广西九年级英语上册 Module 3 Heroes主题写作三练习 (新版)外研版.doc

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广西九年级英语上册 Module 3 Heroes主题写作三练习 (新版)外研版.doc_第1页
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Module 3 Heroes本模块的话题是“英雄”。在写这类人物传记题材的文章时,一般是叙述人物的成长足迹,用时间轴来叙述英雄人物在各个时期的重大事件。请根据下表提供的信息,用英语写一篇介绍航天英雄景海鹏的短文。90词左右。景海鹏 1966年出生于山西 是一名优秀的飞行员 2016年10月17日与陈冬一起执行神舟十一号飞行任务。飞行时间:33天;飞行使命:与天宫二号完成对接;开展系列科学实验 曾三次执行太空飞行任务;xx年获“英雄航天员”称号 将永远铭记在中国人心中短语: 1.Chinas Shenzhou XI Spacecraft _ 2scientific experiments _ 333天太空之旅 _ 4英雄航天员 _ 5把自己奉献给 _ 句型:1.be famous地点2be sent into space by3returned to4was awarded the honorary title of5will be remembered by根据以下提示,以“The Hero in My Eyes”为题写一篇不少于100词的短文。提示:1.Who is the hero in your eyes?2Why do you think he/she is the hero in your eyes?3What have you learned from him/her?The Hero in My Eyes_详解详析【素材积累】1. 中国神舟十一号宇宙飞船 2. 科学实验3. a 33day trip to space4. the hero astronaut5devote oneself to【小试身手】One possible version:The Hero in My EyesIn my opinion, a hero must be brave. Liu Wei, the Chinas Got Talent Show winner, is a hero in my eyes. He lost his arms in an electric shock. However, although hes disabled, he can play the piano with his feet, much better than most usual people. Whats more, his bravery also touches me a lot. He manages to use his feet to brush teeth, wash hair and even type on a puter all by himself. He never gives up when he is in such great trouble. From him, Ive learned that I should be brave and stick to my goal when facing difficulties in my life. Hell be a great hero in my heart forever.


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