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外研版(一起)五年级上册期末测试英语试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . 选出下列单词中不同类的单词( )AonBhisCher2 . Thefootballmatchisvery_.( )AexciteBexcitedCexciting3 . There _ some water on the table ten minutes ago . ( )AwasBwereCareDis4 . We _ a film last night. ( )AseeBseesCsaw5 . Would you like _ beef? ( )AaBanyCsome6 . Can you _ basketball? ( )AplaysBplayCplaying7 . Peter was very_in the film. ( )AinterestBinterestingCinterested8 . -_ are you doing? ( )-Im making a big cake.AHowBWhatCWhere9 . When is your birthday? ( )Its on .AJuneBMayC26th October10 . Where is the Italian restaurant? ( )Its _ the bookstore.Anext toBfromCcrossing二、填空题11 . 选择恰当的词填空。1. This is _(a/an) office building.2. I will_ (study/studying) the moon.3. There _ (is/ are) some free time.4. You must not _ ( are /be) late for school.5. I want to _ ( fly/fly to) the sky.三、任务型阅读阅读理解Hi, Im Ann. Im from China. Im short and thin. I have two big eyes and a small mouth. I like watermelons. I dont like pears. I have a brother. His name is Tom. He is tall and thin. He likes watermelons, too. He doesnt like apples.12 . Ann is from the UK.(_)13 . Ann has two small eyes and a big mouth.(_)14 . Ann doesnt like pears.(_)15 . Tom and Ann like watermelons.(_)16 . Tom is tall and fat.(_)四、汉译英写句子17 . 欢迎来到中国。_18 . 你来自哪里?_19 . 你好,我叫比尔。我来自英国。_20 . 我喜欢打篮球。_根据中文提示,完成句子。21 . 阅读可以使人聪明。_ can _ people _.22 . 下周我打算去公园钓鱼和放风筝。We _ and fly _ in the park next week.23 . 莉莉你应该把你的东西整理得井井有条。Lily, you should _ your things in _.24 . 李明有时在课上感到困倦。Li Ming sometimes _ in class.25 . 这个小女孩正在伤心的哭。The little girl is _.26 . 我的姐姐打算买些新衣服。My sister is going to _.将翻译写在横线上27 . I watched TV _ (昨天晚上).28 . Did he _ (呆在家里) yesterday?Yes, _ (他是).29 . They went fishing _ (和朋友们) yesterday.30 . _ (怎么样)her weekend?31 . Amy _(拜访她的外祖父母) last weekend.翻译。32 . 马_33 . 米饭_34 . 护士_35 . 警察_36 . 医生_37 . 面条_38 . 司机_39 . 饺子_40 . 鸭子_41 . 早饭_42 . 根据中文写出正确的英语单词。1.n.雨林_ 2.n.池塘_3.n.猴子_ 4.n.驼峰_5.n.青蛙_ 6.v.爬树_7.n.松鼠_ 8.v.戒除_9.n.蝴蝶_ 10.n.蚱蜢_五、判断题43 . 判断所给句子与图片是(T)否(F)一致。( )(1)The girl is wearing a hat.( )(2)She is wearing a raincoat.( )(3)Today is a sunny day.( )(4)Theyre going to play basketball.( )(5)I want to have a hot dog.( )(6)The dog sits under the tree.判断下列问句贺答语是(T)否(F)相匹配。44 . -Look at my new cap. - How nice! (_)45 . -What color is it? -This is my jacket. (_)46 . -This is my brother, Tim. - Goodbye. (_)47 . -Are you Bobby? -Yes, I am. (_)48 . - Goodbye, Mike. -Hello, Amy. (_)判断句子或对话与图片是否相符,相符写“T”,不符写“F”。1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 49 . What can you see in the classroom? I can see a blackboard.(_)50 . Nice to meet you! Nice to meet you, too.(_)51 . The ball is behind the box.(_)52 . How many pencils do you have? Three.(_)53 . Hows the weather? Its rainy.(_)54 . 判断图片和句子是(T)否(F)相符。( ) 1.There is a shelf, a desk, a chair and a lamp in the room.( ) 2.There is an air-conditioner in the room.( ) 3.There is a TV and a flower in the room.( ) 4.There are two end tables in the room.( ) 5.This is my home.55 . Readandwrite“T”or“F”: They are lions.(_)六、句型转换56 . He often rides his bike to school.(对划线部分提问)_57 . There is a boy in the village.(变为一般过去时)There _ a boy in the village.按要求改写句子58 . There is an orange on the plate.(改为复数句)_ on the table.59 . Goldilocks is in the house.(对划线部分提问)_ Goldilocks?60 . There are three sandwiches on the table.(对划线部分提问)_ are there on the table?61 . There is some milk in the fridge. (改为否定句)There_ milk in the fridge.62 . Take off your coats.(改为否定句)_ take off your coats.63 . the, are, beside, there, flowers, a lot of, house ( . )(连词成句)_64 . There are some books under the bed.(对划线部分提问)_ under the bed?65 . They were young then.(改为否定句)They _ young then.按要求改写句子。66 . Mr Green teaches us English.(对画线部分提问)_ English?67 . Mandy is good at playing the piano.(同义句转换)Mandy _ the piano.68 . Leo likes Maths and PE.(对画线部分提问)_ does Leo _?69 . He likes playing basketball.(改为一般疑问句)_ he _ basketball?70 . She sends an email to her sister first.(改为否定句)She _ an email to her sister first.71 . My father has a lot of students.(同义句转换)My father has _ students.七、改错72 . 改错。(_) 1. My sisters birthday is on July. _AB C(_) 2. Thisis a wind day. _AB C(_) 3. New Years Day is January the one. _ABC(_) 4. Who birthday isin November?_AB C(_) 5. Ilike play in the snow. _A B C73 . 选出错误的一项并改正。【小题1】You are happy to them. 改正:_A B【小题2】I canspeaking English. 改正:_A B【小题3】You are going to studyingChinese. 改正:_A B【小题4】Keep on practicing China in the UK. 改正:_A B【小题5】Were going to learning lots of things. 改正:_A B【小题6】Im very sad tosaying goodbye to you . 改正:_A B【小题7】In the same time , I am glad to meet you . 改正:_A B找出下列句子中的错误项,并改正过来。74 . Areyouoftenreadbooksinthepark? (_)_A B C75 . Iwouldlikesomewaters. (_)_A B C76 . ShecansingaEnglish song. (_)_A B C77 . Therearesomanytreeinthevillage. (_)_A B C78 . Isthereanytallbuildingsinthenaturepark? (_)_A B C79 . Whatshefavoritefood? (_)_A BC80 . 找出下列句子中的错误并改正1. Sam and his friends play basketball in the park yesterday._2. I can jumps very high._3. Our team got thirty point._改错。81 . Howcanwegettothere?(_)_A BC D82 . Dontgoatthegreenlight!(_)_A B C D83 . Helikesreadstories.(_)_A BC D84 . Theyreafraidofhis.(_)_AB C D85 . Whereareyougoingtodotoday?(_)_A B C D八、连线题86 . 读句子,连线合适的答语。1. Whats your name?APleased to meet you, too.2. Lets go home together.BI come from Australia. 3. Where do you come from?COK. 4. Pleased to meet you.DIm Betty.5. Do you like having fish ? E. Yes, I do.第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、填空题1、三、任务型阅读1、四、汉译英1、2、3、4、5、五、判断题1、2、3、4、5、六、句型转换1、2、3、4、5、七、改错1、2、3、4、5、八、连线题1、


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