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2015年英英解释版新课标师高中英语单词总表本词汇表以新课标师高中英语单词表进行制作的。相比较网上常见的中文解释,本文全部的解释是用原版的英英词典(以Longman English Dictionary为主,以Cambridge English Dictionary为辅),对一个单词的不同意思进行了分开解释,以便于更快速的理解与学习。非常建议你直接用全英文的解释学习英文单词,你不仅可以非常精准理解该单词的真正意思,而且还可以了解这个单词如何地道的使用(例如造句,写作等等)。即使你现在不能真正的用英英解释去理解单词,也建议你先看中文解释,再用英文来进行校正。当然,如果一个单词,有一幅相关解释的图片,会更容易理解并且过目不忘!学会用英英词典,并用用英英理解单词会给你学英语带来质的飞跃!分享说明:A、由于上传文档的限制及其它原因,本文只包含原文档的一部分,而且由于音标的限制,可能会显示乱码。如果想获得全部正常显示的文档,请与作者用电子信箱获取(具体见获取方式,并注意你需要的相关文档);B、实际上,原文档中包含音标(美式发音及英式发音的音标)及原版的mp3发音(美式及英式发音),对校正你的发音非常重要!C、对于每个单词的解释,原文档都有相关的关联图片(由于不好整理,所以本文档没有例子,如果需要,请与作者联系)D、原文档带有中文解释,如果你一定需要,请与作者联系。获取方式:你可以发邮件至2487452826qq.com索取,或者用用搜索引擎搜索 美英桥网,在首页即有相关所有分享内容获取方式。特别说明:本文档全部为原创内容。Wordpronunciationpropertyexplanationa/ strong e/indefinite articleused to show that you are talking about someone or something that has not been mentioned before, or that your listener does not know aboutabandon/bndn/verbto go away from a place, vehicle etc permanently, especially because the situation makes it impossible for you to stayabandon/bndn/verbto leave someone, especially someone you are responsible forabandon/bndn/verbto stop doing an activity before you have finished itabnormal/bnml US -nr-/adjvery different from usual in a way that seems strange, worrying, wrong, or dangerousabolish/bl US b-/verbto officially end a law, system etc, especially one that has existed for a long timeabsence/bsns/nounthe lack of something or the fact that it does not existabsence/bsns/nounwhen you are not in the place where people expect you to be, or the time that you are awayabsolutely/bslutli, ,bslutli/advcompletely and in every wayabsolutely/bslutli, ,bslutli/advused to emphasize somethingabsurd/bsd, -zd US -rd/adjcompletely stupid or unreasonable,= ridiculousabundant/bndnt/adjsomething that is abundant exists or is available in large quantities so that there is more than enoughabuse/bjus/verb,nounto treat someone in a cruel and violent way, often sexuallyabuse/bjus/verb,nounto deliberately use something for the wrong purpose or for your own advantage academic/,kdemk/adjrelating to education, especially at college or university levelacademic/,kdemk/adjconcerned with studying from books, as opposed to practical workacademy/kdmi/nouna college where students are taught a particular subject or skillacademy/kdmi/noun a secondary school in Scotland or a private school in the USaccelerate/kselret/verbif a process accelerates or if something accelerates it, it happens faster than usual or sooner than you expectaccelerate/kselret/verbif a vehicle or someone who is driving it accelerates, it starts to go fasteraccent/ksnt US ksent/nounthe part of a word that you should emphasize when you say itaccent/ksnt US ksent/nounthe way someone pronounces the words of a language, showing which country or which part of a country they come fromaccessible/ksesbl/adja place, building, or object that is accessible is easy to reach or get intoaccompany/kmpni/verbto play a musical instrument while someone sings a song or plays the main tuneaccompany/kmpni/verbto go somewhere with someone or to be provided or exist at the same time as somethingaccomplish/kmpl US km-/verbto succeed in doing something, especially after trying very hardaccountant/kauntnt/nounsomeone whose job is to keep and check financial accounts, calculate taxes etcaccumulate/kjumjlet/verbto gradually increase in numbers or amount until there is a large quantity in one placeaccumulate/kjumjlet/verbto gradually get more and more money, possessions, knowledge etc over a period of timeaccuracy/krsi/ nounthe quality of being correct or trueaccuracy/krsi/ nounthe ability to do something in an exact way without making a mistakeacknowledge/knld US -n-/verbto admit or accept that something is true or that a situation existsacquaintance/kwentns/nounknowledge or experience of a particular subjectacquaintance/kwentns/nounsomeone you know, but who is not a close friendacre/ek US -r/nouna unit for measuring area, equal to 4840 square yards or 4047 square metresactor/kt US -r/nounsomeone who performs in a play or filmacute/kjut/adjdescribes an angle that is less than 90 degreesacute/kjut/adjacute senses such as hearing, taste, touch etc are very good and sensitiveacute/kjut/adjan acute problem is very seriousaddicted /dktd/adjunable to stop taking a harmful substance, especially a drugadequate/dkwt/adjfairly good but not excellentadequate/dkwt/adjenough in quantity or of a good enough quality for a particular purposeadjust/dst/verbto gradually become familiar with a new situation,= adaptadjust/dst/verbto change or move something slightly to improve it or make it more suitable for a particular purposeadmire/dma US -mar/verbrespect and approve of someone or their behaviour, or to find someone or something attractive and pleasant to look atadmit/dmt/verbagree unwillingly that something is true or that someone else is rightadmit/dmt/verballow someone to enter a public place,join an organization, club etcadopt/dpt US dpt/verbto choose a new name, country, custom etc, especially to replace a previous oneadopt/dpt US dpt/verbto accept or start to use something newadopt/dpt US dpt/verbtake another persons child into your own family and legally raise him or her as your own childadore/d US dr/ verbinformal to like something very muchadore/d US dr/ verbto love someone very much and feel very proud of themadult/dlt, dlt/noun,adja person or animal that has grown to full size and strengthadventure/dvent US -r/nounan unusual, exciting and possibly dangerous activity such as a journey or experienceadvertisement/dvtsmnt US ,dvrtaz-/nouna picture,or a short film, which is intended to persuade people to buy a productadvocate/dvket/nounsomeone who publicly supports someone or somethingadvocate/dvket/verbto publicly support or suggest an idea, development or way of doing somethingaffect/fekt/verbmake someone feel strong emotions, especially sadness or pityaffect/fekt/verbhave an influence on someone or something, or to cause them to changeaffection/fekn/nouna feeling of liking or love and caringafterwards/f.t.wdz/ US /f.t.wdz/advafter the time mentioned; lateragency/ednsi/nouna business that provides a particular service for people or organizationsagent/ednt/nouna person or company that represents another person or company, especially in businessagriculture/gr,klt US -r/nounthe practice or science of farmingahead ofadvearlier than planned or arrangedaim/em/nounsomething you hope to achieve by doing somethingaim/em/verbtry or intend to achieve somethingaim/em/noun,verbpoint a gun or weapon at someone or something you want to shootair conditioner /e.kn,d.nd/ US /er-/nouna machine that makes the air in a room or building cooler and drierairline/elan US er-/nouna company that takes passengers and goods to different places by planealarm/lm US lrm/nouna piece of equipment that makes a loud noise to warn you of dangeralarm/lm US lrm/nouna feeling of fear or worry because something bad or dangerous might happenalbum/lbm/nouna book that you put photographs, stamps etc inalcohol/lkhl US -hl/nouna colourless liquid which can make you drunk, and which is also used as a solvent (= a substance that dissolves another) and in fuel and medicinesalgebra /ldbr/ nouna type of mathematics that uses letters and other signs to represent numbers and valuesalligator/lget US -r/nouna large animal with a long mouth and tail and sharp teeth that lives in the hot wet parts of the US and Chinaall in alladvshow that you are considering every part of a situationallowance/launs/nounan amount of money that you are given regularly or for a special purposeall the bestused to express good wishes to someone for the futurealongside/,lsad US ,l-/adv, prepnext to the side of somethingaltitude/lttjud US -tud/nounthe height of an object or place above the seaaltogether/,ltge US ,ltger/advcompletely or in totalaluminium/,lmnim/nouna silver-white metal that is very light and is used to make cans, cooking pans, window frames etc. It is a chemical element : symbol Alamateur/amt, -tu, -t, ,mt US mtur, -tr/adj,nounsomeone who does an activity just for pleasure, not as their jobambiguous/mbgjus/adjsomething that is ambiguous is unclear, confusing, or not certain, especially because it can be understood in more than one wayample/mpl/adjliterary large in a way that is attractive or pleasant(the shape of someones body or part of their body)ample/mpl/adjmore than enough,= sufficientamuse/mjuz/verbto make someone laugh or smile or enjoyable analysis/nlss/nouna careful examination of something in order to understand it better or explain itancestor/nsst, -ses- US -sestr/nouna member of your family or animal who lived a long time agoanchor/k US -r/nouna piece of heavy metal that is lowered to the bottom of the sea, lake etc to prevent a ship or boat movinganchor/k US -r/verbto lower the anchor on a ship or boat to hold it in one placeannouncement/naunsmnt/nounan important or official statement or the act of telling people that somethingannual/njul/nouna book or magazine published once a year, especially for children, with the same title and style but different contentsannual/njul/adjhappening once every year, or relating to a period of one yearanswer forverbexplain to people in authority why you did something wrong or why something happened, and be punished if necessaryantique/,ntik/noun,adjsomething made in an earlier period and collected and valued because it is beautiful, rare, old or of high qualityanxious/ks/adjworried about something or strongly want to do something apart from/pt US -rt/advexcept for or not consideringapartment/ptmnt US -r-/nounAmE a set of rooms on one floor of a large buildingapparent/prnt/adjeasy to notice,able to be seen or understoodapparent/prnt/adjseeming to have a particular feeling or attitude, although this may not be trueappearance/prns US pr-/nounthe way someone or something looks to other peopleappearance/prns US pr-/nounan occasion when someone appears in publicappendix/pendks/nouna part at the end of a book containing additional informationappendix/pendks/nouna small organ near your bowel, which has little or no useappetite/ptat/nouna desire or liking for a particular activityappetite/ptat/nouna desire for food or to eatapplaud/pld US pld/verbto hit your open hands together to show that you have enjoyed a play, concert, speaker etc = clapapplaud/pld US pld/verbto express strong approval of an idea, plan etcapply/pla/nounrequest something, usually officially, especially by writing or sending in a formapply/pla/verbto use something such as a method, idea, or law in a particular situation, activity, or processappoint/pnt/verbformal to arrange or decide a time or place for something to happenappoint/pnt/verbto choose someone for a position or a jobapproval/pruvl/nounwhen a plan, decision, or person is officially acceptedapproval/pruvl/nounwhen someone likes something or someone and thinks that they are goodarbitrary/btrri, -tri US rbtreri/adjdecided or arranged without any reason or plan, often unfairlyarch/t US rt/verbto form or make something form a curved shapearch/t US rt/nouna structure with a curved top and straight sides that supports the weight of a bridge or buildingarchitect/ktekt US r-/nounsomeone whose job is to design buildingsarchitecture/ktekt US rktektr/nounthe art and practice of planning and designing buildingsarchitecture/ktekt US rktektr/nounthe style and design of a building or buildingsargue/gju US r-/verbdisagree with someone in words, often in an angry wayargue/gju US r-/verbgive the reasons for your opinion, idea, belief, etcarm/m US rm/nounone of the two long parts of your body between your shoulders and your handsarm/m US rm/verb,nounprovide weapons for yourself, an army, a country etc in order to prepare for a fight or a wararrange/rend/verbplan or prepare for; to organizearrange/rend/verbto put a group of things or people in a particular order or positionarrangement/rendmnt/nounsomething that has been organized or agreed on or put in a particular positionarrangement/rendmnt/nouna plan for how something will happenarrest/rest/verbformal to stop something happening or to make it happen more slowlyarrest/rest/verbif the police arrest someone, the person is taken to a police station because the police think they have done something illegalartificial/,tfl US ,r-/ adjnot real or not made of natural things but made to be like something that is real or naturalartificial/,tfl US ,r-/ adjartificial behaviour is not sincere(honest and true) - used to show disapprovalartist/tst US r-/ nnounsomeone who produces art, especially paintings or drawings or a singer, danceras a matter of factadvin reality or actuality,spoken used when adding more details about what you have just saidas long asconjduring the time that; sinceassess/ses/verbto judge or decide the amount, value, quality or importance of somethingassessment/sesmnt/nouna process in which you make a judgment about a person or situation, or the judgment you makeassist/sst/nounThe army arrived to assist in the search.astonish/stn US st-/verbsurprise someone very much,amazeastronaut/strnt US -nt, -nt/nounsomeone who travels and works in a spacecraftas welladvin addition to something or someone else,alsoathlete/lit/ nounsomeone who competes in sports competitions, especially running, jumping, and throwingatmosphere/tmsf US -fr/nounthe mixture of gases that surrounds the Earth or the air inside a roomatmosphere/tmsf US -fr/nounthe feeling that an event or place gives you or interestingattack/tk/verb,nounan act of violence that is intended to hurt a person or damage a placeattain/ten/verbto reach or succeed in getting something; to achieveattend/tend/verbgo to a meeting or a class or go regularly to a school, church etcattend/tend/verblook after someone, especially because they are illattendant/tendnt/nounsomeone who looks after a very important person, for example a king or queenattendant/tendnt/nounsomeone whose job is to look after or help customers in a public placeattitude/ttjud US -tud/nounthe opinions and feelings that you usually have about somethingattitude/ttjud US -tud/noun(formal) a position of the bodyattitude/ttjud US -tud/nounthe way that you behave towards someone or in a particular situation, especially when this shows how you feelattraction /trkn/nounsomething interesting or enjoyable to see or doattraction /trkn/nouna feeling of liking someone, especially in a sexual wayattractive/trktv/adjvery pleasing in appearance or sound, or causing interest or pleasureaudience/dins US -, -/nouna group of people who come to watch and listen to someone speaking or performing in publicaudience/dins US -, -/nouna formal meeting with a very important personauthor/ US r/nounformal the person who starts a plan or ideaauthor/ US r/noun,verbthe writer of a book, article, play, etc or a person who begins or creates somethingauthority/rti, - US -, -/nounan official organization or a government department that has the power to make decisions, and has particular responsibilitiesauthority/rti, - US -, -/nounthe power to give orders to people because of your official positionaverage/vrd/adj,nounthe result obtained by adding two or more amounts together and dividing the total by the number of amountsaverage/vrd/adja standard or level which is considered to be typical or usualaward/wd US -rd/noun,verbgive money or a prize following an official decisionawful/fl US -/advextremely bad or unpleasantawful/fl US -/advemphasize very great or how good, bad etc something isawkward/kwd US kwrd/adjdifficult to use, do, or deal withawkward/kwd US kwrd/adjcausing inconvenience, anxiety or embarrassment or nervousbachelor/btl US -r/nouna first university degree in an arts subject, a science subject etcbachelor/btl US -r/nouna man who has never been marriedbacteria/bktri US -tr-/nounvery small living things, some of which cause illness or diseasebadminton/bdmntn/nouna game like tennis played by two or four people, usually indoorsbakery/bekri/nouna place where bread and cakes are baked, or a shop where they are soldbalcony/blkni/nounstructure that you can stand on, that is attached to the outside wall of a building, above ground levelbalcony/blkni/nounan area of seats at an upper level in a theatreballet/ble US ble, ble/nouna performance in which dancing and music tell a story without any speakingbandage/bndd/noun,verba piece of soft material that covers and protects an injured part of the bodybarber/bb US brbr/nouna man whose job is cutting mens hairbarbershop/bbp US brbrp/nouna shop where mens hair is cutbare/be US ber/adj,verbwithout any clothes or not covered by anythingbarrier/bri US -r/nouna type of fence or gate that prevents people from moving in a particular directionbarrier/bri US -r/nouna rule, problem etc that prevents people from doing something, or limits what they can dobase/bes/nounthe bottom part of an object,or the lowest part of somethingbase/bes/nounthe main place where a person lives and works, or a place that a company does business frombase/bes/nounone of the four places that a player must touch in order to get a point in games such as baseballbasement/besmnt/nouna room or area in a building that is under the level of the groundbat/bt/nouna small animal like a mouse with wings that flies at nightbat/bt/noun,verba specially shaped piece of wood used for hitting the ball in many games or to hit a ball with a batbattery/btri/no


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