译林牛津版2020届九年级英语教学质量调研测试(—模)试卷(II )卷

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译林牛津版2020届九年级英语教学质量调研测试(模)试卷(II )卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)Suzie would like to write _ article about the various threats to the environment. A . aB . anC . theD . /2. (2分)Your computer is old and slow. It is necessary a new one. A . to buyB . buyC . to makeD . make3. (2分)I usually ride _ bike to school. But this morning, I went to school by _ bus. A . a ; theB . the; aC . 不填; aD . a; 不填4. (2分)Can you tell me _?In the year 2020.A . when will Wuxue Changjiang Bridge be builtB . when Wuxue Changjiang Bridge will be builtC . who will build Wuxue Changjiang BridgeD . where Wuxue Changjiang Bridge will be built5. (2分)His toys are _ everywhere. A . inB . atC . onD . /6. (2分)Look at these stamps. I _ them for five years.Wow, they are wonderful.A . keptB . have keptC . have boughtD . bought7. (2分)The building has been _ designed(设计) to provide easy access(通道) for people in wheelchairs.A . clearlyB . speciallyC . simply8. (2分)The doctor took my temperature and said it was A . normalB . simpleC . commonD . similar9. (2分)There are _ rules here and there(到处).A . too muchB . many tooC . too manyD . much too10. (2分)Could you please speak a little louder? I _ hear you very well. A . cantB . mustntC . shouldntD . neednt11. (2分)Would you please tell me _? OK, her name is Cici.A . what was her nameB . what her name wasC . what is her nameD . what her name is12. (2分)She found my secret, which made me feel very embarrassed.A . comfortableB . confidentC . awkward13. (2分)If Nancy _ the exam, she will go to Australia for English study.A . passB . passedC . passesD . will pass14. (2分) Is the young man over there a famous writer? Yes. He has written many novels under the name of Hope.A . known asB . using the name ofC . that are called15. (2分)(2016黔东南)Who do you think _ in your Dragon Boat race team?Da Liu, I think.A . is a good playerB . a good player isC . is the best playerD . the best player is二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。People with different cultures (文化) and languages live together in India. Its a very old 1with a large population. Today there are over1.3 billion people in India. Soon it might surpass (超过) China and 2a country with the largest population in the world.Different 3China, family planning in India isnt made. In the 1970s and 1980s the Indian government tried to 4their growing population, but it is still increasing quickly.Many women have more than three 5in India. About one third of Indias 6is under 14. It makes India one of the worlds 7countries. However, India has the largest proportion (比例) of people who cant read 8write.More than 70% of Indian people live in the countryside. These years more and more people in the countryside are 9to cities. But there they live in crowded places with no electricity (电) or clean water. As a 10cities like Mumbai, Calcutta and New Delhi have more and more problems.(1)A . countryside B . town C . city D . country (2)A . become B . help C . develop D . produce (3)A . about B . from C . between D . with (4)A . forget B . protect C . stop D . understand (5)A . jobs B . teachers C . children D . houses (6)A . population B . land C . money D . food (7)A . oldest B . youngest C . poorest D . richest (8)A . so B . but C . and D . or (9)A . moving B . walking C . working D . writing (10)A . team B . way C . result D . symbol 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共34分)17. (6分)根据下列材料内容,选择正确答案。AFound I found a schoolbag. Some books and a pencil box are in it. Please call Paul at 2836-1297 or e-mail me at paul123sohu.com.Lost I lost my MP5 player in our school library. Its black. I must find it. My name is Jenny. My phone number is 1235-6758. Please call me if you find it. Thank you!Found I found a set of keys at the school gate. Are they yours? Please call Gina at 9126-3568 or e-mail me at gina258126.com.Lost I lost a dictionary. Its red. Please call Frank at 7256-1872. Thank you very much.(1)What color is Jennys Mp5 player? A . White.B . Yellow.C . Red.D . Black.(2)Gina found a set of keys _? A . in the playgroundB . in the classroomC . at the school gateD . in the school library(3)If Mary loses a set of keys, she can _. A . e-mail Paul paul123sohu.comB . call Gina at 7256-1872C . e-mail Gina at gina258126.comD . call Frank at 9126-356818. (8分)阅读理解AFrom: Li_Huagmail.comTo: daniels_mmail.comCC:Subject: English LessonsDear Mrs. Daniels, I recently saw your advertisement on the university website offering private English lessons. Im very interested in your private lessons and would like some more information. I am a student at Aston College here in Hong Kong studying English, so my language level is already quite good. However, I feel that I need to improve my listening and speaking skills. This is because Im planning to study at London University in England next year and I think your lessons will help me to live and study abroad. Could you send me some more information about the lessons offered, such as where and when they will be held and how much they cost? Also, I would like to know whether you teach students in groups or one-on-one. I would be glad to supply any further information you might need.Regards,Li Hua(1)Where did Li Hua see Mrs. Daniels advertisement? A . At London UniversityB . In a newspaperC . On the InternetD . On TV(2)Why did Li Hua write the email? A . To make friends with Mrs. DanielsB . To get more information about Mrs. Daniels lessonsC . To apply to study at London UniversityD . To find out more information about Aston College(3)Which of the following information did Li Hua NOT mention in his email? A . His ageB . His reasons for learning EnglishC . His language levelD . The language skills he wants to focus on(4)What can we learn about Li Hua from his email? A . He is now living in EnglandB . He is a student in Hong KongC . His level of English is very low.D . He is studying at London University.19. (10分)根据短文理解,完成下列各题。AAnnie is a neighbors daughter. When her birthday month came around I found out she felt blue and lonely.Her family is quite small and kind of poor so there wouldnt be any birthday visitors. I wanted to send her a card and maybe a small gift to make her happy.I told some of my friends I would like to have a birthday party for the girl. I asked them for help. Then I bought some small presents, a cake and something else.When the day came, my friends and I went to her house. When she got home after school, we gave the presents to her and wished her a happy birthday.It was so easy to do something helpful. My friends helped take the party. They still laugh and talk about it. And Annie tells me she likes the birthday very much and she can still remember it!(1)The writer wanted to have a party for the girl because .A . there wasnt visitors for Annies birthdayB . Annie wanted the writer to have a party for herC . Annie was one of the writers best friendsD . Annies mother was the writers best friend(2)Who came to help the writer with the party?A . Annies mother.B . Annies friends.C . The writers friends.D . The writers daughter.(3)What did we say to Annie when she got home?A . How do you do?B . How are you?C . How is it going?D . Happy birthday.(4)Whats the best title of the passage?A . A Surprising Birthday PartyB . Some Birthday PresentsC . My Best FriendD . Annie Was A Good Girl(5)What does the underlined word blue mean in Chinese?A . 高兴的 B . 压抑的 C . 兴奋的 D . 冷静的20. (10分) I love to tell the story about how I met my best friend- Tiger. We met at the school fair. Each year, all the fourth-grade classes hold a school fair. Everyone in the fourth-grade works at the fair. Some sell ice cream, drinks and snacks. Others take care of the little children who ride the rides.I got the second job and Ive never regretted it, because thats where I met Tiger.My job was to help little children get on the back of a little horse. I kept telling the children to wait their turn and holding ice cream for them while they rode about. One thing was clear to me. I was growing older and should be more responsible.Suddenly, a boy came to the horse. He took the little horses reins! The horse stopped, and the girl on its back started to fall. I was trying to reach the girl when I saw Tiger go by my legs. It held the horses reins and pulled the horse away from my legs. I caught the girl just before we both hit the ground. The girl sat on top of me. She was laughing at the ice cream on my face. The horses reins were in Tigers mouth!Thanks to Tigers fast action, I saved the little girl. We were both heroes. And Tiger, the fastest dog Ive even known became my new best friend.(1)According to the passage, _ work at the fair. A . ice cream sellersB . all the school childrenC . little boys and girlsD . the fourth-grade students(2)The writers job was to _.A . take the little horses reinsB . look after the childrenC . get on the back of the horseD . ride with little children(3)As soon as the little horse stopped, the girl _.A . started to fallB . laughed at the writerC . hit the groundD . sat on top of the writer(4)Tiger helped to save the little girl on the horse by _.A . going fast by the writers legsB . trying to catch the little girlC . holding the reins with its mouthD . riding the little horse around(5)From the passage, we know that _.A . Tiger was a actually a brave dogB . Tiger wanted to become a heroC . the writer didnt want to grow upD . the writer regretted working at the fair四、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)21. (1分)The problems we face were m_in his speech, but he didnt give the way to solve them.五、 翻译 (共1题;共6分)22. (6分)完成句子。按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子。(1)近来,共享单车对我们的交通方式的改变起了很大的作用。Recently, bike-sharing _ our method of transport .(2)由于恶劣的天气,我们没有办法只能缩短了慈善表演。We had no choice but _ because of the bad weather.(3)借了这么有价值的一本书那么长时间却不看简直就是浪费。Its simply _ a valuable book for so long without reading it.(4)怪不得汤这么甜, 原来糖被误当成盐了。No wonder the soup tasted so sweet! It _ for salt .(5)我早就怀疑她和歌剧院的魅影是否有关了。I doubted _ the ghost in the theatre or not a long time ago.(6)宁可躲藏起来而不愿意面对这些事实确实是不明智的。Preferring going into hiding _ unwise .六、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共25分)23. (25分)阅读下面短文,根据其内容完成后面的各项任务。In the Charles E. Johnson Elementary School in New York, there is a special radio. It gives people warnings (警报) about bad weather.One day, there came a sound from the radio. This sound brought the piece of news: a heavy storm was coming. William Tomic, principal (校长) of the school, he asked teachers to bring children indoors and put them in a safe place at once.Minutes later, the storm came. However, because of the warning of the radio and the quick work of the principal, no one was hurt. “The radio really did work very well. 我们对它的工作感到很高兴,” William Tomic said. “The parents were as well.” The US government hopes there will be more such success stories. It plans to give this kind of radios to all 97, 000 public schools in the country.Every year, more than 10,000 big thunderstorms, 2,500 floods, 1,000 tomatoes (龙卷风) and some hurricanes (飓风) take place in the US, so the warning radios are very useful.They not only give people warnings about bad weather, but also give warnings about other dangerous things.(1)将文中画线的汉语句子译成英语。 (2)将文中画线的英语句子译成汉语。 (3)回答问题What does the special radio give people?(4)回答问题Why was no one hurt in the school in the storm?(5)请给短文一个恰当的英文标题。 七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)24. (5分)提示:假设你是黄冈(Huanggang)中学的一位学生(student),名叫李锐(Li Rui),你有一个快乐的大家庭,这里有你的一张全家照,你的电话号码是8385219,你的e-mail是liming2013163.com,有事时可以打电话或发e-mail。请根据以上提示和下面照片中的相关信息,写一篇介绍家庭和自己的英语短文。参考词汇:big大的;happy快乐的;here is这里有;photo照片;or或者要求:1、以上信息不可缺少,不能逐词逐句的翻译,应请注意符合英语习惯用法。2、词数不得少于50词。3、短文开头句已给出,不计入总词数。Hello, everyone! Im a student in Huanggang Middle School. 第 20 页 共 20 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共34分)17-1、17-2、17-3、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、四、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)21-1、五、 翻译 (共1题;共6分)22-1、22-2、22-3、22-4、22-5、22-6、六、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共25分)23-1、23-2、23-3、23-4、23-5、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)24-1、


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