浙教版2019-2020学年重点高中自主招生数学模拟试卷(五)B卷。若点P(2x-6。浙教版2019-2020学年重点高中自主招生数学模拟试卷(五)H卷。使图中黑色部分的图形构成一个轴对称图形的概率是( )。则这两个粽子都没有蛋黄的概率是( )。将图①中的一个小正方体改变位置后如图②。
1、工作计划/教师工作计划 2018重点高中生物教师工作计划范文 一、指导思想坚持以科学发展观与和谐教育目标为指导,进一步加强素质教育,立足龙岗生物教学实际,深化课程教学改革,强化课堂教学研究,加强教学实施指导,以人为本,以服务为宗旨,促进龙岗教育均衡发展、和谐发展,为提高我区高中生物教学质量,作出应有贡献。二、工作思路1.聚焦课堂,服务教学。积极围绕“优质高效的课堂教学” 开展教学调研、课改实践、教学研训、质量监控等教研活动,努力提高课堂教学效率。2、以教师专业发展为中心,积极开展教学研究、教学指导和教学服。
2、汇报体会/汇报材料 20XX年市重点高中调研汇报材料 一、“三项制度”为教育教学提供制度保证所谓“三项制度”,即早在1995年就探索实行的教师岗位聘任制、结构工资制和绩效评价制度。其中教师工作量工资和绩效工资与教育教学工作紧密相连,为学校教学管理和工作的开展提供了有力保证。在实际工作中,制定和完善了xx中学教学常规和xx中学教师工作量工资暨教学常规检查考核实施办法。从备、讲、批、复、考、评等多方面对教学工作提出明确规范化要求,确定考核内容,规范考核程序和考核办法。考核结果直接计为教师工作量工资,同时又将其作为。
3、工作计划/教师工作计划 20XX年重点高中生物教师工作计划 一、指导思想坚持以科学发展观与和谐教育目标为指导,进一步加强素质教育,立足龙岗生物教学实际,深化课程教学改革,强化课堂教学研究,加强教学实施指导,以人为本,以服务为宗旨,促进龙岗教育均衡发展、和谐发展,为提高我区高中生物教学质量,作出应有贡献。二、工作思路1.聚焦课堂,服务教学。积极围绕“优质高效的课堂教学” 开展教学调研、课改实践、教学研训、质量监控等教研活动,努力提高课堂教学效率。2、以教师专业发展为中心,积极开展教学研究、教学指导和教学服务。
4、2019重点高中生物教师工作计划范文一、指导思想坚持以科学发展观与和谐教育目标为指导,进一步加强素质教育,立足龙岗生物教学实际,深化课程教学改革,强化课堂教学研究,加强教学实施指导,以人为本,以服务为宗旨,促进龙岗教育均衡发展、和谐发展,为提高我区高中生物教学质量,作出应有贡献。二、工作思路1.聚焦课堂,服务教学。积极围绕“优质高效的课堂教学” 开展教学调研、课改实践、教学研训、质量监控等教研活动,努力提高课堂教学效率。2、以教师专业发展为中心,积极开展教学研究、教学指导和教学服务工作,努力提高教师专业。
5、江西省八所重点高中2012届高考数学4月模拟联考试题 理1、 选择题:本大题共10小题,每小题5分,共50分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1复数的实部是 ( ) A B C D 2设集合A=4,5,7,9,B=3,4,7,8,9,全集U = AB,则集合 的真子集共有( )A3个 B6个 C7个 D8个3要得到函数的图象,只要将函数的图象( )A向左平移单位 B向右平移单位 C向右平移单位 D向左平移单位4底面水平放置的正三棱柱的所有棱长均为2,当其主视图有最大面积时,其左视图的面积为( )A. B. 3 C. D. 45已知数据是江西普通职工个人的年收入,。
6、江西省八所重点高中2012届高考数学4月模拟联考试题 文一.选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题5分,共50分在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的).已知复数,则的实部与虚部的和为()A B1 C. D.设,集合,则为()A B C. D3.底面水平放置的正三棱柱的所有棱长均为2,当其在主视图有最大面积时,其左视图的面积为( )A. B. 3 C. D. 44. “”是“直线与直线平行”的( )A.充分不必要条件 B.必要不充分条件 C.充要条件 D.既不充分也不必要条件.在直角坐标平面内,已知函数且的图像恒过定点,若角的终边过点,则的值等于()A B C.。
7、心得体会/教师心得体会 重点高中教师听课学习心得体会例文 四月下旬,正是桃红柳绿、春暖花开的季节,我有幸去杭州参加了浙江省2017年高中英语课堂教学评比的听课观摩活动。这是我第一次参加这样省级的英语优质课观摩活动,对于我这么一个年轻教师而言,真的是收获很大,受益匪浅。此次外出不仅让我领略到了我省各地市出类拔萃的英语教师的教学风采,也让我从中发觉到了在课堂教学方面自身的浅薄与不足。本次活动为期两天,共12节课,每个地市都有优秀教师参加,更有许多优秀的专家来当场予以点评。我想用一个字来表达我对这次听课的感受。
8、礼仪/毕业感言 重点高中毕业感言 高中毕业感言(一)我们,三年前在这里开始,三年后又在这里结束,我们学会了很多书本上学不到的东西!在这三年中,我们不只收获了知识,还有友情。那些在你落寞时陪在你左右的,是朋友;那些在你迷惘时给你信心的,是朋友;那些在你懈怠时给你动力的,是朋友;那些在你难过时对你微笑的,依旧是朋友。在这三年里我们不仅褪去了身上的青涩,更使我们披上了霞光!我们从一个孩子过度到一个青年人,这当然不只是称呼上的变化,更是成人的洗礼。我们明白自己需要承担更多的责任,也真正明白了,生活其实没那么容易。。
9、11110-11学年度上学期辽宁省重点高中协作校高二英语练习题(十四)UnitThree & FourI 单项选择 1. The mayor was charged with ______ his power for personal benefits. A. applying B. abusing C. taking D. spending 2. Please get prepared. The guests are _______ to arrive in half an hour. A. decided B. planned C. believed D supposed 3. ______ his drunk driving, he was _______ from driving for two years. A. Thanks to; stopped B. Due to; kept C. Owing to; banned D. Because of; forbidde。
10、11110-11学年度上学期辽宁省重点高中协作校高二英语练习题(五)Unit4 Making the newsI. 单项选择1. It is reported that some journalists from certain presses got themselves ______false reporting the mine disaster and they are_______ accepting hush money A. involved in; accused of B. involved with; charged of C. to be involved in; charged with D. involved in; accused with 2. The newspaper photographer ______ great delight in taking photos of famous people; whenever he has taken an unusual photo。
11、111辽宁省重点高中协作校新人教版必修二英语单元检测试题高一英语必修2(人教版)12单元综合测试试题I 单项选择1. As the saying goes, “ The______ something is, the_____ it is .” So keep it and you will make a lot of money from it in about 100 years. A. more rare; more worthy B. rarer; more valuable C. more scarce; more worth D. rarer; more worth 2. It is miracle that the 3-year-old child ______the plane crash, ______all the other passengers on board died. A. remained alive; where B. survived; in whic。
12、111辽宁省重点高中协作校新人教版必修二英语单元检测试题Unit four Wildlife ProtectionI. 选择填空1. In my opinion, _____ wild animals should be allowed to live in _____ wild. A. X; X B. the; the C. X; the D. the; X 2. New ways have to be found to _____ wildlife being endangered. Which of the following is not OK? A. keep B. protect C. prevent D. stop 3. Id like to be a friend _____you. I dont want to make an enemy ____ you. A. of; of B. to; to C. to; of D. of; to 4. The two neighboring。
13、演讲稿/学生演讲稿 重点高中保送生学生代表发言 尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们,大家好!首先,请允许我向以优异的成绩保送进入xx高级中学的XX级新同学们表示最衷心的祝贺!我叫xx,毕业于xx中学。很荣幸,今天有机会作为学生代表发言。一直以来,我的心中都有解不开的杭高情结。这座校园承载着深厚的文化底蕴,拥有浓烈的人文气息和历史沉淀,就这样静静地,端坐在杭城繁华的市中心。然而她的存在隔绝了周遭的喧嚣和嘈杂,是都市灯红酒绿间的一片净土。小升初时,我选择了曾是杭高附属初中的启正中学。当踏进初中校门时,我的目标就是三年后。
14、11110-11学年度上学期辽宁省重点高中协作校高二英语练习题(十)Unit Two PoemsI 单项选择 1. Without grammar little is _______; without vocabulary nothing is ________; vocabulary is the foundation of learning a foreign language A. explained; explained B. conveyed; expressed C. transported; transported D. expressed; expressed 1. -Why are you ________ that particular expression? -Because the song you are humming ______ me of a nursery rhyme that I learned twenty years ago when I stayed in the kinderga。
15、11110-11学年度上学期辽宁省重点高中协作校高二英语练习题(六)Units Three & FourI.单项选择 1. _______ from the top of the hill, the city takes the round shape with a flowing river through it.A. Viewing B. To be viewed C. Viewed D. To be viewing2. If you ___________ of Mary, ask her to come and see me.A. lose sight of B. catch sight ofC. are in the sight of D. Are at the sight of3. Id rather have a room of my own, however small it is, than ___ a room with others.A. to s。
16、11110-11学年度上学期辽宁省重点高中协作校高二英语练习题(三)Unit One & TwoI 单项选择1. Not everybody attending the meeting agreed to the suggestion _____ by the chairman. A. put up B. put on C. put forward D. put out 2. The research group were determined to _____ the experiment until they could _______ a conclusion. A. carry on; come to B. carry out; arrive at C. carry away; draw D. carry to; reach 3. -Oh, doctor, the wound on my leg is infected. -You really shouldnt have。
17、111辽宁省重点高中协作校新人教版必修二英语单元检测试题Unit three ComputersI. 选择填空1. Put the following events_______ according to the time when they happened and then putthem ______ of their importance in history. A. in order; in order B. in the order; in an order C. in an order; in order D. in order; in order 2. Though the experiment didnt ______ as it had been planned, the result was still ______. A. work out; satisfied B. carry out; satisfying C. turn out; pleased D. work out; satisfac。
18、11110-11学年度上学期辽宁省重点高中协作校高二英语练习题(十六)units15 (语法练习)I单项选择1. If all the people _______ kind and honest, the world ______a better place to live in. A. are; will be B. were; will be C. were; would be D. were; should be 2. She is coughing and sneezing all the time. -So ______you if you ______a cold. A. will; have B. would; had C. will; had D. might; had 3. If I ______ your brains, I _______continue doing the work I am doing now. A. have; wont B. had; wont。
19、11110-11学年度上学期辽宁省重点高中协作校高二英语练习题(七)Unit5 First AidI. 单项选择1. He was running hard to catch up with the rest of his team when he fell over his own feet. When he struggled up, he felt his left ankle ______, and found his left hand ______ and his nose ______. A. spraining; swelling; bleeding B. sprained; swollen; bled C. spraining; swelling; bled D. sprained; swollen; bleeding 2. Whenever I get a blister somewhere on my body, I usually ______ it ove。
20、111辽宁省重点高中协作校新人教版必修二英语单元检测试题高一英语必修2(人教版)15单元综合测试试题1. It is _____ to see a man like him crying like a small child. A. seldom B. hardly C. rare D. never 2. A troop of ten carefully ______men were sent out ______ the missing mountain hikers. A. chosen; in search of B. selected; in search for C. chosen; to search D. selected; to search for 3. Most foreigners feel amazed _____ the designs of the ancient Chinese buildings, ______is beyond their imagination. 。