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人教版2019-2020学年八年级上学期英语期中考试试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项填空 (共8题;共16分)1. (2分) (2017七上宁海月考) _ is that quilt? Its blackA . How colorB . What colorC . Whats colorD . What2. (2分) Why didnt he attend the meeting? _ he went on a business trip to Shanghai.A . AsB . ForC . SinceD . Because3. (2分) _fact, he is a good boy. A . InB . AsC . AboutD . With4. (2分) Miss Li speaks as _ as she can to make her students understand her.A . clearlyB . more clearlyC . most clearlyD . the most clearly5. (2分) _do you visit your grandparents? Twice a week. A . How longB . How soonC . How muchD . How often6. (2分) Uncle John _ for a walk after supper every day.A . goesB . wentC . will goD . has gone7. (2分) What is mum doing in the kitchen? Is she _?Yes, the food _ so nice.A . cooking; smellsB . cooking; is smellingC . to cook; is smellingD . cook; smells8. (2分) Emma watches TV every day, but she _ it last night.A . dont watchB . doesnt watchC . didnt watchD . wont watch二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)9. (10分) 根据短文理解, 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案填空。An old friend from the US whom I was looking forward to staying with telephoned from the airport to tell me that he had arrived. I was still at the1 at that time, but I had got everything ready for his arrival. After letting him know where my house was, I told him that I had left the 2under the doormat(门垫), 3 I was likely to be home rather late. I told him to go into the 4 and help himself to food and drink. Two hours later my friend5 me from the house. At the moment, he said, he was listening to some of my records after having just had a truly wonderful6 . He had found a cooker and 7 two eggs and he helped himself to some cold chicken from the ice box. He said he was drinking a glass of orange juice and he hoped I would 8him. When I asked him if he had reached the house without difficulty, he answered, I was not able to find the key, 9 luckily, the living-room windows Just by the apple tree were left open and you know what I could do. I listened to all this in10 . In front of my living-room there was no apple tree at all.(1)A . living-room B . office C . airport D . house (2)A . address B . telephone number C . key D . travelling plan (3)A . because B . when C . if D . though (4)A . store B . restaurant C . shop D . kitchen (5)A . invited B . asked C . answered D . telephoned (6)A . meal B . rest C . time D . picnic (7)A . got B . broke C . flied D . bought (8)A . visit B . join C . thank D . remember (9)A . but B . so C . or D . and (10)A . interest B . anger C . surprise D . laugh 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共38分)10. (10分) 看这张广告,根据其内容选择最佳答案。Welcome to the zooOpening Fees(费用)Monday to Friday Adults(成人) $8.0010:00 a. m. 6:00 p. m. 15 18 $6.00Saturday to Sunday 8 14 $3.008:00 a. m. 8:00 p. m. under 8 free(免费)Keep the zoo clean!Dont touch(触摸),give food or go near the animals(1) On Sunday, the zoo opens at _.A . 10:00 in the morningB . 8:00 in the morningC . 6:00 in the afternoonD . 8:00 in the afternoon(2) The zoo opens _ days a week.A . twoB . fiveC . sixD . seven(3) If you are 13 years old. You want to go to the zoo, they should pay _.A . $3B . $6C . $8D . $11(4) What can we do in the zoo?A . To give some bananas to the monkeys.B . To touch the dogs on the neck.C . To take some nice photos.D . To throw(扔)the banana skins(皮 ).(5) The zoo closes(关) at _ on Wednesday.A . 10:00 a. mB . 6:00 p. mC . 8:00 a. mD . 8:00. p. m11. (10分) Do you have to be very smart to live a happy life? The character of McDull (麦兜) tells you that this is not true. He is famous for having a birthmark on his right eye. He is not very clever, but he has a heart of gold. He is also happy, with lots of dreams. McDull wanted to visit the Maldives (马尔代夫). But his mother didnt have enough money for a trip there. So she lied to him and took him to a place called Hong Kong. The place has a sign that says, “Go to the Maldives.” It made McDull very happy. He thought he was really excited in the Maldives!McDull is just a common pig. He has many dreams, but they never come true. That doesnt stop him trying. McDull lives his life in a simple and happy way. His idea towards life is “Never give up”.The cartoon pig character was created in Hong Kong by Alice Mark and Brian Tse. McDull first showed up as a character in the McMug comics. McMug is another cartoon pig. But McDull is more popular with a huge number of fans everywhere!(1) McDull is famous for _.A . having a birthmark on his left eyeB . having a birthmark on his right eyeC . his wonderful characterD . visiting the Maldives(2) McDull is a very _pig.A . cleverB . richC . friendly and kindD . lazy(3) When McDull came to Hong Kong with his Mum, he felt _.A . sadB . unhappyC . angryD . excited(4) Where are the artists who created McDull from?A . Hong KongB . JapanC . America.D . Not mentioned.(5) In the writers opinion, what kind of person will live a happy life?A . A person who has to be very clever.B . A person who is happy and simple with lots of dreamsC . A person who is easy to give upD . Both A and C.12. (8分) (2019八上宁波期中) 阅读理解 We sometimes say the lion is the king of the forest because it is stronger and most dangerous than the other animals. It can run faster than most other animals and it can hunt other beasts. It is said that the lion is the highest animal in the land food chain(食物链). In the sea, people say the shark is at the top of the food chain. It can swim faster than most of the other sea animals. It can also use its big teeth to catch other sea animals and eat them.What is at the top of the worlds food chain? Human beings! We are not the biggest or fastest, but we are the cleverest. We could not run faster than most animals, so we invented(发明) cars. We could not fight better than a lion, so we invented guns. Now we can hunt the beasts.Peoples inventions are clever, but they can be dangerous, too. For example, many years ago in Inner Mongolia, people used guns to kill a lot of wild wolves. The wild wolves usually eat sheep. But in recent(近来) years, the number of wild rabbits is becoming larger and larger because the number of wild wolves is getting smaller and smaller. The wild rabbits competed(竞争) for the grass with the sheep and the cows. Much of the grassland became desert because the grass was eaten up by the rabbits.Remember that we are a part of the food chain, so we are in danger, too! If we love animals, we are loving ourselves.(1) Which is at the top of the food chain in the sea? A . The dolphin.B . The shark.C . Sea animals.D . Fish.(2) Why are people at the top of the worlds food chain? A . Because they can use guns.B . Because they are the biggest.C . Because they are the cleverest.D . Because they can drive cars.(3) In what way do we say peoples inventions can be sometimes dangerous? A . They can kill a lot of wild wolves.B . They can destroy(毁坏) the food chain.C . They can destroy the grassland.D . They can make wild rabbits grow bigger and bigger.(4) What is the best title for the passage? A . Peoples inventions.B . Lions and sharks.C . Food chain.D . Desert.13. (10分) (2019九上福州开学考) 阅读理解 Recently there are about 55,000 children who dont go to school each day in England. According to the law, all children between five and sixteen must go to school on weekdays, and their parents must make sure of this.The number of children missing school is increasing. The government is worried, because, according to a research, children who often dont go to school are more likely to smoke, drink under age or do some other bad things. Also, its difficult for them to do well in exams. What more, its harder for them to get a job after they leave school. Since 2002,the police have kept checking town centers where truants (逃学者) often go. These happen twice a year. During each check, a student will be stopped and asked why they are not in school. This will happen even if they are with an adult. The police will stop and question children who they think do not have a reason for being out of school. The police are not allowed to catch truants, but they can take them back to school. The police said there were nearly twice more boys playing truant than girls.(1) According to the law in England children at the age of must go to school. A . 4B . 13C . 17D . 19(2) Truants are more likely to . A . eat muchB . drink waterC . fail in examsD . find a job(3) During a check, pupils will NOT be questioned by the police if . A . they are at schoolB . they are out of schoolC . they are with an adultD . they are at town centers(4) The underlined this in the first paragraph refers to all children between 5 and 16 . A . must do well in exams.B . mustnt smoke or drinkC . must go to school on weekdaysD . must stay at home on weekdays(5) Which of the following is TRUE about the truants in England recently? A . The police can not stop girl truants.B . Truants are often beaten by the police.C . Truants are often criticized by their teachers.D . There are more boy truants than girl truants.四、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)14. (5分) Welcome to the zoo, everyone! Im glad to take you around the zoo on such a beatiful day. Im Jane, and I am a middle school student. Today,I am a volunteer(志愿者) in the zoo. First of all, I want you to know some rules while you are enjoying yourselves in the zoo.1.Please do not give food to the animals.2.Please leave your bicycles,skateboards,ects.outside the zoo.3.Do not go into the green areas.4.Please dont take your pet animals into the zoo.5.Chilren under 12 years old must stay with their adults(成年人).6.You can take pictures in the zoo.Now let me tell you our plan for today.First of all,we will visit the Lion Park on a minibus.Next is the Monkey Park.There are lots of clever and lovely monkeys.Then well walk to the Bird World.You can see many kinds of birds there.After that well go to a famous place,the Panda Park.Thank you!I hope youll have a wonderful day.You mustnt give_ to the animals.You should leave your bicycles _ the zoo.Children under _ should go together with their adults.You cant take your_ animals into the zoo.The tour guide will take the visitors to the Lion Park on a _五、 从下面两个题目中任选一题,根据中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于 (共2题;共10分)15. (5分) 假如你是李涛,你的英国朋友Jim想通过你了解中国的传统节日。请根据提示给Jim写一封信,介绍你最喜欢的节日春节(the Spring Festival)的情况,并写出喜欢的理由。 the Spring Festivalplay fireworks lucky money get together visit relatives要点:节日的时间、含义(家人团聚的日子)、主要活动(两项或以上)及你喜欢的理由。要求:词数:不少于80词,开头和结尾已经写好,不计入总词数。Dear Jim,How are you? Im really glad that you are interested in Chinese traditional festivals.Yours,Li Tao16. (5分) (2018七上韶关期末) 书面表达假如你有一个好朋友叫Nancy Green,以下是她的个人信息。请你根据表格内容写一篇短文。介绍Nancy。要求:语句通顺,意思连贯; 60词左右,开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数。内容可以适当发挥。名字Nancy Green年龄13岁生日8月18日电话号码389-3465喜欢的颜色白色和橙色喜欢的食物鸡蛋,蔬菜,牛奶和鸡肉喜欢的运动打篮球和乒乓球喜欢的科目数学(因为有趣、放松)I have a good friendHer name is Nancy Green第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 单项填空 (共8题;共16分)1、答案:略2、答案:略3、答案:略4、答案:略5、答案:略6、答案:略7、答案:略8、答案:略二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)9、答案:略三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共38分)10、答案:略11、答案:略12、答案:略13、答案:略四、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)14、答案:略五、 从下面两个题目中任选一题,根据中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于 (共2题;共10分)15、答案:略16、答案:略


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