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PEP版六年级英语下册unit1练习Class_ Name_ Score_一、 写出下列形容词的比较级形式 (20分)big small long thin tall short heavy young old strong 二、 填空 (15分)1、 The red ruler is 20 cm . The yellow ruler is 10 cm.The yellow ruler is than the red ruler.2、 I am 160 cm tall. He is 170 cm tall.He is than me .3 、Zhang Peng is 8 years old . Amy is 10 years old.Amy is than Zhang Peng.、4、 Sarahs mother is 30 years old. Johns father is 40 years old.Sarahs mother is than Johns father.5、 Lucy is 30 kg. Lily is 36 kg.Lily is than Lucy.三、选择题 (10分)( )1、Im 60 kg. Im so A heavy B heavier C heaviest( ) 2、Tom wears size 18. Lily wears size 16. Toms feet are A big B bigger C smaller( ) 3、My cat is 2 kg. Her cat is 6 kg. cat is thinner. A Her B His C My( ) 4、The green pen is 8 cm. The red pen is 10 cm. The red pen is A shorter B longer C taller( ) 5、Look, this is a dog and this is a cat. The cat is A bigger B smaller C longer四、选择正确的答语 ( 10 分)( )1、How do you go to school, Sarah? ( ) 2、Where is the library? ( ) 3、How tall are you? ( ) 4、How heavy is he? ( ) 5、What are you going to do ?A. Im 160 cm tallB. Its in front of the post officeC. Im going to the bookstoreD. He is 30 kg.E. I go to school on foot五、句型转换 (20分)1、stronger monkey is which (连词成句) ?2、how are tall you (同上) ?3、 Im 170 cm.(对划线部分提问) ?4、He is 70 kg (同上) ?5、The elephant is 1000 kg. The pig is 100 kg.= The elephant is than the pig. 六、补全对话。(用所给出的句子把对话补充完整, 把编号填在横线上。)(10分)Sarah: Hi, Mary. ?Mary: Im fine, thank you. Sarah: ?Mary: Im 156cm tall. And you?Sarah: . Im 3cm shorter than you. Mary: ?Sarah: Im 45kg. Im heavier than you.Mary: Oh! Its time to go home now. Goodbye.Sarah: . A. How are you? B. How tall are you? C. Im 153cm tall.D. See you. E. How heavy are you? F. How old are you?G. Are you taller than your brother?七、阅读,选择正确的答案,并把字母编号写在括号里(10分)Jack is an American boy. His parents are in China now. They are teachers. They teach English. Hes 2 years older than me, and hes tall, too. He has short hair and big eyes. Hes 162cm tall and hes 50kg. Jack is now in No. 2 Middle School. Hes a good student. His parents work in No.2 Middle School, too. Jack is my good friend. He likes football. We often play football together.( ) 1. Jack is from . A. England. B. America.( ) 2. His parents are teachers. A. English. B. math.( ) 3. Im than Jack. A. older. B. younger. ( ) 4. Jack is a . A. student. B. teacher.( ) 5. Jacks favourite sport is . A. basketball. B. football.七、作文(5分)Name Zhang Peng Wu Yifan Age 12 11 Height 1.70 m 1.65 m Weight 60 kg 55 kg根据上表信息,以“My friends ”为题,写一篇短文,用上比较级句型。(不少于50个单词)_


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