2019小升初英语总复习 第四章 动词和时态 第四节 一般将来时课件.ppt

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2019小升初英语总复习 第四章 动词和时态 第四节 一般将来时课件.ppt_第1页
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2019小升初英语总复习 第四章 动词和时态 第四节 一般将来时课件.ppt_第2页
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2019小升初英语总复习 第四章 动词和时态 第四节 一般将来时课件.ppt_第3页
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第四章动词和时态 第四节一般将来时 知识梳理 一 一般将来时的用法一般将来时表示将来某一时刻的动作或状态 或将来某一段时间内要发生的动作或事情 标志时间词 thedayaftertomorrow thisevening thisafternoon tomorrow tomorrow 时间 next 时间等 如 Itisgoingtorain Wearegoingtohaveameetingtoday Heisgoingtobuyapairofshoesafterschool Iwillgotothelibrarythisafternoon 二 一般将来时的句型结构1 begoingto结构 1 肯定句 主语 begoingto 动词原形 其他 如 I mgoingtogofishingthisweek Tom sfatherisgoingtowashthecartoday Mymotherisgoingtothemarkettomorrow ThechildrenaregoingtoswimnextMonday 2 否定句 主语 benotgoingto 动词原形 其他 如 I mnotgoingtogoswimmingthisweek Myfatherisnotgoingtothemarkettoday ThechildrenarenotgoingtoflykitesnextSunday 3 一般疑问句 Is Are 主语 goingto 动词原形 其他 如 Areyougoingtogofishingthisweek Yes Iam No Iamnot IsTom sfathergoingtowashthecartoday Yes heis No heisn t Isyourmothergoingtothemarkettomorrow Yes sheis No sheisn t ArethechildrengoingtoswimnextMonday Yes theyare No theyaren t 4 特殊疑问句 特殊疑问词 be 主语 goingto 动词原形 其他 如 I mgoingtovisittheGreatWallwithmyparents Whatareyougoingtodo 注 begoingto结构中的be动词要随人称的变化而变化 该结构一般用于表示主语主观上计划或安排将要去做的事情 2 will结构 1 肯定句 主语 will 动词原形 其他 如 Iwillplaytheballtomorrow Theywilltakeatripnextweek 2 否定句 主语 willnot won t 动词原形 其他 如 Iwillnot won t playtheballtomorrow 3 一般疑问句 Will 主语 动词原形 其他 如 WillyouclimbthemountainsnextSunday Yes I wewill No I wewon t 4 特殊疑问句 特殊疑问词 will 主语 动词原形 其他 如 Itwillraintomorrow Whenwillitrain 注 will没有人称和数的变化 will结构多用于表示客观上将要发生的事情 但很多情况下可与begoingto结构互换使用 考点精析 考点1考查一般将来时的用法 例1 用所给动词的适当形式填空 1 Jack draw abirthdaycakeontheboardbeforethepartythisevening 2 Thegirls dance forusatthepartyintheevening 解析 填动词的适当形式 则必须要弄清楚句子的时态 1 2小题中的时间词都比较长 但都是表示将来时 所以句子中的动词用将来时的形式 答案 1 isgoingtodraw willdraw2 willdance aregoingtodance 举一反三1 用所给动词的适当形式填空 1 Allofus go tothenatureparknextweek 2 Where yoursister have lunchtomorrow 3 It sFridaytoday What she do thisweekend 4 LilyandLucyoften study Englishtogether 5 MissGreen teach inanewschool 6 Look Theboys run ontheplaygroundhappily willgo aregoingtogo will is is will goingtodo do study teaches arerunning have goingtohave 2 单项填空 1 She cleantheroomtomorrow A doB isgoingC isgoingto 2 SarahandTom thebookstoretonight A aregoingB aregoingtoC isgoingto 3 Mymother shoppingnextweekend A isgoingtogoB isgoingC hasgoingto 4 TomorrowisJanuary1st we aholiday A haveB ishavingC willhave 5 Areyougoingtothepark Yes A heisB IwillC Iam C B A C C 考点2考查有关一般将来时句子的句型转换 例2 按要求改写下列句子 1 SarahoftencleansherroomonSaturdays 用thisSaturday改写 2 MissLiuwillbeourChineseteacher 就画线部分提问 3 Shewashesherclothes 用tomorrow改写为一般将来时 解析 本题考查句型转换 第1小题中原句Sarahoftencleans是一般现在时的三单形式 要求用的thisSaturday是一般将来时的时间 故须用将来时改写 注意will或isgoingto后面接的是动词的原形 第2小题对主语提问 用who代替 然后不需要改变句子的语序 但是要将第一人称的代词our变成第二人称your 第3小题可以用 will 动词原形 表示一般将来时 也可以用 begoingto 动词原形 表示一般将来时 并在句末加时间状语tomorrow 答案 1 Sarahisgoingto willcleanherroomthisSaturday 2 WhowillbeyourChineseteacher 3 Shewill isgoingtowashherclothestomorrow 举一反三1 按要求改写下列句子 1 Theyaregoingtohaveafarewellparty 改为否定句 2 Itwillbesnowytomorrow 用begoingto改写句子 3 Tomisgoingtowatchthefootballmatchintheafternoon 就画线部分提问 Theyaren tgoingtohaveafarewellparty Itisgoingtobesnowytomorrow WhatisTomgoingtodointheafternoon 2 根据答句写问句 1 It sgoingtoraintomorrow 2 Theyaregoingtocleanthedesks 3 Yes sheisgoingtocookdinner What stheweatherliketomorrow Whataretheygoingtodo Isshegoingtocookdinner 4 I mgoingtoBeijing 5 I mgoingtoplantatree Whereareyougoing Whatareyougoingtodo 过关检测 一 单项填空 1 MrLi herenextMonday A willcomeB comesC come 2 How you there A are goingtoB is goingtogetC are goingtoget 3 he someshoppingtomorrowafternoon A Will doesB Is goingtodoC Is doing 4 yougoingto withmethisafternoon No I mnot A Are swimB Will swimC Are swimming A C B A 5 Wearegoingtocooksomefish A yesterdayB lastnightC nextweekend 6 you TVeveryday A Do watchB Are watchingC Did watch 7 He filmstomorrowevening A iswatchingB isgoingtowatchC watched 8 Look Thegirls onthebridgeoverthere A readingB aregoingtoreadC arereading 9 Mybrother hard A studyB studysC studies 10 They farmerspickapplesonthetreesnextSunday A arehelpingB helpC aregoingtohelp C A B C C C 二 用所给动词的适当形式填空 1 What be you do now 2 Weusually get upveryearly 3 be yourparents swim nextsummer 4 She like help otherpeople are doing get Are goingtoswim likes helping 5 be she read newspaperstomorrowevening Yes she read newspaperstomorrowevening 6 Tom steacher ask himquestionsveryoften 7 There be atyphoon 台风 nextweek 8 Mydad be readinganewspaper 9 Listen Who sing intheclassroom 10 Shewants write alettertohermother Is goingtoread isgoingtoread Does ask willbe is issinging towrite 三 按要求改写下列句子 1 WeareinGradeSixthisyear 用nextyear改写句子 2 Hebrusheshisteetheverymorning 用tomorrowmorning改写句子 3 IgotoworkbysubwayeveryFriday 用nextFriday改写句子 4 SheisgoingtospeakEnglishatthemeeting 改为否定句 Wearegoingto willbeinGradeSixnextyear Heisgoingto willbrushhisteethtomorrowmorning I mgoingtoworkbysubwaynextFriday Sheisn tgoingtospeakEnglishatthemeeting 5 Theywillbebackat5 00p m 改为一般疑问句 6 Mygrandpaisgoingtolearntodrive 就画线部分提问 7 LiuYunandAlicewillmeetinBeijing 就画线部分提问 8 AnnandAlicearecomingtoChinasoon 就画线部分提问 Willtheybebackat5 00p m Whatisyourgrandpagoingtodo WherewillLiuYunandAlicemeet WhoarecomingtoChinasoon


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