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人教版2020年中考英语模拟试卷(十五)C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 阅读理解 (共5题;共35分)1. (8分)先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。ALittle Tom likes cartoons very much. When the cartoons begin on TV, he does nothing until theyre over. Sometimes hed rather(宁可)wait for a long time and go to bed late. In the morning his mother has to wake him up, or hell be late for school.Yesterday Tom heard there would be an interesting cartoon today. This morning, as soon as he got up, he turned on the television, but he didnt see the program on it. He had to have breakfast and then go to school. After school he ran home while his mother was cooking supper in the kitchen. He hurried to the sitting room and turned on the television again, but he couldnt find the cartoon. He rushed into the kitchen and asked his mother for help.“Its only five now,said the woman. “Your program will be after supper. ”“Well,lets have supper right now!”(1)Tom goes to bed late sometimes, so_. A . his mother has to wake him upB . he goes to school by busC . he can wake himself up in the morningD . he has to go to school without breakfast(2)Tom spends much time_ when hes free. A . playing footballB . watching football matches on TVC . doing his homeworkD . watching cartoons on TV(3)_, so he turned on the television after getting up this morning. A . Tom thought he had some time leftB . Tom didnt know when the cartoon would beginC . Tom wanted to know the important newsD . Tom hoped to watch a TV play(4)Tom was afraid , so he ran home. A . to miss the interesting cartoonB . to miss the last busC . he would be hungryD . he had little time to finish his homework(5)The last sentence “Well,lets have supper right now! ” means “_” A . he is hungry nowB . the dinner is deliciousC . he wants to go to bed earlyD . he wants to watch TV now2. (6分) Li Ling is a good teacher. She will be 29 years old next year. She is from Huaiyang, Henan province (省). Her school is very small. There are eight classrooms in the school. In her school, all the students are free. Some of them are left-behind children (留守儿童). Li Ling is a kind girl. She loves here students very much.Li Ling works hard every day. Every summer she often buys old books for her students in Zhengzhou. She moves (感动) China! She wants to have a good school.(1) What is Li Ling?A . A motherB . A doctorC . A teacherD . A farmer(2)How old is Li Ling?A . 27B . 28C . 29D . 30(3)What does she do for her students?A . She cooks food for them.B . She buys old book for them.C . She teaches them English.D . She gives her money to them.(4) What is Li Lings dream (梦想)?A . She wants to have a good school.B . She wants to be a kind teacher.C . She wants to help left-behind children.D . She wants to move China.3. (6分)阅读理解 Teenagers need to eat food that is good for their bodies while theyre still young so that they will grow up to be healthy adults. So it is necessary for school cafeterias (食堂)to provide nutritious and healthy food. With this in mind, the government has introduced a new food safety rule that will improve nutrition and health standards in schools.The rule came into force on April 1, 2019. It requires the heads of primary and middle schools to eat with students in their cafeterias. Schools will also be required to make information about food sources and suppliers(供应商)public.The rule also suggests that parents should eat with students at school in order to provide advice on food safety and nutrition. Schools must try to find food safety problems and solve them in a timely manner. If a school is caught buying low-quality food or failing to report food safety incidents(事件), the head of the school will be warned, fired or handed over to law enforcement(执法机关), the rule says.Parents across China have become angry about food safety incidents in schools. The most recent example happened in March at the Chengdu No. 7 High School Development School. Parents posted videos and photos of moldy(发霉的)food that was served in the schools cafeteria. Finally, the head of the school was fired. In October, the head of an international school in Shanghai was fired after health and education authorities found moldy tomatoes and onions in the schools kitchen.What do other schools do?Schools in other countries have many ways to ensure food safety. For example, many parents in Australia volunteer in their childrens school cafeterias. These parents do their best to see that their children are serve nutritious food.(1)What does the word nutritious in Paragraph I mean in Chinese? A . 安全的B . 有营养的C . 足量的D . 健康的(2)What can we know from Paragraph 3? A . Food safety problems can be easily solved.B . Teenagers should go home to eat meals every day.C . Parents are angry about food safety incidents in schools.D . Parents should play a part in improving food safety in schools.(3)What does the new rule require schools to do? A . To build more than one cafeteria.B . To improve the conditions of their cafeterias.C . To show the public where their food comes from.D . To allow teachers and students to eat together.(4)Which of the following can be the best title of the passage? A . Better School MealsB . Students Eating HabitsC . Food Health StandardsD . Parent-teacher Relationships4. (10分)根据短文理解完成下列各题。DAustralia is the smallest continent(洲) in the world. It is a little smaller than China. It is to the south of the equator(赤道). So when it is summer in our country, it is winter in Australia.Australia has a small population(人口). The population of Australia is nearly the same as that of Shanghai, a city in China.Australia is famous for its sheep and kangaroos(袋鼠). After a short drive from any town, you will find yourself in the middle of white sheep. Sheep are everywhere. Have you ever seen a kangaroo? It has a bag below its breast(胸). The mother kangaroo keeps its baby kangaroos in the bag. It is very strange, isnt it?(1)China is than Australia.A . largerB . largeC . smallD . smaller(2)It is in Australia when it is summer in our country.A . autumnB . springC . winterD . summer(3)The population of Australia is almost the same as that of in China .A . BeijingB . TianjinC . NanjingD . Shanghai(4)Australia is famous for its .A . sheep and kangaroosB . sheep and deerC . elephants and kangaroosD . birds and kangaroos(5)Why does the passage say the kangaroo is a strange animal? Because .A . it is a kind of birdB . it has a bag below its breastC . it is a kind of fishD . it is very dangerous5. (5分) “Cool” is a word with many meanings, _As the world change, the word has many different meanings.“Cool” can be used to express feelings of interest in almost anything. When you see a famous car on the street, maybe you will say, “Its cool.” _You can use “cool” instead of many words. _A teacher asked her students to write about the waterfall(瀑布) they had visited.On one students paper was just one sentence,“ Its so cool.”_But the story also shows a scarcity(缺乏) of words. Without “cool”, some people have no words to show the same meaning. _I can. And I think they are also very cool.二、 选词填空 (共1题;共10分)6. (10分)Do you brush your _ (tooth) every morning and every evening?三、 完型填空 (共1题;共15分)7. (15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给三个选项(A、B、C)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Today, I am going to talk about life in the future. 1will life be like in the future? No one can answer this question. Today, 2in space can take photos of places billions of light years (光年) 3the Earth. Science is developing very fast and people know more about space. 4the help of science, we may also visit those places. We may have to 5the Earth to live in space because the Earth will not hold so many people 6.In the future, we will travel very fast by 7. Our spaceship will be 8a city, and every ship will carry 910, 000 people. There are also many buildings in our ships 10hospitals, schools, shops and cinemas.(1)A . What B . How C . When (2)A . radios B . televisions C . cameras (3)A . away from B . all over C . close to (4)A . Without B . In C . With (5)A . get B . leave C . help (6)A . other day B . another day C . one day (7)A . ship B . spaceship C . bus (8)A . as big as B . as usual as C . as friendly as (9)A . less than B . more than C . many (10)A . that is B . for example C . such as 四、 根据下列句子及所给的首字母, 在答题纸上按题号写出各单词的正 (共10题;共10分)8. (1分)选词填写much, teach, so , interest, askThomas Edison was a great American inventor(发明家). When he was a child, he was always _ questions and trying out new ideas. No matter how hard it was, he never gave up.Young Tom was in school for only three months. His teacher didnt understand why he had _ many strange questions. Most of them were not about his lessons. The teacher didnt want to teach Tom any _ . He asked Toms mother to take the boy home. Toms mother_ him to read and write, and she found him be a very good pupil. He learnt very fast and became very _ in science.9. (1分)请根据句意从方框中选择合适的动词,并用其适当时态填空,使句子通顺。_It was raining heavily when he _ home last night._Mary wonders what she _ as when she grows up._ Amy, I called you yesterday evening, but nobody answered the phone. Oh, I _ a walk with my mother at that time._ you _ a letter to your mother recently?Yes, I wrote one last Sunday._We are told that sound _ through air at a speed of about 340 metres per second.10. (1分)选词填空。take up, point out, at the top of, be famous for, go for a swim(1)How about _this afternoon?That sounds good(2)You should say sorry to Ms Jones for _so much of her time(3)Jackie stopped _the stairs and waved to us(4)I think we should _how dangerous the tiger is(5)New York _its tall buildings.11. (1分)选词填空。also,piano,teach,club,speakMrs Smith is my teacherAt school she_us EnglishHer English is very good so we all like herShe has got two daughters,Gina and HelenThey are_at our schoolSo I know some things about them Gina_English very wellHelen is good at musicShe plays the_very wellShe is in the Music_There,she and our music teacher Ms White help students with the piano12. (1分)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从方框中选出恰当的单词,将其正确形式填入短文空白处。(每词限用一次)what, pull, another, with, some, find,still, decide, success, teacherA professor(教授) told his students to go into the city slums(贫民窟) to study the life of 200 boys. He asked them to write reports about each boys life and future. One of the students wrote, “They dont have _hope”Twenty-five years later,_professor read about the earlier study. He told his students to find out _had happened to the boys. They tried very hard and _that 176 of the boys had become successful as doctors, teachers and scientists.The professor was very surprised and _to study it furtherLuckily, all of them were living near the place and he was able to ask each one, “What made you successful? ” Each one answered, “It was a _. ”The teacher was _living there, so the professor found her and asked the old woman what she had done to _those boys out of the slums, and change them into _people.The teachers eyes began to shine and said _a sweet smile, “Its really very easy. I love those boys. ”13. (1分)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次(每空一词)。 lose call good easy weigh(1)I told Maria a story _ Yu Gong Moves a Mountain. (2)When Amy got home, she found her key _. (3)Smoking is _ for our health, so we should keep away from cigarettes. (4)If you want to lose _, you can eat less and exercise more. (5)Dont be nervous, children. Try your best and youll pass the exam _. 14. (1分)请根据句意从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空,使句子通顺。nine angry she interest prepare(1)The little girl came here by train all by _.(2)Look! How _ John is looking at his son.(3)I couldnt understand why he was so_in the invitation.(4)From the_floor of the hotel, you can have a good view of the town.(5)We should spend as much time as we can _for todays history exam.15. (1分)根据短文内容,从下面方框中选择适当的词或词组填空,使短文内容完整正确。give up In the end get close to same decidedMy teachers thought I was the worst student. My family also had the _thought as my teachers.When I was going to _my studying, a new teacher, Miss White came to our school. She was young, beautiful and knowledgeable.One day, I was sitting alone in my classroom. Miss White came up to me and talked to me happily. Soon her smile took away my unhappiness.“Do you think I can go to college?” I didnt know why I asked such a question. I thought she must say “no”, because everyone else said so. But she said, “Dear, you can do anything you want. Just try and you will _success. I believe you are the best!”I was moved deeply by the words. I_to study hard. From then on, we became good friends. She often helped me with my study in her free time._, I did well in my studies and went to a good college. Miss White is an angel. Her words have kept me going forward. She helped me to see that I am special and can be successful in life. 16. (1分)根据语境从方框中选择恰当的单词填空。有的需要变换形式sing, never, present, great, would(1)Do you want some cola?No. I_drink it.(2)Here are our_Do yolik6 them? (3)_you like to go to the zoo with me? (4)His sister_well. (5)Let s play football after schools. _. See you.17. (1分)阅读短文,从方框中选出适当的单词填空getting helpful seeto get muchDear Ricky,How are you _ on? Thanks very much for sending me the pictures and the English reading materials. From the pictures I can _that your school looks very beautiful. The reading materials are very useful and _. I can learn a lot from them. Some stories are so interesting that I like them very much.Now I dont have _ time for my hobbies. I am busy getting ready for the coming exams. Im working hard at all my lessons because I want _ a better result.Im looking forward to hearing from you soon.Yours,Wu Ming五、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)18. (5分)在学习生活中,每个人都要面对各种困难。如何应对这些困难呢?其中小组活动(groupwork)是我们英语课堂中的一个重要学习方式。请你根据以下图示写一篇短文,介绍我们应如何在课堂中开展小组活动,并谈谈你喜欢或不喜欢这种学习方式的理由。注意:1).文中应包含图中所提供的所有要点;2).词数110左右。开头部分不计入总词数。Groupwork is often organized in the English classroom. Let me show you how to do it.第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、 阅读理解 (共5题;共35分)1-1、1-2、1-3、1-4、1-5、2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、4-5、5-1、二、 选词填空 (共1题;共10分)6-1、三、 完型填空 (共1题;共15分)7-1、四、 根据下列句子及所给的首字母, 在答题纸上按题号写出各单词的正 (共10题;共10分)8-1、9-1、10-1、10-2、10-3、10-4、10-5、11-1、12-1、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、14-1、15-1、16-1、16-2、16-3、16-4、16-5、17-1、五、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)18-1、


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