


1、Unit 3 Travel Journal Journey down the Mekong,Using language,review,Wang kun and planed to have a travel along river from where it begins to where it . The river flows through many places. So the sisters could see a lot of beautiful natural scenes like mountains, , , and so on.,Wang Wei,The Mekong,ends,valleys,waterfalls,plains,delta,Pre-reading,Have you ever been to some places where are very cold? Do you know something about Tibetan mountains? Can you。

2、Unit 3 Computers,Learning About Language,The history of computers,the second generation (1956-1963),the third generation (1964-1971),the fourth generation (1971- ),The first generation (1945-1956),calculating machine,Pc(desktop/notebook),analytical machine,universal machine,artificial intelligence,Internet,.,Listen, Read and Talk,Revision,.,Translation:,1.依你们看,我该怎么办? 2.他们无共同之处. 3.他是一个头脑简单的人. 4.他跑得太快,我赶不上他.,In your opinion, what should I do?,They have nothing i。

3、Unit 5 Music Using language,Discussion:,How would your life change if you became famous?,Listen to the tape and write down the main idea of the story: Freddy the Frog(1) The story is about a frog,who joined a band and became a singer.,FREDDY, THE FROG(1) Freddy the frog dipped his long, thin legs into the water. Within a few short weeks he had changed from a small tadpole into the beautiful animal she was now. He smiled to himself. Then suddenly he heard a fine, deep sound,Listening text,that ca。

4、Unit2 The United Kingdom Leaning about Language,Discovering useful words and expressions,Choose the correct words to complete the passage.,1.,kingdom clarify attraction influence puzzle debate legal convenience,1.,1.,“Why you ___________ this wonderful opportunity so carefully is a ___________ to me.” The boss said on the phone. “This is the project for you. You will live in a town in England and have a house with all modern ___________. Our head quarters in Beijing will _____。

5、I Have Seen Amazing Things,Unit3 Using Language,1. Do you think its possible for human being to have a time travel? 2. If you have the chance the take a time travel to the year AD 3005 as Li Qiang did, what places will you go to visit?,Discussion,Do you think there are alien creatures in outer space? What do you think they look like?,Task 1,Read the passage, then finish the following exercises,1. How many types of creatures are mentioned in the passage? What are they? 2. Where are they from?,Tw。

6、Unit 5,Using Language,ceremony bravery treat apply pressure ambulance,n. 典礼; 仪式; 礼节 n. 勇敢; 勇气 vi. 压迫 n. 救护车,Words preview,a number of put ones hands on make a difference,若干; 许多 找到 区别对待; 有影响; 起 (重要) 作用,HEROIC TEENAGER RECEIVES AWARD,Reading,What happened?,Read the headline: What is the story about? Read the first paragraph and fill in the chart.,John Janson,honored at the Lifesaver Awards,carrying out first aid on a neighbor,Last night,Rivertown,Read the article a。

7、,How many dialects are there in China ?,dialects family in China,北方方言,吴语,闽南语,客家话,湘语,赣语,粤语,Chinese,dialects in Guangdong province,粤方言,客方言,闽方言,代表地区 梅州,地区 广州代表,代表地区 潮汕地区,English dialects in different countries,Britain,The U.S.A,Canada,Australia,India,New Zealand,Warming up,Do you think there are some dialects in English?,Fast reading,Read the text on page 13 for 1 minute and answer the following question. Is there standard English?,Skim the passage for。

8、Unit 3 Travel Journal Journey down the Mekong,Using language,Have you ever been to Tibet?,Tibet,the Potala Palace,The Tibetan Mountains,“Roof of the World”,Traditional clothes,Pre-reading,Lets go to the Tibetan mountain follow Wang Kun and Wang Wei.,wool (n): fine soft hair forms the coats of animals like goat and sheep. reliable (adj.): be good in quality and can be trusted. view (n): what can be seen in a place. pillow (n): something were used for supporting the head in bed. midnight (n): th。

9、Part 3 Learning about Language,一、句型转换 将下列句子变为被动句。 1. She will send me a book written by Shakespeare. ________________________________________ ________________________________________ 2. He is going to hold an art exhibition at the museum. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ 3. They are to hold the English party on Monday. __________________________________,A book written by Shakespeare will be sent to me (by her).,An art exhibition is 。

10、Reading & Writing,Fastest average speed, Tour de France,France,1999, 2003,Lance Armstrong,1. Read the profiles from a sports magazine and complete the summary of each sportspersons (Guinness) record(s).,what,where,when,who,Yongest female to win the womens world title for platform diving champion of all time; first,Australia, Barcelona, Atlanta, Sydney,1991, 1992, 1996, 2000,Martin Strel,2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004,The Danube River in Europe; the Mississippi River in USA。

11、Learning about language,Discovering useful words and expressions,1. Replace the words underlined by ones of similar meaning from the reading passage.,1) Seeing the dark clouds above him, George hurried for home. 2) Sailing a boat alone far way from the shore made Floras parents worry about her safety.,overhead,offshore,3) Clare, would you please put your bicycle next to the others in the shed? 4) “Why dont you plot a more simple route with the smallest number of stops?” asked Mary. 5) Setting。

12、Language points,1. Which of the pictures below do you associate with the following places in Australia. 你把哪些图片与澳大利亚的下列地方联系起来?,associate vt. to join (people or things) together to connect (ideas, etc.) in ones mind,associate,associate sb. /sth. with 把某人/物与联系起来,Bear them in your mind!,be associated with 与有关, 与有瓜葛,eg. Ive never associated you with this place. 我从未把你和这个地方联系在一起过。 These problems are associated with cancer treatment. 这些问题与治疗癌。

13、Reading and discussion on P37,Flowers and their animal pollinators,Bee,Humming-birds,Butterflies,moth,Difficult words and expressions,evolve evolution attach to bat tube odour give out,发展;进展;进化,发出;分发,气味,管子,演变;进化,附上;贴上,蝙蝠,What is the text about? What do pictures show you? What is the chart about?,1,The text is about flowers and their animal pollinators. The pictures show different kinds of animal pollinators and their flowers. The chart lists animal pollinators and th。

14、Keeping Advertisers Honest,Discuss,There are many advertisements around us, some are honest, while some are dishonest. Appreciate the following advertisements, tell which one you believe and which you dont.,Renew your skin in seven days!,The law. Advertising organizations. Complaints organization. The consumer.,Read the passage quickly and find out the ways to keep advertisers honest.,a. can make the company stop using the offending advertisement if a complaint about an ad is correct.,b. is al。

15、LEARNING ABOUT LANGUAGE,April 16th, 1916 Moving to Elephant Island was a dangerous under-taking, but it was not our first. We had ________ onto the ice to make camp when the Endurance was stuck.,struggled,The ice constantly broke up at night because of the warmth of our bodies and we often dropped into the freezing water while sleeping. Though we were in an __________ situation, we tried to make our daily life________ with singing and making fun of each other.,unbearable,cheerful,Our____________。

16、Reading and Writing,Optimism helped us persevere.,While listening, try to get the general idea of the passage.,It tells us the problems the men had to face on the island and how they overcame them and they were rescued at last.,Answer these questions after reading the passage.,) What kind of problems did the men have to face on Elephant Island? ) What do you think was their greatest worry? How do you think they overcame this difficulty?,) Why did Shackleton encourage them to have celebration。

17、Learning about Language,Discovering useful words and expressions,Choose the correct words to complete the passage.,centigrade competent allocate booklet recipe in detail slow down frequent consult caption,Sally was so excited that Mary couldnt understand what she was saying. Mary told her to __________ and tell her again. Then sally told her she had been _________ an apartment close to the university.,slow down,allocated,Mary congratulated her and said she knew those apartme。

18、Period 3 Using language (Reading & writing),1. seek作为动词时,短语“请求帮助/征求意见/请求援助”是什么? 2. spot作为名词意思是? “在现场”是什么? 3用permit表达“允许做某事”的三种表达是什么? 4. “bet”的名词和动词两种形式表达“就打赌”的表达方式是什么? 5. 短语account for的基本含义是什么? 6. 短语take a chance 的意思是什么? 它的同意词组还有什么?,Revision,Using Language,1,4,ACT,SCENE,At the restaurant,Act Scene 4,The great change of their attitude,?,Rude,Respectful,how,Unit 3 The Million Pound Ba。

19、Unit 3 Travel journal Learning about language,Discovering useful words and expressions Find the correct words or expressions from the text for each sentence.,1. He is so stubborn that no one can ________ him to do anything. 2. A __________ person always tries to finish the job, no matter how hard it is.,persuade,determined,3. My grandpa _________ fishing and sometimes he fishes all day in the river. 4. Liu Xiaoding is a good teacher and __________ his students very much. 5. I _______ the red dre。

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