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本次作业是本门课程本学期的第6次作业,注释如下:大学英语II 第6单元 作业题 一、单项选择题(只有一个选项正确,共40道小题)1. Can you come to our party this Friday? _ 本题2分(A)Yes, that would be fun.(B)No, I dont.(C)Yes, but Im busy this Friday.(D)No, I dont like it.你选择的答案:前面作业中已经做正确正确正确答案:A解答参考:第六单元 A 当接受对方邀请答应参加某项活动时可以这么说,表示对此项活动感兴趣。B、D两项不礼貌,C项自相矛盾。2. Do you think it OK if I postpone my Tuesdays appointment till Wednesday? _ 本题2分(A)Yes, you can.(B)No problem.(C)No, you cant.(D)I have something to do then.你选择的答案:前面作业中已经做正确正确正确答案:B解答参考:第六单元 B 同意对方更改约会时间时,用no problem。如拒绝更改应先道歉再说明理由。3. Would you like to see a movie with me tonight? _ 本题2分(A)Why?(B)What for?(C)Yes, with pleasure.(D)No, I wouldnt.你选择的答案:前面作业中已经做正确正确正确答案:C解答参考:第六单元 C 愉快地接受对方邀请,可说with pleasure。即使不愿接受邀请也不能用反问的方式,应委婉表明不能去,再说出原因。4. Can Mr. Brown see me today? _ 本题2分(A)Sorry, hes out.(B)He doesnt want to see you.(C)Why dont you come earlier?(D)No, he cant.你选择的答案:前面作业中已经做正确正确正确答案:A解答参考:第六单元A 此题可用排除法,B、C、D项都是直接拒绝,显得不礼貌,只有A项先道歉,再说明了不能见的理由,符合习惯。5. _ Yes, Im free then. 本题2分(A)Do you have any plans for this Saturday?(B)Are you doing anything this Saturday?(C)Id like to make an appointment with you.(D)I want to know if you are free on Saturday.你选择的答案:前面作业中已经做正确正确正确答案:D解答参考:第六单元D 从回答“我那时有空”来看,对方是问某一时间你是否有空。若提问是A或B项,则可用No, nothing 来表示有空。C项并没有指出约会的具体时间。6. I am wondering if youd like to go to a concert with me this evening. _ 本题2分(A)Yes, I am.(B)No, I will come.(C)Yes, no wonder.(D)I cant make it today. How about tomorrow?你选择的答案:前面作业中已经做正确正确正确答案:D解答参考:第六单元 D I am wondering“我在想”实则是间接的问对方愿不愿意接受邀请,肯定回答一般用Yes, Id like to,D项“今天有事去不了,明天行吗?”7. _ Sorry. I have another appointment next Monday. 本题2分(A)Id like to make an appointment with you.(B)Id like to make an appointment for next Monday.(C)Id like to meet with Mr. Smith next Monday.(D)Can you see me next Monday?你选择的答案:前面作业中已经做正确正确正确答案:B解答参考:第六单元B 回答“抱歉,我下周一另有约会”,只有B项礼貌地表达了想与对方约在下周一,故选B。8. I wont be able to keep my 9:00 appointment, but I can come at 10:00. _ 本题2分(A)You should tell me earlier.(B)I dont mind.(C)Thats all right.(D)Why?你选择的答案:前面作业中已经做正确正确正确答案:C解答参考:第六单元C 对方确因有事来不了,应表示理解并同意对方推迟约会时间,C项表示“行,没问题”。9. How about 2 oclock? _ 本题2分(A)Im sorry. But it wont be so convenient for me.(B)No, its not good.(C)Is it convenient for you?(D)Sorry, I cant go.你选择的答案:前面作业中已经做正确正确正确答案:A解答参考:第六单元A 对方问“两点钟怎么样?”不行时可用A项,“抱歉,对我来说不太方便”。10. Would you like to join us for a picnic tomorrow? _ 本题2分(A)Thank you for inviting me.(B)Its so kind of you.(C)Yes, Im happy to. What time?(D)Im afraid I cant.你选择的答案:前面作业中已经做正确正确正确答案:C解答参考:第六单元 C 当对方发出邀请时,应明确表态是否接受,故A、B被排除。D项则没有说明不能参加的原因。11. Her interests _ from basketball to chess. 本题1分(A)vary(B)range(C)include(D)scope你选择的答案:前面作业中已经做正确正确正确答案:A解答参考:第六单元 B vary fromto短语中,from 和to 后面通常接同一个名词,表示与之间不同,因而异;range fromto表示在某个范围内变化;include 包括;scope 范围,名词 【译文】她的兴趣爱好从篮球到国际象棋,非常广泛。12. We must _ action before it is too late. 本题1分(A)take(B)make(C)work(D)find out你选择的答案:前面作业中已经做正确正确正确答案:B解答参考:第六单元 A take action 为固定搭配,采取行动;find out 找到,找出,查出 【译文】我们必须采取行动,以免太迟了。13. _ a thorough investigation, no trace of her husband has been found. 本题1分(A)Although(B)Though(C)Despite(D)Even你选择的答案:前面作业中已经做正确正确正确答案:A解答参考:第六单元 C although 和though 都是连词,只能接句子;despite是介词,可以接短语;even 副词,甚至,连都 【译文】尽管查得很彻底,但还是找不到她丈夫的一点踪迹。14. Whether we will go or not _ the weather. 本题1分(A)decides(B)determines(C)relies on(D)depends on你选择的答案:前面作业中已经做正确正确正确答案:D解答参考:第六单元 D decide 和determine 都表示决定,与原句逻辑矛盾;rely on 和depend on 都可以表示依靠、信赖,但depend on 还可表示取决于,由决定 【译文】我们去或者不去取决于天气。15. Linda is not interested in political _. 本题1分(A)issues(B)problems(C)questions(D)puzzles你选择的答案:前面作业中已经做正确正确正确答案:B解答参考:第六单元A issue 问题,争论点,political issue 政治问题、economic issue 经济问题,等;problem要解决的问题,难题;question问题、疑问、询问;puzzle难题、謎 【译文】琳达对政治问题不感兴趣。16. A person who is able to read and write is called _. 本题1分(A)learned(B)knowledgeable(C)literate(D)illiterate你选择的答案:前面作业中已经做正确正确正确答案:D解答参考:第六单元C learned 有学问的;knowledgeable 知识渊博的;literate有读写能力的,有文化的;illiterate不识字的,文盲的 【译文】一个能读能写的人被称为是有文化的。17. The manage is good at _ difficult customers. 本题1分(A)work with(B)handle with(C)tackle with(D)deal with你选择的答案:前面作业中已经做正确正确正确答案:C解答参考:第六单元 D work with与共事、合作,对起作用;handle 和tackle作“解决”之意时,都是及物动词,deal with处理、应付 【译文】经理很善于应付那些难侍候的顾客。18. Its difficult to get this _ to children. 本题1分(A)over(B)through(C)out(D)by你选择的答案:前面作业中已经做正确正确正确答案:D解答参考:第六单元 B get over恢复、克服、解决;get sth. through to sb. 使某人理解;get out离开、逃脱,生产,出版;get by通过,过得去、勉强过活 【译文】要让小孩理解这个很难。19. A sore throat and running nose are _ of getting cold. 本题1分(A)signs(B)symptoms(C)symbols(D)signals你选择的答案:前面作业中已经做正确正确正确答案:A解答参考:第六单元B sign符号,标记;symptom症状,征兆;symbol象征;signal信号 【译文】喉咙痛和流鼻涕是感冒的症状。20. Harry is _ and he always lacks self-confidence. 本题1分(A)insecure(B)independent(C)inactive(D)innocent你选择的答案:前面作业中已经做正确正确正确答案:B解答参考:第六单元A insecure不安全的,不自信的;independent 独立的;inactive不活动的,不积极的;innocent清白的,无知的,天真的 【译文】哈里是个没信心的人,他总是缺乏自信。21. What really made me decide to buy the house was the beautiful _ through the window. 本题1分(A)vision(B)look(C)picture(D)view你选择的答案:前面作业中已经做正确正确正确答案:B解答参考:第六单元D vision景象,视力;look外表,脸色;picture图画,照片;view风景,观点 【译文】我购买这房子的真正原因是可以从窗口眺望外面的美景。22. She was _ the point of telephoning him when his letter arrived. 本题1分(A)to(B)on(C)at(D)in你选择的答案:前面作业中已经做正确正确正确答案:C解答参考:第六单元B to the point of 达到程度;on the point of 正要的时候; at the point of 接近;in point of 关于,就而言,此短语不用the 【译文】她正想打电话给他,他的信就到了。23. Last year the crime rate _ by 20 percent. 本题1分(A)raised(B)aroused(C)arose(D)rose你选择的答案:前面作业中已经做正确正确正确答案:A解答参考:第六单元 D raise提高、增加;arouse唤起、激起;arose 为arise的过去式,出现、产生;rose为rise的过去式,上升、上涨 【译文】去年犯罪率上升了20%。24. Computer technology will _ a revolution in our daily life. 本题1分(A)bring around(B)bring about(C)bring out(D)bring up你选择的答案:前面作业中已经做正确正确正确答案:C解答参考:第六单元B bring around说服,使恢复知觉;bring about 引起、导致;bring out 出版,激起;bring up养育,提出 (话题) 【译文】计算机技术将引起我们日常生活上的革命。25. A truck _ Wendys dog and sped away. 本题1分(A)ran over(B)ran into(C)ran through(D)ran down你选择的答案:前面作业中已经做正确正确正确答案:C解答参考:第六单元A run over 辗过,轧过;run into跳进,撞上;run through穿过;run down撞倒 【译文】一辆卡车轧了温迪的狗疾驰而去。26. You see the lightening _ it happens, but you hear the thunder later. 本题1分(A)the instant(B)for an instant(C)on the instant(D)in an instant你选择的答案:前面作业中已经做正确正确正确答案:D解答参考:第六单元A the instant“一就”,引导时间状语从句,同the moment,as soon as等;for an instant 一瞬间;on the instant 立即,即时;in an instant立即 【译文】闪电时你立刻就会看到,但过一会儿才听到雷声。27. UN is trying to do something to _ better understanding between the two countries. 本题1分(A)raise(B)promote(C)heighten(D)increase你选择的答案:前面作业中已经做正确正确正确答案:C解答参考:第六单元B raise 提高,举起;promote促进,提升;heighten加高,增高;increase 增加 【译文】联合国正采取行动促进两国间的理解。28. Once out of the earths gravity, the astronauts are _ by the problem of weightlessness. 本题1分(A)affected(B)effected(C)inclined(D)related你选择的答案:前面作业中已经做正确正确正确答案:A解答参考:第六单元A affect影响;effect引起,招致;incline (使) 倾向于,常用be inclined to (do) 的搭配,有倾向的,易于的;relate 有关联,使相互关联,常用搭配be related to与有关 【译文】一旦失去地球重力,宇航员们会受到失重的影响。29. If your coat is too large, the tailor can _ it to fit you. 本题1分(A)modify(B)change(C)convert(D)alter你选择的答案:前面作业中已经做正确正确正确答案:B解答参考:第六单元 D modify修改,修订;change 改变,指位置、性质等改变;convert使转变,使转化,常与into搭配;alter改变、变更,指衣服等作部分改变或变动 【译文】如果你的衣服太大,裁缝会给你改得合身。30. All her energies are _ upon her children. 本题1分(A)guided(B)aimed(C)directed(D)focused你选择的答案:前面作业中已经做正确正确正确答案:D解答参考:第六单元D guide指导,引路;aim以为目标,aim at以为目标,瞄准;direct at/to/toward 把眼睛、注意力、努力等集中于;focus on/upon精力集中于 【译文】她把全部精力都集中在孩子身上。31. Knowing something as a whole is far from knowing all its _. 本题1分(A)instance(B)character(C)items(D)details你选择的答案:前面作业中已经做正确正确正确答案:B解答参考:第六单元 D instance 例子,建议;character 特性,性格;item 项目,款项;detail 细节,与题干中的whole相对应 【译文】了解事情的整体决不是了解其所有细节。32. His being careful made a deep impression _ the young girl. 本题1分(A)in(B)on(C)for(D)to你选择的答案:前面作业中已经做正确正确正确答案:A解答参考:第六单元 B make/leave a deep impression on sb. 给某人留下了深刻印象 【译文】他的仔细给这位年轻姑娘留下了深刻的印象。33. I heard that Tim was knocked down by a car and badly _. 本题1分(A)damaged(B)injured(C)hurt(D)ruined你选择的答案:前面作业中已经做正确正确正确答案:C解答参考:第六单元 B damage对某物的损害,程度较轻可以修复;injure身体受伤;hurt精神或肉体上的伤害,有强烈疼痛感;ruin毁坏,彻底破坏 【译文】我听说提姆被车撞倒,受伤严重。34. My mother seemed to be in no _ with my poor school report. 本题1分(A)mood(B)contact(C)attitude(D)feeling你选择的答案:前面作业中已经做正确正确正确答案:B解答参考:第六单元 B mood 情绪,be in no mood to do 没有心情做某事;contact 接触,联系,in contact with 与接触,联系;attitude 态度;feeling 感觉,触觉 【译文】看来我妈妈没有心情看我糟糕的成绩单。35. Bob was very _ to get the results of the exam for he was not fully prepared. 本题1分(A)anxious(B)concerned(C)pleasant(D)pleased你选择的答案:前面作业中已经做正确正确正确答案:B解答参考:第六单元A be anxious to do急于干,be anxious about担心;be concerned about/for担心,挂念;pleasant愉快、美好的(指物);pleased高兴的、兴冲冲的(指人) 【译文】由于准备不够充分,鲍勃焦急地等待着考试结果。36. Cindy cant concentrate _ what she was doing while her family were watching TV. 本题1分(A)to(B)on(C)for(D)in你选择的答案:前面作业中已经做正确正确正确答案:D解答参考:第六单元 B concentrate on 全神贯注于,精神集中于 【译文】家人在看电视时辛迪无法集中精力做事。37. This debate contest will be broadcast live on the National Television _. 本题1分(A)network(B)website(C)e-mail(D)computer你选择的答案:前面作业中已经做正确正确正确答案:C解答参考:第六单元A network电视网,广播网;website网址;e-mail电子邮件;computer电脑 【译文】这场辩论比赛将在全国电视网上现场直播。38. Theres still no _ evidence that supports the scientists theory. 本题1分(A)clear(B)obvious(C)valid(D)true你选择的答案:前面作业中已经做正确正确正确答案:C解答参考:第六单元 C clear清楚的;obvious显而易见的;valid有根据的,有理的;true真实的 【译文】还没有站得住脚的证据支持这位科学家的说法。39. Before he went to Hong Kong for his vacation, Jason went to the bank to _ some money. 本题1分(A)pull(B)pick(C)gain(D)draw你选择的答案:前面作业中已经做正确正确正确答案:A解答参考:第六单元 D pull拉、拖;pick采、摘;gain获得;draw提取,描绘 【译文】去香港度假前,杰生去银行取了些钱。40. Please pass me the salt, _ you? 本题1分(A)do(B)dont(C)will(D)wont你选择的答案:前面作业中已经做正确正确正确答案:B解答参考:第六单元 C 祈使句的反意疑问句用 “will you?” 【译文】请把盐递给我,好吗?五、阅读理解、完形填空题(共5道小题)41. Emotional intelligence is a persons ability to understand their own emotions and those of others, and to act appropriately using these emotions. Research suggests that a persons emotional intelligence (EQ) might be a greater predictor of success than his or her intellectual intelligence (IQ), despite an assumption that people with high IQs will naturally accomplish more in life. The Marshmallow Test is mentioned in Emotional Intelligence, by Goleman. How a child performs on this test at the age of 4 is a better predictor of his or her future success in life than his or her IQ. What researchers do is leave the child alone in a room with a marshmallow, telling them they can either eat the marshmallow immediately, or, if they can wait till the researchers return, they can have 5 marshmallows. What this is testing is “impulse control” and the ability to “delay gratification”. Its an example of “frustration tolerance”. Much of what we want later on in life requires resisting the immediate impulse, and also being able to “delay gratification”, i.e., when in college, you might have preferred to be off surfing in Hawaii, but, since you valued what a college education would do for you, you stuck with it. And it meant giving up some things you might have preferred doing at the time. Some of the children cant resist, and take the marshmallow immediately. Others stick it out, and what do they do? They count their fingers and toes. get up and look out the window. find a book in the room and read it. look up at the ceilingthey are very clever! Somewhere they developed this skill. could it have been their parents? My mom used to tell me “When youre angry, stop and count to ten”. She was teaching me to stop and think before I spoke or took action. This is a tried-and-true way to emotional intelligencestopping to think before you act or react. 共5题(1) Which of the following is not included in EQ? 本题2分(A)the ability to understand ones own emotions (B)the ability to understand other peoples emotions (C)the ability to act properly using those emotions (D)the ability to wait till the researchers return 你选择的答案:前次作业时已经做对正确正确答案:A(2) The Marshmallow Test is to _. 本题2分(A)test ones IQ (B)test ones EQ (C)test ones patience (D)test ones temper 你选择的答案:前次作业时已经做对正确正确答案:D(3) You stuck with a college education although you preferred to be off surfing in Hawaii. This example is to explain _. 本题2分(A)both “impulse control” and the ability to “delay gratification” (B)“impulse control” (C)the ability to “delay gratification” (D)neither “impulse control” nor the ability to “delay gratification” 你选择的答案:前次作业时已经做对正确正确答案:C(4) The example of the author and his mother shows _. 本题2分(A)the author can resist temptations (B)the author is very clever (C)some children develop their EQ through their parents teaching (D)when a person is angry, it is important to count from one to ten 你选择的答案:前次作业时已经做对正确正确答案:B(5) Which of the following is true? 本题2分(A)If a persons IQ is high, he will be successful. (B)If a persons EQ is high, he will be successful. (C)A person with high IQ is more likely to be successful. (D)A person with high EQ is more likely to be successful. 你选择的答案:前次作业时已经做对正确正确答案:B参考答案:第六单元; 第5小题:D 推断题。根据第一段第二句“研究表明情商比智商更能预测一个人能否成功”。A、C两项错误,B项太绝对。42. IQ is not the determining factor for success,” said Janell Kilgore, a staff counselor in the Faculty and Staff Assistance Program. IQ contributes about 20 percent to the factors that determine life success, which leaves 80 percent to other forces, including EQ, she noted. Goleman writes that “the vast majority of ones ultimate status in society is determined by non-IQ factors, ranging from social class to luck”. Emotional intelligence is one of those factors that can be improved or enhanced. According to Kilgore, understanding and practicing five key concepts can improve your emotional intelligence. Knowing ones own emotions Recognize and name emotions you feel; understand why you feel that way; and distinguish between feelings and actions. “As a parent, you can begin now with your children, teaching them about their emotions. But first you have to know your own. You have to be able to tell yourself what youre feeling,” Kilgore said. Recognizing emotions in others The ability to take another persons perspective, Kilgore said, is a skill that effective managers and supervisors possess. Emotionally intelligent individuals also are sensitive to other peoples feelings and listen well. Kilgore led workshop participants through an exercise designed to illustrate these ideas. She showed two emotionally charged clips from the movies Parenthood and E.T., asking individuals to write down emotions they saw exhibited by the characters body language. Participants also wrote down their own feelings during each scene. The groups list demonstrated the many emotions seen through the films characters, as well as the different ways people felt about the same scenes. Managing emotions Accept your feelings, but find a balance between over sensitivity or over expression and emotional suppression. Kilgore said her teenage daughters, when angry, have sometimes stomped up the stairs in their home. While some people may find this behavior unacceptable, Kilgore said she finds it healthy for them to express their emotions rather than suppressing them. Handling relationships Being perceptive, applying conflict management skills instead of ignoring conflict, and being considerate and cooperative are important in handling relationships with others. Kilgore also stresses that communication skills are essential to healthy relationships. 共5题(1) According to researchers, which of the following is true? 本题2分(A)IQ determines life success. (B)EQ determines life success. (C)IQ contributes a small part to life success. (D)EQ contributes a small part to life success. 你选择的答案:前次作业时已经做对正确正确答案:D(2) The word “sensitive” in paragraph 4 line 2 means _. 本题2分(A)showing understanding and awareness of something (B)easily worried and offended by something (C)likely to cause disagreement or make people angry or upset (D)good because it is based on reasons 你选择的答案:前次作业时已经做对正确正确答案:C(3) Why did Kilgore ask individuals to write down emotions they saw in the movie characters and their own feelings? 本题2分(A)Because she researched human emotions. (B)Because she was interested in movies. (C)Because she wanted to find out the differences between the characters and the audiences emotions. (D)Because she wanted to teach individuals the importance of recognizing others emotions. 你选择的答案:前次作业时已经做对正确正确答案:A(4) The example of Kilgores daughters indicates _. 本题2分(A)Stomping up the stairs is good behavior (B)Stomping up the stairs is good for her daughters health (C)Suppressing emotions is good for her daughters health (D)Letting out emotions is good for her daughters health 你选择的答案:前次作业时已经做对正确正确答案:C(5) The main idea of the passage is _. 本题2分(A)what EQ is (B)EQ is more important than IQ (C)how to improve your EQ (D)how to behave properly 你选择的答案:前次作业时已经做对正确正确答案:B参考答案:第六单元; 第5小题:C 主旨题。这篇文章的主要内容是提高情商的几个途径,也就是怎样提高情商,故选C。43. When we talk about intelligence, we do not mean the ability to get good scores on certain kinds of tests or even the ability to do well in school. By intelligence we mean a way of living and behaving, especially in a new or upsetting situation. If we want to test intelligence, we need to find out how a person acts instead of how much he knows what to do. For instance, when in a new situation, an intelligent person thin


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