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必修五Unit 1Great scientists.单词拼写1The doctor is wellknown for having_(治疗)some people of the deadly disease.2Richardson_(推断出)from his studies that equality between the sexes is still a long way off.3The army was welltrained and wellarmed,and had little difficulty_(击败)the enemy.4The_(建设)work of the theatre is supposed to be completed within the year.5Employees are expected and required to _(参加)team meetings. 6The president became too_(热心的)over a big navy.7The scientists are doing _(科学的)research on the rats.8His injuries were_(严重的)and he was rushed to hospital.9Its difficult to_(操纵)the machine.10He is intensely_(谨慎的)not to make mistakes in spelling.答案1.cured2.concluded3.defeating4.construction5attend6.enthusiastic7.scientific8.severe9.handle10cautious.完成句子1_the American government _the French officials_ the news about Syria.美国政府和法国官员都没有证实有关叙利亚的这则新闻。2She smiled suddenly,_她突然一笑,露出一口洁白的牙齿。3She_casually before carrying out a research.在进行调查研究之前,她从不随便下结论。4_our home,he always brings me a gift.每次我叔叔来我们家,他总会带给我一件礼物。5_Mr.Wang give a performance at the party.有人建议王先生在晚会上演个节目。答案1.Neither;nor;have confirmed2exposing a set of white teeth3never draws a conclusion4Every/Each time my uncle comes to5It was suggested that.单项填空1Ticket Office._I want to book up the ticket for tomorrow.AWhat can I do for you?BWhat will you want to do?CWhats the matter?DHow are you going?答案A这里是售票处。我能为你做些什么?我想预订明天的票。根据语境判断这是售票员和顾客之间的对话,提供帮助一般用“What can I do for you?”或者“Can I help you?”,故选A项。2Malalar, _ symbol of womens rights, has now become _ most famous teenager globally and been nominated for next years Nobel Peace Prize.Aa; a Bthe; aCa; the Dthe; the答案C句意:Malalar,女权的一个象征,已经成为全球最著名的青年,并已经被提名明年的诺贝尔和平奖。第一空,symbol意为“象征”,是可数名词,根据句意可知此处表示泛指,前面应用不定冠词a;第二空,形容词的最高级前应用定冠词。3_cleaning the yard and making up the beds for the old,we also read newspapers for them and had chats with them.AExcept for BRather thanCApart from DInstead of答案C考查短语辨析。根据also可知,我们所做的也包括clean the yard和make up the beds for the old这两件事,故用apart from“除了还”,相当于besides/in addition to。except for“除了之外”(用于修正和补充句子的主要意思);rather than“而不是”;instead of“代替”。4(浙江高考)He decided that he would drive all the way home instead of_ at a hotel for the night.Aputting down Bputting offCputting on Dputting up答案D考查动词短语辨析。句意:他决定一路开车回家而不是在旅馆住宿。put up(at.)“投宿;(在)过夜”,符合句意。put down“写下;镇压”;put off“推迟”;put on“穿上;发动”。5(2014台州第一次诊断)I wonder why Ann didnt get _ the job.She is the right person for it.Ato be offered Bto offerCoffering Doffered答案D句意:我不知道为什么安没有被提供给这份工作,她是合适的人选。get done表示被动,Ann与offer之间是动宾关系。6(2013湖南卷)You cannot accept an opinion_to you unless it is based on facts.Aoffering Bto offerChaving offered Doffered答案D考查非谓语动词的用法。句意为:除非观点是建立在事实基础之上,否则你不能接受别人的观点。分析句子成分后可知,“_to you”是分词短语作为后置定语修饰opinion,而opinion和动词offer之间是被动关系,所以用过去分词修饰。 7(2014海宁检测)Its wonderful to hike with Dad and I have felt_with him.Ato protected BprotectedCprotecting Dto be protected答案B考查非谓语动词。根据语境可知,felt与protect之间是被动关系,排除选项A和C;和父亲一起的徒步旅行已经结束,排除选项D。8(2014杭州模拟)What made your skin look so terrible?_to the sunlight for a long time.ABecause it was exposedBAfter being exposedCBeing exposedDExposed答案C考查固定结构。句意:是什么让你的皮肤看起来这么难看?是长时间暴露于阳光下所致。be exposed to暴露于,答语是省略句,此处用作主语。故用动词ing形式。9When he came back three hours later,they were still sitting on the sofa,_in the conversation.Aabsorbing BabsorbedCto absorb Dto be absorbed答案B考查非谓语动词。句意:当他三个小时后回来时,他们仍坐在沙发上,聚精会神地交谈。be absorbed in为固定搭配,意为“专心于”,所以此处应用absorb 的过去分词形式,作伴随状语。10(2014温岭市模拟)The idea of traveling abroad really _ a lot of Chinese people.Thats why every year witnesses more people applying for passports.Asticks to Bcontributes toCattends to Dappeals to答案D句意:去国外旅游的想法吸引大量中国人。A项“坚持”;B项“贡献于”;C项“照顾”;D项“吸引”。11(2014宁波模拟)Youd better give up smoking,Tom,for many diseases are_to smoking,you know.Alinked BledCexposed Dblamed答案A句意:你最好把烟戒掉,汤姆,你应该知道,很多疾病都与抽烟有关系。be linked to sth与某物有联系,符合句意。lead to“导致”,一般不用于被动语态;blame多用于be to blame结构,表示“应该受到指责”。12I think you need some outdoor exercise.Plenty of fresh air will_good health.Acontribute to Bdevote toCapply to Dadjust to答案A考查动词短语辨析。句意:我认为你需要些户外锻炼,足够的新鲜空气有利于健康。contribute to有助于,导致; devote to奉献;apply to适用;adjust to调节以适应。13What are the workers talking about?They are discussing the idea the old worker_at the meeting yesterday.Aput forward Bcame upCset off Dbrought out答案A句意:他们正在讨论那位老工人在昨天会议上提出的想法。据此语意选A项。易误选B项,come up指“被提出”。14(2014嘉兴一中模拟)The individual word may_,but the sentence as a whole makes no sense.Atake effect Bmake senseCleave behind Dlet down答案B句意:单个的单词可能有意义,但是整个句子没有意义。make sense有意义,讲得通,符合句意。take effect生效;leave behind忘带,留下;let down放下,使失望。15After all things had been discussed,the meeting was_with the applause.Acompleted BcontainedCconstructed Dconcluded答案Dconclude意为“结束”,指彻底结束、关闭,可用于讲话、写作、会议、条约甚至生意的正式结束,有时也可指以任何方式结束;complete意为“完成”,表示“使完整”;contain意为“包含,容纳”;construct意为“建造”。16(2014浙江省浙东北三校高三质检)He _ from their remarks that they were not in favor of the plan.Aconcluded BmadeCput Dattended答案A考查动词词义。句意:他从他们的话语中推断出他们不赞同这项计划。conclude“推断”,符合句意。17Although this medicine can cure you _ your illness, it has a bad effect _ you.Afor; in Bfor; onCof; on Dof; at答案C句意:尽管这种药能治好你的病,但它对你有不好的影响。cure sb of sth“治愈某人某种病”;have a/an.effect on.“对有影响”,所以选C。18The plane is due to take off at 750 from the airport._ we fail to arrive there in time?Try to take another flight then.AWhat if BAs ifCEven if DOnly if答案Awhat if有两个意思:“如果怎么办?”“即使又有什么关系”。本句是第一个意思。根据语境本句意为“如果我们不能及时到达怎么办呢?”as if“好像是,似乎是”;even if“即使”;only if“只有”。19I was much impressed by the great changes and fast pace of life in Shanghai _ I came to visit this fantastic city.Aat the first time Bfor the first timeCby the first time Dthe first time答案D句意:我第一次参观上海这个神奇的城市就对它巨大的变化以及快速的生活节奏留下了深刻的印象。四个选项中只有the first time可作时间状语从句引导词,其他都为介词短语不能引导状语从句。20I would like to go to that supermarket by myself.I dont like going with my parents._It has fun going by ourselves.ANor do I BNeither would ICSo would I DThe same with me答案D我喜欢自己去那个超市,我不喜欢和我父母去。我也是。我们自己去很有乐趣。语境既有肯定也有否定,故不能用A、B、C三项的形式,因为空处是对整个句子所表述的观点的赞同。the same with sb“跟某人一样”,既可用于否定句,也可用于肯定句,故D项符合语境。.完形填空If youre going to do something,my dad used to say,do it right.Mostly he said that after my halfhearted(不尽力的)_1_to weed the vegetable garden.For some reason,he knew that there were white roots still_2_ deep in the ground without looking around the garden.So I would be in the _3_again the next day with a spade dig deep and_4_ the roots of our garden.As I tried to focus my attention to _5_,Dads words kept echoing in my mind:“Do it right.”I saw a perfect example of what Dad was talking about last week when one of the teams in the company was _6_All of us were sad to see them go.They were good friends and _7_,and we worried about them.And_8_,at such times you always wonder:am I next?But as we watched them during the week they were given to_9_,many of us noticed that they werent handling this in quite the way we expected them to._10_ none of them found another job,there was also no bitterness or_11_ in their departure.I didnt hear a negative word.I didnt see any _12_ or unhappy facesat least,not from them.Instead,I saw grace.“Its_13_,”one of my colleagues whispered.“I went over there to offer comfort and support to them,and they _14_comforting me.”Ancient Greeks believed that swans save their sweetest song for the moments to their_15_I dont know if my departing friends _16_ their ending as a “swan song” or not,but the calm,quiet dignity with which they embraced their cruel reality touched and _17_us.Lee,a man who has seen and_18_ lots of layoffs during almost 40 upanddown,onagainoffagain years with the company,_19_ nicely for all of us.“Now,thats doing it right,”he said.Somewhere,I just know Dad was smiling his_20_【解题导语】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文,作者通过小时候清除菜园杂草的经历以及公司里几个被解雇的同事的表现,向我们诠释了“Do it right”的内涵。1A.attempts BjudgementsCexpectations Drequests答案A父亲大多是在“我”没有尽力尝试清除菜园的杂草时说这句话。attempt“努力,尝试”,符合语境。2A.planted BburiedCgrown Dstuck答案B根据上下文可知,此处表示“父亲知道仍然有一些白色的根深埋在土里”,故buried符合语境。3A.house BschoolCgarden Dcompany答案C因此第二天“我”总是又在花园里,拿着锹深挖,认真除去我们菜园里杂草的根。4A.look forward to Bcome up withCfit in with Dget down to答案D参见上题解析。get down to表示“开始认真注意(或对待)某事”,符合语境。look forward to“盼望”;come up with“提出(建议)”;fit in with“适应”。5A.watching BthinkingCdigging Dworking答案C由上句中的“with a spade dig deep”可知,此处表示在“我”专心挖草根的时候,父亲的话一直在“我”的脑海里回响。6A.turned down Blaid offCcut down Dgiven up答案B根据下文中的“All of us were sad to see them go”及“lots of layoffs”可知,此处表示“我们公司的一个团队被解雇了”。故lay off“解雇”,符合语境。7A.competitors BcolleaguesCdirectors Dconsultants答案B由上下文可知,此处表示“他们是我们的好朋友和好同事”。8A.frankly BnaturallyCequally Dgenerally答案A并且,老实说,在那样的时候,你会想知道:我是否是下一个呢?因为同事被解雇,所以在那种时候,每个人也会担心自己是否会被解雇,故frankly“老实说”,符合语境。9A.hurry up Bturn upCpack up Dcome up答案C上文说到同事被解雇了,所以此处应是给他们一周收拾东西的时间。故pack up“收拾行装,打包行李”,符合语境。10A.Since BWhenCUnless DWhile答案D根据上下文可知,空处所在句和后一句之间是让步关系,因此选while,表示“尽管”。尽管没有一个人找到其他的工作,但是他们也没有痛苦或难过。 11A.sadness BpuzzleCanger Ddelight答案A根据语境可知,此处应该选一个与bitterness意思相近的词语,因此选sadness。12A.tears BsmilesCdangers Dfears答案A“我”没有从他们脸上看见眼泪和难过的神色。13A.upsetting BexcitingCdisappointing Damazing答案D根据上文的内容和后一句中同事的话可知,此处表示“我”的一个同事认为被解雇的同事的表现是令人大为惊奇的。14A.objected to Binsisted onCended up Dkept on答案C此处表示“我”的一个同事是去给他们安慰和支持的,结果最后他们反过来安慰了“我”的那个同事。end up doing意为“以为结果,以告终”,符合语境。15A.birth Bdeath Carrival Dparty答案B根据上下文可知,此处把同事们离职前的淡定与天鹅临死时的歌唱作一个对比,因此选death。16A.view BrecognizeCchoose Ddescribe答案A“我”不知道我要离开的朋友们是否把他们的离开视为一首“天鹅之歌”。view.as意为“把视为,以看待”,符合语境。17A.discouraged BwarnedCinspired Damused答案C他们用来拥抱残酷事实的这种淡定和大度,感动和激励着我们。inspire意为“激励”,符合语境。18A.celebrated BwitnessedCresisted Dsurvived答案D根据上下文可知,此处应用survived,表示“艰难度过,幸存”,即“Lee见到过也经历过许多次解雇”。19A.made up Bsummed upCpicked up Dspeeded up答案BLee为我们做了很好的总结。sum up意为“总结”,符合上下文语境。20A.disagreement BindifferenceCadmiration Dapproval答案D由上文可知,这位老同事说的话与“我”父亲说的话是一样的,因此此处表示“我”知道父亲一定正在某处微笑着赞同,因此选D。


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