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鲁教版2020年中考英语语法专练(十三):非谓语动词C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)Our teacher asked us to stop _. So we stopped _ to him. A . talking; listeningB . to talk; listeningC . talking; to listenD . to talk; to listen2. (2分)We are too tired. Lets stop _ a drink. A . havingB . to haveC . haveD . to having3. (2分)Dont forget _ him for his telephone number. A . askB . to askC . asking4. (2分)Its said that well have to at least one hour to Shanghai. A . take; flyingB . takes; to flyC . spend; flying5. (2分)Can you hear Mary _ when you pass her room? A . singB . singingC . to singD . sang6. (2分)People in the Northwest have too many trees, so sandstorm is always coming in many parts of China in spring.A . cut offB . cut downC . cutting offD . cutting down7. (2分)Look! There is a rabbit with a pig in the TV show.Its so interesting.A . playB . playedC . playsD . playing8. (2分)Yesterday, on my way to school, I saw a girl sadly. A . criesB . cryingC . criedD . to cry9. (2分)On the way back home, the two boys walked happily, _.A . singing and dancedB . sang and dancedC . singing and dancingD . sang and dancing10. (2分)I hear you have just finished making the flash mob(快闪) My Motherland and Me ? Thats true. It is really a way to show our love for our country.A . traditionalB . humorousC . wonderfulD . boring11. (2分) Whats his father? He is a teacher. He _ maths at a school now.A . taughtB . teachC . teachesD . will teach12. (2分) did you tell Mary about the story? By _ an e-mail.A . How; sendingB . How; sendC . What; sendD . What; sending13. (2分)What do you think of the environment here? Wonderful!_of the land_ covered with trees and grass. A . Two fifths; isB . Two fifth; isC . Two fifths; areD . Two fifth; are14. (2分)Whats your favourite_? Chicken and cakes.A . foodB . colourC . clothesD . number15. (2分)Im glad to _ my friend Jenny. She told me something funny in the letter.A . get fromB . hear fromC . hear of二、 语法填空 (共20题;共21分)16. (1分)Children should get at _(little) eight hours sleep. 17. (1分)I dont like milk, but my mother makes me_(drink)it every day. 18. (1分)You should practise _(speak)English every day. 19. (2分)根据短文内容,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空Yesterday my sister and I went_(buy)something for her birthdayShe didnt really know what_(get)but she seemed_(like)the idea of a pet,so we went to the nearest pet shopShe started _(look)around at an the animalsThe man in the shop advised her _(choose)the rabbits,but when she saw some puppies(小狗) _(play)in the box,she said she would like_(have)one of themI didnt know if we had enough money_(buy)one and I hoped my mother would want us_(have)a dog in the house,but my sister promised_(look after)it well and we had enough money,so we bought a little brown dog.20. (1分)On the Double _ Festival, people usually climb mountains. (nine) 21. (1分)After school, I like playing computer games _ the Internet. (填介词) 22. (1分)My parents and I often go _ (walk) on Sunday morning. 23. (1分)Dont worry _ your lessons. Well help you. (填介词) 24. (1分)He had some problems_(find) my home yesterday. 25. (1分)Everyone was trying harder _ (win) the next match. 26. (1分)After school, I have to take part in football_(train). 27. (1分)The students are allowed_(take)mobile phones. 28. (1分)The girl plans_(see) a movie with her parents tonight. 29. (1分)I have visited a lot of places of_in Beijing. (interesting) 30. (1分)I want to go to the zoo. Can you tell _ the way to the zoo? 31. (1分)Ten years_(late), she became a writer. 32. (1分)We must make computers _ (serve) us better. 33. (1分)Peter offered _(teach) them water skiing. 34. (1分)Im sorry for _(be) late. 35. (1分)Sandy prefers to _(stay) at home on Sundays. 三、 翻译 (共5题;共25分)36. (5分)昨天她们清理掉了街道上的垃圾。(clearoff)_37. (5分)通常我姐姐在周末练习吉他。Usually my sister_on weekends38. (5分)当我心情不好或疲惫时,我更爱看那些能使我高兴起来的电影。 When Im down or tired, I _ movies that can _ me up. 39. (5分)他们尽了最大的努力去救那个男孩。They_the boy.40. (5分)李小姐非常友好,大家都喜欢向她寻求帮助。(go to sb for help) 第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 语法填空 (共20题;共21分)16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、三、 翻译 (共5题;共25分)36-1、37-1、38-1、39-1、40-1、


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