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上海版初中2020届英语第一次模拟考试试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)Lily is coming by plane tomorrow.Lets go to airport to meet her.A . a ; aB . / ; aC . the ; theD . / ; the2. (2分)Is Mary _ friend, Alice?No, she is a friend of _.A . yours; JimB . your; JimsC . his; meD . you; mine3. (2分)Whats on Franks table? There is some _, two apples and a cake on his table.A . breadB . pencilC . bananas4. (2分)We in Jinan at 8: 00 in the evening.A . gotB . arrivedC . reachedD . left5. (2分)I ride a bike to school. But this morning, I walked to school. A . neverB . hardlyC . seldomD . usually6. (2分)Mr. White spent about one hour and a half _ the accident report yesterday evening.A . writeB . writtenC . writingD . to write7. (2分)Is this the watch you wish to ? A . have it repairedB . repair itC . have repaired itD . have repaired8. (2分)Now its much easier to shop online when your order is ready, the things you want to buy to you soon.A . sendB . were sentC . are sendingD . will be sent9. (2分)一Can you speak Chinese,Kate?一Yes,I But I speak it well A . can;canB . cant:cantC . cant;canD . can;cant10. (2分)Jake always works hard. Of all the students, he did_ in this exam. A . goodB . wellC . betterD . best11. (2分) Can I join in the game?Of course. Lets play it together.A . look forB . take part inC . act out12. (2分)This kind of cloth _ soft.A . feelsB . tastesC . smells13. (2分)What do you usually do _ your parents arent at home?-I do my homework. Sometimes I watch TV or play computer games.A . becauseB . whileC . butD . before14. (2分) How soon will you start your journey?Im not sure. I havent decided_.A . when shall I ask the boss for leaveB . where I will go to spend the holidayC . whether I would go by train or by planeD . who could invite me to go15. (2分)We cant go into the meeting room because the sign says “ ”. A . Hurry upB . Be quietC . Dont entryD . Pay attention to it二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)完形填空 My dad was my everything.1bad could come to me when my daddy was around. But my dad also had a problem. He was an alcoholic(酒鬼). One day while watching cartoons, I heard the back door 2. In came my dad. He was drunk(醉). I ran to him and shouted, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy. When I was about to reach him, my mom 3me. Why was she holding me back from my dad?Let me go to my daddy. He needs me! I shouted. No, Cindy, hell hurt you. You need to stay back, my mom said to me. Then my dad came out carrying as much as he 4.Without looking back, he walked out of the door. That was the only time when I saw my dad drunk. And it was the first time when I saw my hero(偶像) 5.He came back a few weeks later with a 6mind .And he has not had a drink since then. He is not perfect(完美的),but I still look up to him. Many years later, when I had enough courage(勇气)to ask my mom about it, she told me something Ill 7forget. I found the hotel he was 8at, Cindy .I told him that he could have his drink, but not his daughter.9he could have his daughter but not his drink. He 10you.(1)A . Anything B . Something C . Nothing D . Everything (2)A . broken B . opened C . closed D . locked (3)A . left B . saved C . greeted D . stopped (4)A . could B . had C . needed D . wanted (5)A . fail B . fall C . feel D . fight (6)A . weak B . heavy C . clear D . absent (7)A . soon B . even C . also D . never (8)A . staying B . looking C . lying D . working (9)A . And B . Then C . Or D . So (10)A . followed B . chose C . picked D . believed 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共28分)17. (10分)阅读理解Once upon a time there was a baby eagle(鹰)living in a nest on a cliff(悬崖). The baby eagle liked the nest. It was the only world he had ever known. It was warm and comfortable. Many times each day the mother would swoop down from the sky and land in the nest and feed the baby eagle delicious food. She was like a god to him he had no idea where she came from or how she worked her magic.The baby eagle was hungry all the time, but the mother eagle would always come just in time with the food. The baby eagle grew strong. The mother wanted him to try flying and getting the food out of the nest. But the baby eagle was afraid to do it. The mother eagle flew away and stopped coming to the nest. The baby eagle cried and cried. But there was no one there to hear him. Two days later, the mother eagle appeared at the top of the mountain cliff with a big bowl of delicious food and she looked down at her baby.The mother said, “Here is some very delicious food, all you have to do is come to get it.”“Come to get it!” said the baby, with much anger. “How?”The mother pushed him out of the nest. The ground rushed closer, faster and faster. Something strange happens. He looked down and saw the sky. He wasnt moving towards the ground anymore, his eyes were pointed up at the sun.“Hug?” he said. “Whats going on here!”“ Youre flying,” his mother said.“This is fun!” laughed the baby eagle.(1)What does the underline word “swoop” mean?A . 俯冲B . 攫取C . 抓起D . 飞标(2)Every day the mother eagle _ when the baby is young.A . flew awayB . asked him to flyC . worked her magicD . took food to the nest(3)The mother eagle stopped coming to the nest because _A . she was too old to do things for her baby.B . she didnt love her baby anymore.C . she had a long way to find some food for her baby.D . she wants her baby to get the food by itself.(4)The mother eagle taught her baby to fly by _.A . telling him how to doB . pushing him out of the nestC . flying around himD . asking his father to teach him(5)What does the writer want to tell us?A . The baby eagle can not live without food.B . The baby eagle can not fly without his mother.C . Dont be overcome by the fear in your heart.D . Dont try to do the things you have never done18. (10分)Peter is from Japan. He went to America last month. One day, he walked into a small restaurant for dinner. He wanted to eat eggs, but he didnt know how to say them in English. He looked around, and he saw a girl eating eggs. So he pointed the eggs on the girls table. The waiter knew what he would like. After some time, he brought eggs to Peter.Then Peter wanted to eat mushrooms(蘑菇), but nobody ate mushrooms in the restaurant. He took out a pencil and drew a picture of a mushroom on the menu. The waiter saw the picture and then went away. After some time, he got back. He didnt bring mushrooms to Peter, but he gave him a black umbrella(雨伞).(1)Where did the story take place(发生)?A . In a libraryB . In a hospitalC . In a restaurant(2)How did Peter get the eggs ?A . He pointed the eggs on the girls table. and the waiter understood what he wanted to eat.B . He told the waiter what he wanted to eat.C . He drew a picture of an egg and the waiter understood what he wanted to eat.(3)Whats the Chinese meaning(意思) of “point”?A . 扔B . 卖C . 指向(4)Why did the waiter bring an umbrella to Peter?A . Because Peter wanted an umbrella.B . Because the waiter thought the picture on the menu was an umbrella.C . Because Peter drew an umbrella on the menu.(5)What can be the best title(标题) for the story?A. A happy Trip B. A Hard Dinner C. A Bad RestaurantA . A happy TripB . A Hard DinnerC . A Bad Restaurant19. (8分)阅读理解Whos buliding the new China? Its not the factory owners or the business men .Its someone else.We see them every day .They work day and night in the terrible working places and weather .They build the roads , the theaters , the cinemas and the supermarkets.They even clean up our rubbish .They are Chinas migrant workers(民工).Over 141 million workers left their homes in the countryside to look for jobs in big cities around China .They hope to be rich , but they find they have many difficulties in making enough money.And one of the difficulties is the pride and discrimination(歧视) from the people in cities.When night falls.I see the sad faces of the migrant workers.Many are living far away from the people whom they love.Yes , they dress differently , they speak differently , and they have different habits , but they work hard .The people in cities think they are outsiders ,and most governments refuse(拒绝)to give them medical care(医疗) and public schooling for their children.If China hopes to move into the future ,many things need to changed .The first is discriminationl ! We need to stop our discrimination against the migrant workers of Chinal. They may not make much money as some people in cities , but they are good people just trying to survive, These workers are very imporkant and necessary to Chinas economic development(经济发展)and play an important role in changing Chinese society(社会).They are building the new China , so we should help them.(1)The writer thinks is building the new China. A . the factory owners of ChinaB . the business men and women of ChinaC . the migrant workers of ChinaD . the people in Chinese cities(2)Chinas migrant workers work A . only at nightB . in good working conditionsC . day and nightD . when the weather is fine(3)The word survive here in Chinese means . A . 服务B . 活下来C . 放弃D . 阻碍(4)Which one is NOT TRUE about Chinas migrant workers according to the report? A . The people around the country should help the migrant workers.B . More than 140 million migrant workers are in big cities to make money.C . The people in cities welcome migrant workers though they are outsiders.D . Chinas migrant workers are important in changing Chinese society.四、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)20. (5分)根据对话内容从方框中选择能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话。A:The weather is cool todayB:Really coolLets go to the farmA:_B:Its near our cityA:_B:We can work with the farmersA:_B:And there are many kinds of fruitsA:I like apples_B:I like apples tooA:_B:OK.ALets go nowBIts interestingCWhat about you?DWhere is the farm?EWhat can we do there?五、 完成句子,根据所给中文意思完成句子,每空限填一词。 (共5题;共9分)21. (3分)很多人从椅子上摔下来伤着了自己。 Many people hurt _ by _ _ chairs.22. (1分)on the special cycle paths_23. (3分)每年,它都会接待超过75万的游客。 Every year it _ _ _ 750,000 visitors.24. (1分)人人都在参与保护环境。Everyone _ protecting the environment.25. (1分)他一见我就逃跑了。(run away)_六、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)26. (5分) Mike is a middle school student. He goes to school from Monday to Friday. His home is about 5 miles from school. He usually walks to school. It takes him 30 minutes to walk there. Nancys home is a little farther. Its 20 miles from school. So she often takes the school bus. It takes her 15 minutes to get to school. Bob lives outside the city. Its a town 30 miles away from his school. He takes the subway. It takes him 8 minutes to get to school by subway. He can have breakfast at home and then leave for the subway station. He studies very hard.NameHowHow farHow longMikeHe _Its about 5 miles from school_She takes the school busIts_from school15 minutesBobHe _Its 30 miles from his school20 minutes七、 单词填空 (共1题;共1分)27. (1分)I think you should get your drivers_(执照)before you drive your car. 八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)28. (5分)假如你是来自于美国的Jeff,现在在中国学习,请你给在美国的祖母写一封信,介绍一下你在中国新结交的好朋友Wang Lin.注意:1). 所写内容必须有如下介绍:Wang Lin是个比我外向的人,他对我很友善,给了我很多帮助。Wang Lin比我矮,但很喜欢运动,我们现在每周在一起打两次篮球。我比Wang Lin聪明一点,但Wang Lin比我用功很多。每次考试,我们都能取得好成绩。2). 开头部分已写好,你只需接着写,内容可以适当补充。3). 提示词: be friendly to; in the examination; get good grades.3). 词数:70词左右。Dear grandma,Yours ,Jeff第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共28分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、四、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)20-1、五、 完成句子,根据所给中文意思完成句子,每空限填一词。 (共5题;共9分)21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、六、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)26-1、七、 单词填空 (共1题;共1分)27-1、八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)28-1、


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