1、黑龙江工程学院本科生毕业设计 1 附 录 he at an is to at 9 015. in is to be a of VT by VT so it is MT be be to if VT in it 2 .1 on it is in of be in of on MT is in is to 005 In 0% 0% 010, 5% 015. is to 7% 005 5% 010 3% 015. VT to 2% 3% 010. is to to 3% 005 1% 010, 015 0% of im 5is to to of as a in of is to a a 5% of 010, 87% 005 3%. 010, 57% of 6is to 5% 20%of of 50% 010. 015. 4is to 010. VT a of s in is to 0% 005 0% 010, 5% 015. in is to 5% 005 8% 010, 22% 015. 龙江工程学院本科生毕业设计 2 be 7% 。
2、黑龙江工程学院本科生毕业设计 1 附 录 he at an is to at 9 015. in is to be a of VT by VT so it is MT be be to if VT in it 2 .1 on it is in of be in of on MT is in is to 005 In 0% 0% 010, 5% 015. is to 7% 005 5% 010 3% 015. VT to 2% 3% 010. is to to 3% 005 1% 010, 015 0% of im 5is to to of as a in of is to a a 5% of 010, 87% 005 3%. 010, 57% of 6is to 5% 20%of of 50% 010. 015. 4is to 010. VT a of s in is to 0% 005 0% 010, 5% 015. in is to 5% 005 8% 010, 22% 015. 龙江工程学院本科生毕业设计 2 be 7% 。
3、黑龙江工程学院本科生毕业设计1附 录Market Analysis and Forecast of Light Vehicle Transmission1 Global transmission market statusThe current global vehicle production increases at an average annual rate of 3.5% per year and is expected to at least 89 million at 2015. With the increase in light vehicle production, manual transmission and planetary gear automatic transmission is also expected to yield increases, but they will be occupied a part of the CVT market share by the AMT. Compared with plane。
4、轻型汽车变速器市场分析与预测1 全球变速器市场现状目前全球汽车产量平均以每年 3.5的速度递增,预计至 2015 年全球轻型汽车产量将至少达到 8900 万辆。随着轻型汽车的产量增加,手动变速器和行星齿轮自动变速器的产量预计也将随之增加,但都将会被 AMT 和 CVT 侵占一部分市场份额。AMT 和 CVT 与行星齿轮自动变速器相比,不仅提高了传动效率而且制造成本不高,而且能快速提高换挡质量;所以预计 AMT 将获得较高的增长率。CVT 的应用将局限于小型车辆上,但如果环形 IVT 技术在实际应用中越来越成熟可靠并取得市场认可,则可以取得强劲的。
5、附 录 he at an is to at 9 015. in is to be a of VT by VT so it is MT be be to if VT in it 2 .1 on it is in of be in of on MT is in is to 005 In 0% 0% 010, 5% 015. is to 7% 005 5% 010 3% 015. VT to 2% 3% 010. is to to 3% 005 1% 010, 015 0% of im 5is to to of as a in of is to a a 5% of 010, 87% 005 3%. 010, 57% of 6is to 5% 20%of of 50% 010. 015. 4is to 010. VT a of s in is to 0% 005 0% 010, 5% 015. in is to 5% 005 8% 010, 22% 015. be 7% 005 6% 015 4% 015. In 007 5% of to a CT 0% to a of of 。
6、附 录 he at an is to at 9 015. in is to be a of VT by VT so it is MT be be to if VT in it 2 .1 on it is in of be in of on MT is in is to 005 In 0% 0% 010, 5% 015. is to 7% 005 5% 010 3% 015. VT to 2% 3% 010. is to to 3% 005 1% 010, 015 0% of im 5is to to of as a in of is to a a 5% of 010, 87% 005 3%. 010, 57% of 6is to 5% 20%of of 50% 010. 015. 4is to 010. VT a of s in is to 0% 005 0% 010, 5% 015. in is to 5% 005 8% 010, 22% 015. be 7% 005 6% 015 4% 015. In 007 5% of to a CT 0% to a of of 。
7、附 录Market Analysis and Forecast of Light Vehicle Transmission1 Global transmission market statusThe current global vehicle production increases at an average annual rate of 3.5% per year and is expected to at least 89 million at 2015. With the increase in light vehicle production, manual transmission and planetary gear automatic transmission is also expected to yield increases, but they will be occupied a part of the CVT market share by the AMT. Compared with planetary gear transmission, AMT a。
8、乘用车变速器市场分析与预测1 全球变速器市场现状目前全球汽车产量平均以每年 3.5的速度递增,预计至 2015 年全球轻型汽车产量将至少达到 8900 万辆。随着轻型汽车的产量增加,手动变速器和行星齿轮自动变速器的产量预计也将随之增加,但都将会被 AMT 和 CVT 侵占一部分市场份额。AMT 和 CVT 与行星齿轮自动变速器相比,不仅提高了传动效率而且制造成本不高,而且能快速提高换挡质量;所以预计 AMT 将获得较高的增长率。 CVT 的应用将局限于小型车辆上,但如果环形 IVT技术在实际应用中越来越成熟可靠并取得市场认可,则可以取得强劲的增。
9、黑龙江工程学院本科生毕业设计 1 附 录 he at an is to at 9 015. in is to be a of VT by VT so it is MT be be to if VT in it 2 .1 on it is in of be in of on MT is in is to 005 In 0% 0% 010, 5% 015. is to 7% 005 5% 010 3% 015. VT to 2% 3% 010. is to to 3% 005 1% 010, 015 0% of im 5is to to of as a in of is to a a 5% of 010, 87% 005 3%. 010, 57% of 6is to 5% 20%of of 50% 010. 015. 4is to 010. VT a of s in 龙江工程学院本科生毕业设计 2 is to 0% 005 0% 010, 5% 015. in is to 5% 005 8% 010, 22% 015. be 7% 。