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Module 9 Unit 2 There are several fan clubs in China which have held birthday parties for Tintin. 教案设计一、 教案背景1,面向学生: 中学 2,学科:英语 2,课时:13,学生课前准备:1)、预习课文,了解课文大意2)、复习以前学过的定语从句4.老师准备:互联网(卡通片)、电脑、二、 教学课题外研版新标准初三英语上册Module 9 Unit 2 There are several fan clubs in China which have held birthday parties for Tintin.三、 教材分析本模块以东西方卡通人物形象及故事为话题,向学生介绍尼莫,史努比,孙悟空丁丁,怪物史莱克等一系列的卡通形象,让学生去了解东西方的卡通文化。通过本模块的学习,学生进一步学习定语从句的用法,并为他们提供了充足的语言实际运用的机会。让学生在使用语言的过程中学会简单介绍自己所熟悉的或喜欢的卡通人物形象,从而促使同学之间的相互交流以及对不同国家文化的了解。语法难点是定语从句用法的理解。 四、学情分析 1、本模块以东西方卡通人物形象及故事为话题,这是学生们感兴趣的话题,而且,在Moule7,moule8学习中,学生对定语从句进行了深入学习。所以,无论是内容还是语法,学生都很熟悉,。2、本节课的授课对象是初中九年级的学生。学生的水平差距很大,在学校分层次教学基础上,通过本节课的学习,让A层次的学生能对所学知识进行拓展延伸,B层次的学生能熟练运用词汇及语法,C层次的学生能基本达到教学目标的要求。五、教学目标1、知识目标1)词语:heaven, mess, private, heart ,win the heart of, everywhere2)时态:定语从句。2、能力目标:能读懂含有一般过去时态的文章,能够运用一般过去时态的句子谈论自己及他人做的事情。3、情感目标:通过本课的文章,培养学生相互关爱的情感,学习爱人和关心人。六、教学重点与难点能够运用一般过去时态的句子谈论自己及他人做的事情七、教法与学法指导: 本课我遵循“自主互助,合作探究”的原则,让学生主体参与自主学习,合作探究。学生在读写中感悟友谊的重要性。利用百度引擎查阅相关资料,开拓学生视野。八、教学过程:【课前准备】1 预习词汇:布置学生预习词汇。(让学生按照音节拼读单词,注意单词发音和拼写,中下游学生词性不作要求。降低要求,培养学生掌握单词的成就感。)Step 1导入1)播放丁丁历险记主题曲http:/www.tudou.com/programs/view/iQKGaRFUOL82)小组讨论A. Do you like cartoon stories ?B . who is your cartoon hero?C. How many cartoon heroes can you see on the movies?设计说明:1用音频营造友谊氛围,通过聆听歌曲,提高学习兴趣,充分体现人文关怀。2小组讨论充分调动学生的积极性,学生们在合作探究中实现自主学习。Step2 快乐阅读Task 1:泛读EnjoyHavoc in Heaven 带着问题欣赏(播放视频) http:/www.iqiyi.com/dongman/20121016/4de71f60f6672e85.html1 What country does it come from?2 Ts it a recent cartoon or an old cartoon?3 find the answers to the questions.(方法引领:只关注与问题有关的句子)Task 2: 听课文,回答问题。1 What has become a common expression used by people when they see a mess?2 Is heaven a pleasant or an unpleasant place in this cartoon? 设计说明:设计简单的题目,注意语音语调的练习。导出两个词组Havoc in Heaven An unpleasant placeTask 3: 再听课文,填空。The story is called_., Its from_.It tells a story of the monkey who leads a group of monkeys _ the rule of the Emperor in heaven. He flies into a _ garden and eats as _ peaches as he likes.设计说明:根据教师提示的关键词或图片,对文章进行复述,加深印象Task 4:泛读EnjoyThe Adventures of Tintin 带着问题欣赏http:/v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDQyNzQzNjE2.html1 Who is he? 2 What does he do? 3 Which country is he from? 4 What has he done? Task 5 Listen carefully, finish the information form about Tintin(支你一招:快速浏览问题,迅速锁定相应段落,在原文中勾出依据,并转换成适合问题的句子Information about Tintin CartoonistNationality of the cartoonistWhen was it invented?When was it published in China?设计说明:设计说明:要求学生运用 pair-work,group-work 或 class-work 等方式进行合作。由于小组内学情的参差不齐,所以题目先易后难。Task 6“Finding Nemo” is a famous cartoon movie in 2003,which is made by world-famous cartoon companies Walt-Disney and Pixer. EnjoyFinding NemoShrek带着问题欣赏http:/v.youku.com/v_show/id_ch00XMjc2Njc0NDg=.html http:/v.ku6.com/show/ykZ9OxhzajB6RUMlOWbBKA.html1 What country do they come from?2 Are they recent cartoons or old cartoons?3 choose the answers to the questions.Task 7 Watch the cartoons, guess the meaning What does “win the hearts of” mean?Task 8 Enjoy Complete collection of Snoopy 带着问题欣赏http:/v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTQ4MDE5OTcy.html1 What country does it come from?2 Ts it a recent cartoon or an old cartoon?Task 9 Listen carefully, and find:1. Charles Schultz who created Snoopy thinks that:A. Cartoons are only for children.B. Cartoons are not only for children, but also for experienced adults.C. Somebody doesnt understand cartoons2.“who lives in his own private dream world ”Is this likely to be a dream world which everyone knows about, or only Snoopy Step 3 Read the whole passage again and fill in the blanks http:/www.iqiyi.com/dongman/20121016/4de71f60f6672e85.html http:/v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDQyNzQzNjE2.html http:/v.youku.com/v_show/id_ch00XMjc2Njc0NDg=.html http:/v.ku6.com/show/ykZ9OxhzajB6RUMlOWbBKA.htmlhttp:/video.sina.com.cn/v/b/14750662-1501413160.htmlName country Introduction(简介) 设计说明:这节读写课,采取总分总的形式。易于学生掌握。Step 4讨论写作Talking about Journey to the West. http:/www.iqiyi.com/dongman/20110524/cc9c94c136d4c76a.html?event_id=2e7c542d28ea7190fa62fa327970e701&bucket=bkt_main&area=rec02&rank=1&tag=null1 Name at least over ten characters in the story.2 How many troubles do the Master and Pupils Four (师徒四人) meet?3 Describe a plot (情节). Which make you the most unforgetful ?设计说明:本活动为开放性的写作,每名学生完成以后,可以采用同伴评阅的方式,提出改进意见,学生写第二稿。旨在培养学生健康的心态。Step 5课后延伸(仿写)It is a brave monkey who beats monstersIt is an orange- and- white fish that is very cute and brave.He is a reporter who experiences(经历) a lot of adventures(冒险).It is a lovable dog who lives in his private dream教学反思: 平时上读写课, 采用多种阅读训练方式,仅仅为了提高学生的阅读理解能力和书面表达能力,过多强调背诵和做练习,忽视学生的兴趣,缺乏对学生的人文关爱。现在明白,外语课程的人文性可以起到优化学生素质和提高学生外语水平的双重目的。快乐阅读,智慧写作,一定能让学生收获一份成功,让老师收获一份喜悦。九 教师个人介绍省份: 山东省 学校: 潍坊市临朐县城关街道 北苑中学 姓名: 朱玲 职称: 中学二级 通讯地址:山东省潍坊市临朐县弥河路8号

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