
学生活动设计。Module 4 A Social Survey – My Neighbourhood。Unit 4 A Social Survey- My Neighbourhood Grammar。


1、111教 案教师指导教师学 科英语授课日期 班级环节教 学 内 容教师活动设计学生活动设计设计意图Step3 Step 4Step 5Step 6Read and answer 1 Why are some villages disappearing nowadays?2 Why do people move to the cities to find work ?3 Who cannot afford to buy a house there?Discussion What problems does the village have in your area?Language points Such as /disa。

2、111Module 4 A Social Survey-My Neighbourhood Grammar and WritingThe General Idea of This PeriodGet the students to study further about the grammar: The Present Perfect Tense. Practice and improve the students writing ability. At the same time guide the Ss how to pronounce the stressed words in sentences.Teaching Aims1. The students will be able to learn more about the Present Perfect Tense.2. Improve the students writing ability.3. Practise pronouncing the stress。

3、111The Second PeriodThe General Idea of This PeriodIntroduce the city of Xiamen. The students will get to know where it is located. What about the climate and some other information.Teaching Aims1. Learn and master the following words and expressions: hometown, attractive, lively, seem, fortunate, pretty, a lot of tourist around, brother, nuisance, business district, put up, shopping malls, approach the harbor, gorgeous, architecture, starve, apartment block2. Train the。

4、111Module 4 A Social Survey My Neighbourhood教学重点和难点1. 教学重点(1) 掌握一些描述地方的词汇(2) 学习现在完成时的用法,并与一般过去时略作比较(3) 学会如何指示方向和地点2. 教学难点(1) 听懂对介绍某个地区特征的文章; (2) 运用现在完成时表达变化的句子,说出含有指示方向和地点等功能的句子(3) 理解现在完成时所给予的信息(4) 描述或介绍居住地或熟悉的城市教学计划本单元分五个课时:第一课时:Reading and Vocabulary (1)第二课时:Reading and Vocabulary (2)第三课时:Grammar 1,Grammar 2第四课时:Writing, Cult。

5、111外研版英语高一第一册Module 4 A Social Survey-My Neighbourhood教案1Teaching aims:Enabling the students 1. to be more familiar with the passage2. to master the usage of some language pointsTeaching steps:1. Revision.First about the words learned on page 31. Ask the following questions:1、Do you remember Zhang Hua? Say something about him;2、Lin Xiaoyun lives in the north of China.Please give some more details.Now about the passage learned in last period. Please point out the。

6、111外研版英语高一第一册Module 4 A Social Survey-My Neighbourhood Teaching aims:Enabling the students to 1. learn more words to describe their homes2. grasp the main idea of the passage in reading and vocabulary.Teaching steps:1. Introduction Vocabulary and writingBefore opening the books, think about the neighbourhood you live in. Try to think out as many words as possible about buildings.stone, bricks, high-rise building, apartment, floor, storeyTurn to page 31. Read the wor。

7、111本学期总第_课时 本单元第_课时 授课日期_ 课型_ 授课人_Teaching Aims(教学目标): 1. To practise the reading skill2. To learn some important words , phrases and sentences of the text.3. Master the important points.Module 4 Reading(一.) Read the passage on page39 and do the following exercises:1. Are the statements ture or fales?(1)Life has become easy for many villages. (2)Young people from villages like living in the town or city. (3)People move 。

8、111Module 4 A Social Survey-My Neighborhood教材分析外研社高一新课程教材第四模块这一部分内容主要是通过社会调查这个方法来使学生关注自己生活的社区及其发展,培养学生热爱家乡的意识和社会责任感。该教学模块安排有描写居家的两篇短文,介绍Xiamen的一篇文章,介绍社区的一篇听力材料,文化角部分是介绍西欧农村的阅读文章,以及围绕主题的一些口语和写作活动,学习的语法项目是现在完成时。根据新课标我设计教材内容和意图如下:让学生通过听文章和阅读文章来培养他们的听力和阅读能力,同时搭配上适当的问题,让学生有目的地去听。

9、111外研版 必修一 模块4 单元测试题第一部分 听力略单项选择:语法和词汇21. Many of the tourists _ to Zhangjiajie by the beauty of nature there.A.are attractive B. who attracted C. have attracted D. are attracted. 22- What a noise! I can hardly stand it. - It _ as if they are having a party next door. A. looks B. sounds C. feels D. happens 23Please dont bother _ tha matter. A. at B. for C. about D. to 24I dont think I could _ another year as a teache。

10、111语法学案 :英语时态和语态练习50题 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1.- Oh, dear. I forgot the air tickets.- You _ something.A. have left B. are always leavingC. are leaving D. always left2. - I _ so busily recently that I _ no time to help you with your math.- Thats OK. I can manage it by myself.A. have been working; have B. have worked; hadC. am working; will have D. had been working; had had3. Remember to send me a photo of us next time y。

11、111Module 4 A Social Survey-My NeighbourhoodGrammar and WritingThe General Idea of This PeriodGet the students to study further about the grammar: The Present Perfect Tense. Practice and improve the students writing ability. At the same time guide the Ss how to pronounce the stressed words in sentences.Teaching Aims1. The students will be able to learn more about the Present Perfect Tense.2. Improve the students writing ability.3. Practise pronouncing the stresse。

12、111课时计划课时4课题Unit 4 A Social Survey- My Neighbourhood Grammar课型New教学目标1. The ed form and past tense time expressions.2. Enable the Ss to learn the ed form used as adj. and past tense expressions.3. Help the Ss learn how to use the ed form as adj. and past tense expressions.重点Explain the ed form used in the passage.难点Help the Ss learn how to use the ed form as adj. and past tense expressions.学情分析The Ss can finish the task.教具课件1. A recorder 2. A projec。

13、111Module4 A Social SurveyMy Neighbourhoodintroduction&reading教案课时1课题Unit 4 A Social Survey- My Neighborhood Introduction & Reading课型New教学目标1. Grasp some new words and expressions to describe a place.2. Enable the Ss to describe the city of Xiamen.3. Help the Ss to learn how to introduce or describe a city from different aspects, such as its location, climate, and famous tourist attractions etc.重点Grasp some new words and expressions to describe a place.难点。

14、111Module4 A social surveyReading and VocabularyTeaching aims: 1. Students can get the main points by listening to the conversation.2. Students can get the details by reading and guessing in the context in pairs.3. Students will feel more confident and prouder of their hometown.Emphasis: Get the students to grasp the new words and learn to speak using the new words and expressions.Difficult point: Get the students to guess the meanings of the new words in the context and paraph。

15、111Module4 A social surveyReading and VocabularyTeaching aims: 1. Students can get the main points by listening to the conversation.2. Students can get the details by reading and guessing in the context in pairs.3. Students will feel more confident and prouder of their hometown.Emphasis: Get the students to grasp the new words and learn to speak using the new words and expressions.Difficult point: Get the students to guess the meanings of the new words in the context and paraph。

16、111The Second PeriodThe General Idea of This PeriodIntroduce the city of Xiamen. The students will get to know where it is located. What about the climate and some other information.Teaching Aims1. Learn and master the following words and expressions: hometown, attractive, lively, seem, fortunate, pretty, a lot of tourist around, brother, nuisance, business district, put up, shopping malls, approach the harbor, gorgeous, architecture, starve, apartment block2. Train the。

17、111Module Four Module 4A social survey-My neighbourhoodType: ReadingTeaching aims:Knowledge aims: learn some new words and phrases, appreciate some nice sentenceAbility aims: students can say something about their hometown qingdao after learning the passage which is an introduction to XiaoLis hometown Xiamen.Emphases: hometown, attactive, fortunate, pretty, sound, tourist, bother, nuisance, rent, district, approach, harbour, gorgeous, architecture, park, starve1. This is。

18、111外研版英语高一第一册Module 4 A Social Survey-My NeighbourhoodTeaching aims:Enabling the students 1. to be more familiar with the passage2. to master the usage of some language pointsTeaching steps:1. Revision.First about the words learned on page 31. Ask the following questions:1、Do you remember Zhang Hua? Say something about him;2、Lin Xiaoyun lives in the north of China.Please give some more details.Now about the passage learned in last period. Please point out the mi。

19、111Teaching planModule FourA Social Survey-My NeighbourhoodTeaching Aims:1. Knowledge and Skilla. Through introducing some places, develop the students ability to take part in different activities.b. Train the ability of collecting and dealing with information, and develop their abilities of getting new information, communication and cooperation.c. Learn to describe some buildings and places.d. Discussing some sentences and getting the students to kno。

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