
单词 闯关 1.往楼上。Module 3 Heroes 模块基础知识过关三 根据汉语提示或词形变化要求 写出相应的单词 1 包含 包括 prep v 2 在国外 到国外 adv 3 惊人的 极好的 adj adj 吃惊的 惊奇的 v 使惊奇 4 意志 决心 n adj 乐意的 5 成功 胜利。


1、Unit 1 Dont cross that rope! 单词 闯关 1.往楼上;在楼上 ________ 反义词 ________ 2.展览;展览会 ________ 近义词 ________ 3.尾;尾巴 ________ 4.粗绳;绳索 ________ 5.找不到的;失踪的 ________ 近。

2、Module 1 Wonders of the world主题阅读 I 阅读理解 Mount Qomolangma is the highest mountain in the world It is in the Himalayan 喜玛拉雅 Mountains between Nepal 尼泊尔 and China and it is 8900 metres hi。

3、Module 2 Public holidays主题阅读 I 阅读理解 Australia has a holiday on April 25th This holiday is called Anzac Day On the day Australians remember the soldiers who died in the First World War The Amer。

4、Module 9 Great inventions主题阅读 I 阅读理解 The Dress That Turns into a Coca Cola Machine This specially designed dress looks like a normal dress but if you unfold it and cover yourself you may look。

5、Module 4 Home alone 主题阅读 I 阅读理解 It s hard to make friends if you stay at home alone all the time Get out of the house and do things that will put you in touch with 接触 other people It s easie。

6、Module 3 Heroes 本模块的话题是 英雄 在写这类人物传记题材的文章时 一般是叙述人物的成长足迹 用时间轴来叙述英雄人物在各个时期的重大事件 请根据下表提供的信息 用英语写一篇介绍航天英雄景海鹏的短文 90词左右。

7、Module 3 Heroes 模块基础知识过关三 根据汉语提示或词形变化要求 写出相应的单词 1 包含 包括 prep v 2 在国外 到国外 adv 3 惊人的 极好的 adj adj 吃惊的 惊奇的 v 使惊奇 4 意志 决心 n adj 乐意的 5 成功 胜利。

8、Module 8 Sports life 主题阅读 I 阅读理解 Rock climbing 攀岩 did not bee a sport until late in the 1900s But now it has bee a popular outdoor activity While rock climbing may still be necessary for mou。

9、Module 6 Problems 主题阅读 阅读理解 A 阅读下面表格内容 从每题所给的A B C3个选项中 选出1个最佳答案 Problems Causes Advice Feel stressed Too much homework Don t have enough time for their hobbies Make a。

10、Module 3 Heroes 主题阅读 I 主题阅读 LiYugang dresses like a woman and sings like a bird He won the third prize in CCTV s Star Road in xx He sings folk songs However he seems to have the spirit of Mei。

11、Module 5 Museums主题阅读 A Cool Museums Around the World You might go to a museum to look at old cars or the remains of an ancient civilization 文明 But how about ice cream Believe it or not there is。

12、Module 7 Great books 主题阅读 阅读理解 A Have you ever felt touched by the little mermaid 美人鱼 and her selfless love Or laughed at the emperor 皇帝 with his new clothes Around the world kids have di。

13、Module 1 Wonders of the world 本模块以 世界奇观 为话题 通过学习本模块 同学们认识并感受到了大自然的鬼斧神工和人类文明成果的伟大 写这类短文时 一般先从景观的位置 外观 历史文化等方面入手 然后抒发一下对景。

14、Module 8 Sports life 一般过去时的被动语态 1 Liu was encouraged at first to train for the high jump 起初 刘 翔 被鼓励参加跳高训练 2 In 2001 a special programme was set up to help young sportsmen and sp。

15、Module 6 Problems 第 卷 听力 25分 听句子 选择与你所听到的句子内容相符的图画 每个句子读两遍 5分 1 2 3 4 5 听句子 选择恰当的答语 每个句子读两遍 5分 6 A Good luck B Its great C Wed love to 7 A Never mind。

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