
took。They went to the park and wanted to have a pi。Unit 1 Where were you last month。went on a trip。took some photos。Where。The First Period。B。tomorrow。


1、Unit4 Review,开心英语五年级下册,go,eat,have,read,take,run,is,are,说说下面动词的过去式,go,have,rain,run,take,eat,play,took,ate,had,went,ran,rained,played,Where did Daming go?,They went to the park and wanted to have a pi。

2、Unit 1 Where were you last month?,广东版开心英语五年级下册,It was January last month. It was winter holiday. I went back to my hometown. I was in Hunan. The weather was bad. It was cold and snowy. The food was s。

3、6 Its a vacation.,went on a trip,Guilin,With my friends,by plane,Saw many interesting things,took some photos,happy,Macau,Beijing,Hainan,Yunnan,Shanghai,Hongkong,Thailand,Canada,Xinjiang,Where。

4、11 Can you put away your toys?,The First Period,Lets sing!,Look and say,A: Can you water the flowers?,B: Sure. Ill water them later.,当然。我稍后将会给他们浇水。,Look and say,A: Can you dust the furniture?,B: Sure。

5、Unit 9 What will the weather be like ?,Period 1,morning,afternoon,evening,Today is June 5th. Tomorrow is June 6th. The day after tomorrow is June 7th.,today,tomorrow,the day after tomorrow,后天上午,明天。

6、棠下镇天河小学 周妙玲 What s the weather like today? Its. What will the weather be like tomorrow? It will be. / There will be Will there be (wind , rain , snow , cloud ) tomorrow ? Yes, there will . / No, the。

7、Unit2 what did you eat this morning? (广东版)开心英语课件五年级下册 unit2 教学目标: New vocabulary Key : went ,ate, wrote, read ,made, road ,sang, drank Additional :morning, afternoon , evening. 熟悉了解句型:。

8、unit5 What are you going to do today? Period 3 : Sounds and words Page 2 Lets read. sit six did dig visit i Page 3 Play a game . ship tonight big haircut pig trick trip brick thick Page 4 Listen and。

9、The first month of a year is January. first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth anuary ebruary J or F 春节 M arch 植树节 Tree Planting Day A pril ay M 劳 动 节 Ch。

10、Unit2 what did you eat this morning? (广东版)开心英语课件五年级下册 unit2 教学目标: New vocabulary Key : went ,ate, wrote, read ,made, road ,sang, drank Additional :morning, afternoon , evening. 熟悉了解句型:。

11、Where were you last month? 你 上 个 月在 哪 里? Apple tree apple round, apple red. apple juicy apple sweet. apple apple I love you, apple sweet I love to eat. apple round, apple red. apple juicy apple。

12、Unit 7 Whats the matter? (第三课时) 钱东中心小学 姚雪燕 观看视频 in the hospital 自主阅读短文 并画出不懂的 单词、短语 Questions: 1.Whats the matter with Gogo? 2.Did Gogo fall from the tree? a well 读出你喜欢 的句子 Choose the right。

13、days Last summer holiday Last winter holiday yesterday today What did they do on last summer holiday? Unit 5 What are you going to do today ? 你今天打算干什么? What is he going to do ? get a haircut see the d。

14、Unit3 Typhoon Meiling came last week. 广东版开心英语课件五年级下册 unit3 教学目标: 掌握单词 : a coat a boat drought flood hail snowstorm. 掌握课文。

15、Conversation What are you going to do Its a traditional festival of China.是中国的传统节日。 sweep a grave 扫墓 Tombsweeping Day 清。

16、英语 新课标 RJ Unit 8 基础知识梳理 基础知识梳理 重点短语 英汉短语互译 1拍照 2看海豚表演 3开车兜风 4赢得奖品 奖项 5玩得高兴,过得愉快 6. hang out 7. at the end of 8 sleep lat。

17、When we were young, our parents fed us. When we are ill, our parents look after us. Everyday we go home, our parents co。

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