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上海新世纪版备战2020年中考英语专题复习选词填空(真题)B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 选词填空(词汇运用) (共20题;共169分)1. (5分)_ the traffic jam on the road, I was half an hour late. (because/because of) 2. (10分)从方框中选择合适的动词或词组,并用其适当形式填空 must make must do cannot cut down should throwPollution is becoming more and more serious today. Something_to protect the earth. Trees_. The rubbish_into the bin. New laws_to stop people from polluting the environment.3. (10分)Although English people dont care about what they eat, they care about the places_ they eat. Rich families usually have a nice dining room.English people like to eat out. The rich go to big _. The poor go to small ones or fast-food restaurants. There are also a lot of _restaurants, such as Italian, Chinese, Indian,_and so on. A good restaurant is usually big and clean. Waiters and waitresses wear_and are friendly and_ When you are eating, you might hear gentle_. Small restaurants or fast-food restaurants are noisier but clean and pleasant, too.In summer, English people like eating_. People bring baskets of sandwiches and sit on the _ in the park, enjoying the sun. Some English kids favorite food is pizza, and most kids hate vegetables. Some of them like_the most famous English food, fish and chips.4. (10分)选词填空:用方框中所给词适当形式填空,使短文正确、通顺、连贯。heavy, have, stop, dark, fish, with, take, both, shine, not listenMr Brown and his son, John Brown like fish very much. Last Sunday morning, it was a fine day. The sun was _. Mr Brown and John went_. Mrs Brown _them and said it was going to rain. She wanted them _their rain coats with them. But they_to her. When they got to the river, it was getting _. Soon it began to rain _. So they_ to go home_fishing. When they hurried home,_of them caught bad colds.5. (10分)选词填空other, move, enough, find ,desert, make, useanother, friend , carry , trouble, friendlyYou may think there is nothing but sand in the desert of the world, but it is not true. In the desert we can_stones. We can see hills, too. There is a little rain in the _, but it is not _for most plants.The animals are_to the desert people in many ways. The desert people eat the meat and drink the milk of the animals. They use their skins to _shoes, water bags and even tents(帐篷). They use the camels(骆驼) for _things.The people of the desert have to keep _from places to place. They must always look for grass or desert plants for their animals. They usually live in the tents. When there is mo more food for their animals, they take down their tents, put them on the camels and move to _place. The desert people are very _. No man in the desert would ever refuse to help the people in_ and give them food and water6. (10分)从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式,使短文完整、通顺。每空只填一词(有两词多余)cup, happy, so, which, the ,good , think, but, they, be, fail, teachA group of classmates got together to visit their old teacher. These classmates all had good jobs and made lots of money. They talked _.The teacher asked them the difficulty they had had. Then their talk soon turned to talking about the stress (d压力) in work and life, The teacher went to _kitchen and came back with a large pot of coffee and many_-China ones, plastic ones and glass ones. Some are plain looking, some are expensive and some are lovely. The teacher told them to help_to the coffee.When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the teacher said,“ Can you notice that all of you took nice-looking expensive cups, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones? You want only the_for yourselves, and it is the source of your problems.”“What all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup_you went for the best cups and then began looking at each others cups.”“Now_about this; life is the coffee, and the jobs, money and position in society _the cups. They are just tools to hold, and do not change the life. Sometimes, by caring only about the cups, we_to enjoy the coffee._dont let the cups drive you, and enjoy the coffee instead.”7. (10分)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,完成句子,每个单词限用一次。toward include model whatever five(1)The Greens drove _the beach quickly to enjoy the rising sun.(2)If theres anything you want here, feel free to take _you need.(3)Although it was late at night, three _of the students came to the street.(4)Some newest kinds of _cars are going to be on show on the exhibition.(5)In the western culture, things like candles, balloons should _for the party. 8. (5分)Do you know _ he didnt come to the party? (why/how)I dont know. Maybe he was ill.9. (6分)选词填空。schoolbag,ugly,expect,invent,copy(1)After working for many days,Mr Miller_a fun game(2)That writer promised to give me a(n)_of his latest book(3)The children like this tiger although its a bit_(4)Ms Jones is very busyDont_her to see you there(5)There are some_in the classroom10. (10分)用is或has填空。 (1)Wang Miao _short but she _long hair. (2)My mother _tall but her hair _short. (3)Sally _of medium build. (4)Ma Yan _short blonde hair. (5)My math teacher _of medium height and he _very heavy. (6)Mary _very thin and she _long brown hair. 11. (5分)选词并用其适当形式填空 push, instead, whatever, communicate, together, offer, nervous, argue, usual, relationMom and Dad are two of the most important people in your life. _ between you and your parents are important. Here are some ways to help you stay close with them. Spend time together. Dont just watch TV alone. _, you should ask your parents to watch TV with you. Take a walk and go to the movies _. If your parents live far from you, you can _ with them by talking on the phone or sending emails. Share your feelings and ask for help. You may need your parents help when youre upset or _. But they may not know that youre having a problem. So tell them when youre sad. Be kind. Little things may mean a lot to your parents. Before they _ you, it will be very lovely of you to _ to help fold the clothes or clean up your room. And if you try not to _ with your brothers or sisters your parents will be happy. Show your care. A _ way is to kiss, hug(拥抱) and say I love you. Your parents and you can understand each other better by showing love. Do your best at _ you do. You dont have to be prefect(完美的) , but when you do your best, your parents will be happy to see youre turning into a great kid.12. (10分)用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空。be full of; give up; last; make mistake; be proud of(1)_, could I ask all of you to keep this information secret?(2) Mom, I was the first to reach the top of the mountain. Good job, Jack! I _ you.(3)David Beckham decided to _ playing football match forever because he is not energetic enough.(4)People who are afraid of _ will never succeed.(5)The subject may _ interests to you, but I dont like it at all.13. (10分)选择词语适当形式填空,每词仅用一次。beginning fresh touch share famous(1)I have to _a book with him. (2)A true friend reaches for your hand and _your heart. (3)You can buy _vegetables at the supermarket. (4)He is _as a writer. (5)People often make resolutions at the _of the year. 14. (10分)用方框内所给词的适当形式填空imagine, set, blind, touch, task(1)Jim _ the table now.(2)Lets help the _ man to go across the street. (3)My _ is to teach you English well. So Ill try my best to help you. (4)Dont _ the plate of soup. Its too hot. (5)Close your eyes and _ that youre in a forest. 15. (5分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从方框中选择适当的词填入横线上,使短文内容完整、通顺。 relaxing, my, play, bats, on , sport, she, school, difficult, soccerMy name is Jerry. Barry is _friend. We are in the same _Sunshine Middle School. I have a basketball, and I like to _it. I think its easy. But Barry doesnt like basketball. He thinks its _. Then whats Barrys favorite_? He has a soccer ball and he plays soccer with his friends every day. So his favorite sport is_. Barrys sister is Helen. _has a ping-pong ball and two ping-pong_. She plays ping-pong _Sundays. She thinks its _. We all like sports.16. (10分)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。wide lie nine sleep minute(1)When I walked on the street, I found a wallet _ on the ground. (2)English is _ used in many ways. (3)Tomorrow is my brothers _ birthday, what present should I give him? (4)My school is not far from my home. It is only about 15 _ walk. (5)When I got to work, I always felt _ and I wasnt happy. 17. (5分)从方框中选词并用其适当形式完成短文, 使短文完整、通顺。film, have, he, health, four, PE, get, from, school, takeBill is thirty years old. He works in a_He is a teacher. He goes to work_.Monday to Friday every week. Usually he_up at six in the morning. After breakfast, he_a bus to work. He is a(n)_teacher, so he often plays basketball, ping-pong and volleyball with his students. He has_classes every day. Two are in the morning and two are in the afternoon. He likes his students and his students like_too. He often plays sports, so he is very_He usually_dinner at home and then he watches TV for two hours. At the weekend, he often goes to the cinema. He likes_He thinks they are interesting.18. (10分)根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。surprise, bad, choose, your, win(1)There are lots of good dictionaries in the bookstore. You can_the one you like.(2)I was_to see my friend Jenny at the station. I didnt expect to meet her there.(3)When we knew we were the_in the game, we jumped happily.(4)Dave did badly in the exam but Alice did even_.(5)Danny, you are ten years old. You should look after _.19. (10分)根据句意,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。 over, study, around, Japan, also(1)Look! Miss Gao is showing the new students _ the school.(2)Some people think _ cars are very nice.(3)Kangkang_about twelve subjects in a junior high school.(4)Wen Wei wants to visit the Great Wall one day. I _ want to.(5)What time is school _in the afternoon?At about five oclock.20. (8分)根据材料内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,使材料意思完整、通顺,有的需要变换形式,其中有两个词是多余的。As, sound, they, clever, send, imagine, heavy, hear, lucky, know, if followMr and Mrs Brown were farmers in South AustraliaThey lived there for many yearsThey had a kangaroo(袋鼠)in_familyThe kangaroo was called LuluSeveral years ago,Mr Browns son gave Lulu to him_a gift for his 60th birthdaySoon Mr Brown and Lulu became good friends and Lulu Often_him around the farmOne day when Mr Brown was working on his farm,a(n)_tree branch(树枝)fell on top of him suddenlyMr Brown fell to the ground and didnt _what happened nextLulu stood next to Mr Browns bodyShe started barking (叫)and didnt leave Mr BrownShe _like a dogShe barked and barkedAnd she didnt stopsaid Mrs BrownAfter _Lulus barksMrs Brown quickly went to see what had happenedShe saw Mr Brown lying on the ground and _him to the hospital right away._,Mr Brown was saved(挽救)Lulu is great!said Mr BrownShe saved me!She is a friendly and very _kangarooAfter Mr Brown left the hospital,he took Lulu everywhere he went第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、 选词填空(词汇运用) (共20题;共169分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、7-2、7-3、7-4、7-5、8-1、9-1、9-2、9-3、9-4、9-5、10-1、10-2、10-3、10-4、10-5、10-6、11-1、12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、12-5、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、14-5、15-1、16-1、16-2、16-3、16-4、16-5、17-1、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、20-1、


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