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初二下总复习1-10单元复习题Unit 1复习题一 翻译下面的短语和句子.1 一百年以后_2 喜欢上 _3 去滑冰 _ 4 在周末 _ 5 能,会 _ 6 实现 _7 在未来 _ 8成百上千的 _9 尽力做 _ 10 使得某人做_ 11 醒来 _ 12 一次又一次 _13 太空站 _ 14 人们将会活到200岁._15 将会有更少的污染吗? 不,不会._ _16 五年前她踢足球._7 我不喜欢独自居住_.18 预测未来可能很困难._.19 有一天人们将飞往月球度假._.20未来的学生将在家通过电脑学习._.二 用more, fewer, less, little, few填空.1 He has _ books than I have. 2 There is _ snow this year, and the earth is very dry. 3. He is very busy. He has _ free time.4 There is _ food left at home. Lets go and buy some.5 There are _ apples on the table. You can eat some.6 There will be _ pollution if we dont do something to stop it.7 We can do the work with _ money and _people than they can.三 用所给词的适当形式填空.1 His father _ ( not be) back home in a week. 2 Li Ping always _(reach) school early. 3 He will go _ (swim) next Sunday. 4 Are you enjoy _ (live) here? 5 Now he _ (be) a student. Three years ago he _ (be) a pupil. Next term he _ (be) in high school. 6 There _(be) a class meeting next Friday and our teacher _ (have) something to say. 7 No one will want _ (see) actors _ (talk).8 He thought computers would never _ (use) by most people. 8 We are able _(have) our own robots. 9 Would you like _ (do) such job? Unit 2复习题一 翻译下面的短语和句子.1 和争吵 _ 2 过时的 _ 3 给打电话 _4 球赛的票 _5 令吃惊的是 _ 6 谈论 _7 付钱,赔偿 _ 8 向借 _ 9 兼职工作 _10 时髦的 _ 11 和相同 _ 12 发现,查明 _13 祝你好运 _ 14 生的气 _ 15 年龄相同 _16 相处得好 _ 17 和吵架 _18 抱怨 _19 到了的时间 _ 20 参加 _21 各种各样 _ 22 一方面 _23 另一方面_24 你应该给他写封信._ 25 这儿除了你我不认识任何人_ 26 你和你父母相处的怎样?_27 他和我有相同的发型._28 我不想在电话上谈此事_ 29 她很烦恼,不知该怎么做._30 你能给我一些建议吗?_ 31 星期三,他把书落在家里了._32 我妈妈在为我准备一次生日聚会._.二 用所给词的适当形式填空.1 If you want better grades, you _(should) watch so much TV.2 I find it difficult _ (get) to sleep in the night. Youd better _-(take) some sleeping pills. 3 My parents want me _ (stay) at home.4 The teacher told me _ ( not be) late again. 5 Im sorry I didntfinish _ (write) my homework. 6 Id like you _ (play) with us.三 句型转换1 He has some money, too.(否定句) _2 It seems that Kate has supper at home.(同义句,下同)_3 He is so strong that he can carry the heavy box._4 I dont know what I should write to him._5 Whats wrong with it? _6 The picture cost me ten dollars._7 Joe gave me a call just now. _8 Emma wears a red jacket. So does her sister._ Unit 3复习题一 翻译下面的短语和句子.1 在前面 _ 2 睡懒觉 _ 3 到达 _4 从出来 _5 报警 _ 6 沿着走 _7 起飞 _8 对吃惊 _ 9 跳下 _10 拍照 _ 11 在火车站 _ 12 逃跑 _13 考虑 _ 14 紧挨,靠近 _15 寻找 _16 听说 _ 17 在城 _ 18 在那时 _19 沉默地 _ 20 发生 _21 在太空中 _22 全世界 _23 在医生诊所 _24飞碟到达时你在做什么? _25 当老师进来时,学生们正在唱歌. _26 昨晚8点我爸在看报. _二 用所给词的适当形式填空.1 My sister _ still _ (watch) TV when I _ (go) to bed lastnight. 2 Mother _ (clean) the room when I _ (leave) home.3 Julia _ (cook) when the doorbell _ (ring). 4 Grandma_(cook) breakfast while I _(wash) my face this morning.5 I _(read) a history book when someone _ (knock)at the door.6 She spent a _ (quietly) evening reading at home. 7 I found a dog _(lie) on the ground on my way home. 8 Dont make any _ (noise). The baby is sleeping. 9 Lucy did everything much _ (bad) than Lily.10 A _ (clean) is a person who sweeps roads every day.三 用when, while 填空1 _ we were talking in the classroom, the teacher came in.2 _ they got to the airport, it was raining. 3 _ she was readinga book, the phone rang. 4 _ I saw the boy, he was wearing a new coat.5 _ he was reading, he fell asleep. Unit 4复习题一 翻译下面的短语和句子1 举行一个惊喜聚会 _ 2 不再 _ 3 首先 _.4 在星期五晚上 _ 5 传递 _ 6 被期望 _7 擅长 _ 8 在干得更好 _ 9 身体健康 _10 年终考试 _11 成绩单 _ 12 抄的作业 _13 在有困难 _ 14 大吵一架 _ 15 忘记去做 _16 养成坏习惯 _ 17 生的气 _ 18 克服 _19 海拔2000米 _ 20 两者都 _ 21 每天三次 _22 在两者之间 _ 23 高中 _ 24 打开 _25当数学老师 _ 26 照顾 _ 27 中国少先队 _28上周听说他感冒了我很难过. _29 她说她不想再做我最好的朋友. _30 起初稀薄的空气让他不舒服. _二 用所给词的适当形式填空.1 Listen! The children _ (sing) in the classroom. 2 _ you_ (read) when he knocked at the door? 3 He told us _ (not swim) in the river. 4 He said he _ (borrow) me the pen the day after tomorrow. 5 I have no idea if he _ (come) in five days.6 Remember _ (bring) the book to school tomorrow. 7 He is supposed _ a kind man. 8 Do you think _ (there be) anEnglish film tomorrow night?三 把下列句子改成间接引语1 “What are you doing, Tom?” I asked Tom _2 “Do you often come to school by bus?” He wanted to know _3 “Why can you finish it so soon, children?” Mom asked the children _ 4 “Li Lin is better at English than math,” said the teacher.The teacher said that _5 “My father has been to Hong Kong twice.” He said _ Unit 5复习题一 翻译下面的短语和句子1 为考试而学习 _ 2 拿走,带走 _ 3 拜访敬老院 _4 谋生 _ 5 一直,始终 _ 6 到处跟着你 _7 受伤 _ 8 让进入 _-9 玩得高兴 _10 坐公共汽车 _ 11 学校聚会规定 _ 12 在聚会期间 _二 选择填空1 If you are late for school, the teacher _ angry. A is B was C will be2 I met a friend of mine _ .A on my way home B on my way to home3 They didnt go to bed_they finished their homework. A until B when4 _ kind girl she is! A How B What C How a D What a5 We shouldnt _ their mistakes. A to laugh B laugh at C to laugh at6 Thank you for _ me the news. A tell B telling C tells7 Its time for class. Please stop _ A talk B talking C to talk8 My watch isnt here. Maybe _ took it. A somebody B anybody9 I dont know if it _ tomorrow. If it _, we will stay at home.A rains, rains B will rain, rains C will rain, will rain10 You will have fun if you _ tomorrow. A go hiking B will go hiking三用所给词的适当形式填空.1 Im afraid I _ (get) a cold tomorrow. 2 Jim _ (watch) TV atthis time yesterday. 3 There _ (be) a film tomorrow evening.4 They _ (work) here last year. 5 We _ (visit) your factorynext week. 6 Look! The children _ (swim) in the river. 7 She says she _ (help) me with my English next year. 8 What time _she _ (leave) home every day?9 We hear he_(return) next month. Unit 6一 翻译下面的短语和句子1 一双滑冰鞋 _ 2 为慈善会筹钱 _ 3 多久 _4 整整五小时 _5 三年半 _ 6 用完 _7 在我七岁生日时 _ 8 顺便问一句 _ 9 任何其他人 _10 对感兴趣 _11告诉关于 _12 多于,超过 _13 远离 _ 14 欧洲影响 _ 15 丰富多彩的历史 _16 有俄罗斯风格 _ 17 黑龙江省省会 _18 我的爱好是收集旧硬币. _ 19 感谢你送我雪球._ 20 我滑冰滑了五小时 _.二 用for,since填空1 He has been practicing the piano _ 9:30. 2 Maria has been running _ 15 minutes. 3 Sarah has been sleeping _ since 9:00.4 She has been studying _ she was six years old. 5 Ive been watching you _ ten minutes. 三 句型转换1 She has been working for 20 hours.(一般疑问句,否定回答) _ she _ working for 20 hours? No, _ _ . 2 Ive been skating since I was six years old.(提问)_ _ _ you been skating?3 Tom ran for one hour.(用现在完成时改写) Tom _ _ _ for one hour. 4 We have been learning English for three years.(同义句) We have been learning English _ _ _ _.5 They have been to the West Lake twice.(提问) _ _ _ have they been to the West Lake?翻译: 1你观看英语电影多长时间了?_2 他总是第一个到校的学生. _3 考试中我没写完作文是因为我用完了时间._ Unit 7复习题一 翻译下面的短语和句子1 关小,调低 _ 2 立刻,马上 _ 3 过一会 _4 洗餐具 _ 5 起床 _ 6 去看电影 _7 做晚饭 _ 8 没问题 _ 9 排队 _10 商店售货员 _ 11 到处跟着我 _ 12 插队 _13 尽力不做 _ 14 点菜 _ 15 压低声音 _16 即使 _ 17 小心,当心 _ 18 在公共场合 _19 破坏规定 _ 20 熄灭 _ 21 扔垃圾 _22 捡起,拾起 _ 23 允许做 _ 24 离近 _25 你介意把音乐关小吗?一点也不._ _26 这只钢笔不能用了,你可以再给我看一只吗?_27 我在学校图书馆总有这样的事发生. _28 你别穿这件衬衣好吗? _29 对不起,我马上做._30 当有人插队时我很生气._二 选择填空1 Could you please _ the radio, the news will start. A turn on B turning on C to turn on 2 Can I _ your car later? A make B to use C use 3 Talking loudly in public is _. A polite B impolite C politely 4 Would you mind _dumplings? I hate them! A not make B not making C making 5 Could you tell me how to _ it in English? A say B speak C tell D talk 6 The teacher told the students _ in class. A not talk B not to talk C not talking 7 _ must I take this medicine every day? Three times a day. A How long B How oftenC How soon 8 Everyone except Tom _ there when the meeting began. A are B is C was 9 May I _ your dictionary? Sorry, I _it at home. A borrow, forgot B borrow, left C lend, left 10 Could you please _ ? Oh, sorry. I will. A wait in line B cut in line C wait in a lineUnit 8复习题一 翻译下面的短语和句子1 给买 _ 2 不够特别 _ 3 听起来不错 _4容易照顾 _ 5 太而不能 _6 目前,现在 _7 给制作 _ 8 一点也不 _ 9 入睡,睡着 _10 中途,一半 _ 11 太多 _ 12 不同种类 _13 让她高兴 _ 14 赠送,捐献 _15 付钱,赔偿 _16 而不是 _ 17 代替,而不是 _ 18提高英语 _19 全中国 _ 18 和一样 _ 19 各年龄段 _20 鼓励做 _ 21 取得进步 _22 学英语获得乐趣_23 查出 _ 24 听说 _ 25 对感兴趣 _ 26 和交朋友 _ 27 以不同方式 _28 为什么不送她一条围巾? _ 29 那不够有创意._30送一本相册怎么样? _31 他曾经收到的最好的礼物是什么?_ 32 多么幸运的人! _33 有时我没有足够的时间陪他一起度过._34 在不同国家礼物的赠送是不相同的._35 人们不必花太多钱,相反,做顿饭就够了._36 有乐趣地学英语对他们来说是个好主意._二 用所给词的适当形式填空.1 Do you think your school life is _ (color)? 2 Im afraid he has made the wrong _ (decide) on that matter. 3 He got the gift on his _(twenty) birthday. 4 They finished the job all by _(them).5 Youd better _ (stay) in bed until tomorrow. 6 The box is too heavy for me _(carry).7 Jack _(return) from London in a week.8 Tom _ (make) some progress in his lessons since last term.9 Look! They _ (pick) apples from the trees now. 10 Would you like something _ (drink)? 11 His brother _(play) football at this time yesterday. 12 Must we _(start) the work at once?13 His work _ (finish) at half past five. 14 What time _ Mr Read _ (have) lunch every day?15 I want to go to the city _ (call) shanghai. Unit 9 复习题一 翻译下面的短语和句子1 曾经去过 _ 2 去了 _ 3 娱乐公园 _4 太空博物馆 _5 坐地铁 _ 6 玩得高兴 _7 过山车 _ 8 兜风 _ 9 在船上 _10 走不同路线 _ 11 以.结束 _ 12 和争吵 _13 空姐 _ 14 导游 _ 15 例如 _16 上课 _ 17 度假 _ 18 四分之三 _19做有问题 _ 20 醒来 _ 21 在白天 _22 睡着的 _ 23 一年到头 _24 离近 _25 远离 _ 26 无论何时 _ 27 在夜晚 _28 你曾经帮助过你不认识的人吗? _29 你曾经去过说英语的国家吗? _30 我需要提高我的听力技巧._31 我毕业后,将做英语老师而不是导游. _32 他从未去过水上世界,我也没有._二 用所给词的适当形式填空.1 Have you_ (see) my pen ? I _(put) it on the shelf a moment ago.2 -John, _ you _ (return) my pen yet? Not yet. I _ (return) it soon. 3 Jim, _ you _ (write) a letter to your aunt? Yes, I _- When _ you _ (write) it ? I _ (write) it last week. 4 Illthink about _ (become) a tour guide. 5 Its fun _ (learn) another language. 6 When did you start _(study) English? 7 _you _ (see) the film before? Yes, I _(see) it last Friday.三 选择填空1 Neither of the books _ written by the writer. A is B are C has 2 Neither you nor he _ worried. A are B is C am D has 3 Her grandmother _ in 1985. She has been _ for 22 years. A died, died B dead, dead C dying, death D died, dead 4 I have never been to European countries. What about you ? _ A So have I. B Neither have I C Neither do I Unit 10复习题一 翻译下面的短语和句子1 看起来象 _ 2 到中午 _ 3 在周末 _4 浏览 _ 5 有点热 _ 6 因而感谢 _7 喜欢,想要 _ 8 过来 _ 9 在帮助 _10 进展,相处 _11 考虑,想到 _ 12 过马路 _13 对友好 _14 告诉关于 _ 15 他肯定是. _16 天看起来要下雨了. _ 17 我希望如此. _二 把下列句子变成反意疑问句.1 You are Bills friend, _? 2 Theyre always friendly, _?3 He isnt good at math, _? 4 You go to school by bus, _?5 She has never been there, _ ? 6 They cant swim, _?7 Theres little milk in the glass, _? 8 He wont be back, _?9 They went to the USA, _ ? 10 Jim must stay at home, _?11 Tina has been learning English for three years, _ ?12 Li Lei has more than 100 stamps, _ ?13 Lets clean our classroom, _ ? 14 Wait a minute, _?三 句型转换1 Have they traveled on a train? (否定回答) _2 They were so tired that they couldnt walk any longer. (同义句)They were _ tired _ walk any longer.3 All of us want him to rest.(否定句) _4 They spent 10 years building the bridge.(同义句) It _ them ten years to_ the bridge. 5 She cant speak English or French. (同义句)She can speak _ English _ French. 6 She has to clean the roomtwice a day.(提问) _ _ does she have to clean the room?


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