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外研版(一起)六年级上册期末测试英语试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . 当你想知道对方是否喜欢下棋时,你可以问:( )ADo you like playing chess?BDo you like swimming?2 . -What color is her jacket? ( )-Its _.Aa greenBblueCthe blueDa blue3 . This is _. ( )Ado you whatBwhat you doCyou do what4 . How much _ your cap? ( )AisBareC/5 . How manycan you see? ( )I can see_.Aboat; fifteenBboats; fifteenCboats; a6 . Welcome to Suzhou. Let me _you _our city. ( )Ashow; offBshow; toCshow; forDshow; around7 . Where are the computer rooms? ( ) Theyre on _floor.Athe secondBtwoCthe twoDsecond8 . - They want _ climbing on Sunday. ( )AgoBgoingCto go9 . People usually dont open their presents as soon as they receive them. ( )Ain the UKBin the USCin ChinaDin Australia10 . -What day is the second day of a week? ( )-_ .AMondayBTuesdayCTuesday11 . The Chinese cartoon Shaolin Kids is_ TV at 8 oclock. ( )AatBinCon二、填空题根据句义或图片提示补全单词。12 . Im 52 kilograms, Tom is 54 kilograms. So he is h_ than me.13 . He h_ a cold (感冒) last weekend.14 . Im 10 years old. My little sister is seven. She is 3 years y_ than me.15 . John didnt like winter before, because he couldnt go c_. ( )16 . We cant go to the zoo today. Dont be s_. We can go next time.17 . 汤姆喜欢打鼓。Tom likes _ (playing/plays) the drum.单词拼写(词汇运用)。18 . _ the children like playing football. They are happy. 19 . Look at _(我).20 . Gina likes c_Chinese food. 21 . Where are the _?On the table.22 . I like this k _te.Read and write.(读一读,按要求写单词。)23 . go(第三人称单数形式)_24 . worker(动词形式)_25 . science(职业名词)_26 . study(第三人称单数形式)_27 . run(动词-ing形式)_28 . swimming(动词形式)_29 . cleaner(动词形式)_30 . country(复数形式)_31 . 根据汉语提示完成句子。1. Daming and Sam want _ (参观联合国大厦).2. Heres the _ (中国国旗).3. Please _ (给我看) your photo.4. My friends are from _ (全世界).5. My father will _ (飞往) America tomorrow.32 . It is comfortable when the wind blows_(gentle).33 . My father _ (watch, watches) TV at eight oclock every evening.看图完成句子34 . Go to the study and_.35 . Go to the bathroom and _.36 . Go to the bedroom and _.37 . Go to the living room and _.38 . Go to the kitchen and _.选词填空。39 . -What are those?- They are _ (sheep/sheeps ).40 . That is my _(father/fathers)shop.41 . Where_(do/does)your uncle work?42 . Can you _(swim/swimming)?43 . He _(look/looks)very young in his new T-shirt.44 . My mother is a_ (singer/sing).45 . What are _(that/those )?46 . They are_(orange/oranges).47 . That _(is/are) a horse.48 . Whose_(sheep/sheeps) are these?49 . Read and classify.(按要求分类,只写序号。)ApoliteBwashCjuiceDnoodleE. beefF. helpfulG. besideH. sendI. sandwichJ. teaK. moveL. aboveM. strictN. hamburgerO. betweenP. kindQ. drawR. behind1.描写人的形容词:_2.描写动作的动词:_3.可数的食物单词:_4.不可数的食物单词:_5.表示位置的介词:_50 . 按要求写出下列单词的相应形式。1.do(单三)_2.have(单三)_3.class(复数)_4.sheep(复数)_5.do(否定缩写)_6.doesnt(完全形式)_7.work(名词)_8.drive(名词)_9.cow(复数)_10.watch(单三)_51 . 补全单词,并写出汉语意思。(1)_ l_w (_)(2)n_v_(_)(3)m_n_(_)(4)b_f_re(_)(5)n_g_t (_)(6)st_p (_)(7)st_eet (_)(8)y_r (_)(9)w_d_w (_)(10)r_ce(_)52 . 根据要求完成下列各题: swim(动名词)_用所给代词的适当形式填空。53 . These are _ (they) flowers. Those books are _ (they), too.54 . -Is this _ (you) photo?-No, its his. _ (my) is in _ (my) bag.55 . The cat is cute. _ (It) eyes are blue.56 . The eraser is for _ (she).57 . The child is happy, because his parents give _ (he) some lucky money.58 . They are not polite. I dont like _ (they).59 . _ (I) are working in the department.60 . _ (I) shoes are old. The new shoes are _ (he).61 . Excuse _ (I). Can you tell _ (we) the way to the cinema?62 . _ (we) car is over there.读对话,选出正确的内容.63 . -(Whats/What)_ for lunch? -Some (egg/eggs) _ noodles.64 . -Can I have (a/some) _milk? -_ (Really/OK). Here you are.65 . -(I had/Id) _ like some _ (vegetables/vegetable). -OK.66 . -Pass (I/me) _ the chopsticks, please. -OK. Here _ (are you/you are).67 . -What (do/would) _ you like for dinner?-I would like some_ (chickens/chicken).找出规律,补充单词并译成汉语68 . circle thirty d_ty_69 . far card st _70 . today play alw _s_71 . look cook b_ts_72 . cake late m_k_用所给单词的正确形式填空73 . My mother _ (like) dancing and singing.74 . The moon _ (look) very big and round.75 . Junjun is _ (fly) a kite in the park.76 . _ (he) favourite festival is the Lantern Festival.77 . That is Damings book, please give it to _ (he).78 . 根据图片提示,选词填空。AsofaBclappingCrainingDflyingEdrawing1. Its_today.2. I like_kites in summer.3.My cap is on the_.4. They are playing_games.5. He is_a dog.写出更多字母ir, ur发 /:/ 的单词。79 . ir:80 . ur:三、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Jim is a pupil. He often walks to school at seven thirty. Sometimes he rides his bicycle. He is in Class Two, Grade One. He has four classes in the morning and two classes in the afternoon. He learns Chinese and English. He likes swimming, skating and ball games. He goes home at five oclock. He often does his homework in the evening. Sometimes he watches TV for an hour. He goes to bed at nine oclock.81 . Jim goes to school at 7:30.(_)82 . Jim never rides his bicycle to school. (_)83 . Jim often does his homework in the morning. (_)84 . Jim always watches TV in the evening. (_)85 . In the afternoon, Jim often plays football. (_)四、判断题判断下列图片与单词是(T)否(F)相符。86 . she(_)87 . teacher(_)88 . student(_)89 . 判断题,正确写“T”,错误写“F”。(_)1.My birthday is on 1th May.(_)2.His birthday is on 6th november.(_)3.In China, people usually do not open gifts right away. (_)4.In Western countries, people usually do not open gifts right away.(_)5.I have an orange hat.90 . 读一读,判断对(T)错(F):Its summer. Its hot. (_)91 . 判断图片与句子是(T)否(F)相符:(_)The bus usually stops at the school. 92 . Look and write(T)or(F): She lives in London. (_)五、句型转换句型转换。93 . Tom brought some honey happily. 否定句: Tom_honey happily. 一般疑问句: _ Tom _ honey happily?提问: _ brought some honey happily?94 . My cousin is going to spell the words. 否定句: My cousin_ going to spell the words. 一般疑问句: _cousin going to spell the words?提问: _ cousin is going to _?95 . Jack saw the giraffe last Sunday. 否定句: Jack_ the giraffe last Sunday. 一般疑问句: _ Jack_ the giraffe last Sunday?提问: _Jack _ the giraffe?96 . There were many beautiful flowers in the forest. 否定句: There _many beautiful flowers in the forest. 一般疑问句: _ many beautiful flowers in the forest?提问: _ in the forest?97 . Did Mr. Green wash the dishes last evening? 用in the evenings替换_?按要求改写句子。98 . Its time for school.(同义句转换)Its time _ to school.99 . My father reads his newspaper in the living room.(对画线部分提问)_ your father read his newspaper?100 . There are some umbrellas on the shelf.(改为否定句)There _ umbrellas on the shelf.101 . Tina did her homework at school yesterday.(改为一般疑问句)_ Tina _ her homework at school yesterday?102 . My brother is ten years old.(对划线部分提问)_ is your brother?103 . They are at home.(对画线部分提问)_ are they?按要求改写句子。104 . There was a party at Mikes house yesterday.(用next week代替yesterday)There _ a party at Mikes house next week.105 . Mary brings her snacks to Ben.(同义句转换)Mary brings Ben _.106 . The children are going to have a party at Jacks house.(对画线部分提问) _ the children going to _ at Jacks house?107 . My sister had a good time yesterday.(同义句转换)My sister _ yesterday.108 . My mother buys me a new watch.(同义句转换)My mother buys a new watch _.按要求改写句子。109 . The children will learn about Australia at school.(改为否定句)The children _ about Australia at school.110 . My aunt sent me some photos yesterday.(同义句转换)My aunt sent some photos _ yesterday.111 . Wang Bing is reading an English book now.(用tomorrow替换now改写句子)Wang Bing _ an English book tomorrow.112 . Mike comes from America.(同义句转换)Mike _ America.113 . Theyre going to come home at 4:30.(对画线部分提问)_ are they _ come home? 六、填内容补全对话114 . 根据图片及首字母提示补全短文,每空一词It is Saturday today. The sun is 1.s_. There are many people on the beach. Look! A little girl is 2.f_a kite. A girl and a boy 3.a_playing with a ball. A man is sitting near a big 4.t_. He is talking with some kids. A girl is standing 5.u_the tree. Some boys are 6.s_in the sea. They are all very 7.h_.七、连线题115 . 问答句连线。1. Wheres the maths book?AYes, it is.2. Let me help you.BIts yellow.3. Whats in your schoolbag?CIts in my desk.4. Is everything in your schoolbag?DIts a notebook.5. What colour is your pencil box?EI have many books in it.6. Whats this?FThank you第 19 页 共 19 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、二、填空题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、三、任务型阅读1、四、判断题1、2、3、4、5、五、句型转换1、2、3、4、5、六、填内容补全对话1、七、连线题1、


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