


1、英文原文Packaging machinery developmentPackaging is necessary for products entering the circulation field,and packaging are the main means of packaging machinery.Simply put ,the packaging machine is the production packaging up the machine,plays a protection role of the beautiful. The packaging machine in two main areas ,the overall production pipeline packaging products periphery packaging equipment.With the development of the times,the progress of technology ,packaging machinery is playing a mo。

2、中国地质大学长城学院 本科毕业设计外文资料翻译 系 别: 工程技术系 专 业: 机械设计制造及其自动化 姓 名: 学 号: 2011年 12 月 31 日 外文资料翻译译文 包装机定义: 简单来说,包装机就是把产品包装起来机器,起着保护,美观的作用。 包装机主要分两个方面,一是流水线式整体生产包装,二是产品外围包装设备。 包装机的分类 : 包装机的种类繁多,分类方法很 多。从不同的观点出发可有多种,按产品状态分,有液体、块状、散粒体包装机;按包装作用分,有内包装、外包包装机;按包装行业分,有食品、日用化工、纺织品等包装机;按包。

3、Plastic and pressure die casting processIn recent years, the pressure technique used in thermosetting plastic materialmixing ,such as urea-formaldehyde plastics, phenolic resin, epoxy rsin, melamineresin and rubber. In spite of some of the material can be injection moiding, but the use of plastic pressure process is still very common. More pressure die casting material used plastic materials require more malleable soft. Many thermosetting materials with high impact level (1.0ft-1b) an。

4、本发明涉及一种包装机。更具体地说,本发明涉及一种国内研究的对筒状料要求齐整性的包装机,下面的描述就是 对其内容进行 举例 说明 。 背景 已知的国内用于包装的材料 其 折叠部分通常位于沿包装折叠封口的路径 上 ,并且其中每个相应的折痕 与将其折叠的组相接触 。为了获得无折痕的折叠位置,在片材的包装材料的其余部分必须与整个接触折叠处的表面不干扰的情况下被折叠。折翼的大小依赖于该组的大小,而这又取决于组中各单元的大小和数量,而目前使用的包装机的设计有固定的大小和包装组 , 因此使用时不是很灵活。 发明内容 本发明的。

5、外文文献专业类名称 机械设计制造及其自动化班 级 0881054学 生 姓 名 高武指 导 教 师 贺红林 教研室主任 年 月 日外文文献Comment on medicines and chemical reagents package machinery conceptuai designCommAbstract: a detailed know this paper introduces the concept of drug packaging machinery design, this packing machinery design based on certain on mathematical models, and also introduced the domestic and foreign drug packaging machinery and the status of in the future。

6、中文译文 包装机械的发展 包装是必要的产品进入流通领域 ,包装是主要的手段 ,包装机械 包装是产品进入流通领域的必要条件,而实现包装的主要手段是包装机械。简单来说,包装机就是把产品包装起 来的机器,起着保护,美观的作用。包装机主要分为两个方面,一是流水线式的整体生产包装,二是产品外围包装设备随着时代的发展,科技的进步,包装机械在包装领域中正起着越来越大的作用。我国包装机行业起步于 20 世纪 70 年代,在 80 年代末和 90 代中期的到了迅速发展。已经成为机械行业中的 10 大行业之一,无论产量,还是品种上,都取得了令。

7、附 录:英文文献翻译及原文Comment on medicines and chemical reagents package machinery conceptual designIn recent years, Carry out GMP (medicines and chemical reagents produces specifications of quality) attestation system because of sustained our country economic situation rise and country to pharmacy industry mandatory. Medicines and chemical reagents package machinery has got quite great progress. The new product increases by gradually. Engineering level has had very big improvement. But be re。

8、英文及译文 翻译英文原文: n is in As it is a of in A is in It of a a is is in is a As a is or a in as or to in in a is a of an or is in is in is is to be a of of ( 1 ) as a (2) to in a (3) to in a (4) to a of in of of 5 ) to a of 6) as a to in f be ( 1 ) (2) 3) be he or of a a a or a be in a be or a in to a or in to As is to a or of is in is in as it is by of An of be a is so a of be by an of a on of on a of By of a of be at A a of of is of a a a or be be to by of As is or in is as it is by of o。

9、外文文献 专业类名称 机械设计制造及其自动化 班 级 学 生 姓 名 指 导 教 师 教研室主任 年 月 日 外文文献 on a of on on of in of on n of of to by be to 0%s to is on is to a is on ) B is to of to is to to Be a is is is to if s 00 00 0- 200 ms on be to 600 is to 00 800 of is 2) I s of of (LC to do a of is a to a is is to in If in a to to to if at to or a if to to 3) F is is in is a of Be a to be to to in to or in to a is 4。

10、1 压塑和压铸工艺 近年,压塑工艺应用于热固性掺混料,如脲醛塑料、酚醛树脂、环氧树脂、蜜胺树脂和橡胶中。尽管有一些材料可注射成型,但采用压塑工艺仍非常普遍。压铸用材料较压塑用材料要求可塑性更软。许多热固性材料具有高抗冲级( 良好缺口冲击强度的保持性,只有在极限压力下才会流动。 压塑 热固性材料的压塑成型的明显优点是系统简单。将材料置入一加热型腔,保压至所要求团化时间。因工艺过程简单,费用少。添加剂和增强剂无规则,并能得到较好强度 。由于无浇口和流道,不浪费材料,模具几乎也不用维修。零件的统一性好,无铸。

11、on n of of to by be to 0%s to is on is to a ur is on ) is to of to is to to Be a is is is to if s 00 00 0- 200 ms on be to 00 is to 00 800 of is 2) Is of of (LC to do a of is a to a is is to in If in a to to to if at to or a if to to 3) is is in is a of Be a to be to to in to or in to a is 4) A of to do is to to to to a of 5) is of is do to to to A on a be Be a to is to No of is is to on to up as as s is a s , in s , is on of it to In to a to to to Be in is to be up up of Go of of。

12、工业机器人在颗粒包装机中的应用 摘要: 机械手是机器人的手臂,它使机器人能弯屈、延伸和旋转,提供这些运动的是机械手的轴,亦是所谓的机械人的自由度机械手的轴使机械手在某一区域内执行任务,我们将这个区域为机器人的工作单元,该区域的大小与机械手的尺寸相对应,。由链、齿轮和滚珠丝杠组成的机械传动链驱动着机器人的各轴。 机器人控制器是工作单元的核心。用于大多数机器人系统中的控制器代表现代电子学的水平,是更复杂的装置,即它们可以使得微处理器操纵的。动力源是给机器人和机械手提供动力的单元。例如,如果机器人的机械。

13、外文翻译专 业 过程装备与控制工程 学 生 姓 名 班 级 学 号 指 导 教 师 影响喂料系统的压应力P. 译(有删节)摘要在文章的第一部分,叙述了滚压机的主要特点。 然后,讲述了喂料和挤压质量之间的关系。 对于某个静态差距(无负载) ,滚压机的处理量是由螺旋喂料速度决定的,与滚筒的速度快慢和需要压实的生产材料无关。当处理量是多种多样的时候,控制差距是一个获得相同质量压坯的好方法。对强烈环节 的应力分 的 和 , 应力是分 在由一 旋 的螺 喂料的滚压机 的。 关 压 喂料装 压坯 质 差距控制由于滚压机 的理,材,在了多同的业( 工 。

14、英文原文 Numeric Analysis of Hydraulic Fracturing Technique in Preventing Outburst and the Control Technique Zhao xue-bing Wei wei Ni mao-long Xuzhou mining Group Co Ltd Xu zhou,china,221006 Abstract: To。

15、滚压机设计 影响喂料系统的压应力 P. 要 在文章的第一部分,叙述了滚压机的主要特点。 然后 ,讲述了喂料和挤压质量之间的关系。 对于某个静态差距 (无负载 ) ,滚压机的处理量是由螺旋喂料速度决定的 ,与滚筒的速度快慢和需要压实的生产材料无关。当处理量是多种多样的时候,控制差距是一个获得相同质量压坯的好方法。对强烈环节紧凑的应力分布的解释和说明,这些应力是分布在由一根周期旋转的螺杆喂料的滚压机上的。 关键词 :辊压; 喂料装置; 压坯异质; 差距控 制 1 引言 由于滚压机简单、低营运成本的理念,而且用材广泛,所以被用。

16、中英文翻译 原文: on n of of to by be to 0%s to is on is to a ur is on ) is to of to is to to Be a is is is to if s 00 00 0- 200 ms on be to 00 is to 00 800 of is 2) Is of of (LC to do a of is a to a is is to in If in a to to to if at to or a if to to 3) is is in is a of Be a to be to to in to or in to a is 4) in A of to do is to to to to a of 5) is of is do to to to A on a be Be a to is to No of is is to on to up as as s is a s , in s , in is on of it to In to a to to to Be in is to be。

17、外文原文: LC . is so of a of of s of on of s to of of to or of it a a of of 2. by be on is of of on at to is on be at to of O2 to O2 of O2 on in to at or to of s by by of LC of of a 3. of of of of up in a on s of as s of in of of as To of o., of as an of to of to of to of of in at of of LC of be to of 3.1 s to to s of LC is to to to / O of to is an 28 / O of a of of X (1) by 00 70 to of of 970MI 6of to as to (2) of in of no is in of of / O of of NP . is 0 of of at of as of a LC in。

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