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演讲稿/演讲稿范文 和平演讲稿3篇 *目录. 和平演讲稿. 英语演讲稿模板:游向和平. 游向和平英语演讲稿一提到未来,异想天开,翩翩起舞的画面就会展现在我们眼前: 我们的未来是怎样的呢?我们的未来是和平的,还是像美国的总统布什先生为了一件小事就向阿富汗宣战呢? 我们的未来是一个没有迷底,没有人去揭开它的面纱,也不敢,也不想。 现在,国防教育的进行非常激烈,好像学得慢一些,就会被球人偷去资料似的,来得突然,来得令人想不到。 我非常仔细地翻看着国防教育这本书。当看到核核武器的介绍时,我的心不由得一惊,这本是科学家或者是比我们大一些的人去看呀!怎么现在就告诉我们了呢?是为了我们自卫呢?还是让我们的祖国强大起来,让我们做那被人们所忌讳的事情呢?谁都不敢想象! 我们所希望的未来就是这样的吗?我们不同意,我们呼吁,我们希望的是一个充满和平鸽的世界,让它们尽情地飞翔,传递着各国的信息。啊!我们要脱离机器,让我们的可爱的动物来代替,代替这光荣而神圣的使命。 我们要做的同时,要去帮一帮非洲的难民者,让他们也享受一下世界的和平与美好的那份甜蜜,让我们共同携起手来,献出一颗颗火热而同情的心,让暖流流入难民的心,因战争而丢去家园的人也是一样。我们帮助的人很多,这都是为“重建家园,和平友好”做的铺垫。 国防的教育虽然对我们有利,但是说不定明天就要攻打别的国家。那么,失去国家的人就会很多,他们就会像一个婴儿没有人哺育一样会失去重建家园的信心,谁会想到这后果竟是这样的悲惨!所以,我们要做的第一步就是消除人们的戒备心,让他们因为有家而高兴的新感。 最后,我向全世界人民呼吁,让我们携起手来,共创一个美丽、和平的未来,有一个温暖而舒适的家庭。欢迎您来到阅读关于国防教育世界和平演讲稿 英语演讲稿模板:游向和平和平演讲稿(2) on swimming for peaceladies and gentlemen:before swimming in north atlantic in winter and recalling titanic, i come here, great the united states, from my motherland china for pushing on peace. i fell extraordinary honor and pride. im gangyi wang , 49 years old, lawyer, ph.d of jilin university, professor of dalian university of technology.ten years ago, i used to be here, freedom goddess location-new york, and influenced by the culture of democrace, freedom and rule by law. tady, after ten years, i come back greate city-new york for developing the peace sprit that freedom goddes geve us and for memory of those who died in september 11 event and titanic.uder the bless and protect of god, i succecded in challinging the south pole, lago grey of chile,han river of korea, ice sea of hokkaido in japan and set the record of human beings survival in low-temprature waters.i will start off here to canada (st.johns) to swim from the place in ice sea of north atlantic in 17 jan. xx and that sea area is just the place where titanic sank 93 years ago. i hope that the winter swimming with the theme of love of life and swimming for pease is much concernd throughout the world.i pray god bless and protect us.这篇关于英语演讲稿模板的*,希望给正在阅读*的你带来帮助!游向和平英语演讲稿和平演讲稿(3) on swimming for peaceladies and gentlemen:before swimming in north atlantic in winter and recalling titanic, i come here, great the united states, from my motherland china for pushing on peace. i fell extraordinary honor and pride. im gangyi wang , 49 years old, lawyer, ph.d of jilin university, professor of dalian university of technology.ten years ago, i used to be here, freedom goddess location-new york, and influenced by the culture of democrace, freedom and rule by law. tady, after ten years, i come back greate city-new york for developing the peace sprit that freedom goddes geve us and for memory of those who died in september 11 event and titanic.uder the bless and protect of god, i succecded in challinging the south pole, lago grey of chile,han river of korea, ice sea of hokkaido in japan and set the record of human beings survival in low-temprature waters.i will start off here to canada (st.johns) to swim from the place in ice sea of north atlantic in 17 jan. XX and that sea area is just the place where titanic sank 93 years ago. i hope that the winter swimming with the theme of love of life and swimming for pease is much concernd throughout the world.i pray god bless and protect us.相关内容马拉拉2017诺贝尔和平奖得主联合国演讲稿全文纪念南京大屠杀的演讲稿:铭记历史,珍爱和平关于国防教育世界和平演讲稿英语演讲稿模板:游向和平习近平首尔大学演讲稿:中国始终维护和平虚心学习国家公祭日青少年代表宣读和平宣言(全文)和平的愿望国际和平日国旗下讲话:热爱和平 珍惜生活小学生演讲稿和平战争与和平演讲稿* l


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