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反义词主考词及答案归纳1 带“熟”标记的词为熟词僻义2 由于留题模考的缘故,本归纳不包括宋昊类比反义词 31-35部分及02年11月,03年3月及06年6月的反义词。单词 出现频数 反义词Abate 1 augmentAbdicate 1 assume (熟,担任)Aberrant 1 normalAbhor 1 greatly admireAbrogate 1 upholdAbscission 1 process of graftingAccelerate 1 retardAccessory 1 of primary importanceAccolade 1 criticismAccrete 1 wear awayAcquiesce 1 resistAccumulation 1 dissipationAdulteration 1 purificationAdvocate 1 denounceAerate 1 remove air fromAffable 1 irascibleAffiliation 1 dissociationAffinity 1 aversionAgape 1 closedAggregate 2 isolated units, disperseAlacrity 2 hesitance and reluctance, recalcitranceAlienate 1 reuniteAlleviate 1 exacerbateAllude 1 mention explicitlyAlly 1 adversaryAmalgamate 3 separate (两次), isolateAmeliorate 1 implementAmortize 1 suddenly increase ones indebtednessAmplify 1 abridgeAnalogous 1 lacking similarityAnarchy 1 orderAnchor 1 dislodgeAnomalous (anomaly) 4 normal, conforming to an established rule, predicted occurrence, conformity to norms Antipathy 1 settled fondnessApocryphal (apocrypha) 2 authenticated, canonApologist 1 protagonistApposite 2 irrelevant, extraneousAppreciable 1 imperceptibleApprise 1 withhold informationApprobation 1 condemnationAppropriate (熟,盗用) 1 surrenderApt 1 extremely inappropriateArcane 1 well-knownArrest 1 vitalizeArrhythmic 1 exhibiting regularityArtifice 1 candorArtlessness 2 cunning, guileAscend 1 go downAseptic 1 contaminatedAspersions 2 flattery, glowing tributeAsperity 1 mildness of temperAsset 1 liability(债务)Assuage 1 intensifyAttenuate 1 strengthenAudacious 1 timid Authentic 1 bogusAutonomy 1 dependenceAwe 1 irreverenceAver 1 denyAvid 1 indifferentAxiomatic 1 controversialBackfire 1 produce an expected resultBadinage 1 serious conversationBaffle 1 enlightenBait 1 fortify (bait 引诱,fortify使人坚定不受引诱)Baleful 1 beneficentBalloon 1 decrease slowlyBanality (banal) 2 original expression, arrestingBankruptcy 1 solvencyBarb 1 complimentary remarkBawdy 1 decorousBegin 1 concludeBelie 1 averBellicose 1 pacificBeneficence 1 meannessBent(熟,天赋) 1 ineptitudeBifurcate 1 coalesceBlithe 1 graveBoisterous 1 quietBolster 2 undermine, decrease support of Bombastic (bombast) 2 understated, down-to-earth languageBoon 1 misfortuneBoor 1 civil personBoycott 1 patronizeBreach 1 solderBrilliance 1 dullnessBroach 1 close offBucolic 1 urbanBulge 1 depressed regionBungle(把事做糟) 1 bring offBurgeon 2 subside,wither(以后也曾主考)Calcification 1 flexibilityCallow 1 behaving with adult sophisticationCallousness (冷淡的,与callow区分) 1 sensitivityCanonical 1 heterodoxCapitulate 1 resistCapricious 1 steadfastCardinal 1 minorCareen 1 move steadilyCastigation 1 approbationCatalyze 1 inhibitCaustic 1 innocuousCede 1 refuse to yieldCelebrity 1 obscurityCensure 1 commendCessation 1 commencementChary 1 boldChampion 1 disparageChicanery 2 aboveboard action, honest dealingChronic (熟,这里chronic取多发的意思) 1 sporadicCircumlocution 1 succinctnessCircumvention 1 direct encounterCivility 1 rudenessClinch(熟,使确信) 1 make more doubtful Coalesced (coalesce) 1 broken apart, desegregateCoda 1 preludeCollect 1 scatterComeliness 1 unattractivenessCommodious 1 crampedCommotion 1 tranquilityComplaisance 1 churlishnessCompound 1 separateConcatenate 1 separateConcord 1 dissensionConcur 1 dissentConfound 1 discriminate between Control (熟,实验对照组) 1 group experimented on(被分组实验)Consider 1 table (搁置)Consolidation 1 fragmentationConstrain 1 releaseConstrict 1 dilateContaminated 1 purifyContinuity 1 disjunctionContumacious 1 tractableConvene 1 dissolveConversance 1 lack of familiarityConvoke 1 adjournConvoluted 1 straightforwardCorporeal 1 intangibleCorroboration (corroborate) 3 lessening of certainty, controvert, denyCorrugated 1 smoothCountenance 3 regard with disfavor, forbid, condemnCovert 1 openCowed 1 undauntedCower 1 brazenly confrontCozen 1 deal with forthrightlyCrass 1 refinedCraven 1 valorousCryptic 1 self-explanatoryCumbersome 1 easy to handleCurmudgeon 1 agreeable personCursory 2 slow and thorough, painstakingly thoroughCurtail 1 prolongDab 1 coat thoroughlyDampened (dampen) 2 amplified, enlivenDashing 1 bumpkinlyDated 1 currentDebauchery 1 asceticismDebacle 1 complete successDebonair (温文而雅的) 1 uncouthDebut 1 farewell performanceDecadence (decadent) 2 wholesomeness (wholesome)Decorous 1 unseemly Default 1 fulfill and obligationDeference 1 contemptDefiance 1 submissionDeft 1 awkwardDehydrate 1 saturate with waterDelicacy 1 crudityDemotion 1 elevationDenial 1 avowalDenuciation 1 eulogyDeracinate 1 plantDeride 1 show respect forDerivative 1 innovativeDependable 1 fickleDeposition 1 process of erodingDesiccate 2 hydrate, add water to Desultory 2 carefully planned, strictly methodicalDetritus 1 valuable productDiatribe 3 encomium(做过主考词), eulogy, laudatory piece of writingDiffident 1 boldDilapidated 1 restoredDisgorge 1 ingestDissemble 1 behave honestlyDin 2 silence, hushDisabuse 2 lead into error (两次)Disaffect 1 win overDisarm 1 put on guardDischarge 1 hireDiscrete 1 continuousDisdain 1 treat favorablyDisgorge 1 swallowDisinter 1 buryDisingenuousness 1 guilelessnessDismay 1 encourageDisparate 1 homogeneousDispatch 1 leisurelinessDisposed 1 disinclinedDispute 1 acceptDissembling 2 candid (两次选项相同)Dissonance 1 concordDistend (distension) 1 constrict, compressionDiurnal 3 chiefly active at night, occurring at night, nocturnalDiverge (divergence) 1 come together, unificationDiversity 1 uniformityDivest 1 endowDivestiture 1 acquisitionDivulge 1 keep secretDoff 1 donDogma 1 heresyDominant 1 recessiveDominate 1 have no control overDormancy 1 activityDwindle 1 increaseEbullience 2 calm restraint, impassivenessEffrontery 2 decorum, timidityEgress 1 entranceElaborate 1 simplifyElasticity 1 lack of resilienceEmaciation (emaciate) 1 invigoration, fattenEmbolden 1 cowEmboss 1 flatten outEmit 1 absorbEmploy 1 leave idle (个人认为的答案)Encomium 1 harsh criticismEndemic 1 exoticEndorse 1 oppose publiclyEnervate 2 strengthen, fortifyEngender 1 eradicateEnnui 2 excitement, exuberanceEnrich 1 depleteEnsconce 1 displaceEnsemble 1 soloEpicure 1 a person indifferent to foodEquable 1 intemperateEquanimity 1 agitationEquity 1 unfairnessErode 1 depositErudite (erudition) 2 unlettered, ignoranceEschew 1 seekEsoteric 1 generally knownEstimable 1 infamousEstrangement 2 reconciliation, rapprochementEtch 1 effaceEulogy 1 defamationExact(熟,强求) 1 forgiveExactitude 1 imprecisionExcavate 1 fill inExcessive 1 too little(inexorable, exorable 可说服的) 1 relentingExcoriate 1 praise lavishlyExcrete 1 ingestExculpate 1 indictExhaustive 2 incomplete, partialExhilarate 1 saddenExigent 1 deferrableExonerate 1 prove guilty, inculpateExotic 1 indigenousExpend 1 store upExpire 1 come to lifeExtant 1 extinctExtemporaneous (extemporize) 2 planned, follow a scriptExtenuating 1 aggravatingExtinguish 1 igniteExtraneous 1 relevantExude 1 absorbExultation 1 state of griefEvacuate 1 fill upEvanescent 1 permanentEvince 1 keep hiddenFabulous 1 mundaneFacilitate 2 hamper, thwartFacetious (爱开玩笑的) 2 lugubrious, earnestFactional 1 disinterestedFair-minded 1 partisanFallacious (fallacy) 2 valid, valid argument, valid reasoningFallow 1 in useFatuousness (fatuity) 2 sensibleness, sagacityFeigned 1 genuineFeral 1 cultivatedFerment 1 tranquilityFerrous 1 containing no ironFervor 1 apathyFetid 1 having a pleasant smellFetter 1 set freeFiasco 1 a notable successFictitious 1 authenticFinesse 2 heavy-handedness, ineptitudeFlag(熟,衰退) 1 waxFlamboyant 1 subduedFledgling (fledge) 2 experienced practitioner, molt(脱羽毛,原意)Flippant 1 earnestFlounder 1 act gracefullyFlourish 1 lack of embellishmentFluctuate 1 remain steadyFluent 1 haltingFluke 1 expected occurrence Flustered 1 calmFocus 2 diffuse, disperseFoment 2 squelch, stifleForestall 2 precipitate, abetFracas 2 peaceful situation, peaceable discussionFrequent (frequency) 2 visit rarely, rarityFriable 2 not easily crumbled (两次都是这个)Fringe 1 centerFrustrate 1 abetFulmination 1 praiseFumble 1 handle adroitlyGainsay 2 speak in support of, concurGambol 1 plodGargantuan 1 minusculeGarrulity 1 taciturnityGaucheness 1 polishGenial 1 dyspepticGermane 2 inappropriate, irrelevantGild (熟,矫饰与glib区别) 1 represent accuratelyGist 2 tangential point, trivial pointGlib 2 labored(熟,费力的说或做), awkward Goad 1 lullGossamer 1 ponderousGrandiloquent 1 secretiveGrate 1 sootheGratuitous 2 warranted (两次选项相同)Grievous 1 slightGrit (熟,勇气) 1 spinelessnessGrounded 1 aloftGroup 1 isolateGrouse 1 rejoiceHackneyed 2 original, freshHarmonious 1 discordHalcyon 2 miserable, tempestuousHallmark 2 uncharacteristic, uncharacteristic featureHapless 1 fortunateHarangue 1 speak temperatelyHarbor 1 evictHarrow 1 assuageHaven 1 dangerous placeHavoc 1 serenityHeavy-handed 1 deftHeckle 1 support verballyHegemony 1 lack of authorityHoodwink 1 disabuseHubris 1 humilityHull 1 kernelHyperbole 1 understatementIdyll 1 experience fraught with tensionIgnominious 1 honorableImmediate 1 futureImmune 1 having no resistImpassive 1 overwrought Impecunious 1 affluentImpede 1 assistImpel 1 restrainImpetuous 1 deliberate(深思熟虑)Impermeable 1 porousImplosion 1 rapid outward movementImprobity 1 honestyImpromptu 1 carefully rehearsedImpudent 1 respectful Impugn 2 champion (熟,支持,曾主考。), vindicateInadvertence (inadvertent) 2 careful attention, intentionalInchoate 4 completely formed, fully formed, enduring, fully realizedIncipient(与inchoate同义) 1 full-blownInclement 2 balmy, ruthlessness (clement)Inconsiderable 1 weightyInconsonant 1 in agreementIncontestable 1 dubiousIncursion 1 retreatIndelibility 1 erasabilityIndeterminate 1 definiteIndigence 1 wealthIndigenous 1 acquiredIndubitable 1 questionableInducement 1 deterrentIndurate 2 soften (两次选项都相同)Inerrancy 1 fallibilityInertia 1 tendency to change motionInflate 1 minimizeInfinity 1 bounded spaceIngest 1 expelIngrate 1 thankful personInhibitor 1 catalystInimical (有敌意的,与inimitable区别) 1 friendlyInimitable 2 ordinary, commonplaceInnocence 1 guiltInsentient 1 perceivingInsert 1 removeInstinct 1 learned responseInsularity 1 cosmopolitanismIntegrity (integral, 构成整体必须的) 3 incompleteness (两次), superfluousInterim 1 permanentIntermittent 1 constantInterlocking 1 independentIntimate 1 communicate directlyIntrepid 1 apprehensive(易混淆)Intrinsic 1 extraneousInundate 1 drainInvidious 1 beneficialInveigle 2 request directly, openly seek to persuadeInveterate 1 casualJabber 1 speak slowlyJibe 1 conflictJocular 1 seriousJocund 1 drearyJudiciousness 1 indiscretionJustify 1 argue againstLabile 1 intrinsicLackluster 1 radiantLaconic 2 garrulous, verboseLag 2 forge ahead, accelerateLambaste 1 extolLament 1 paeanLassitude 1


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