
考点跟踪突破29动词和动词短语 C A A C A B C C B C D D D B B B A A D C C C D B C D D A B A C C B C D B C A A A C A C D B C A A A D ThankYou。考点跟踪突破29 非谓语动词。


1、2019-2020年九年级总复习 考点跟踪突破29 图形的轴对称 一、选择题(每小题5分,共25分) 1(xx兰州)在以下绿色食品、回收、节能、节水四个标志中,是轴对称图形的是( A ) 2(xx宁波)用矩形纸片折出直角的平分线,下。

2、考点跟踪突破29动词和动词短语 C A A C A B C C B C D D D B B B A A D C C C D B C D D A B A C C B C D B C A A A C A C D B C A A A D ThankYou。

3、考点跟踪突破29非谓语动词1Its getting dark.Youd better __A__ out by yourself.Its dangerous.(2016,宜宾)Anot goBnot to goCto go2Why are you so excited?Nancy invited me __A__ on a trip to Dongjia。

4、考点跟踪突破29非谓语动词1My parents dont allow me __B__ late.(2016,南充)Astay up Bto stay upCstays up Dstaying up2This weekend our class will go to a mountain near our ci。

5、考点跟踪突破29非谓语动词一、根据句意及汉语提示写单词。1The teacher made us check (检查) our papers carefully after finishing them.2The show was so funny that we couldnt help laughing (笑)3The river smells terribl。

6、考点跟踪突破29非谓语动词1Hi,Mr. Zhang,do you often come here to climb the mountain?Yes,A exercise. You see,Im healthier than before.(2016,鄂州)Ato get Bgetting Cget Dgets2I think you should s。

7、考点跟踪突破29图形的平移一、选择题1(2016郑州模拟)如图,在平面直角坐标系中,将点M(2,1)向下平移2个单位长度得到点N,则点N的坐标为( A )A(2,1) B(2,3) C(0,1) D(4,1),第1题图),第2题图)2(2016青岛)如图,线段AB经过平移得到线段AB,其中点A,B的对应点分别为点A,B,这四个点都在格点上若线。

8、考点跟踪突破29动词和动词短语1As the story __A__,the secret of the castle is discovered little by little.(2016,无锡)Aends BbeginsCdevelops Dhappens2Dont __C__ any more time,or he will miss the meetin。

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