广东版(开心)五下《Unit 3 Typhoon Meiling came last week》ppt课件.ppt

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Unit3 Typhoon Meiling came last week. (广东版)开心英语课件五年级下册 unit3 教学目标: 掌握单词 : a coat a boat drought flood hail snowstorm. 掌握课文内容及相关句型。 How many people are there in the conversation? What are they talking about(谈论 )? There are four. They are talking about Typhoon Meiling. a boat a coat Answer following questions in groups. 1 What happened last week? 2.Were there any chairs in the air? 3.Whose stuffed animals blew away? 4. Did Jenny see a boat in a tree? 5.What did Jenny see in a tree? Typhoon Meiling came last week. Yes, there were. Tonys stuffed animals blew away. No, she didnt. She saw a coat in a tree. Pair work: Imagine what they did after Typhoon Meiling went away. 1.What did Tony do? 2.What did Jenny do? 3.What did Gogo do? 4.What did other people( 其他人 ) do? Answer following questions by yourselves 1.When did Typhoon Dujuan (杜鹃 ) come to Sanjiao? 2.What happened ? (The trees, windows, doors, ) 3.What did you do ? 4.What did your father and mother do ? drought 干旱 flood 洪水 hail 冰雹 snowstorm 暴风雪 Black Storms 黑色暴雨信号 Black Typhoon 黑色台风信号 Pay more attention to these two weather signals


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