
sir. What can I do for you。sir.Here you ar。Unit 5 Do you like science。I like coffee。I like tea. I like cats and they like me. I like coffee。I do.。


1、Module 1 Unit 2 Shirts ,Dresses and Trousers,广州版四年级英语上册,sir先生for 为,Shop assistant: Good afternoon,sir. What can I do for you ? Man: Id like to buy that blue shirt.,Shop assistant: Yes,sir.Here you ar。

2、Unit 5 Do you like science?,Warm-up,Presentation,Words,Practice,Group work,Homework,开心英语版四年级上册,执教者:易英,Lets chant!,Warm-up,I like coffee, I like tea. I like cats and they like me. I like coffee, I like。

3、广东版开心英语 4A Unit seven,Where are my glasses?,Chant.,Quick! Quick! Hide and seek. Hide and seek. Where is it? Where is it? Here it is. Here it is.,Where are my glasses?,Theyre in the castle.Theyre in。

4、Unit11 Whose bag is this?,mine,yours,his,hers,ours,theirs,Whose ruler is this?,Its Jennys.,Jennys,Whose stuffed animal is this?,Gogos,It s Gogos.,Play games,Homework:,1、Write the new wo。

5、Welcome to my English garden!,What do they want?,They want a song.,what,want,Welcome to my English garden!,执教者:恩平海外联谊学校 罗婉匀,computer game,Do you want a computer game?,Yes, I do.,/ No, I dont.,Lets。

6、广东版)开心英语课件四年级上册 unit1 Unit1 hi, gogo! Teaching aims: 1.能学会本课的单词。 hungry, thirsty, grandmother, grandfather, short, tall, ruler, stapler 2.能在一定的情景中运用本课的新单词。 grandmother grandfather Short and tall h。

7、Dier primary school Amyluo Unit Two What day is it today? Song What day, what day is today? Monday, Monday Its Monday. What day, what day is today? Its my birthday. __________ ___________ ____。

8、3 Can I have a balloon? 第二课时 知识要点: 1. can: 可能(表示允许、请求)。 2. 请求是否可以做某事的句型: Can I 后面跟动词原型 例如: Can I go to school, please? 回答: Sure. Here you are. Yes, you can. No. Sorry. 3.学习 Conversation. Ca。

9、9 What are they doing? 9 What are they doing? By:Sanjiao Central Primary School Perpichwu 9 What are you doing? What are you doing? Im playing. playing play 9 What are you doing? What are you doing? I。

10、Period Two) Guess 猜一猜 sofa Guess 猜一猜 next to Guess 猜一猜 glasses Guess 猜一猜 behind Guess 猜一猜 bookcase Guess 猜一猜 wallet Guess 猜一猜 in front of Guess 猜一猜 closet Game 当同学们看到 单词 时请大声地读两遍,看到 图片 时拍手两次。 当同学们看到。

11、Task 1: Review the words: dance sing swim paint play the guitar play chess speak English guitar drums trumpet piano violin instruments Play the + instruments We can dance . Can you dance ? He can play。

12、3 Can I have a balloon? go 去 go to school have 有 have an apple use 使用 use a ruler borrow 借 borrow a pencil bai buy 买 buy an ice cream wt watch 观看 watch TV k:l call 打电话 call my mother lisn listen 听。

13、如何询问 “ 爱好和原因 ” Whats + 主语( his/her/your favorite )? Why + do (does) +主语 + 动词原形 +宾语 ? His / her / my favorite is Because When do you have +科目 ? I have + 科目 every day on + 星期 你什么时候上 课 ? 我每天 (星期。

14、二、填上单词所缺的字母。 1. sn__wy 2. y__ck__ 3. g__ __d 4. b__ d 5. sp__ cy 6. t__sty 7. C__n__d__ 8. Th__il__nd 9. w__s 10. w__re 三、根据句意,把括号里的字母组合成单词。 1. The chicken in Jims Restaurant is _________(a y t s t。

15、执教者 : 江海区滘头小 梁品英 Do you like baseball? Do you like baseball? Yes, I do. Do you like soccer? No, I dont. Oh, no! I like baseball. I like basketball. And I like ping-pong. Doo doo doo! Ping-pong! Eng。

16、课题 (Period One) on 在 上面 in 在 里面 under 在 下面 between 在(两者)之间 Wheres the pencil? Its ___ the pencil case. in Can you answer? 你会回答吗? Wheres the pillow? Its _____ the bed. on Where are the books? The。

17、eye eyes ear ears nose mouth Find cards抢拍单词的游戏规则 : 老师将单词卡贴于黑板上,找出三名同学, 一名同学负责做动作,其他的同学用 Touch your 句型说 ,另两名同学按所说 的拍出该单词。

18、广东版开心英语课件四年级上册 unit6 Unit Six What do they want computer game drum Do you want a toy car yes, I do .no, I dont toy car D。

19、Unit 7 where are my glasses. The first period glasses Gogo: Where are my glasses Story time.听故事 Jerry, Ill catch you. H。

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