沪教版七年级上学期英语期中阶段性测试卷(Starter Unit1-Unit4)B卷

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沪教版七年级上学期英语期中阶段性测试卷(Starter Unit1-Unit4)B卷_第1页
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沪教版七年级上学期英语期中阶段性测试卷(Starter Unit1-Unit4)B卷_第3页
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沪教版七年级上学期英语期中阶段性测试卷(Starter Unit1-Unit4)B卷 一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)Do you have a ping-pong _ /bt/? Lets play ping-pong. A . bagB . batC . bedD . but2. (2分) Would you mind _ some questions?No, _ . Go ahead.A . answering; of courseB . answering; of course notC . to answer; of courseD . to answer; of course not3. (2分)Zhang Li is wearing orange coat. She looks active.A . aB . anC . the4. (2分)English is _ difficult subject. I even want to drop it.Youd better not. Ill help you _ it.A . a quite; inB . quite a; withC . a very; forD . very a; on5. (2分) _ is the English test? Its next week.A . WhoB . WhereC . WhatD . When6. (2分)A(n) _ is a person whose profession is acting on the stage, in films, or on television. A . reporterB . actorC . writer7. (2分)New Years Day is in_. A . JanuaryB . JuneC . JulyD . August8. (2分) Look, what is _ in the sky? It looks like a kite.A . thisB . thatC . theseD . those9. (2分)下面与B发音没有相同之处的是_。 A . CcB . FfC . DdD . Gg10. (2分)-Whats your phone number?-_ 886-9988.A . ItB . Is itC . ItsD . This is二、 完型填空 (共1题;共10分)11. (10分) Im thinking about what Im going to do this summer.Maybe Ill get a job. If I get a job, Ill have 1money to buy some new things. Id like to have some new dresses 2 I start school again in September. I can also buy some books or some music CDs. I really love jazz(爵士乐)I could buy some more CDs3my jazz collection. Or I can use the money 4tennis lessons. I can play tennis5 , but Id like to learn to play it much better. Or maybe I can use the money to pay for the piano lessons.Id like to learn to play the piano,too.If I dont get a job this summer, Ill visit my grandparents in San Francisco. They live in a beautiful old house6 the sea. My grandparents are always very nice to me. Theyll let me sleep late. I 7 have to get up until 10 oclock every day. Ill eat delicious food because my grandmother is an excellent8. She always cooks my favorite food. Ill also go to the 9 with my grandparents. Because I like swimming in the sea. My grandparents like to go to museums but I dont enjoy it so much, so maybe Ill 10to watch TV.(1)A . less B . many C . a few D . enough (2)A . because B . where C . when D . if (3)A . in B . to C . at D . as (4)A . to skate B . to pay for C . to spend D . to buy (5)A . very good B . well C . better D . best (6)A . in B . at C . near D . to (7)A . be able to B . wont C . must D . may (8)A . cook B . lawyer C . agent D . teacher (9)A . museum B . San Francisco C . shop D . beach (10)A . travel B . go to college C . stay at home D . lie on the beach 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)12. (10分)阅读理解 My name is Mary. This is my family. These are my parents. Their names are Bill and Grace Brown. Those are my grandparents. Their names are Henry and Linda Brown. This is my uncle. His name is John. That boy is my brother. His name is Tony. This is Susan. She is my uncles daughter. (1)Marys brother is_. A . SusanB . TonyC . JohnD . Bill(2)Bill is Johns_. A . UncleB . fatherC . brotherD . grandfather(3)Henry is Susans_. A . UncleB . fatherC . brotherD . grandfather(4)Grace is Susans_. A . motherB . grandmotherC . auntD . sister(5)Tony and Mary are Susans _. A . cousinsB . brothersC . sistersD . parents13. (10分)Dear Reader,Imagine an 11-year old girl whose days are often spent washing clothes, looking after a baby, working hard in the field.Imagine a little girl who knows there will not be enough food for dinner, who cant fill her stomach with water because its polluted, and who has watched life slip away from her father, little brother and sister because the family is too poor to see a doctor.Is it hard to believe? For Maria Pastora, these are the real life.Maria would gladly walk miles to school, but her mother, now alone, needs her badly at home. If Maria grows up without any schooling, what will be her future?But for just 52 pennies a day, you can sponsor a child like Maria. Through “Save the Children”, you can help Marias mother get the tools and ways she needs to turn their poor food into a good dinner and the money she needs to buy clothes and school things for Maria.To help Maria most, your money is put together with that of other sponsors, so hard-working people can help themselves. Build a school, a hospitalbring in clean water. This is what “Save the Children” has been about since 1932.For you there are many rewards. Have the chance to write to or hear from your sponsored child. Receive photos or progress reports. Know you are reaching out to another person. Not with a handout(施舍物), but a “handup”. Thats how “Save the Children” works. But without you, it cant work. Please take a moment now to fill in and post the form below to help a child like Maria and her village.It can make such a difference in her life and yours.(1)We can most probably read the letter in _.A . somebodys diaryB . a newspaperC . a progress reportD . a storybook(2)From the passage, we can infer (推断)that _.A . Maria is an 11-year-old girl.B . Marias family is very poor.C . Maria has to do a lot of hard work.D . Maria is hoping to get schooling.(3)What is “Save the Children”?A . An organization to help poor children go to school.B . An office of the government to collect money.C . A program shown at theatres to help the poor.D . A group who works for children in poor places.(4)The underlined word “sponsor” means “_” in Chinese.A . 回报B . 资助C . 感恩D . 抢救(5)What does the last sentence in the letter mean?A . If Maria goes to school, you will be rewarded.B . What you give is more than what you take.C . Both Marias life and yours will change a lot.D . Marie and you can help each other at school.14. (10分)Dear editors (编辑),Im a slow (慢的) student in my class. Most of my classmates are much better than me. So I get very stressed out. Its difficult to keep on working hard and its really not fun. And I think although I spend much time studying for the tests, I cant get good grades. My father gives me some help sometimes. He tells me not to worry about it. But what do you think I should do?Xia MingA reader read the letter from the magazine and here is his answer:Dear Xia Ming,Many famous people are not so good at the age like you. Edison, the famous scientist, had a bad headache for his studies when he was a 12-year-old boy. But everyone knows that he did a lot for the people in the world. And Newton had the same story like him. When you are feeling stressed out, just smile (微笑) and take a deep breath (深呼吸), then try your best. You should believe tomorrow is another day.Thumbelina(1)Xia Ming worried about _.A . his classmatesB . his lifeC . his study (2)Thumbelina gave _ examples in the letter.A . one B . two C . three (3)Thumbelina wrote about those famous people to _. A . make Xia Ming feel betterB . make Xia Ming laughC . show how much she knows(4)Which is NOT true according to the letter?A . Xia Ming has fun studying at school.B . Edison is famous in the world.C . Xia Mings father always helps him with his study.(5)“Tomorrow is another day” tells us _.A . its the weekend tomorrowB . tomorrow is second dayC . there are hopes in our lives四、 词汇运用 (共2题;共20分)15. (10分)读出音标,找相应的单词,并把单词的字母编号写在相应的音标后面。A. know B. favorite C. letter D. color E. otherF. mine G. banana H. hers I. schoolbag J. shirt(1)/(r)/_(2)/man /_ (3)/kl(r)/_ (4)/let(r)/_ (5)/:(r)t/_ (6)/feivrt/_ (7)/sku:lbg/_(8)/h:(r)z/_ (9)/n/_ (10)/bnn/_ 16. (10分)(1)Li Lei saved my life. Im _ to him. (grate)(2)The film isnt interesting at all, so I feel _. (bore)(3)Theres nothing in this box. Its _. (full)(4)Its _ ( danger ) for a young boy to climb the mountains.(5)Is he getting better now? No, he is even _.(bad)(6)Different people have different _. (能力)(7)Jim _ water over his English book yesterday evening.(泼、倒)(8)My parrots _ look so beautiful in the sun. (羽毛)(9)Do you like your trip? Is it _ (令人愉快的)?(10)Can you tell me the _ of the hill? (高度)五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)17. (5分)根据短文内容,完成下列表格(每格只能填一个词)。People in many places celebrate Christmas on December 25.In the USA, Christmas is a long holiday. Shops are usually not open on Christmas Day. And family members have a party together. There are usually Christmas Trees in houses, and children can find presents from their parents in the trees. In many places, children put a stocking(长筒袜)on the bed, because they think Father Christmas will put nice presents in the stocking at night.Things are different in China. The Chinese dont have a holiday at Christmas. Shops are open and there are usually Christmas sales(促销) in many shops. There are no family parties, but there are parties for young people in nightclubs and hotels. There are no stories about Father Christmas or presents in stockings. But young lovers(恋人) give each other presents.Different ways to celebrate ChristmasTime_25_to celebrate ChristmasIn the USAIn ChinaIts an important holiday and shops are usually closed.Shops are _There are _parties at home.There are parties in nightclubsand big hotels.Children get presents. They think Father Christmas will put presents in their stockings at night.Young lovers buy _for each other六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)18. (5分)写作初中阶段的学习和生活即将结束,你的老师陪伴你度过了三年的校园生活。回顾其中的点点滴滴,久久不能忘记。请你用英文给你的某一位教师写封信,和他(她)说说感激的心里话。要点提示:教师表现1工作努力,认真; 2教学耐心(patient adj.),待人友好。留存记忆1严格要求也关爱学生; 2师生相处和睦; 3给予学习上和生活上的帮助;4学生学业取得了进步。要求:1内容包括所有提示要点,意思完整,语言规范。2可适当发挥,增加细节,使语句连贯通畅。3文中不要出现你的真实姓名和学校。480词左右,信的首尾已写好不计入总词数。Dear my teacher,Leaving you and lovely junior schoollife, I have so many words from my heart to say.第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完型填空 (共1题;共10分)11-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、12-5、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、14-5、四、 词汇运用 (共2题;共20分)15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、15-5、15-6、15-7、15-8、15-9、15-10、16-1、16-2、16-3、16-4、16-5、16-6、16-7、16-8、16-9、16-10、五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)17-1、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)18-1、


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