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英语 新课标( RJ) Unit 8 基础知识梳理 基础知识梳理 重点短语 英汉短语互译 1拍照 _ 2看海豚表演 _ 3开车兜风 _ 4赢得奖品 (奖项 ) _ 5玩得高兴,过得愉快 _ 6. hang out _ 7. at the end of _ 8 sleep late _ 9. on the school trip _ 10 day off _ take photos watch a dolphin show go for a drive win a prize have a great time 闲逛,闲荡 在 结束的时候 睡过头 在学校郊游中 休息,不工作,不上学 重点句型 Unit 8 基础知识梳理 根据汉语意思完成句子 1上一次学校旅行你做了什么? you do on your last school trip? 2“你去动物园了吗?”“不,我去了水族馆。” you go to the zoo? No, I to the aquarium. 3“那里有鲨鱼吗?” “不,那里没有任何鲨鱼,但是有一些很聪明的海豹。” there any sharks? No, there any sharks, but there some really clever seals. What did Did went Were werent were Unit 8 基础知识梳理 英语 新课标( RJ) 4下个休息日,我不想开车兜风。 On my next day off, I dont to go for a drive. 5你的野营有趣吗? Did you have ? 6他们乘车回学校。 They back to school. 7昨天雨下了一整天。 all day yesterday. It rained took a bus fun camping want 英语 新课标( RJ) 语法解读 Unit 8 基础知识梳理 A:一般过去时 1一般过去时的用法 (1)指 某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态。常用的 时间状语有 (昨天 ), (上星期 ), just now(刚才 ), an hour ago(一小时前 ), in 1988(1988年 )等。 如: He bought a watch last week. 上周他买了一块手表。 (2)描述一连串的动作。 如: Mary put her books in her bag, closed the window, turned off the light, locked the door and left. 玛丽把书放进书包里,关上窗户,关上灯,锁上门,然 后离开了。 过去 yesterday last week Unit 8 基础知识梳理 英语 新课标( RJ) 2动词过去式的构成 (1)规则动词的过去式的构成。 一般在动词原形末尾加 ed。 如: cleancleaned playplayed 以 e结尾的动词在词尾加 d。 如: livelived changechanged 末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节单词,先双写 这个辅音字母,再加 ed。 如: stopstopped planplanned 结尾是“辅音字母 y”的动词,先变 y为 i,再加 ed。 如: studystudied carrycarried Unit 8 基础知识梳理 英语 新课标( RJ) (2)不规则动词的过去式。 在英语中,有部分动词的过去式变化不规则,我们要牢记: am/is are do have go come came say said see saw buy eat ate take took think thought get hear heard find found hang hung make made win won meet met sleep slept know knew write wrote know knew forget forgot was were did had went bought got Unit 8 基础知识梳理 英语 新课标( RJ) B:精题精练 .单项填空 ( )1.My mother_ some cakes last night. A makes B maked C made D was made ( )2.The boy_ late today, didnt he? A sleeps B sleeped C slept D sleep ( )3.I called you just now, but nobody answered. Where_ you? I was out. A are B Were C was D did C C B Unit 8 基础知识梳理 英语 新课标( RJ) ( )4.We were in Qingdao last week and_ great fun there. A will have B has C had D have ( )5.Mr Tian_ to America two years ago. A goes B go C went D goed C C Unit 8 基础知识梳理 英语 新课标( RJ) .用所给词的适当形式填空 1 She (be) kind of stressed out yesterday. 2 The girl (have) a cold last week. 3 I (not eat) anything this morning. Im hungry now. 4. your English teacher (go) to your birthday party last Saturday? 5 Yesterday I (take) the bus back home. took go Did didnt eat had was 英语 新课标( RJ) 能力提升训练 Unit 8 能力提升训练 .单项填空 ( )1.How many gold medals did China _ at the 2010 Winter Olympics? Five. A win B to win C winning D won ( )2.Is this a photo of your daughter? She looks _ in the pink dress! A lovely B quietly C politely D happily ( )3.They didnt go_ because it_ heavily yesterday. A fish; rains B fish; rained C fishing; rained D fishing; raining C A A 英语 新课标( RJ) Unit 8 能力提升训练 ( )4._ my next day_, I want to go camping. A In; off B On; off C At; of D At; off ( )5.Toms parents dont want to go _ today. A for drive B to drive C for a drive D for driving ( )6.Did you have fun_ on vacation? Yes, I_. A camp; did B camped; had C camping; had D camping; did D C B 英语 新课标( RJ) Unit 8 能力提升训练 .完形填空 John is a famous writer now. John said he was not a _1_ student when he was young. He was often late for _2_and didnt like doing his homework. Sometimes, he slept in class while the teacher was teaching. He didnt understand much, _3_ he always thought he understood everything. One day the teacher_4_the students a question. “When Jack was ten years old, _5_brother Bob was twenty. Jack is fifteen now and_6_ is his brother Bob?” John said,“ Thats easy. Bob was twice as old as Jack, so he is now thirty.” Another time, the_7_in a science class asked,“ When it thunders, _8_ do we always see the light before we_9_ the sound?” “ But, Miss,” said John quickly,“ dont you_10_ our eyes are in front of our ears?” 英语 新课标( RJ) Unit 8 能力提升训练 ( )1.A.good B tall C rich D fat ( )2.A.sleep B lunch C class D play ( ) B and C or D but ( )4.A.sent B asked C told D found ( )5.A.your B my C his D her A C D B C 英语 新课标( RJ) Unit 8 能力提升训练 ( ) many B how old C what D who ( )7.A.teacher B farmer C nurse D policeman ( )8.A.what B when C where D why ( )9.A.break B make C hear D smell ( ) B hope C study D know D C D A B 英语 新课标( RJ) Unit 8 能力提升训练 .阅读理解 Mr Black was very rich(富有的 ) One day he went on a trip to the countryside with his 5yearold son Henry. He wanted to show his son how poor people lived, so they spent a day and a night on the farm (农场 ) of a very poor family. When they got back from their trip, Mr Black asked Henry, “My dear son, how was the trip?” “ Very good. Dad!” Henry said happily. “Did you see how the poor lived?” Mr Black asked. 英语 新课标( RJ) Unit 8 能力提升训练 “Yeah!” Henry answered. “And what did you learn?” Mr Black asked. “We have a dog at home but they have four.We have a pool that is in the middle of the garden but they have a river that has no end. We have expensive light (灯 ) in the garden but they have the stars,” Henry answered. When little Henry finished, Mr Black was speechless (无话可说 ) 英语 新课标( RJ) Unit 8 能力提升训练 ( )1.Mr Black and his son spent _in the countryside. A about 12 hours B about 24 hours C about 48 hours D less than 12 hours ( )2.The underlined word “poor” means “_”in Chinese. A贫穷的 B富裕的 C快乐的 D漂亮的 ( )3.Why did Mr Black take Henry to the farm? A To show him how poor their family was. B To show him how rich their family was. C To show him where the poor lived. D To show him how the poor lived. B A D 英语 新课标( RJ) Unit 8 能力提升训练 ( )4.Henry felt _ about the trip. A tired B unhappy C great D sad ( )5.Which of the following is NOT true? A Henry was only five years old. B There was one dog on the farm. C Henry liked the farm very much. D There were some lamps in Mr Blacks garden. B C 英语 新课标( RJ) Unit 8 能力提升训练 .词汇 (A)根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。 1 I h out with my friends yesterday afternoon. 2 My uncle went to the Great Wall and bought some s for us. 3 They went to the beach and took some p . 4 Its raining outside. Mary, put on your r , please. 5 Who knows what will happen in the f ? uture aincoat hotos ouvenirs ung


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