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冀教版小升初模拟测试英语试卷一姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . He is 1.6 _ tall. He is _ than this desk. ( )Ameter; tallBmeters; tallCmeters; taller2 . Can I_you?( )AhelpBhappyChave3 . There are _ flowers in the garden. ( )Alot ofBa lotClots of4 . What score _ you get? ( )AdidBdoCdoes5 . _you want to play football with us?( )Yes, I do.ADoBCanCAre6 . Our National Day is October. ( )AonBinCat7 . I want _ your pen friend. ( )AbeBto beCis8 . How old are you? ( )I _ ten.AamBisCare9 . Look! A nice picture _ for our teacher. ( )Ais drawingBis being drawnChas been drawnDdraws10 . Robin _ GPS.AHaveBhasCis11 . I dont want _.( )AshortsBshortCtrouser12 . -What do you do_Chinese New Years Eve? ( )-We usually_a big dinner with our family.Aon; haveBon; are going to haveCin; had13 . Lucy is not _. ( )AAmericanBAmericaCJapan14 . Whose pants are these? ( )Theyre _.Ayour fatherBMikeCyours15 . Is this toy? ( )AMikesBMikeCI二、阅读选择16 . 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Today is Sunday. The students of Grade One go to school early, but they have no classes. Their teachers take them to the zoo by bus. They get there at half past nine. How beautiful the zoo is! There are many trees, some hills, and a big lake. Its spring now, and the flowers are coming out. There are many people there, too. They like to watch monkeys. They are having a good time there. They leave the zoo at three in the afternoon. ( ) (1) The students get to the zoo.A. in the morning B. in the afternoon C. in the evening( ) (2) The students have lunch.A. at home B. in the zoo C. on the bus( ) (3) They have no classes because.A. they want to see flowers B. its Sunday today C.They dont want to have classes.( ) (4) They stay in the zoo forhours.A. three B. five C. five and a half ( ) (5) Which is right? A. The students go to the zoo in January.B. They go to the zoo by bus. C. They play with monkeys in the zoo.三、完形填空Read and choose. (读短文,选择正确的选项。)Everyone _ to be strong and healthy. Me, too. A healthy body _ healthy bones(骨骼), muscles(肌肉) and skin(皮肤). _ strong bones, you need _ good foods. You can eat more vegetables and fruits. For strong muscles, you need _. You need about twenty minutes of exercise three _ a week. _ is exercise. _ ping-pong is exercise. Riding a bike is exercise. Walking to school is exercise. Healthy skin is _ skin. Remember _ a bath or a shower always. I hope everyone is strong and healthy.17 . AwantBwantedCwants18 . AhaveBhasChad19 . AToBForCWith20 . AeatsBeatingCto eat21 . AreadingBexerciseCsleeping22 . AtimeBtimesConce23 . ARunningBRunCRan24 . APlayBPlayedCPlaying25 . AcleanBwhiteCbrown26 . Ato takeBtakingCtake四、情景交际27 . 你想问书是否在桌子下面,你说:“_” ( )AIs the book on the chair?BIs the book under the desk?28 . 向对方道歉时,要说:_( )AThank you.BSorry!29 . 当你想确认对方是不是南希时,你应该说:( )AIm Nancy.BAre you Nancy?CYes, I am.30 . 当你捡到一本词典,寻找失主,问( )AWhos that?BWhose dictionary is it?CThis dictionary is mine.31 . 当有人问路时,你想告诉他沿街直走,并在交通灯处左转,你会说_ATurn left at the street.BAcross the road.CGo down this street and turn left at the traffic lights.五、书面表达32 . 写作。My Favourite Teacher假设你是Tom,请给Tim写一封信,从下列表格中选出位你最喜欢的老师介绍给他。要求:不少于5句话30个单词。Ms GreenMr whiteMrs SmithSubjectEnglishartmusicAppearancetall and slim,long curly hairnot very tall,handsomebrown hairsmall eyes,short hairwear gassesGood atsinging English songsdrawing animalsplaying the pianoDear Tim,_Yours,Tom第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、阅读选择1、三、完形填空1、四、情景交际1、2、3、4、5、五、书面表达1、


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