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初三寒假冲刺班第六讲2012浙江赣州中考英语第一节:听小对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择符合对话内容的选项,回答问题。1.Whatarethetwospeakerstalkingabout?A.Theweather.B.Thefood.C.Thetime.2.Wherearethetwospeakersprobablytalking?A.Inashop.B.Inahospital.C.Inalibrary.3.Whoseisthewatch?A.Tonys.B.Bettys.C.Johns.4.WhatisLindasmother?A.Adoctor.B.Adriver.C.Ateacher.5.Whenwilltherebeaschoolconcert?A.OnThursdayevening.B.OnFridayevening.C.OnSaturdayevening.第二节:听长对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择符合对话内容的选项,回答问题。听下面一段较长的对话,回答第67小题。6.HowoftendoesPetergoswimming?A.Onceaweek.B.Twiceaweek.C.Threetimesaweek.7.WithwhomdoesPeterusuallygoswimming?A.Hisfriend.B.Hisfather.C.Hisbrother.听下面一段较长的对话,回答第810小题。8.Whatdoesthemanwanttobuy?A.Trousers.B.Socks.C.Shoes.9.Whatcolourdoesthemanlikebest?A.White.B.Black.C.Blue.10.Howmuchmoneydoesthemanspend?A. $50.B. $15.C. $11.第三节:听独白,从A、B、C三个选项中选择符合独白内容的选项,回答问题。11.WhereisHelenfrom?A.England.B.America.C.Japan.12.WhatsubjectisHeleninterestedin?A.Chinese.B.Maths.C.History.13.WhenwillHelenvisitChina?A.ThisJune.B.ThisJuly.C.ThisAugust.14.HowwillHelengotoBeijing?A.Byplane.B.Byship.C.Bytrain.15.WhydoesHelenlikeNewYorkbest?A.Becauseitsbothbigandmodern.B.Becauseitsbotholdandbeautiful.C.Becauseitsbothmodernandbeautiful.Unit11Drive sb crazyBe friends with sbNeither.nor.Let.downWould rather do.than do .The more.the more.Leave outTo start withKick sb.offPull together单元速效练习1. I _ it myself _ your homework.A. prefer do; rather than B.prefer doing; than copy C.would rather do; than copy2. The more things you do, _ mistakes you will make.A. the more B.the better C.the less3. I _ in this school for over two years and next June I will graduate from it.A. study B.have studied C.have been studied4. The woman is always _ her sons health.A.worried about B.worries about C.worrying about5.Don t make your child _ too long.A.walking B.walks C.walk6. Our teacher often tells us _ in the river. Its dangerous.A.dont swim B.not swim C.not to swim7. Well, I really must _ now. I ve stayed long enough.A.kick off B.take off C.put off8. -How can I get well along with others, father? -Try to smile to others, boy. That will make _ much _.A. them; easier B.them; more easy C.it; easier9. One evening he heard someone _ his door. He quickly opened the door and found a stranger.A. knocked at B.knocking at C.knocking into10. They would rather _ color like orange or yellow than blue or white.A.use B.to use C.uses语法加油站过去完成时:第一关:含义By the time I got there, my mother had already left. 过去的过去 过去 现在had left got过去时间由by, before, when, after, until,for, since 等引导。第二关:VS现在完成时The man have been dead for 20 years._ 1995 现在2015Lesson 48:Did you want to tell me something? 你想对我说什么吗? First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 Why did the writer become very worried?Dentists always ask questions when it is impossible for you to answer. My dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and had told me to rest for a while. I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton wool. He knew I collected match boxes and asked me whether my collection was growing. He then asked me how my brother was and whether I liked my new job in London. In answer to these questions I either nodded or made strange noises. Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the tooth had been. I suddenly felt very worried, but could not say anything. When the dentist at last removed the cotton wool from my mouth, I was able to tell him that he had pulled out the wrong tooth.pull v. 拔cotton wool 药棉collect v. 搜集collection n. 收藏品,收集品nod v. 点头meanwhile adv. 同时练练吧用所给词的适当形式填空。1. By the time I reached home, my mother (cook) supper already.2. Catherine (finish) the letter before her mother came into her bedroom.3. He told his mother that he (run) out of money to buy new clothes.翻译:1. 当张先生出来的时候,公交车已经开走了。 got out; had goneBy the time Mr Zhang , the bus already .2. 就在你报警的时候,那几个小偷已经逃离了超市。 By the time you the police, the had the supermarket. call chieves already left3. 那天王兰得知三班的同学从来不熬夜那么晚。That day Wang Lan was told that students in Class Three had never stayed up that late.基础题一、单项填空。1. Our bus on the half way because the gas ran out.A. broke upB. broke downC. broke awayD. broke2. My uncle didn t show for our wedding.A. upB. toC. onD. in3. I am very tired because I up very late last night.A. gotB. stayedC. putD. showed4. -Did you see Tom at the party? -No, he by the time I got there.A. leftB. was leavingC. had leftD. has left5. After having breakfast, he to the bus stop this morning.A. ran offB. put offC. took offD. turned off6. When I heardthe news, he for one year.A. has been deadB. was deadC. has diedD. had been dead7. The camera is expensive I can t afford it.A. so; thatB. such; thatC. so; as toD. enough; that8. He a doctor last year.A. marriedB. marryC. marriesD. marrying9. the end of the match, we had kicked three goals.A. WithB. InC. OnD. By10. -How long have Mr and Mrs ? -For more than twenty years.A. marriedB. had marriedC. got marriedD. been marriedBABCA DAADD篇章类题型完型填空Mr Smith gave his wife ten pounds for her birthday-ten pretty pound notes. So the day after her birthday, Mrs Smith went shopping. She waited for a bus, got 1 and sat down next to an old lady. After a while, she noticed that the old ladys handbag was 2 . Inside it, she saw a wad of notes(一叠钞票)。They were just like what her husband 3 her. So she quickly looked into her own bag. They were not there! Mrs Smith was sure that the old lady had stolen them. She thought she would have 4 the police; but later she changed her idea. She decided to take the money 5 the ladys handbag and not to say nothing about it. She 6 round the bus to make sure nobody was watching and then she carefully put her hand into the ladys 7 , took the notes and put them in her own bag. When she got home that evening, she 8 her husband the beautiful hat she had bought. How did you pay for it? he asked. With the money you 9 me for my birthday, of course, she answered. Oh? Whats that, then? he asked, as he pointed to a wad of notes-ten pounds on the table.1. A. onB. inC. intoD. off2. A. closeB. closedC. openD. opened3. A. gaveB. had givenC. givesD. has given4. A. calledB. callC. to callD. calling5. A. outB. out ofC. fromD. back from6. A. lookedB. sawC. turnedD. went7. A. basketB. bagC. coatD. pocket8. A. gaveB. showedC. gave toD. showed to9. A. gaveB. showed C. gave toD. showed to10. A. whenB. whileC. asD. afterACBCD ABBAC阅读理解On a cold winter afternoonI was walking home from a supermarketI was feeling a little tired,as I was carrymg my shopping bagsThey were so heavy that I decided to stop to have a rest in the parkI walked towards the gate of the parkI noticed a poor man walking out of the restaurant in front of meHe was holding a paper bagHe walked to a nearby dustbin(垃圾箱) and started looking through itI suddenly felt sadI knew this man would take all that he could get,so I went up to him and gave him some fruitThe man,with wrinkles(皱纹)on his face,looked up in surprise and took what I gave himA big smile appeared on his face and I felt very happyThen he said,“Wow!First someone gave me this sandwich,then this drink,and now some delicious fruitThis is my daughters lucky dayThank you,boy”Then he went away,singing a song Just then,I understood what the saying“Giving is getting”really meantEveryone in the world needs help,everyone can offer help and everyone will be helped by showing kindnessGiving sometimes doesnt cost much,but it means a lot to the people who you help The mans happiness at that moment comes into my mind every time I have the chance to help others1The writer felt a little tired because_Ahe worked so hard Bhe carried heavy shopping bagsChe walked too fast Dhe helped the poor man carry the dustbin2The writer gave the poor man some fruit because_Ahe couldnt carry so much fruitBhe knew the mans daughter liked the fruitChe wanted to help the poor manDthe pool man asked him for some fruit3The poor mans daughter couldnt get_that dayAa new skirt Ba sandwich Csome drink Ddelicious fruit4Which of the following is true according to the passage?AThe poor mans daughter might be sadBIt was the poor mans daughters birthday that dayCThe poor man had no money to buy such delicious food for his daughterDGiving sometimes costs much5The passage mainly tells us_Anot to look through the dustbins Bnot to be a poor manCto give others fruit Dgiving is getting 能力拔高题 完成对话:A: Hi, Alice! A nice day, isn t it?B: Yes. Spring is 1 . What about 2 trees tomorrow?A: Tomorrow? Tomorrow is not a good day for planting trees!B: 3 do you know、A: I 4 to the weather report. It says it s going to be 5 and windy.B: What a 6 !If it rains, we have to stay at home and 7 some reading.A: 8 not come to my home to play computer games? My father bought different parts of the computer and put them together. He made our own computer last week.B: Great! But, 9 is your home?A: My home is near our school. It s a white building. I live on the forth 10 ., look, outside, time, with, weekend, guide, send, advertise, even, need, see十二选十 All of my families volunteer to help other people in our spare time and on 1 . We go to different 2 to help different groups of people at different 3 . My wife, Mrs. Black, likes children very much. She goes to a day care center every afternoon from 2:00 to 4:00. She helps 4 after children and do some cleaning. My son, Bob, is a senior(高级) high school student. Every Sunday morning he stays 5 on one side of the street to give out 6 for a newly football club. Linda, Bob s younger sister, is only ten years old. But she still helps people. What she does is to walk my neighbor s dog every Saturday morning. My neighbor has a problem 7 his legs. I work in a travel agency. I 8 work in the afternoon. But in fact, I am 9 busier every afternoon. I 10 tourists to look around our city for free! I like my job, you know. weekends 2. places 3. time 4. look 5.outside 6. advertisements 7. with 8. 9. 10.guide


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