dog when I came in.” When Linda saw Davy, he was jumping and_(run) with another dog. There was a police_(office)next to them. He said to her.” I think my dog _(find) your dog. ”35. (1分) This shirt is _ (cheap) than that one.36. (1分) (2015八上扬州期中) They say studying _ (语言) is too difficult but it is very important.七、 阅读表达。 (共1题;共25分)37. (25分) (2016济宁) 阅读短文,根据要求完成文后的题目。There was a man who had four sons. He wanted his sons to learn not to judge thingstoo quickly. So he sent them to go and look at a pear tree far away in turns.Thefirst son went in the winter, the second in the spring, the third in summer, andthe youngest son in the fall.When they had all gone and come back, he called them together to describe what theyhad seen. The first son said that the tree was ugly. The second son said no; itwas covered with green leaves, and full of hope. The third so n disagreed. Hesaid there were many flowers that smelled so sweet and looked so beautiful, itwas the most wonderful thing he had ever seen. The last son disagreed with allof them, he said there was lots of fruit in the tree, full of life and harvest(收获).The manthen explained to his sons that they were all right, but they had each seenonly one season in the trees life. He told them You cannot judge a tree,or a person by only one season and its true nature the pleasure, joy, and lovethat come from that life can only be judged at the end, when all the seasonsare up.If yougive up when its winter, you will miss the promise of your spring, the beautyof your summer, harvest of your fall. Dont let the pain of one season kill thejoy of all the rest. (1) Why did the man ask his sons to go and look at apear tree in turns? (no more than 15 words)(2) Did the four sons have the same answer? (no morethan 5 words)(3) What did the man think about his sonsanswers? (no more than 20 words)(4) 请将文中画线的句子翻译成汉语。(5) 请给短文拟一个适当的英文题目。八、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)38. (5分) (2019杭州模拟) 10月4日是世界动物日(World Animals Day),请你用英语写一则倡议书,来呼吁大家一起行动保护野生动物。内容包括: 1)简介野生动物的现状,分析其数量减少的两个原因。2)谈谈保护野生动物的重要性,并提出保护的方法(至少两种)。3)呼吁大家一起行动保护野生动物,保护我们美丽的家园。要求:1)不能照抄原文;不得在文中出现学校真实的名称和学生的真实姓名。2)语句连贯,词数80-100个左右。文章开头已经给出,不计入总词数。Save the wild animalsAnimals are peoples friends. But many wild animals are facing the danger of dying out. 第 21 页 共 21 页参考答案一、 单项选择。从下列每题所给的选项中,选择一个最佳答案。 (共20题;共40分)1、答案:略2、答案:略3、答案:略4、答案:略5、答案:略6、答案:略7、答案:略8、答案:略9、答案:略10、答案:略11、答案:略12、答案:略13、答案:略14、答案:略15、答案:略16、答案:略17、答案:略18、答案:略19、答案:略20、答案:略二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共15分)21、答案:略三、 阅读理解。阅读下列短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案。 (共3题;共22分)22、答案:略23、答案:略24、答案:略四、 任务型阅读。阅读短文,完成表格,每空一词。 (共1题;共5分)25、答案:略五、 词汇运用。 (共1题;共1分)26、答案:略六、 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 (共10题;共28分)27、答案:略28、答案:略29、答案:略30、答案:略31、答案:略32、答案:略33、答案:略34、答案:略35、答案:略36、答案:略七、 阅读表达。 (共1题;共25分)37、答案:略八、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)38、答案:略


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