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Join in 四年级英语全册重点汇总Starter unit一、 单词、词组Clap your hands 拍手 Jump up high跳高Touch your toes 摸脚趾头 Bend your knees 弯曲膝盖Shake your arms and your legs 摇动手臂和腿Stand nose to nose 鼻子对鼻子二、句型Good to see you again.How are you today? Im fine, thank you. My favourite number is.Unit 1 When is your birthday?一、单词、词组十二个月份的英文单词及缩写:一月:January缩写:Jan 二月:February缩写:Feb三月:March缩写:Mar 四月:April缩写:Apr五月:May缩写:May六月:June缩写:Jun七月:July缩写:Jul八月:August缩写:Aug九月:September缩写:Sept十月:October缩写:Oct十一月:November缩写:Nov十二月:December缩写:Dec四季的英文单词:春天:Spring 夏天:Summer秋天:Autumn 冬天:Winter气候的英文单词:温暖:warm炎热:hot凉爽:cool寒冷:coldHappy birthday 生日快乐 Thank you. 谢谢二、句型1 Nice to meet you. 2 Where are you from? 3 When is your birthday?4 How old are you?5 When is .(人名)s birthday?6 Have you got a.?7 In .(月份)8 Do you like.?9 Whats your favourite.? 10 There are four seasons in a year.11 What season is it?Unit 2 In the classroom一、单词、词组floor 地板 curtains 窗帘 light 吊灯 window 窗户desk 课桌 chair 椅子 board 黑板 door 门behind 在后 on 在上 under 在下 in 在里in front of 在前2、 句型How many windows are there? Six windows.What colour is the door? Its brown. There is a schoolbag on the desk. There are four windows in the classroom.Her pencil case is yellow. His book is blue.Unit 3 Numbers一单词zero 零 one 一 two 二 three 三 four 四 five 五 six 六 seven 七 eight 八 nine 九 ten 十 eleven 十一 twelve 十二 thirteen 十三 fourteen 十四 fifteen 十五 sixteen 十六 seventeen 十七 eighteen 十八 nineteen 十九 twenty 二十 twenty-two 二十二 thirty 三十 forty 四十 fifty 五十 sixty 六十 seventy七十 eighty 八十 ninety 九十 hundred 一百二、句型How much is the book? Its 3 yuan.How much are the books? Theyre twenty yuan fifty fen.How many socks are there in eleven pairs? Twenty-two.Unit 4 School1、 单词和短语:Library 图书馆 canteen 餐厅 gym 体育馆 playground 操场 computer room 微机室 classroom 教室二、句型:1.Are there .?/Is your .big(small)?2.I(we).in (on).Unit 5 Free time一、单词和短语:play table tennis 打乒乓球play the piano弹钢琴 stand on your head倒立 play football踢足球 ski滑雪roller blade滑轮 ride a hose骑马 swim游泳 ride a bike骑自行车 skate 溜冰二句型: I can swim. I cant stand on my head. He can ride a horse. He cant play the piano.She can roller blade. She cant play table tennis. Can you swim? Yes, I can./ No, I cant.Unit 6 Gamestriangle三角形 circle圆形 rectangle 长方形 square正方形1. Lets play games. 我们一起玩游戏。2. Miss a turn.暂停一次。3. Throw again. 再投一次。4. Go back to twelve.返回12。5. Start. Finish.开始。 结束。6. How many triangles are there?- There are thirteen triangles. 有多少个三角形? 有13个。7. Can you find a pair of shoes in the wardrobe? - Yes, I can. / No, I cant. 你能在衣柜里找出一双鞋子吗? 能。 / 不能。涉及到的语法:1. am, is, are 的用法.2. a, an的区别及用法.3. 一般现在时的三单形式动词加“S”,如She likes.4. There be与 have, has的用法.5. 现在进行时:be+doing, 如:He is singing./ I am dancing.一 Be 动词的用法:Am-was Is -was Are-were 口诀:我用am, 你用are, is用在他她它,单数用is,复数全用are。肯定和否定句 I am (not) from London.He is(not) a teacher. She is(not) in the dining room. My hair is(not) long. Her eyes are(not) small.一般疑问句 Am I a Chinese? Yes, you are. No, you arent. Are they American? Yes, they are. No, they arent. Is the cat fat? Yes, it is. No, it isnt.二 a, an的区别及用法:冠词是一种虚词,不能独立使用,通常放在名词的前面,分为“不定冠词”和“定冠词”两种。1、不定冠词:a、an。用在单数名词前,表示“一个,一件”。an用在以元音“音素”开头的单词前。如: an e-mail, an orange, an old man, an English watch, an hour2、定冠词:the。用在单数或者复数名词前。the没有具体意思,有时翻译为这、那。三 一般现在时的三单形式动词加“S” 当主语为第三人称单数(he, she,it)时,要在动词后加-s或-es。如:Mary likes Chinese.玛丽喜欢汉语。动词三单的变化规则1一般情况下,直接加-s,如:cook-cooks, milk-milks2以s. x. sh. ch. o结尾,加-es,如:guess-guesses, wash-washes, watch-watches, go-goes3以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i, 再加-es,如:study-studies四 There be与 have, has的用法:1、 there be结构表示“某时、某地存在着什么事物或人”,包括there is、there are.2、 there be和have、has、had的区别:(1)There be 句型表示:在某地有某物(或人) ;而have、has表示:某人拥有某物。(2)在there be 句型中,主语是单数,be 动词用is;主语是复数,be 动词用are;如有几件物品,be 动词根据最近be 动词的那个名词决定“就近原则”。 (3)there be 句型的否定句在be 动词后加not , 一般疑问句把be 动词调到句首。 (4)there be句型与have(has) 的区别:there be 表示在某地有某物(或人);have(has) 表示某人拥有某物。 (5)some和any在there be 句型中的运用:some 用于肯定句, any 用于否定句或疑问句。 (6)and 和or 在there be句型中的运用:and 用于肯定句, or 用于否定句或疑问句。(7)针对数量提问的特殊疑问句的基本结构是: How many + 名词复数 + are there + 介词短语? How much + 不可数名词 + is there + 介词短语? (8)针对主语提问的特殊疑问句的基本结构是: Whats + 介词短语? (9)There be结构一般用在句子的开头,而have等词只能用于某一个主语后面。


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