广东版(开心)五下《Unit 11 Can you put away your toys》ppt课件.ppt

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When we were young, our parents fed us. When we are ill, our parents look after us. Everyday we go home, our parents cook dinner for us. I ca n clean the bedroom sweep the floor water the flowers cook the meals empty the trash What can you do ? First, we need to learn to do things by ourselves.(首先学会自己的事情自己 做 ) turn on the light turn off the light (开灯 ) (关灯 ) Can you turn on/off the light, please? Sure. I will turn it on/off. (开电视) (关电视) turn on the TV turn off the TV Can you turn on/off the TV, please? Sure. I will turn it on/off. put away your books 收拾书本 Can you put away your books? Sure. I will put them away in a minute . I will put them away soon. I will put them away later . (马上 ) (后来,待会 ) 区分 in a minute 和 later in a minute 表示马上、立刻。 later 表示后来、待会、迟一点。 从时间上来看, in a minute 比 later 要快。 put away your toys take out your notebook 拿出你的笔记本 Can you take out your notebook, please? Sure. I will take it out in a minute. trash(垃圾) take out the trash 拿出垃圾 Can you take out the trash, please? Sure. I will take it out later. put on your coat 穿上衣服 Can you put on your coat, please? Sure. I will put it on in a minute. clean up the room 打扫房间 Can you clean up the room, please? Sorry. Im busy now. Will I clean up the room? (我会不会打扫房 间?) Im not sure. (我不太确定) 【 态度不明确 】 Maybe I will clean up the room later. (我可 能待会再打扫房间) Maybe I will not clean up the room. (我也 有可能不会打扫房间) hang up your clothes Can you hang up your clothes, please? Sorry. Im busy now. First you should read it with your partner. Later, I will ask you to read it one by one. I will ask any of you. 首先,相互读给你的同桌听。读完之后,我会 任意叫你们中间的一个来读这些短语,按照黑 板给出的顺序,大家必须集中精神,很有可能 下一个就轮到你。 1. Its very dark. Can you _ 2. Its very cold outside. Can you _ 3. There are many books in your desk. What a mess! Can you _ 4. The garbage(垃圾桶) is full of trash. Can you _ turn on the light? put on your coat? put away your books? take out the trash? 5. These are your clothes. Can you _ 6. This TV program is over. Can you _ 7. Class. Today we are going to learn a new lesson. You need to take some notes. Can you _ 8. This room is very dirty. Can you _ hang up your clothes? turn off the TV? take out your notebook? clean up the room? 4 students a group. Discuss with your partners about the phrases. Ask one by one. 4人一个小组。首先小组商量好谁问 哪个短语。书上的 8个短语都要说到, 不要有重复。 Homework: 1. Copy the vocabulary. (抄词组每个四 遍) 2. Copy the target. 3. Listen to the tape. 4. Do some housework with your parents. Mom, I love you. Dad, I love you. I will help you to do more housework!


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