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上海新世纪版九年级中考英语模拟考试试卷C卷一、 单选题 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分) (2017澧县模拟) Im really tired because I studied until midnight last night. Why to sleep earlier this evening?A . not goB . dont goC . not you2. (2分) (2018九下广州期末) The number of private cars is increasing rapidly. I think it may lead to terrible problems.A . turning onB . slowing downC . going up3. (2分) (2018八下温州期末) Grandma often told us many interesting stories when we are young. Do you remember it?Sure. Grandma liked to _ stories. They were all very interesting.A . take upB . wake upC . tidy upD . make up4. (2分) Its a fine day today and the sun is shining.Yes. What about going out for a walk?A . giving out lightB . taking in airC . picking up heat5. (2分) (2017八上重庆期中) Little Jimmy is getting fatter and fatter _ his bad eating habits . A . becauseB . because ofC . soD . and6. (2分) (2017九上遂宁期末) Do you know the man_ gave out food a few days ago?A . whoB . whichC . whoseD . whether7. (2分) You never have sweet snacks, do you?_. Though I know theyre bad for our health.A . YesB . NoC . Yes, I dontD . No, I do8. (2分) The poor old man was _ in the bedroom. Nobody knows how and when he _. A . die; diedB . dead; dieC . dead; diedD . died; dead9. (2分) Would you _ by any of the stories?A . foolB . foolsC . fooledD . be fooled10. (2分) (2018九上罗湖期末) It is time to begin our gamesWhere is Gary?Janet,please dont worry,he will on timeA . come alongB . take actionC . hold out11. (2分) Dont keep the boy in class A . standB . standingC . stoodD . to stand12. (2分) You are so good at roller skating! Yes, I am. Would you like to try it?A . B . C . D . 13. (2分) A: Where is Peter? Do you know?B: Sorry , I dont .But I think he _the library.A . has been toB . have gone toC . has gone to14. (2分) (2018八上蓬溪期末) We didnt take a trip_ the bad weather.A . because ofB . becauseC . soD . or15. (2分) (2018八上西华期末) He has a daughter. A . two-year-oldB . two-years-oldC . two years oldD . two year old16. (2分) (2016七上扬州期末) I want to go to school early tomorrow, Mum.OK. Dont worry. I can _ at 6:00 in the morning.A . wakes you upB . wake you upC . wake up youD . wake up to you17. (2分) (2017七下江苏期末) How was your weekend?Great! It was my grandfathers birthday. We enjoyed ourselves.A . seventiethB . seventiesC . seventeenthD . the seventieth18. (2分) Please tell him to leave the window _.A . openB . openedC . is openD . opening19. (2分) (2016七上扬州期末) May I have a dog at home, Mum?Yes, you can. But you must know how to _ it.A . look afterB . look atC . look forD . look like20. (2分) John, could you please the black-board now? Its your duty today. OK. Ill do it right away.A . not to cleanB . to cleanC . not cleanD . clean二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分) (2017九下临淄期中) 完形填空I started to learn English when I was six. My dad gave me1advice on listening to the Beatles. I listened to them every day for the next seven years. At the beginning, I could understand2of what they sang. But soon I started to understand some of the3.4I got a book with the words of all the songs. And when I had time, I would read it. I learned many songs5this book. I6the songs to myself. Still, I understood very7of the meaning. To learn English well became my8, and I wanted to learn the9of the Beatles songs. That is how I started to learn English.Today, I can understand the Beatles very10. Each time I hear a Beatles song, I am happy and proud because my dream of learning English well has come true.(1)A . pieces B . piece of C . a piece D . a piece of (2)A . something B . anything C . everything D . nothing (3)A . words B . grammar C . spelling D . programs (4)A . While B . Later C . After D . If (5)A . by B . of C . to D . from (6)A . sang B . read C . played D . did (7)A . few B . a few C . little D . a little (8)A . idea B . dream C . sleep D . work (9)A . meaning B . translation C . speaking D . pronunciation (10)A . quickly B . mostly C . hardly D . clearly 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共36分)22. (10分) (2017杭州模拟) 阅读理解I walked quickly out of my church. It was late. My dad was waiting. I stared at the parking lot. Then I saw my dads little red Honda. “Get in! Get in! Why are you so late all the time?”The ride home was not much more than five minutes but each minute moved slowly. We were stuck behind an old man. He wasnt going more than 15 kilometers an hour. My dad started to shout, “Learn how to drive, Grandpa!” He hit the steering wheel(方向盘) with his hands. He was really angry.“Dad, stop it. Why do you always?” He cut me off, “Id not get stuck at the light without this fellow!” The old man got to the light just as it was changing. “Youre free! Drive away quickly,” I thought. I looked over my dad. “Can you believe that, Steph? I get stuck at every light. There are so many stupid drivers out there, he said angrily.Who gives him the right to shout at someone? Anger built inside me. “What if I shouted at my friends when they asked me for help?” I said. I looked out of the window, trying to catch my breath.“You know, Steph, I think you are going to be a psychologist(心理学家),” he said. I remembered the last time I tried to say something, he had fumed, “Dont tell me how to drive! If I want your opinion, Ill ask for it! Think about what you say before you talk.”Usually, hed be angry that I would doubt his authority (权威), but this time, he accept what I had said. A sense of pride rose up in me. It had been a short drive, but it had been the best car ride of my life.(1) According to the passage, we could see the father was_. A . impatient and bad-temperedB . generous and kind-heartedC . polite and easy-goingD . rude and cold-blooded(2) Why did Stephs dad drive slowly on the way home? A . Because there were too many traffic lights all the way.B . Because there were too many cars on the way back.C . Because there was something wrong with his car.D . Because an old man before them drove very slowly.(3) What does the sentence “Learn how to drive, Grandpa” mean in 2nd Paragraph mean _. A . The old man can t drive well.B . The old man drove so slowly that he stopped Stephs father.C . The old man didnt have a drivers license.D . Stephs father wanted to teach the old man how to drive.(4) The underlined word “fumed” in Paragraph 5 probably means “_”. A . got angryB . got upsetC . got excitedD . got disappeared(5) Why did a sense of pride rise up in Steph? A . Because he had doubled his fathers authority.B . Because his father accepted what he had said.C . Because he was going to be a psychologist.D . Because his father changed his decision this time.23. (8分) (2017九上舟山期中) 根据短文理解,选择正确答案。When I was about 12, I had an enemy(敌人), a girl who liked to point out my shortcomings(缺点). Sometimes she said I was thin. Sometimes she said I was lazy. Sometimes she said I wasnt a good student. Sometimes she said I talked too much, and so on. I tried to put up with(忍受) her as long as I could. At last, I became very angry. I ran to my father with tears in my eyes.He listened to me quietly, and then he asked, “Are the things she said true or not? Mary, didnt you ever wonder what youre really like? Go and write a list of everything she said and mark the points that are true. Pay no attention to the other things she said.”I did as he told me and to my surprise, I discovered that about half the things were true.I brought the list back to my dad. He refused to take it. “Thats just for you,” he said. “You know better than anyone else the truth about yourself. When something said about you is true, youll find it will be helpful to you. Dont close your ears. Listen to them all, but hear the truth and do what you think is right.”Many years have passed. The situation often appears in my mind. In our life we often meet with some trouble and we often go to someone and ask for advice. For some advice you will treasure(珍惜) all your life!(1) What did the writers father do after he heard her complaints(抱怨)?A . He agreed with her “enemy”.B . he let her continue to put up with her “enemy”.C . He told her to write down all her “enemy” had said about her.D . He told her not to pay attention to what her “enemy” had said.(2) The writer felt_ when she did the things as her father had told her.A . surprisedB . angryC . disappointedD . sad(3) Which of the following can we know from the passage?A . The “enemy” thought the writer was pretty.B . The “enemy” thought the writer studied hard.C . The writer and her “enemy” became best friends at last.D . The writer is grateful(感激的) to her father.(4) Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?A . My ParentsB . A Serious Criticism(批评)C . What People Say about You Is Always RightD . The Best Advice I Ever Had24. (8分) 阅读短文,根据短文内容选出最佳选项。 Have you ever heard that Success is a journey, not a destination? As a man aged 30, I believe its true. It is, in fact, my law of life. In my eyes, what matters is not necessarily where you are in the end, but what you achieve while you are trying along the way. It means that no matter what, as long as you try, you can never fail. It means you can learn from your mistakes and continue on the next journey a little wiser.I think St Louis Rams, a professional American football team in Missouri, as a whole shared my law of life. They played every game with their full potential (潜能) instead of letting a few winning games go to their heads. They had the goal of playing in every Super Bowl, a football game played in the US each year on the first Sunday, in February. Even though they lost some games, they didnt give up.It doesnt matter if you dont have the ability to be on top in the end or to win the game; what matters is that you work hard the whole time. You should understand that success is a non-ending journey. Everyone should realize that someone will win and someone will lose, but whats important is that both sides need to try their best. After all, its not who wins or loses, but how well you play the game and you should remember this in your own life.(1) What does the underlined part go to their heads in Paragraph 2 mean in Chinese? A . 去领导办公室B . 获得一等奖C . 撞到头部D . 冲昏头脑(2) According to the writer, St Louis Rams _. A . had a goal hard to achieveB . took every game seriouslyC . played in the Super Bowl many timesD . used to be the best football team in Missouri(3) What can we learn from the last paragraph? A . We should try to win every game.B . We should try our best whatever we do.C . We should understand the meaning of life.D . We should hope for the best and prepare for the worst.(4) Whats the best title for the passage? A . Take pride in your workB . Failure is good for youC . Everyone has a chanceD . Success is not final25. (10分) (2017七下漳州期中) 根据短文理解,选择正确答案。American school children usually have lots of activities after school. There are different kinds of clubs(俱乐部) for students to study, do sports and enjoy(享受) school life.Some students like to go to study clubs after school. The study club is a learning center. Students can do homework, talk about their interesting subjects, and learn computer.American children like sports clubs better. Children can join(参加) basketball, soccer or baseball clubs. They can enjoy sports in these clubs.If some children are disabled, they can also enjoy their club life. There are some kinds of special(特殊的) clubs for these kids.Because there are many after-school activities, American school children have a happy life at school. Few students dont like going to school.(1) In the USA, children cant _ in clubs.A . do homeworkB . learn computerC . play basketballD . do some shopping(2) The study club is a _.A . special centerB . learning centerC . big centerD . small center(3) The underlined word “disabled” means _ in Chinese.A . 健康的B . 难受的C . 强壮的D . 残疾的(4) How many kinds of clubs are mentioned(涉及,提到) in the passage?A . Five.B . Four.C . Three.D . Two.(5) Which of the following is TRUE?A . Disabled children can also join clubs.B . American students dont like sports center.C . American students dont like to go to school.D . American students can enjoy sports in study clubs.四、 填写适当的句子补全对话 (共1题;共5分)26. (5分) 补全对话A:Dad!Can I go o_now?B:No,its too lateA:Well, can I p_my violin?B:No,you cantYou must be q_.Your sister is doing(正在做)her homeworkA:What can I do then?B:You can help your mom dothe d_A:Oh,no! I dont like doing thatB:What do you like doing?A:I like going out and playing with my friendsB:Jason,you cant go out after 8:00p.mDont you know the r_?A:I know! I know!五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共17分)27. (17分) 任务型阅读。 My friend Tom is a good student. He is 14 years old. He is 1.53 metres tall. I am a bit short. Im only 1.45 metres tall. Tom is a good football player. We likes playing football after school. Tom has two long legs and two big feet. His arms are long. His favorite colour is blue. Gina is Toms sister. She is only 1 year old. She is 0.72 metres tall. She looks beautiful. She has two big eyes and a small mouth. Her favorite colour is pink. Look! She is wearing a pink dress.(1) Tom likes playing _ . (2) Toms feet are _ .(3) How tall is Tom? (4) Whats Ginas favourite color? (5) 将画线句子译成汉语。 六、 选择合适的句子补全对话 (共1题;共5分)28. (5分) 补全对话。A:Hello, Tom.B:Hello, Mike._A:Its a burger.B:_A:No, its a chicken one.B:_A:No, I dontI have salad and chicken for lunch, I bought (买) this burger, but I don t want to eat it.B:Oh, I see.A:_B:I m busy, so I have no time to have lunch.A:So I think you can have this burger.B:_A:Youre welcome.AWhats that?BYoure very niceCDo you like burgers?DThank you very muchEIs it a beef(牛肉) burger?FWhat do you have for lunch?GSo do you have a burger for lunch?七、 补全短文 (共1题;共10分)29. (10分) (2019八下台州月考) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。 Long long ago, there lived a little princess named Nu Wa. She was the_(young) daughter of Emperor Yan.Nu Wa loved watching the sunrise. One day, she got a boat and went to the East China Sea alone without_(tell) her father. While she was boating on the sea,_strong wind came. Her boat sank(沉)into the sea and so_(do)Nu Wa.After her_(die) , her spirit(灵魂)changed into a beautiful bird. People_(call)the bird Jingwei.In order to revenge(报仇), Jingwei flew between the mountain_the East China Sea,_(carry) stones and dropping them into the sea. Day_day, she kept dropping. _She couldnt fill the sea up(装满), she never stopped.八、 信息归纳 (共1题;共5分)30. (5分) (2016七上通化期末) 任务型阅读Today is November 8th. Its Ginas birthday. She is twelve. Jim, Kate and Bill are her friends. They want to buy some presents(礼物)for Gina. They go to the shop near the school. There are a lot of things in the shop. They buy a big cake, two boxes of color pencils and a pencil box. They want to buy two toys(玩具)for Gina. But all the toys are too dear (贵的).根据短文内容,回答下面问题。(1) When is Ginas birthday?_.(2) Who is Ginas friend?_.(3) Do they go to the shop to buy the presents?_.(4) What do they buy as(作为) the presents?_.(5) Are the toys cheap?_.九、 阅读短文,回答问题 (共1题;共5分)31. (5分) 任务型阅读The English language is different from any other language. Yet English words do not stay the same. _We need new words for inventions and new ideas. Different words come into use, or older words are used in a new way._Tomato was borrowed from Mexico. The word coffee came from Turkey, and tea came from China. Now new space and science words are being borrowed from other countries, too._Strawberry, popcorn, and grandfather are words made up of two parts.Sometimes new words are shorter forms of older words. The word photo was made from photograph by cutting off the end of the longer word. _Smog was made by swing only the first two letters from the words smoke and fog._Our sandwich was named after a man named Sandwich. Scotch Tape, Band-aid, and Jell were names made up by the companies that first made the products.根据短文内容,从方框中选出五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容通顺完整。A. English can change by borrowing words from other languages.B. English is an interesting language.C. Plane was made by cutting off the front part of airplane.D. The language is always changing.E. New words are also made by adding two words together.F. The names of people and products can become new words.十、 翻译 (共7题;共24分)32. (2分) 我学习了关于电影的一-些知识。 I _ _ some knowledge about movies.33. (6分) 根据所给的汉语,用英文完成句子,并将答案写在横线上。(1) Daniel气喘吁吁地赶到了,却发现他跑错了电影院。Daniel _, but he found he had gone to the wrong cinema.(2) 对不起,我还没有在爱好和工作之间达到平衡。Im sorry I _ my hobbies and work yet.(3) 恶劣的天气使得我们不能及时到达那儿。The bad weather_ there on time.(4) 汤姆说他比较喜欢乡下的生活,而不喜欢都市生活。Tom said he_.(5) 我真的想知道那部不错的影片里约大冒险2是否以3D的形式拍摄的。I really wonder whether the great film Rio 2 was_3D.(6) 当他回国后,向我们描述了日本地震后的面貌。After he returned to China, he described to us _ after the earthquake.34. (2分) 他妈妈总是担心他的健康。 His mother always _his health.35. (2分) 对于女孩,我们有蓝色和紫色的毛衣。_girls,we have sweaters_blue and purple36. (1分) (2017滨城模拟) It seems that her biggest wish is for her music to express her own voice._.37. (5分) (2019八下深圳期末) 家里养只宠物狗是个好主意吗?(keep) 38. (6分) 按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子。(1) 湿地为许多动物提供食物和栖息地。Wetlands_lots of animals.(2) 他成为足球俱乐部的成员2年了He_the Football Club for 2 years.(3) 国家已采取措施减少污染。The country_already.(4) 他离开家乡自从去年以来。 He_since last year.(5) 春天是参观中国园林的最好时间。Spring is_Chinese gardens.(6) 谢谢你把字典借给我。Thank you for_me.十一、 根据短文,翻译句子 (共1题;共30分)39. (30分) 英译汉(1) lost and found office(2) look for(3) mobile phone(4) in a hurry(5) hundreds of(6) at the moment十二、 书面表达 (共2题;共10分)40. (5分) 假设你是Mike,你发明了一个会讲话的垃圾箱。请你写一篇英语短文向同学们介绍你的垃圾箱,并向你的同学们推销。 垃圾箱的外观,性能1)特殊的正方形箱子, 会说不同的语言;2)会清理垃圾;3)会告诉人们别乱扔垃圾;4)作用1)清洁工变少、节约钱;2)改善环境。参考词汇:dustbin垃圾箱注意:1)短文内容须包括所给信息;2)词数不少于80, 短文开头已给出, 不计入总词数。Boys and girls, May I have your attention, please? Today I will introduce 41. (5分) (2018九上广州期末) 假如你是杨安,你的美国笔友Grace转到了一所新学校,她在电子邮件中向你诉说了她在人际交往和学习方面的困惑与苦恼。请根据Grace的来信内容,给她回一封电子邮件,提出一些建议。词数80以上;信的格式已给出。不计入总词数。Dear Yang An,I havent written to you for a long time. I went to a new scho


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