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人教精通版六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷(五)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . We _ English, Maths and PE on Mondays. ( )AhaveBhasCis看图,选择正确答案。2 . Do you like _?( )AtomatoBmilk3 . _ is my favourite food. ( )ARiceBNoodles4 . Do they like _? ( )AcakesBice creams5 . They like _ very much. ( )AorangesBapples6 . -Whats this? ( )-Its a(an) _.AbananaBorange7 . Its windy and warm _. ( )Aon springBin springCabout spring8 . 选出画线部分发音不同的一项:( )AbothBthoseCthese给下列句子选择正确的英文。9 . 我不喜欢葡萄。( )AI dont like grapes.BI like grapes.10 . 我能吃些梨吗?( )AI can eat the pears.BCan I have some pears?11 . 我喜欢苹果。( )AI like apples.BShow me the apples.12 . 吃一些香蕉吧。( )AHave some bananas.BId like some bananas.13 . Yesterday was my birthday. My mum _ me a book. ( )AbuyBboughtCsent14 . 找出每组单词中不同类的选项。( )l. A. pencil B. pearC.ruler D.pen( )2. A. sadB. present C.excited D.happy( )3. A. shoeB. headC.handD.arm( )4. A. ateB. wentC.flewD.swim( )5. A. monkey B.tigerC.kitchen D.giraffe15 . Can you the zoo? ( )AgoBtakeCvisit16 . Are you _?( )Yes,we are _ brothers.Atwin;twinBtwins;twinsCtwins;twin17 . -_ ( )-Miss Liu has long hair.AYes, a car!BCan you talk about your teacher?CHow are you?18 . There are_books in our library. ( )Amany and manyBmore and moreCsome and some19 . Where _ you go last weekend? ( )AdoBdidCdoesDare20 . Whats that, Amy? ( )_.AIts robotBIts a robotCRobot21 . I didnt _ football. ( )AplayBplayed22 . How many_? ( )Six.ApencilBbookCplates23 . 你将要飞吗?( )AWill you fly?BCan you fly?CI will fly too.二、情景交际24 . 想让别人看你时,你会说:_( )ALook at me.BThis is me.三、填空题25 . Read and write: He _ the _ yesterday. 选择方框中正确的短语填空,将序号填在横线上。A. showaround B. so heavy C. One the otherD. Thats great. E. a factory26 . Shes a worker. She works in _. (_)27 . -He helps sick people. -_(_)28 . Sam is_. Bobby is tired. (_)29 . I have two pets. _ is a fish _is a dog. (_)30 . Shes new here. Lets _ her_.(_)根据汉语意思,将下列句子补充完整31 . The train is _ the _. (上山)32 . Sam is _ the _. (在门后)33 . _. (打扰了。) Where is the park?34 . 直着走。它在房子附近Go _. Its _ the house.35 . 十分感谢Thank you _.四、任务型阅读36 . 阅读理解,根据短文内容判断正T误F。ClassOne, GradeFourItisTuesdaytoday.Boysandgirlsareallatschool.Theyusuallycometoschoolbybus.Theirteacherisatschool,too.TheteachersnameisGuYan.Sheisyoung.Sheusuallycomestoschoolonfoot.LookattheclassroomofClassOne,GradeFour.Inthisroom,youcanseeaboyandagirl.Theboyiseleven.HisnameisJack.ThegirlisEmma.Sheistwelve.JohnisJacksfriend.HeisanAmericanboy.【小题1】Boysandgirlsareallathometoday. (_)【小题2】Theboysandgirlsgotoschoolbybus. (_)【小题3】MissGuisnotold.(_)【小题4】MissGuusuallygoestoschoolbybike. (_)阅读对话,判断正误A: Good morning, Mr Wang.B: Good morning, Miss Li.A: Mr Wang, what are they?B: They are small. They are yellow. Theyre chicks.A: How many chicks?B: One, two, three. There are ten.A: Do you like chicks?B: Yes, I like chicks.A: What are they on the flowers?B: They are ladybirds.A: What colour are they?B: They are red and black.A: Can they fly?B: Yes, they can.37 . The chicks are yellow. (_)38 . There are nine chicks. (_)39 . Mr Zhang likes chicks. (_)40 . The ladybirds are on the flower. (_)41 . The ladybirds cant fly. (_)五、句型转换42 . 句型转换1. Sam brings some water quickly.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定的回答)_Sam _water quickly?No,_ .2. He has many good habits. ( 改为一般疑问句 )_ 3. she never goes bed late.(对划线部分提问 )_4. Wang Bing always puts his things in order.( 改为否定形式 )_ 5. He didnt finish his homework.( 改为肯定形式 )_六、选内容补全对话选择合适的句子补全对话,有项是多余的。A. What about you?B. Nice to meet you too.C. Im Xiaoyu. Im from Guangdong D. Good morning.E. Welcome. A: Good morning!B: 43 . A: Im Tom. Im from the USA44 . B: 45 . A: Nice to meet you.B: 46 . .七、连词成句47 . 连词成句。1. children, lots, of, learning, are, Chinese, in, England (.)_2. emails, lots, of, write, we, can (.)_3. miss, I, will, you (.)_4. can, I, English, now, speak (.)_5. French, I, study, going, to, not, am_八、书面表达48 . 写作题你搬了新家,以“My new home”为题,描述下你的新家,至少35个单词,要求3种及以上句型。_第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、二、情景交际1、三、填空题1、2、3、四、任务型阅读1、2、五、句型转换1、六、选内容补全对话1、七、连词成句1、八、书面表达1、


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